First emperor of the human race

Chapter 377 City of Hope

Chapter 377 City of Hope
The war ended, and when everyone saw Su Chen flying towards them safely, the aliens immediately dispersed.

Even the century-old monk who led the dragon soul to come to the world is dead, how dare they, who are not at the highest legendary level, stay here?
Of course, not everyone left. Seeing Su Chen's safe return, the excitement in Chen Wugou's heart could no longer be described in words.

The human race in the Eastern Wilderness is weak and has been bullied and enslaved by foreign races for a long time. This is the first time that a strong human race killed a foreign race on their territory with a strong posture, and the one who killed was the strongest among the monks of hundreds of generations.


Chen Wugou's eyes were hazy, and there were tears in his eyes. For him, today is a day he will never forget. Seeing Su Chen sweeping away the monks of hundreds of generations like a god of war, he felt that he would die even now. , Also with no regrets.

"Let's go."

Su Chen glanced at Chen Wugou, and then said calmly.

As the two flew silently all the way, Su Chen was thinking about everything, while Chen Wugou followed behind him with eyes full of yearning for Su Chen.

"Where is this direction going?"

Suddenly, Su Chen pointed to a direction and asked Chen Wugou.

"Going back to the emperor, this side is going to the land of Linyuan, which is the forbidden land of the Eastern Desolation. Before the suppression of the law of heaven is opened, there is already a terrifying place that even the peak of the legendary realm cannot set foot in."

Chen Wugou didn't know what Su Chen was going to do, but out of admiration for Su Chen, he answered every question he had.

"Is that so..."

Hearing Chen Wugou's words, Su Chen also frowned.

Just now, the imprint he left on the people of the Spirit Race disappeared in this direction.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later."

Su Chen shook his head, and then continued to fly forward rapidly. Chen Wugou didn't know why, but he also followed closely behind.


In the eastern part of the Eastern Wilderness, the Great Xia army has wiped out all the enemies, and that's all. When the Great Xia's iron army was sweeping away the non-submissive aliens, the priest of Beamon brought Kawei to Hope City.

It is worth mentioning that the former Golden Crow's Nest has now been renamed, and the city wall that was smashed by Su Chen's sword has also been repaired as before.

On the golden city gate, the eyes of the people whose word "hope" is more dazzling, hope, hope, this city is the hope of the human race.

Looking at the huge city in front of him, the orc Kawei was also a little dumbfounded. Of course, he had been to the City of the Sun, the largest city in the Eastern Wasteland, but how long has it been since he came?Just changed the owner and changed the name?

"This city was taken by my Great Xia Emperor alone, and its former owner, Prince Jinwu, has already died in the hands of my Great Xia Emperor."

Priest Beamon said proudly.

Kawei could see that Priest Bimon really surrendered to the so-called human emperor, rather than pretending to surrender due to the strength of the other party.

"Go in, the emperor will be very happy for your arrival."

Following the words of Priest Beamon, a group of people also entered the city directly, but what is worth mentioning here is that as soon as Beamon Behemoth Kuma arrived at Hope City, he jumped towards the city excitedly, It made the people in the city scream again and again.

As the general in the city, Zhao Yun even shouted loudly: "Kuma, you should not act softly, be careful when the emperor comes back to deal with you."


Hearing Zhao Yun's words, Kumar also roared twice in response, and then he really softened.

Seeing the Behemoth sneaking towards the city like a thief, Kawei rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and in Kawei's heart: "Is this still the domineering Behemoth? How did you become like this when you heard the word Dijun?"

"call out!"

Just when Kawei wanted to ask Priest Beamon about the emperor of the human race, there was a sharp cracking sound in the sky.

And when Kawei was vigilant and ready to take precautions, he saw a man with a star-like face and high spirits falling in front of him. Even Kawei, who had seen many arrogances of various races, had to praise him, what a good one A handsome man.

Of course, the person who came was none other than the human emperor Su Chen who came back after slaying the dragon in the south.

"Kowtow to the emperor, long live the emperor, long live, long live!"

"Kowtow to the emperor, long live the emperor, long live, long live!"

"Kowtow to the emperor, long live the emperor, long live, long live!"

As Su Chen fell to the ground, everyone around knelt down and shouted, and the sound of mountains and tsunami swept over, and the only person who didn't kneel was Kawei, but at this time he was already beyond shock.

Just based on the remaining spiritual power fluctuations of the human race in front of him, Kawei could already feel the powerful spiritual power in his body like Han Hao's starry sky.

"This is a peerless powerhouse."

Kawhi thought to himself.

As the master of all kneeling worshipers, Su Chen first glanced at Kawei, then he turned his head and said to those kneeling around him: "Excuse me, everyone, let's get down."

After Su Chen finished speaking, he turned his head and glanced at Priest Bimon, and said, "Do you have any research on the power of blood?"

Su Chen knew that Priest Beamon had done a lot of experiments and attempts in order to allow Beamon to reproduce smoothly, and all of these things required a deep research on bloodlines.

Both the Institute of Engineering and Su Chen provided him with a lot of materials and items to assist at this time, and Su Chen is also very concerned about the progress of the research.

"Returning to the emperor, I still have a little research."

Priest Bimon didn't understand what Su Chen was going to do, but he knew that Su Chen would definitely not be aimless.

"Well, I'll leave this thing to you. I'll give you ten days to find out what's special about its bloodline, and why its body can match the dragon soul. Melted."

After Su Chen finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the body of the long-dead "Ao Feng" appeared in front of Priest Bimon.

Looking at the dragon corpse that suddenly appeared, not to mention Kawei, even Priest Beamon was speechless for a long time: "My God!"

"Who are you?"

After releasing the dragon corpse, Su Chen just turned to look at Kawei and asked.

"This, this, this..."

Kawei opened his mouth, stuttered for a long time and couldn't say a complete sentence, because the dragon corpse in front of him was too shocking, dragon, this is a legendary thing.

Prior to this, Prince Jinwu was the top existence in the Eastern Desolation Continent, but even he was undoubtedly inferior compared to Long.

"I ask who you are!"

Perhaps because of the sudden disappearance of the people of the Spirit Race, Su Chen, who was already in a bad mood, was also a little angry, frowning and looking at Kawei.

"Ah? If you go back to Dijun, this is the Beast Lord of the Western Beastman Empire, named Kawei."

At this moment, Priest Beamon finally came to his senses. He quickly answered Su Chen's words, and then he ran to the dragon corpse and looked at it nervously.

"Beast Lord?"

Hearing Priest Bimon's words, Su Chen immediately understood in his heart, so he said lightly: "How do you think about the conditions I proposed?"

If someone else spoke to him like this, then Kawei would definitely punch him to pieces.

But facing this human emperor in front of him, Kawei dare not, this is a ruthless man who can kill even a dragon, Kawei doesn't think he is stronger than this dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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