Chapter 378
Kawei originally planned to come to see how amazing this human emperor is, and he can make even the Behemoths who stand in the battlefield surrender to him, but when he really saw Su Chen, Kawei also fell silent.

He couldn't tell what kind of feeling he felt after seeing Su Chen, maybe he could only sum it up with a sentence that the prophet said before he left, that is, in this world, some people really live And for the king...

I hope that in Su Chen's palace in the city, all the important people from the Great Xia who came to the Eastern Wasteland have gathered together. Needless to say, Su Chen, as the Emperor of the Great Xia, he naturally has to control everything big and small.

Among the civil servants, Sima Yi was the head, and Fan Li was the assistant. Su Chen had already handed over the planning of the development of the eastern human race to Fan Li, who was known as the god of commerce.

But having said that, Fan Li did have the ability to do things well. After Su Chen summoned him from the emperor's system, a small human tribe with no more than a few hundred or a thousand people was managed by him in an orderly manner.

Not to mention rich and powerful, but also to have no worries about food and clothing. You must know that in today's Eastern Desolation Continent, the word "no worries about food and clothing" is easy to say, but it is not easy to really do it.

"Please look, Emperor, the Hundred Generations Monk Clan has integrated most of the alien races in the Eastern Wilderness. Although there are no powerful races among them, they are superior in numbers. After all, in the Eastern Wilderness, most of the alien races have bullied and enslaved the human race. "

"They were also afraid that the emperor would settle accounts after autumn, so they did nothing but join the army of the hundred monks."

Recently, most of the information about Donghuang has been sorted out by Sima Yi himself, so he is very clear about the actions of the different races in Donghuang.

"It's just a mob. To capture the thief, you must first capture the king. The biggest problem now is not the alien army, but the post-war planning. Although the Eastern Desolation Hundreds of Monks are strong."

"But after all, we are fighting with the strength of a wilderness. Now, the eastern part of the eastern part of the wilderness is under my control, and the western orcs don't plan to fight against us. As for the northern part, Sivir has already brought the Great Elder to go there in person."

"I believe that even if Niang Niang and the others cannot persuade the other party to surrender to us, judging from their past performance in the Eastern Wilderness, no matter who the other party is, they are not people who love to fight."

The person who spoke was Guo Jia. Regarding all the situations in front of him, he had already set his sights on the post-war period. Although Zhonghuang was the most ruthlessly suppressed in the Eight Desolation Continent.

But it is by no means an existence that can be resisted by the hundreds of generations of monks who integrate some mobs. Now that the orc king Kawei has come to Hope City and lost the support of the orcs, the Eastern Wilderness is bound to be unified.

Hearing Guo Jia's words, everyone also turned their attention to Kawei. In this discussion, Su Chen deliberately asked Kawei to listen to him.

And seeing the eyes of everyone, especially after seeing Angolo, the commander of the orc army in the middle of the wilderness, was also seated, Kawei suddenly felt that the prophet was worthy of being a prophet, and the far-sightedness of his eyes was indeed beyond his reach.

"Cough cough!"

"You don't have to look at me like that. As I said before, my orc clan will not participate in the battle of the Eastern Wilderness. Of course, you don't have to worry about what little tricks I will do behind the scenes."

"I came here this time mainly for the Behemoth beasts of my orc race. I want to see with my own eyes their current living conditions and make a conclusion. Whether I will join your camp in the future, I don't care, everything depends on the competition." From the Behemoth."

Kawei's words were very straightforward, and when he heard what he said, even Angolo glanced at him as if you knew the time, which made Kawei wonder if Angolo was an orc. Why are you talking for the human race?

After several hours of discussion, the tone of Dingdonghuang has been set by Su Chen himself, and all that remains is to wait for the army to move out.

And the Chen Wugou brought back by Su Chen this time is really a stroke of genius. Chen Wugou has a very high status in the Eastern Wilderness. It can almost be said that all the Eastern Wilderness have heard of his Chen Wugou. Dirty famous.

And Su Chen also made good use of this point, and sent Xie Bian and Fan Wujiu to go with Chen Wugou to gather the hearts of the people in the Eastern Wasteland for his own use. Doubt, after all, not all races are in this corner of the Eastern Desolation.

Seeing Chen Wugou respectfully kneel down and salute, then turned to leave, Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and said to Sima Yi who was standing beside him, "Let's go."


