Chapter 39

There was a deathly silence in the entire court.

The palace people who put down the "evidence" were panicked and hurriedly stepped back and left the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

After a long silence.


A shout came from the dragon chair on the white marble staircase, which made the hearts of all civil and military officials tremble.

The emperor was furious!

"There is no law in the eyes, no majesty in the eyes, the majestic scholars want to rebel!"

Su Chen's cold voice echoed in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, making the hearts of all the officials tremble.

It's over, the emperor is really angry.

This was the first time that the officials saw Su Chen's real anger. No one could resist under the majesty of the emperor.

"Where is the Minister of the Military Aircraft Pavilion!"

"The minister is here."

Shang Yang and others rushed out and knelt beside Sima Yi.

Su Chen's voice was cold and piercing: "I have drawn up an order to announce to the whole country that these two thieves are wanted: whoever contributes their heads will be given a hereditary prince! Whoever provides clues about the thieves will be rewarded with a thousand pieces of gold!"


The ministers of the Military Aircraft Pavilion quickly responded.

When all the officials were shocked by this and were confused and unable to figure out why the two grand dukes rebelled, only Guo Sikong's eyes shone brightly.

He took a deep look at Sima Yi's back, then pouted his old lips, and continued to remain silent.

Obviously he could see that the emperor was not really angry, but just showed a look of anger to cooperate with Sima Yi's acting.

These two monarchs and ministers are full of bad water.

Although Wang Sima and Chen Situ were dignified ministers of the two dynasties, although they were not loyal ministers, the families behind them also accumulated a lot of heritage and prestige of the gentry.

The foundation of a civil servant is prestige, a prestige so powerful that even the emperor would not dare to kill you!

But how long did it take?

The great prestige that these two grand dukes were proud of, as well as their strong influence that could directly affect the decision-making of the court, were forcibly discarded by the two monarchs and ministers.

Although the top ten counties are currently not under the control of the emperor, Wang Sima and the two can easily escape, and they can even follow the general trend of the Eight Kings Rebellion to fight against the emperor; The two grand dukes rebelled.

Regardless of the final outcome, these two people will never be able to wash away the stain of rebellion in their lifetime, and their reputations have been ruined ever since.

To give a simple example, even if two grand dukes defected to one of the eight kings, and then the prince successfully rebelled, he would guard against the two grand dukes.

Why are you on guard?
Because they have a history of rebellion!

If it were a hot-tempered prince, he might have treated these two people politely before the rebellion; but after the rebellion succeeded, he would definitely kill them first.

This move was like killing people without blood, forcing Wang Sima and the others to a dead end.

Regardless of the outcome of the Great Xia Dynasty's overall victory or defeat, these two grand dukes must die without a place to bury them!

Thinking of this, Guo Sikong couldn't help but shudder.

Sima Yi asked respectfully, "Your Majesty, how will the families of the two thieves be dealt with?"


Su Chen spit out a word from his mouth without hesitation, his blood was extremely cold.

This is the king's iron and blood method, which can be used to control the world, and can also kill the world.

When it's time to be decisive, Su Chen will never be soft-hearted, what else is there to do if he doesn't kill this group of people?Should they be kept as internal responses to the two thieves?
"Let the Great Xia Tiejun kill them! Let those one hundred thousand young men kill them!"

Su Chen took a deep breath and said slowly.

As soon as these words came out, Sima Yi frowned and smiled inwardly.

Your Majesty is killing people with a knife, not only to force the two grand dukes, but also to force the entire elite of the imperial capital to the opposite of the two grand dukes.

Among the [-] young and strong, there are many collateral disciples and direct descendants of the noble families of the imperial capital. Letting them kill hundreds of family members of the two grand dukes will definitely make the two grand dukes feel more grief and hatred, and even the noble clan of the imperial capital will also hate them together. up.

Forced into desperation, the nobles of the imperial capital can only stand on the united front of His Majesty; the nobles of the imperial capital are also the weather vane of the nobles and squires in the ten counties.

In this way, even if the two grand dukes escaped from the imperial capital, they might not be able to take a single step.

As long as the nobles of the imperial capital abandon the two grand dukes, their prestige among the nobles within the ten counties will also be greatly suppressed and hit.

Li Ji at the side heard other meanings from Su Chen's words, and he hurriedly saluted and asked, "Your Majesty, these [-] young men are going to form a new army?"


