First emperor of the human race

Chapter 42 Three major cultivation methods, army preparation

Chapter 42 Three major cultivation methods, army preparation

In the imperial study room, the ministers of the Military Machine Pavilion, Zhao Yun and other generals stood in front of Su Chen with their hands tied.

According to Su Chen's order, the Junji Pavilion and the generals joined forces to discuss intensively and closely, and divided the two armies of the Great Xia Iron Army and the Great Xia Zhenwei Cavalry.

No, strictly speaking, besides the Great Xia Iron Army and the Great Xia Town Guard Cavalry, Su Chen's current army also includes the Imperial Palace Imperial Forest Army.

The Imperial Forest Army has a total of 1 people, and Lei Zhenzi of the Daxia Tiejun was picked out alone as the commander of the Imperial Forest Army.

Lei Zhenzi has the strength of a legendary mirror. Although his talent in leading the army is not as good as other generals, his methods of managing the army are also very strict. Su Chen is very relieved that he will command the Yulin Army.

At present, the two new armies in Su Chen's hands, the Great Xia Iron Army is mainly infantry, Junji Pavilion and Su Chen discussed and decided to divide the Great Xia Iron Army into [-] heavy infantry and [-] regular infantry.

The heavy infantry wore heavy armor and was equipped with diamond shields and mo knives as standard. It was mainly commanded by Li Yuanba. With Li Yuanba's terrifying ability to charge into battle, this army was absolutely invincible to infantry, and could even fight head-on with cavalry!
Regular infantry wear chain light armor. The standard equipment is mainly divided into spears, spears, and waist with broadswords. They are mainly used in various infantry battlefields. They focus on mobility. Whether it is jungle warfare or city battles, they can Has excellent adaptability.

There are a total of 10 guards in Daxia Town, and the overall strength of martial arts is relatively strong. All the horses are the excellent horses left over from the emperor's time and the reserve horses left by the general Silong in the imperial capital. An excellent war horse for the "selfless dedication" of the great nobles.

Divided into [-] heavy cavalry and [-] light cavalry, [-] heavy cavalry are suitable for charging on the frontal battlefield and tearing open the gap in the enemy's army formation. All heavy cavalry, including war horses, wear heavy armor from head to toe.

In addition to the heavy cavalry, the positioning of the light cavalry is also very important. They will be the most powerful mobile force under Su Chen. They have given up the large-scale defensive equipment of the cavalry and adopted all of them: leather armor, Mo Dao, and crossbow arrows.

The light cavalry shoulders a series of battlefield responsibilities such as battlefield support, cleaning, pursuit, and spying. It is a very complex and agile army that requires an excellent general to control.

Originally, the ministers of the Military Aircraft Pavilion were very worried about whether Zhao Yun would have the outstanding ability to handle the commander of the light cavalry and heavy cavalry well. With admiration.

No wonder Dijun used him so much, his understanding of cavalry was really solid.

In the imperial study room, Su Chen finally made a final decision, with Sima Yi as the main force, and other ministers from the Military Machine Pavilion as the assistants, to complete the military reform of the Great Xia Tiejun and the Great Xia Town Guards within half a month.

At the same time, Zhao Yun and other generals were in charge of pre-war training for the two armies within half a month.

"The martial arts realm of the soldiers of the Great Xia Iron Army is on average in the Condensed Body Realm, but there are also some soldiers who are mortals; while the martial arts realm of the Daxia Zhenwei Cavaliers is on average in the Sanqing Realm, and there are many strong soldiers in the Chaotic Realm."

Su Chen glanced at Zhao Yun and the others, and asked a question: "The strength of the soldiers is not uniform. This is the biggest problem, and it will directly affect the situation on the battlefield."

"Here, I have two sets of cultivation methods. You take them and distribute them to the soldiers of the army to practice. You must improve their strength! Let the weaker soldiers reach the average level of martial arts!"

Su Chen looked at Li Nianzi.

Li Nianzi understood, walked out of the imperial study, and came back after a while, holding a tray in his hand. On the tray were two cultivation secrets that Su Chen took out from the first layer of the emperor's treasure.

One is called "True Dragon Jue", which can be cultivated up to the legendary level. The cultivator is physically strong, full of spiritual energy in the body, greatly enhanced defense, and the supporting moves of the mental method are also open and closed.

If there are multiple people who practice "True Dragon Jue" fighting together, they can form a wonderful training aura with each other, and slightly improve each other's combat effectiveness. This set of exercises is the cultivation method Su Chen bestowed on Daxia Tiejun. .

