First emperor of the human race

Chapter 40 Your Majesty, let's send troops!

Chapter 40 Your Majesty, let's send troops!

"Be flat."

Su Chen nodded, signaling Zhao Yun to return to the ranks.

Afterwards, Su Chen ordered the ministers of the Military Aircraft Pavilion to discuss, processed some government affairs information, and coordinated the intelligence occupation of the front line.

At present, Si Long is sitting in the frontier, commanding a 30 Si family army, resisting a million orc army; this powerful deterrent is simply shocking.

The orc race is notorious for its rough skin and thick flesh, and its infinite strength; in general, when facing an offensive and defensive battle in a city, the attacker needs five times as many troops as the defenders to have a chance of winning, but the orc empire does not need it, even if it is the same troop level. With it, they can also capture the city.

The 30 Si family army guarded the frontier and resisted the onslaught of the orc race for half a month, which is enough to see how high the military quality of the Si family army is. It is worthy of being the most powerful army since the founding of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Facing an army of orcs three times their size, they can successfully resist
Do not!
According to the latest military report, since Si Long went to the frontier, millions of orcs camped [-] miles away from the frontier, not daring to attack.

Everyone knows the thoughts of the Orc Legion, holding Si Long at the border and preventing him from participating in the peace of the Great Xia Dynasty; but it can also be seen how powerful Si Long's reputation is.

The orc empire of this era is just like the Huns that Su Chen learned about in the history of the earth, and even stronger than the Huns.

With the prestige of one person, Si Long guarded the frontier, so that the army of millions of orcs would not dare to offend, and the millions of orcs did not even make a tentative attack.

A person's name is so terrifying!

This is the majesty of the iron-blooded general who has been killed generation after generation with one sword and one sword!

When all the officials in the court mentioned this military report, they were all beaming, very excited and proud.

With the Si family in the Great Xia Empire, there would be no worries.

Even if Su Chen was a little wary of Si Long in his heart, he had to sigh at this moment, this man is really strong. No, it should be said that the blood of Si Jiajun is too strong.

When Su Chen found the blood of the Si family in his previous life, he also sighed that this is a family that is naturally suitable to be a general.

Since the founding of the Great Xia Dynasty, in addition to Su Chen being invincible in the previous life, the first generation of the Si family army has also made great contributions. It can be said that half of the land of the Great Xia Dynasty was forcibly conquered by the first generation of the Si family army of!

At that time, the Si family army, not to mention fighting an orc empire, and the thousands of peoples in the Eight Desolation Continent, which one would not be scared out of their wits when they mentioned the Si family army?

Unexpectedly, after 10 years of continuous inheritance, the Si family is still so tough.

It's a pity that the power of time is enormous. After 10 years, Silong was trapped by the suspicion of the former emperor. His military strategy has nowhere to display, so he can only face the orc empire in a defensive posture.

There is no worry in the frontier, but the suppression of the Eight Kings Rebellion in the country is not so smooth.

According to the latest military report, the combined strength of the Eight Kings' Rebellion has exceeded 200 million. The few large armies of the former emperor's period are all in the hands of these eight princes.

Not only that, the 20 soldiers of the Great Xia Dynasty distributed in the ten counties were also completely controlled by the Eight Kings a few days ago.

Today's Eight Kings have successfully divided the ten counties, holding heavy troops.

They want land and land, soldiers and soldiers, and food and food, and they have strong generals like clouds. It is said that there have been military masters in the Nirvana state on the battlefield.

Under such circumstances, Si Yu, the eldest son of Si Long, led the 20 Si family army, struggling to cope.

The entire battle line was stretched very long, and Si Yu had suffered repeated defeats in the country, so he could barely hold on.

If you don't actively respond, I'm afraid Si Yu's 20 army will be wiped out, and the Eight Kings Rebellion will not be judged.

When this military report was read aloud, Manchu Wenwu's face was very embarrassed, and Sima Yi frowned.

