First emperor of the human race

Chapter 396 The Beginning of War

Chapter 396 The Beginning of War
Su Chen, the group of monks who are left behind now, naturally doesn't pay attention to them.

As for whether they will tell all they know, Su Chen doesn't care about this, he has the means of soul searching, unless the other party has some secret method to counteract, otherwise all secrets will be revealed under the soul search.

But now, the patriarch of the century-old monk clan couldn't help but feel guilty after seeing Su Chen's unfriendly expression.

This human emperor is a strong man, decisive in killing and fearing.

"The emperor of the human race really wants to kill them all? Could it be that you are really not afraid of causing dragon disaster in the future?"

It is bound to be strong, and now the members of the Hundred Generations Monk Clan have fallen to the point where they can only move their mouths but dare not do it. Think about how beautiful their clan was at the beginning, but now...

"Stop talking nonsense, hand it over, the secret method needed to leave the Eight Desolation Continent."

Su Chen looked at the Patriarch of the Hundred Worlds Monk calmly, now he can't choose, if he can honestly hand over the secret method, then Su Chen might give him a good death.

"Emperor of the human race, you will definitely die in the future. What happened today will surely bring disaster to your family tomorrow. Want to know the secret method? Dreaming, even if I die, I will never give you the secret method."

Seeing that Su Chen won't let him go, he is also straightforward, only to see that the Patriarch of the Hundred Worlds Monk is full of spiritual power, his face is covered with veins, and his body is constantly oozing blood from under the skin. He actually wants to cut off his own meridians .


Seeing the other party's actions, Su Chen let out a faint sound, and immediately turned into a streamer. Su Chen, who was not so close, came in the blink of an eye. It was only in the legendary realm. In front of Su Chen, how could he decide life and death by himself? ?

The result is self-evident, after the patriarch of the hundred monks was captured, he was still searched by Su Chen when he was dying, and he got the news Su Chen wanted.

It's just that after careful consideration, Su Chen also frowned. As he thought, the destination of leaving the Eight Desolation Continent with this secret method was indeed the land of the dragon clan, but compared to Su Chen's original thought of only entering The territory of the dragon clan is different, and the place where the secret technique reaches is actually the altar of the dragon clan.

It's no wonder that the members of the Hundred Worlds Monk Clan never left the Bahuang, because leaving the Bahuang to go to the Dragon Clan's land with this secret method is no different from sending them to death. How can outsiders enter the Dragon Clan Altar?

"Emperor, everything has been cleaned up."

When Su Chen was still thinking about the feasibility of this matter, Xiang Yu walked over respectfully and said to Su Chen.

The remnants of the Hundred Generations Monk Clan are not strong, they are just stray dogs. Su Chen completely wiped them out just by trapping the camp.

"Let's go, count the time, it's almost time for the Demon Wilderness to start."

Su Chen glanced at the sky, the sea reflected by the sun on the horizon was as bright and golden as if it was on fire, but this scene, which was originally a beautiful scene, seemed to Su Chen the beginning of the flames of war.

Presumably the current Eight Desolation Continent will be soaked in blood, and all living beings will be wiped out.


The endless karmic fire burned the earth, everything around was as dead black as carbon, and there was a rotten smell in the air. This is the Demon Desolation, the biggest taboo place on the Eight Desolation Continent , known as the House of Cursed Heaven by the world.

Countless monsters were running on the vast plain. If Su Chen was here right now, he would have recognized at a glance that these monsters were the culprits who invaded the Donghuangxue elves' residence.


The ground was trembling, and as these monsters ran past, the grass that wasn't green was even more dead silent.

And on a boulder not far from the plain, a strange man in black armor was sitting there, with a green flute in his hand.

As he played the flute lightly, a faint sound of the flute came out. On this empty plain, it seemed so ethereal, and under the support of the sound of the flute, the plain with thousands of beasts galloping has a rare feeling. The realm of harmony between man and nature.

"Beast Taming Envoy, how can you be so leisurely and elegant today, and actually play the voice of the heavenly spirit here."