In Hope City, in the vast school grounds, countless human races in the city are standing outside the school grounds with excited faces. Today is a memorable day.

After the Great Xia army quelled the alien races in the eastern part of the Eastern Desolation, today, they are finally going to march towards the southern part of the Eastern Desolation.

The tall dot general platform was decorated with incomparable majesty, and Su Chen also changed his usual clothes today, wearing the Nine Dragons Yellow Robe to show the majesty of the emperor.

"Respect the majesty of the Great Xia Emperor. Today, I am ordered by the Great Xia Emperor of our human race to order: the guards of the Great Xia Town will be the left-wing vanguard, and Zhao Yun will be named the General of the Dingjun. Immediately raise troops to the south of the Eastern Wilderness."

Beside Su Chen, Sima Yi held up the imperial edict with a serious face and said.

"Sir, Zhao Yun accepts the decree and will definitely make great achievements for our Great Xia."

Zhao Yun said respectfully, after finishing speaking, he immediately stepped on the white horse, then pointed the gentian gun at the sky, and shouted: "Zhenweiqi, get out!"


Iron hoofs shook like mountains, this is a torrent of steel, as the gate of the school grounds opened wide, Zhao Yun came out of the school grounds with more than 40 town guards, and as they passed through the streets and avenues until the city gate when.Outside the city, the more than [-] town guards have been waiting for a long time.

After they heard Zhao Yun yell "Come out", the 50 Zhenwei cavalry officially began their campaign to unify the Eastern Wasteland.

"By the emperor's order, the Great Xia orc wolf cavalry army is the right-wing vanguard, and Mengnan is named the commander of the wolf cavalry. Immediately dispatch troops to the south of the Eastern Desolation."

In the city, on the school grounds, Sima Yi continued to shout loudly.

"Meng Lan accepts the order and will kill the enemy chieftain for Daxia."

The person who spoke was an orc. He was the leader of the wolf cavalry army among the orcs, and he was also Angolo's confidant. This time, Su Chen ordered him to be the right-wing vanguard because he fell in love with the fierce wolf cavalry. Fighting without fear of life and death.

Similarly, following Meng Lan's words, ten thousand wolf cavalry in heavy armor rushed out.

However, unlike Zhenwei cavalry, they don't have that strict discipline, but they have a lot of bloodthirsty spirit. Wherever they pass along the street, the people in the city are all terrified, if they don't know that they are from Daxia. In the army, I am afraid that many people will pee their pants in fear.

"Mom, these orcs look so scary."

On the second floor of a restaurant, the place was already full of people at this time, because after the soldiers were counted in the school field, their seats happened to be able to see the army going out.At this time, when seeing the orc army passing by, a little girl of the human race said.

"Don't be afraid, children, they are all the emperor's army, and they all have to listen to the emperor's words, and this time, they also went to save the human race."

Beside the little girl, a woman said excitedly.

"Order: The Daxi people and horses are the support troops, and the Daxi nomads are appointed as the generals of the army."

Sima Yi's voice was so high that basically everyone in the city could hear his voice of constantly counting troops.

And with the sealing of kisses one by one, after a full hour, it finally came to the highlight.

"Order: The Great Xia Iron Army is the central army of the whole army. Immediately set off to fight in the southern part of the Eastern Desolation. Bai Qi will be appointed as the general of the army. He will lead the Great Xia Iron Army, the Sin Army, and the beast army to conquer the monks of hundreds of generations. Bai Qi will lead the White Tiger The talisman, restrain the whole army."

"Same order: Guo Jia is the military advisor and Sima Yi is the military adviser."

Following Sima Yi's words, Bai Qi in heavy armor slowly walked towards Su Chen, then knelt down on one knee and respectfully said: "I accept orders from you."

"General Bai Qi please, this time I am waiting for news of your triumphant return."

Su Chen looked at Bai Qi with a smile and said.

"My lord, I will not disgrace the holy order."

As the low-pitched horn sounded in the city, the sound that seemed to come from ancient times "pierced" the sky in an instant.

In the fall of the third year of Da Xia Xin, the emperor of Da Xia, Su Chen, ordered the soldiers of Da Xia in the City of Hope, and the army left the city. At this point, the war to unify the whole world began.

(End of this chapter)

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