Only Su Chen looked calm, he knew that it was not Si Yu's fault, it was not that Si Yu was incompetent, but that the enemy was too powerful.

With 20 against 200 million, he can still last for nearly half a month, and he has avoided a large-scale loss of his own military strength, which is already very good.

As long as Si Yu is given some time to grow, it is not difficult to see that he is the next generation of General Si Long, the patron saint of the new generation of the Great Xia Dynasty.

"The domestic situation is not optimistic. According to the latest military report, Commander Si Yu has lost [-] battles."

"The army of the Eight Kings, with the frontiers of the ten counties as the frontier, 200 million rebels surrounded the imperial capital and attacked the imperial capital endlessly. The entire battle line was drawn very long, and Si Yu might not be able to support it alone."

Li Ji frowned, and spoke first.

"My dear friends, what's your plan?"

Su Chen opened his mouth, glanced at all the officials, and asked in a deep voice.

"For Your Majesty, it's better to let General Silong come back from the frontier and sweep away the domestic turmoil with a thunderbolt; wait for the domestic assessment, and then go to the frontier to guard."

The minister of the Ministry of War stood up and cupped his hands to remonstrate: "Although General Silong's departure from the frontier may cause the orc empire to attack violently, the 30 Sijia army on the frontier should be able to support it for a while."

Su Chen frowned, and before he could speak, Guo Sikong and Sima Yi both shouted at the same time: "It's absolutely impossible!"

"What's the opinion of the two lovers?"

Su Chen looked at the two of them.

In fact, Su Chen had already planned in his heart, but he needed to give the civil servants and generals under him some room to play, and also needed to give them the opportunity to grow and accumulate reputation.

Guo Sikong was taken aback for a moment, looked at Sima Yi in surprise, and said with a smile, "Let Brother Zhongda talk about it."


Sima Yi nodded, this is not the time to be polite, this is a matter of life and death for the entire Great Xia Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, if you rashly transfer Silong away from the frontier, it is very likely that the orc empire will attack at all costs; if your guess is correct, the reason why the orc empire cares about General Silong must be because of General Silong's dominance." Military style and its own strength."

"I reckon that if General Silong withdraws, the Orc Empire will definitely get the information. Knowing that Silong is going to the country to quell the chaos, they will definitely not give Daxia a chance to breathe."

Sima Yi took a deep breath, and said with dark eyes, "If I were the Beastlord of the Beastman Empire, I would definitely increase my troops crazily, send more legendary masters, and break through the Great Xia frontier defense line in the shortest possible time at all costs!"

"As long as the frontier is broken, the army will drive straight in and cooperate with the Eight Kings' army to sweep away all the Si family's army. At that time, unless Si Long is the emperor alive, he will be powerless to recover."

Sima Yi's voice was extremely cold, and the words he said made the hair stand on end in countless people.

The servant of the Ministry of War was speechless, and he was very ashamed. He really underestimated the determination of the Orc Empire.

If the orc empire is determined, regardless of all costs, there is a great possibility that it can successfully break through the Great Xia border.

Guo Sikong raised his eyebrows. He knew Silong and the Beastman Empire very well, so he spoke out to block the proposal of transferring Silong.

Guo Sikong didn't expect that Sima Yi's thoughts coincided with his.

Obviously, Sima Yi had never been in contact with Si Long. At most, he could only learn about Si Long from some documents and information about wars that had taken place. He was able to figure out Si Long's temperament and guess the determination of the Orc Empire.

This Sima Zhongda is worthy of being the emperor's confidant and powerful minister, with far-reaching strategies.

Guo Sikong suddenly said: "The old minister thought that Master Sima was right. The old minister guessed that the Beast Lord might have already planted legendary masters among the million-strong army, and was just waiting for General Si Long to leave the frontier."

The reason why the orc empire is so afraid of Silong is because of the madness and bloodiness of the Si family's bloodline, and the determination to win no matter what the cost.