One is called "Fengming Heart Method". Although it sounds sissy, it implies nirvana in the fire. Practitioners are suitable for group battles. It is also a set of legendary mental methods. This set of exercises was given to Daxia Town by Su Chen The cultivation method of the guards.

These two sets of mental methods are suitable for military training.

"Thank you, Emperor! Ministers, please be good at protecting the secret law, and never spread it to the outside world!"

The faces of Zhao Yun and others changed, and they took over the two cultivation methods with excitement.

This is the legendary cultivation method!

In other words, this is a powerful cultivation method that can create another Great General Si Long, or even create another Si family inheritance!

On the Eight Desolation Continent, it is also a precious untold secret. The emperor can give two copies at will, and the depth of its foundation is shocking.

"Use it well."

Su Chen smiled, not caring at all.

In the first layer of the Emperor's Treasure, there are mostly some pills that Su Chen could take and use in his previous life, some changes of clothes, and some sundries.

For Su Chen, these two cultivation methods that are enough to create another Si family are just miscellaneous items, something he obtained occasionally in his previous life, and then left in a corner to be forgotten.
As for the Imperial Forest Army commanded by Lei Zhenzi, Su Chen did not bestow any mental methods, because the Imperial Forest Army was originally selected strictly, loyal to the current emperor, and there had never been any turmoil. .
Although it was cut again and again, the cultivation mentality of the Imperial Forest Army, the strongest can also cultivate to the Nirvana state, and it is the strongest mentality in the entire Great Xia Dynasty except for the royal mentality and the legendary state mentality of the Si family.

Thinking of this, Su Chen suddenly realized a problem.

Zhao Yun and others were summoned by him, and they already had the realm of martial arts, but I don't know if they have cultivated their minds?
If this group of military officials does not have a strong cultivation mentality, it means that their strength will always remain at the current stage and cannot be improved.

This is a very serious question.

Su Chen told Zhao Yun and the others his doubts. Zhao Yun and the others were taken aback for a moment, then shook their heads and smiled wryly: "I have cultivated minds, but most of them have already cultivated to the extreme and cannot break through."

When Zhao Yun and others were summoned, they had the strength of Nirvana, so they naturally understood the mental method of Nirvana level, but if they wanted to break through, they had to find other methods.

As for Lei Zhenzi, this guy is a demon, and he has a way of being a saint!At the peak state, one can cultivate to the terrifying level of physical sanctification!
Lei Zhenzi doesn't need to worry about it, but Zhao Yun and the other three are in an awkward situation now, and their cultivation methods can no longer help them improve their martial arts realm.

If Su Chen doesn't care about it, it's equivalent to wasting three cultivation geniuses with excellent aptitude and potential!

"How about this."

Su Chen pondered slightly, and said: "The royal heart method of the Great Xia Dynasty is called "Sacred Heart Avenue". It is a heart formula that surpasses the law of saints. Legendary realm."

"I've given this method to the three of you, don't spread it outside."

Su Chen smiled and said, "I'll go back and copy down my mind, and send someone to send it to you."

The complete version of the Sacred Heart Avenue is the supreme method, which surpasses the method of the saint. It was the method that Su Chen had been practicing in his previous life before he understood the method of the great emperor.

This mental method is so strong that there is no need to introduce it too much. It helped Su Chen pass the countless years before becoming the emperor!

Hearing Dijun's words, Zhao Yun, Bai Qi, and Li Yuanba trembled all over, and couldn't help blushing, extremely excited.

This is the royal method of the Great Xia Dynasty, and there are ancestors' precepts that cannot be passed on!
Except for the direct disciples who have the blood of the Great Xia royal family, no one is qualified to come into contact with this mental method, unless the Great Xia Dynasty is destroyed!

But now, the emperor wants to give them a way of thinking regardless of the ancestors' precepts. This kind of affection is too heavy!
"Thank you Your Majesty for your love, I will die for Your Majesty!"

Bai Qi's voice was extremely low, and the body of this middle-aged man was trembling slightly.

As military officials, it is very important for them to cultivate their minds!This is the foundation of one's life!
A strong mentality will not only increase your hope of surviving on the battlefield, but also enable you to make better achievements!

"Chen, you must stick to your heart and live up to His Majesty's trust!"

Zhao Yun's voice was also very serious, he knelt down and kowtowed.

Li Yuanba, who was usually the most carefree, opened his mouth at this time, his eyes flashed with excitement, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Your kindness is like a mountain!
In this life, this life of a certain family belongs to the emperor!

(End of this chapter)

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