Chapter 37
At the same time, in the hall of Sima Yi's mansion, several ministers of the Military Aircraft Pavilion were talking and laughing happily.

Talk and laugh with ru, no contacts STOMATOLOGY.

The fragrant tea was fragrant, and the room was full of chatter and joy.

The butler rushed in and saluted Sima Yi respectfully: "My lord."

This person is a servant that Sima Yi specially bought from a shopkeeper. Although he doesn't have much talent and can't be called a confidant, he can still be used.

"Is everything done?"

"If you go back to the adults, it's all done."

"They've all gone?"

"all gone."

"You go back."

Sima Yi waved his hand, smiled and said to Chen Qun and the others: "For the next few days, I will trouble you to stay in my mansion, and we will see how things go."

"Then there is brother Lao Zhongda."

Chen Qun and the others cupped their hands in thanks, Guan Yiwu sighed, "Shang Gong's method is really wonderful."

Liu Bowen said with a smile: "Recovering land, population, and various important materials, and at the same time suppressing this group of gentry clans, they can also come up with a novel point system. The wisdom of the merchants is far better than mine; under this calculation, this reform The first step is bound to succeed, and there will no longer be any resistance to reform."

As long as the gentry in the imperial capital redeem people, every household will be seriously injured. Without the strength to block the reform and reform in every possible way in order to protect their own interests, the reform and reform will definitely go unimpeded.

As long as the reforms in the imperial capital are successful, the difficulty of the reforms will be greatly reduced after the Eight Kings Rebellion is settled and the ten counties have experienced the baptism of war.

As long as the national reforms are perfected, the entire Great Xia Dynasty will lay the strongest foundation!The national strength will only flourish!
"This small list will definitely make all the noble families in the imperial capital panic, and they will definitely obey it in order to protect themselves."

Li Ji also nodded in admiration: "Not to mention anything else, just gathering the servants and staff from all households will not only eliminate potential hidden dangers in the imperial capital, but also completely control these people in the emperor's hands." Here, take it as your own."

Most of the staff members are not weak in martial arts, and the servants are mainly young and strong. Whether this group of people is filled into the army or sent to the people, it is a good thing.

Shang Yang got up quickly and waved his hands modestly: "I dare not be praised by the princes. The emperor taught me the point system, and the method of collecting land and population was also reminded by the princes. Yang dare not take credit for it."

The point system and the method of redeeming people on this list were figured out by Shang Yang from the document Su Chen gave him not long ago.

This document records some experiences of Su Chen, Sima Yi and other ministers of the military machine cabinet on court politics, and also includes some relatively new and advanced concepts that Su Chen has learned from the earth.

Shang Yang knew that the act of releasing the list was not the specific content of the reform, but could only be regarded as clearing the way by taking advantage of the aftermath of the family raids this time before the reform.

"Now that the general trend has come, let's see how the group of gentry will choose within these seven days, no matter what. After seven days, in the capital of the Great Xia Emperor, everyone only knows the honor of the emperor, not the nobility of the family."

The smile on the corner of Sima Yi's mouth was very strong. They were loyal to Su Chen, even if the emperor asked them to come out and find the mansion by themselves, they still had to calculate, and all calculations had to revolve around the emperor's interests.

This imperial capital must be the hall of the emperor!
People or forces who want to infringe on the emperor's interests have to fight hard with the ministers of the Military Machine Pavilion.

"Speaking of which, this matter still needs Master Guo's full assistance."

Sima Yi suddenly turned his head, looked at Guo Sikong meaningfully, and smiled all over his face: "Next, it depends on Master Guo's methods."

"I don't dare to show off my abilities, you are all outstanding people."

Guo Sikong got up quickly and returned the salute with a smile: "Old man, I will definitely die for the emperor and the military cabinet."

After getting along for a short time, Guo Sikong was very shocked by the talents and political sense of Sima Yi and others.

In this group of people, everyone has their own field of expertise, especially this Sima Zhongda, who is simply omnipotent!While talking and laughing, the mast and scull were wiped out!

This group of people together, even if all the officials in the court during the former emperor's time were tied together, they are not their opponents!
I really don't know where Dijun found this group of great talents.

Guo Sikong couldn't help sighing in his heart, sometimes, he was really glad that he chose to stand in line in advance, otherwise the fate of Wang Sima and Chen Situ would be his future.

In fact, the establishment of the Military Machine Pavilion was not a result of Su Chen's brain fever, it was Su Chen's deliberate decision.

As an emperor, Su Chen has a different status, and the things that are inconvenient for him can be done by the Military Machine Pavilion.