Guo Sikong and Silong have been together for decades, and he knows Silong's character very well. As long as he is in the frontier, the beastman empire will not dare to invade, because the beast king is afraid that Silong will go crazy, and drag the legendary masters of the beastman empire to die together.

As long as Si Long withdraws, no one can resist the legendary realm of the Beastman Empire. Once the frontier is broken, the entire Great Xia Dynasty is equivalent to a woman who has stripped off all her clothes and is ravaged by others.

"Then what should we do?"

"This is a dead end!"

"Si Yu will never be able to withstand the siege of a 200 million army, as long as Si Yu is defeated, the emperor will not be safe!"

The civil and military ministers looked at each other, pale and at a loss.

This situation, no matter how you look at it, is a dead end.

The most critical reason is that the army that can be mobilized by the imperial capital is only 50 Sijia troops, which is too few and too few!
"The old minister suggested that it is better for us to send the Great Xia Tiejun and the Great Xia Zhenwei Cavalry to help Si Yu and wipe out the chaos of the eight kings in the country."

Guo Sikong opened his mouth and made a positive suggestion for the first time: "As long as the Eight Kings Rebellion is wiped out, the Orc Empire's million-strong army will retreat, and there will be no more wars in the country!"

Regardless of the fact that the 200 million troops of the Rebellion of the Eight Kings are many, they are all masters, and their combat effectiveness is far inferior to that of the Orc Empire troops.

Most of the troops under the Eight Kings came from the regular army of the Great Xia Dynasty in the period of the first emperor. Their combat effectiveness was generally mediocre, and many of them were mortal troops without the strength of the martial arts realm.

The army of the Eight Kings, as long as there is a commander-in-chief to command an excellent army, it is not difficult to destroy.

Of course, the premise is that this "not difficult to eliminate" is for Si Long.

Daxia Tiejun and Daxia Town guard cavalry are not too strong, and can Zhao Yun and others compare to the strategy and strength of the superior General Long?

Without the talent of the sky like General Si Long, the Rebellion of Eight Kings is still a tough nut to crack.

Everyone looked at Zhao Yun, Bai Qi, and Li Yuanba. Su Chen didn't let Lei Zhenzi come to the Hall of Supreme Harmony because of his special appearance.

Zhao Yun and the three looked at each other, and they all saw the fighting spirit in each other's eyes, burning endlessly.

Witness the arrival of the moment of glory, and share your worries, it is now!
"Sir, please fight!"

"Sir, please fight!"

"Sir, please fight!"

The three came out and knelt down one after another. They faced Su Chen, their voices were exceptionally loud and firm.

"Your Majesty, I would like to issue a military order to put down the chaos of the Eight Kings within three months!"

Zhao Yun was the first to speak, his voice was full of confidence, and his spirit was so high that it shocked people.

As long as there is an imperial decree, where your eyes are, that is where the soldiers are at the forefront!
This is the demeanor that a general of the Great Xia Dynasty should have!

Bai didn't speak much, and his voice was low.

"Your Majesty, make an order! A certain family will bring the heads of the Eight Kings to serve you with wine!"

Li Yuanba's voice was extremely loud, he licked his intervening lips, his chest was full of restless fighting spirit.

He is too eager for the battlefield, he is born for the battlefield.

In the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, most of the military officials were retired veterans, and there were no suitable candidates for the battle. They were not even as good as Si Yu.

Now, we can only rely on these three new generals.

All the court officials were silent, and everyone looked at Su Chen who was sitting high on the dragon chair.

Guo Sikong also looked at the emperor expectantly.

The same goes for Zhao Yun and the others, they only need a word from Su Chen!Even if it's just a nod!
As long as there is an imperial decree, where your eyes are, that is where the soldiers are at the forefront!
Your Majesty, send troops!

 The battlefield plot is coming soon!

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(End of this chapter)

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