Su Chen glanced at Li Ji, took a deep breath, calmed down his anger, and said lightly, "If these [-] young adults return to the fields below, there won't be so many good fields in the imperial capital for them to cultivate."

"If it is not handled properly, it will also be a factor of restlessness. It is better to send them all to the army."

Su Chen said: "Consign the army to serve as soldiers, let them take their crimes and make meritorious deeds."

What uncultivated fields are nothing more than the emperor needs a reason to form a new army.

Only the ministers of the Military Machine Pavilion can vaguely guess that the emperor has expanded the number of troops in the imperial capital so quickly, it seems that the next step is probably to attack the Eight Kings Rebellion.

Ever since the emperor ascended the throne, the eight kings have rebelled. Now, it has been almost a month, and it is time to deal with it.

"Sima Yi."

"The minister is here."

"The Ministry of War should be responsible for all the new military. It must be coordinated within seven days. Officers at all levels can be dispatched from the Great Xia Iron Army. You have the right to control the formation of the new army."

Su Chen looked at Sima Yi and ordered.


Sima Yi nodded respectfully, and asked again: "Your Majesty, is the new army famous?"

An army should have its own designation, flag, status, and clear tendencies of arms.

Su Chen thought for a while, then suddenly smiled: "These [-] young and strong people are mostly from the powerful clans and the staff of various governments. high."

"I gave the new army the title: Daxia Town Guard Cavalry! Guard the country's destiny and defend Daxia!"

Su Chen's voice was very loud. The name of the new army was not pretentious, but it was extraordinarily heavy, exuding a murderous aura.

"According to the order."

Sima Yi respectfully accepted the order.

This is a cavalry army, coupled with the infantry phalanx of the Great Xia Iron Army, Su Chen already has two armies of different arms, which can adapt to most changes in the battlefield situation.

With the huge amount of supplies "selflessly dedicated" by the nobles of the imperial capital, coupled with the years of accumulation in the treasury, these two armies are enough to fight several wars of attrition, and Su Chen no longer has any worries.

Nowadays, the most important thing is to let these two armies train well, twist into a sturdy force at the fastest speed, and exert the strongest combat effectiveness.

Zhao Yun at the side heard that Su Chen had formed a cavalry army, his eyes lit up and he was eager to try.

He is a majestic cavalry general, and it is indeed a bit of a waste to stay in the Great Xia Iron Army.

Li Yuanba's pair of big hammers were too heavy to be carried by a war horse, and his moves were open and closed, and his personality was brave, making him suitable as a charge general of the infantry.

And Bai Qi is good at strategy and strategy, proficient in both cavalry and infantry, he is a natural handsome talent, more suitable for taking charge of the whole army affairs in the Great Xia Iron Army.

With Li Yuanba and Bai Qi around, Daxia Tiejun is actually enough for them to display their talents.

In comparison, Zhao Yun and Lei Zhenzi seem redundant.

Lei Zhenzi was born as a god and demon, with an extraordinary body and a very high potential limit, but he is not suitable for leading an army in battle. Su Chen considers setting Lei Zhenzi aside and making arrangements in the future.

As for Zhao Yun
Su Chen smiled, glanced at Zhao Yun, and issued another order: "The formation of a new army must be without a commander; Zhao Yun, the former captain of the Great Xia Iron Army, will be dispatched to the guard cavalry of the Great Xia Town, and will be the commander of the army and lead the general. "

This is a promotion!

From captain to general, the grade has improved a lot!
All the officials were in an uproar in their hearts, but there were also many people who didn't think so.

Although the four school lieutenants in the Great Xia Tiejun all bear the names of school lieutenants, each of them holds military power, no different from a general with real power.

Zhao Yun was overjoyed when he heard this decree, the emperor understands me!
"Chen, Zhao Yun, I thank the emperor for his kindness! I will do my best to spur the town guards to die for the emperor!"

Zhao Yun came out and knelt down with a serious face.

He was full of fighting spirit, and his whole person seemed to be different, full of confidence and brilliance.

"I believe in you."

Su Chen's smile is very gentle.

Zhao Yun nodded heavily, he is grateful for Jun's kindness.

Zhao Yun secretly swore in his heart that the Great Xia Town Guard Cavalry will definitely become the most powerful cavalry army in the Eight Wilderness Continent in my hands, and I will never disappoint the emperor's trust!

(End of this chapter)

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