Chapter 397
Feeling the fragrance of birds and flowers all around and the refreshing power of spiritual energy, no matter whether it is the power demon and golden demon who have never been here, or the heart demon who has already been here, the three of them all feel a burst of comfort from the bottom of their hearts.

"It's such a good place. Being able to practice in such an environment, the speed must be at least twice as fast, right?"

Li Mo is full of longing for the world outside the Demon Wilderness, and now his wish has finally been fulfilled.

"The comfortable environment has made them lose their vigilance. You must know that there are more than a million races in the universe? And there are only a few resources. All the golden ages in history are full of blood. If they lose their vigilance, the only way is to exterminate the race. All the way."

The person who spoke was the Golden Demon. Like the others, he was also wearing black armor, but what was different from the others was that the Golden Demon carried a huge sword on his back that was as large as a door.

"Well, you are right. Although the conditions in the Devil's Desolation are a bit tough, they are always on guard there. As long as they are slightly negligent, they will die on the spot. This is the experience passed down by countless people with their own lives. , Compared with us, what is the difference between the people in these places and the docile sheep?"

Limo nodded approvingly.

And when the three of them were still looking around, Zhao Yun, who was on guard from a distance, also spotted them.

This place is located in the plain, which is the defensive place of Zhao Yun and the Great Xia Iron Bureau, and as soon as the three of them came out of the Jiedao, they informed Zhao Yun and others that there were scouts.

"That's right, it matches the information sent by the emperor, they are all in black heavy armor, but it is impossible to be sure whether they are the same group of people who fought with the emperor without fighting."

A long distance away, Zhao Yun had already sized up the three of them.

"The one over there is the human race, right? A very interesting race, obviously weak to death, but as soon as we came out, he used his spiritual sense to spy on us, and asked me to kill him."

Li Mo licked his lips, and he, who was already aggressive, couldn't wait even more.

"Don't be impulsive, the human race is not weak, especially the so-called emperor of the human race that I met last time, that is even comparable to the existence of an adult, the right way is to let the herd out first to test it out."

Seeing that Li Mo was about to kill alone, the heart demon on the side hurriedly said.

"Hehe, do you think I'm a useless piece of trash like you? I'm still comparable to a lord, don't put gold on your face, if that human emperor is really as powerful as you say, then you can come back alive?

Stop talking nonsense, let me exercise my muscles first and then talk about other things. "

After Li Mo finished speaking, his body was full of devilish energy, and under his feet, the original green grass withered in an instant, and the fierceness of devilish energy was vividly displayed at this moment.


With a loud bang that soared into the sky, Li Mo slammed into the Great Xia army like a meteorite.

And his landing point happened to be the place where the drunken army was stationed.

Immediately, the shouts of killing shook the sky, and the soldiers of the Diamond Rhinoceros clan immediately launched a fierce attack after seeing someone dare to break into the army formation.

The spiritual power was flying, and the defensive formation instantly lit up, and the mysterious runes turned into streamers, all hitting Li Mo's body fiercely.

But at this time, Li Mo's six arms were seen dancing together, and countless people with diamond rhinoceros were knocked into the air one after another.

The powerful strength cut off the battlefield, but Li Mo was still in no man's land, and the Diamond Rhinoceros clan only fought each other for one round, so they suffered heavy losses.


The shrill screams continued continuously, and Li Mo deserved the title of Li Mo.

Brave and invincible, he is rampant in the army formation of Vajra Rhinoceros, and all the soldiers who are attacked by him are all blown into pieces.

"This guy is really having fun. He is obviously a group of ants that can be crushed to death easily, but this guy is so good that he insists on smashing them into pieces with his own hands."

The Golden Demon didn't make a move, but looked at everything in front of him with a smile on his hands behind his back.


Li Mo's attack is so powerful that a random blow is enough to destroy mountains and crack rocks. Every time he swings his fist, the earth will definitely shake, and it is so strong that there is no limit.


"Boom boom boom!"

Just when Li Mo was killing all directions, a rough voice was just furious, and with the sound of the earth trembling, Li Yuanba rushed towards him like a savage beast from ancient times.

"Take a hammer from someone!"

Li Yuanba yelled angrily, and his whole body suddenly rose from the ground.

The Meteor Hammer is like a volcano that is about to erupt, the black body of the hammer is covered with red marks of flames.


Under Li Yuanba's swing, the Meteor Flame Hammer made a dull sound of piercing through the air.


A pillar of fire shot up into the sky, and under the magical power of the Meteor Hammer, with Li Yuanba as the center, within ten battles around him, magma erupted, and flames splashed everywhere.

"This human race is very good, and the physical strength of that body is probably slightly stronger than mine."

In the distance, after seeing Li Yuanba's attack, the Golden Demon said in surprise.

"I told Li Mo not to be impatient, this is good, have you met your opponent?"

Xin Mo said the blame words, but there was an undisguised smile on his face, and he didn't know if he was confident in Li Mo's strength, or because he thought Li Mo died from this blow. feel happy.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter, that human race is just two strengths, and this is exactly where Limo's strength lies."

As soon as the golden demon finished speaking, the place where the pillar of fire soared into the sky also revealed its true face as the flames dissipated.

When everyone looked at the center of the battlefield, they saw Li Mo raising his arms upwards, unexpectedly facing Li Yuanba's attack.

"Ha ha……"

Li Mo smiled crazily, as if he had encountered something that made him very happy.

After he laughed out loud, Li Yuanba flew upside down when he opened his arms.

"You are very good. This strength is the strongest I have ever seen except for adults. Today I also bully you with my realm. How about letting the two of us compare who is stronger?"

Li Mo went crazy, Li Yuanba was the most powerful person he had ever met, and he himself was known as Li Mo, so he was naturally very happy to see Li Yuanba.

"Boom boom boom!"

Hearing Li Mo's words, Li Yuanba did not say a word, but directly expressed his attitude with actions.

As Li Yuanba ran wildly, spiritual energy continued to emerge, and every time his feet fell, the earth would definitely tremble.


When Li Yuanba was about to reach the place where Li Mo's ten battles took place, he got up with all his strength, and this time he smashed down both hammers at the same time.

On the other side, seeing Li Yuanba's actions, Li Mo also shouted loudly: "Good job."

I saw his six arms stretched out in a grabbing shape, and he wanted to grab Li Yuanba's meteorite hammer just like that.

Seeing the fierce battle between the two in the arena, the Golden Demon on the side couldn't help it: "I'm going to do some activities too, and I'll leave it to you to open the festival path and release the herd of beasts."

After the golden demon finished speaking, he slowly flew towards Li Yuanba's direction.


With the sound of a sword resounding through the sky, a sword light was domineering and fierce, with an unstoppable and invincible force, cutting towards the human army. In an instant, countless criminal soldiers were cut off by the sword light, and severed limbs and blood were intertwined into a... A picture of purgatory on earth.

(End of this chapter)

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