First emperor of the human race

Chapter 43 Emperor, I want to help you too

Chapter 43 Emperor, I want to help you too
"Your Majesty, I'm afraid this is somewhat out of order."

Guan Yiwu hesitated for a moment, and suddenly said in a low voice: "After all, this is the royal family's inheritance method of the Great Xia Dynasty. If outsiders know about it, spreading it out may be harmful to Your Majesty."

"Do you not respect the teachings of your ancestors?"

Su Chen smiled. The so-called ancestral precepts were set by himself. Does it conform to the rules?

The mentality of this "Sacred Heart Avenue" was originally his, and he could give it to whoever he wanted, and did he need anyone's consent?

If Su Chen's acting style is really so cautious, then it's not his character.

"It's okay, just don't spread the word."

Su Chen waved his hand, he believed in the loyalty of this group of people.

Guo Sikong was silent at the side, he was already in a cold sweat, and he didn't know whether the emperor regarded him as one of his own, or was planning to kill him, and let him know the secret of wantonly violating the ancestral precepts.

However, after thinking about it, Guo Sikong smiled wryly again.

The current situation of the Great Xia Dynasty is full of internal and external troubles, and it may be overthrown if it is not careful. What ancestors are still worried about it now?
There is indeed a reason for the emperor to do so.

Su Chen didn't care about the expression on Guo Sikong's face. He looked at Zhao Yun and the others with a smile, and said softly, "I'll just work hard on you three. First, I'll cultivate the Imperial Heart Method for now. Later, I will give you a stronger one." Cultivate the mind."

The three of Zhao Yun trembled all over and became even more excited, so they nodded vigorously.

The ministers of the Military Aircraft Pavilion looked at each other in blank dismay, speechless.

The heart method of "Sacred Heart Avenue" was passed down by Emperor Su. Isn't such a heart method considered the strongest?Is there a stronger cultivation method?

They felt that their heads were a little dazed, and they really couldn't see through Dijun more and more.

Su Chen smiled, but did not explain.

As his own strength continues to improve and his realm continues to break through, the restrictions in the Great Emperor's Treasure will be opened layer by layer.

In the deepest restricted space, there are many cultivation minds that surpass the "Sacred Heart Avenue", most of which are the quasi-emperor's mind and the incomplete chapters left by Su Chen's research on the emperor's mind.

Even if they are all things that Su Chen doesn't like, if one of them is taken out to the Eight Desolation Continent, it will easily cause a big earthquake and make the whole race crazily loot the unprecedented precious mentality.

"Okay, let's stop here for today."

Su Chen beckoned, ordered Li Nianzi to tidy up the memorials and pens and inks on the imperial desk, and then said to them in a deep voice: "You must pay attention to the time, always pay attention to the situation on the front line, and be prepared to send troops in advance at any time. Delay the battle on the front line."

The situation is very serious and the time is very tight.

The battlefield is changing rapidly, and no one can tell whether the enemy will give them enough buffer time.

The ministers of the Military Aircraft Pavilion and Zhao Yun and other military officials were deeply aware of this, and they all knelt down to salute, and said with serious expressions: "Here!"

Now, they are racing against the enemy, against time.

Only by striving for the two new armies to form a strong battlefield combat effectiveness in the shortest possible time can they have the last laugh in this internal turmoil.

"Let's all go back."

Su Chen waved, and everyone exited the imperial study.

For the next full hour, Su Chen stayed in the imperial study. The situation on the battlefield was indeed very tense, but the handling of government affairs and system reforms in the imperial capital, as well as the longer-term layout of the entire Great Xia Dynasty, were also very different. important.

Whether it is the problem of the vacancy of excellent grassroots talents that will appear after the imperial capital's gentry is severely suppressed, or the plan for the victory or defeat of the front-line war, or the future deployment and layout of the ten counties of the entire Great Xia Dynasty after the end of the civil war
There are too many things that are too right for the overall situation, political thinking, military planning, and longer-term things to be considered by Su Chen.

Each of these matters is related to the national destiny of the Great Xia Dynasty. Su Chen needs to make up his mind on these, and no one can help him.

The Minister of the Military Machine Pavilion can help Su Chen check the gaps and make up for the omissions, and help him deal with the details, but he cannot help Su Chen directly manage the future of the entire country and race.

They are indeed excellent, but they are not Su Chen, without Su Chen's structure, vision and strong background.

The position of Dijun is not something everyone can do.

This is not to say that Su Chen wanted to be a Mingjun from the bottom of his heart. The biggest reason he worked so hard was to regain his own glory and the glory that the Great Xia Dynasty had gradually lost.

This is Su Chen's insistence. He is a proud man from the bottom of his heart, and he will not allow himself to be bound by any predicament.

Su Chen firmly believed that the glory of the Great Xia and the pride of the human race back then would definitely shine with unparalleled brilliance from his hands again!

"Finally done."

An hour later, Su Chen came back to his senses from the state of contemplation at his desk. He raised his head, stretched his waist, took a deep breath, and then glanced at the stacks of important memorials on the imperial desk. A thick layer of documents.

These documents recorded some of Su Chen's experiences and plans for the future situation, no matter how far or near the situation was, he even considered the situation and trend of the Eight Kings Rebellion and the frontier war situation.
Even the possibility that Silong may rebel has taken several possibilities into consideration, and prepared a plan to deal with it; also, talk about the overall planning of the military power in the future, or re-plan the layout.

This thick stack of documents is covered with densely packed small characters, all written by Su Chen.

In all aspects, inside and out, Su Chen has thought of all the situations that can be considered. This is a thinking habit left over from his previous life.

No matter what you do, you must plan ahead. If you want to succeed, you can't just do it casually.

How can there be rewards without corresponding hard work?
To be an excellent emperor, one must be excellent in controlling and adjusting the situation.

Controlling the overall situation is what an emperor should do.

Just when Su Chen was about to leave the Imperial Study Room and go back to the Hall of Supreme Harmony for a rest, a faint voice suddenly sounded beside him.

"Dijun, why don't you let the slave take action? As long as the slave takes action, the issue of the Rebellion of the Eight Kings will not cause Dijun such a headache."

Daji didn't know when she appeared at the side of the imperial study, and stood beside Su Chen, a faint fragrance emerged, which was refreshing.

She was dressed in a palace dress and her steps were light.

Obviously, Daji has been by Su Chen's side all the time, she heard what Su Chen said in the court, and the emperor didn't want her to join the battlefield.

Is this caring about me?
Is Dijun worried that I will be in danger if I go to the battlefield?
Daji's heart is very complicated, both happy and sad.

"Dijun, I also want to help you."

Daji looked at Su Chen, her voice was faint, her tone was complex and firm, she didn't want to see the man in front of her frowning again.

When she thought of this, she felt distressed for no reason.

She wanted to help Su Chen.

 I was delayed by a little thing today, and the update is late, sorry.

  Wait for another chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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