From the overall situation, the emperor needs to maintain a balance with the noble family, the hundred officials system, and the people of the top ten counties. As a king, he needs to love the world and win the hearts of the people, and must not favor any side.

However, the status of imperial power has improved, and centralization of power must be done; therefore, the matter of suppressing the gentry and coordinating the population and resources of the imperial capital is to be blamed by the Military Machine Pavilion.

Sima Yi and the others are also very clear about the position of the others. Why did the emperor give the Junji Pavilion the right to kill first and then play, and make orders on behalf of the emperor?

Because the Military Aircraft Pavilion needs to deal with some matters that are not convenient for the emperor to come forward.

This is the meaning of the existence of the Military Aircraft Pavilion.

And what are the things that the emperor wants to do but is inconvenient to do, the meaning and the heart of the emperor, need to be confidently figured out by the ministers of the Military Aircraft Pavilion.

Day two.

Under Guo Sikong's suggestion, a group of gentry families began to redeem people first, and rushed to Sima Yi's mansion with a large amount of supplies, servants, and grain land deeds.

Keep exchanging points, and wait until the points are enough, and then receive an imperial decree of pardoning innocence from the Military Machine Pavilion, and go to the Imperial Capital Prison to lead the person.

The gentry who collected enough points happily went to the prison to pick up people, and finally they don't have to bear the possibility of being implicated by the nine clans!

The gentry who didn't get enough points were frowning and anxious, borrowing debts everywhere.

It doesn't matter if the money is gone, as long as the people are still there; but if you can't even make up the money now, it's really terrible!

I really don't know who came up with this point system, it simply made the nobles of the imperial capital terrified all day long!

Day three.

A group of gentry couldn't help it. Most of these gentry were small gentry with little background, and there were also some relatives of honest officials. They directly asked Guo Sikong.

They are people who really can't get enough points, they are eager for Guo Sikong to point them out a way out.

It's not that they don't want to ask the ministers of the Military Aircraft Pavilion, it's just that from the first day of the implementation of the list, the ministers of the Military Aircraft Pavilion have not seen any visitors again, and the only important minister in the entire imperial capital who has seen guests is Guo Sikong.

Guo Sikong had already received hints from Sima Yi and others that he told these people who didn't get enough points that he could recommend them to join the ministers of the Military Aircraft Pavilion.

As long as you become the staff, servants, and subordinate powers of the ministers of the Military Machine Pavilion, and sign a contract at the same time, you can also get a copy of the imperial decree for redemption.

This decision was made by Guan Yiwu.

This is to avoid loopholes in Shang Yang's decision-making. If this group of gentry clans is really pushed to a dead end, the gentry clans who don't get enough points are very likely to cause unpredictable chaos and destruction to the imperial capital.

After Guan Yiwu's decision is made, as long as the gentry who don't have enough points can give up their original family prestige and inheritance, they can join the ministers of the military cabinet.

In this way, it also makes up for the embarrassing situation that the ministers of the military cabinet have no one available.

Both the ministers of the Military Machine Pavilion and the emperor deeply understand a truth, no matter how deeply the emperor feels that the gentry controls political resources, population resources, and food resources. It is undeniable that the gentry class cannot be erased in a short time.

This is the characteristic of the Great Xia Dynasty accumulated over the years, and it is deeply rooted in people's bones and beliefs.

Since it is impossible to completely eliminate the influence of the gentry, then replace the old gentry and create a group of new gentry who are completely loyal to Su Chen!

As for this group of newly defected noble families, how to deal with them?Can the Minister of the Military Machine Pavilion control them?

Regarding this, Sima Yi just smiled lightly.

If even this group of people can't be controlled well, the Minister of the Military Machine Pavilion's ability is too bad.

In order not to be implicated in the nine clans, the countless gentry clans who did not have enough points had no choice but to choose this path.

Without Chen Situ and Wang Sima, the noble families in the imperial capital are just a mess, coupled with Guo Sikong's constant hints and guidance, and the tricky methods of the ministers of the Military Aircraft Pavilion.

Dealing with the affairs of the noble family of the imperial capital went smoothly.

All of a sudden, the mansions, forces, and families of the ministers of the Military Aircraft Pavilion were quickly completed.

Even the people of the imperial capital who don't know the political wind direction can clearly feel the changes in the imperial capital in the past seven days, the undercurrent is surging, and the wind direction has changed again!
The new gentry has been re-established to replace the old gentry forces, and the reshuffle of the imperial capital has been completely completed!

(End of this chapter)

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