Amidst the ethereal flute sound, a rough and wild voice rang out inappropriately, breaking this rare artistic conception in an instant.


Hearing this voice, the man in black armor also put down the flute on his mouth, and after his words fell, a man also wearing black armor but with six arms came out slowly from behind him.

"Well, it's me. I came to you because the adults asked me to tell you to go back."

The six-armed alien said in a rough voice.

"Oh? So, are you ready for the festival? Which continent will you attack this time?"

The flute was inserted into the waist, and the flute player also stood up, but it was different from when he was sitting on a stone. After the flute player stood up, his figure was actually stronger than the six-armed alien race. point.

"Which other continent could it be? Naturally, it's Tianhuang. It's not like you don't know. Your majesty has been waiting for this day for a long time, but before attacking Tianhuang this time, my lord will go to Donghuang."

"I heard that it was the heart demon and the others who suffered a little at the hands of a human race in Donghuang. Even the hand of the heart demon was cut off by that human race. If it didn't happen that the shadow demon was there, I'm afraid the few of them They can't come back."

Speaking of this, the six-armed man's eyes were obviously full of fighting intent, and he seemed to be very interested in people who could make the devil suffer.

"Really, even the heart demons have suffered? Do the human race still have such abilities?"

The Piper, known as the Beast Master, seemed to be skeptical of the news, so there was a little frivolity in his words.

And hearing his words, the six-armed foreigner also smiled wryly: "Why don't you believe it, in fact, I didn't believe it when I heard the news at the beginning, but it is true that the lord gave the continuation pill. I was there too."

"Okay, whether he is true or not, it has nothing to do with me, but is the matter of sending troops to Tianhuang determined? Tianhuang is no better than other places. As the gatekeepers of the Eight Desolation Continent, Tianhuang people are not weak , once a war starts, it will be a world-destroying war."

The Beast Tamer walked up to the six-armed alien race and said seriously.

"Hehe, why are you afraid of him? Tianhuang is great, but my magic is not good? I don't know what you think, anyway, I've had enough of this place."

"In addition to the endless burning of karma here, we also have to worry about these man-eating beasts, and that's all. Why can guys in other places enjoy the nourishment of spiritual energy?
"As for us, not to mention the nourishment of the spiritual energy, it is not bad if we can not be eroded by the evil energy and become a beast. This time, no matter what, I don't plan to return to the devil's wasteland."

"It would be the best if your majesty can conquer Tianhuang. If not, it would be infinitely better for us to go to other continents than Mohuang."

This is a well-known fact, but what they don't know is that it is extremely difficult to survive in the Devil's Desolation, so whenever there is a chance, people in the Devil's Desolation will fight the Devil's Desolation at all costs. of.

The pitch-black castle looked extraordinarily eerie under the blood-red moon, and with the arrival of Li Mo and the Beastmaster, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became weird.

"Are they all here?"

Directly above the hall, a man in red armor sat on a huge chair.

This person is no different from ordinary humans, whether it is body shape or voice, there is nothing unusual about it.

"Returning to my lord, the twelve demon envoys are all here."

The person who spoke was none other than the foreign race who was called the heart demon.

"It's good to be here, I've called you here this time, you must have already understood that the king is going to send troops to Tianhuang, this matter is related to the future reproduction of our race, so we must not be careless in the slightest."

"However, before I follow the king to go to the wilderness, the power demon, the heart demon, and the golden demon, I order the three of you to lead a beast army to the eastern wasteland, and drive out all the human race there."

The man in red armor said calmly.

And hearing his words, the three people who were named also stood up and said loudly: "Follow your lord's order."

The blood-red moonlight illuminated the land of Demon Desolation. With a "creak", the huge city gate burst open, and countless soldiers in armor poured out like a torrent stepping in neat steps.

At the same time, above the wasteland, the melodious sound of the flute resounded through the night sky, and countless monsters turned and rushed towards the distance after hearing the sound of the flute.

The war started again.

(End of this chapter)

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