Chapter 44
Su Chen was taken aback, turned around and smiled and said, "Why are you so elusive, you don't look like a girl."

"This slave is to protect the emperor."

Daji blinked her beautiful eyes, and said with confidence: "The situation in the whole country is worrying now. Only Nu and Lei Zhenzi are legendary. Lei Zhenzi is not allowed to enter the inner palace because he is a man, so he can only be a slave to protect the emperor."

Su Chen raised his eyebrows, and said, "Twelve hours of personal protection? Don't tell me you have to protect me personally when I'm sleeping?"

"Of course, as long as the emperor is willing."

Daji hesitated to speak, a seductive blush appeared on her delicate face.

In fact, every time Su Chen was resting in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Daji would hide aside and not disturb him, but he did not leave for a moment.

Su Chen looked at Daji who was full of shyness, and suddenly said with a smirk: "Then when I come out, you also want to protect me personally?"


"Dijun, how can you tease others!"

Daji was coquettish, stomped her feet, and then asked the previous topic: "Dijun, you haven't answered the slave's question yet, why didn't you let the slave solve the Eight Kings Rebellion."

"I have the confidence to kill the Eight Kings without anyone noticing."

When Daji said this, her beautiful eyes were awe-inspiring, and her demeanor was extraordinarily glamorous.

This is a woman with excellent means and strength, she was born for the birth and rise of the dynasty.

"You can kill the Eight Kings, but can you kill an army of two million in one go?"

Su Chen smiled suddenly: "These 200 million people are not gathered together for you to kill. The front line is so long, even if you are exhausted, you will not be able to kill 200 million people."

Daji was stunned for a moment, and murmured a little unconvinced: "But, as long as the eight kings die, the 200 million army will be destroyed without attack."

"No, now that the Eight Kings have become powerful, even if they die, there will be new Eight Kings and new successors; if you want to suppress the turmoil, you must defeat the Eight Kings' army from the battlefield in the name of the king's teacher. .”

Su Chen shook his head, stood with his hands behind his back, and said calmly: "My opponent has never been the Eight Kings, but Shen Ke's miscellaneous diseases accumulated over the past 10 years of the Great Xia Dynasty. This is the source of the general trend of civil strife!"

"Besides, are you sure that the Eight Kings have no hole cards?"

Su Chen looked at Daji, and said with a smile: "What if there are legendary masters in the Eight Kings' army? What if the Orc Empire took the opportunity to send legendary masters to sneak into the Great Xia Dynasty?"

"If you leave, the imperial capital will be at risk!"

Su Chen's tone was very firm.

Now due to the lack of strength and the lack of medium energy, it is difficult for the system to summon powerful gods and demons and legendary masters after the system has consumed the remaining imperial energy stored.

Daji and Lei Zhenzi are the strongest cards in Su Chen's current hand. Su Chen must keep the cards in his hand. Unless it is absolutely necessary, he cannot play the cards in advance.

Daji asked curiously: "What about Lei Zhenzi, can't he join the battle?"

"No, he will go to war."

Su Chen smiled mysteriously: "He will join the battlefield at the right time, but you can't."


"Just like what you said just now, you have to protect me personally."

Su Chen laughed: "My safety, as well as the safety of the imperial capital, are entrusted to you alone."

As long as Su Chen sends troops to join the battlefield, as the intensity of the war escalates, Daji and Lei Zhenzi will inevitably need someone to step forward and join the frontal battlefield.

If Su Chen stood in the position of the Beastman Empire or the Eight Kings, he would definitely try to assassinate the current emperor when Emperor Daxia played his first hole card!

Because the situation in the imperial capital is complicated, and it has not yet grasped the general situation of the country, it is in a weak position to counterattack.

As long as Su Chen dies, the offensive and rise of the entire imperial capital will be self-defeating, no matter how difficult it is to form resistance.

Then, there must be one person left to protect the safety of the imperial capital.

Daji is the best candidate.

"It turns out that slaves are so important to the emperor!"

Daji was eager to try, with a smile on her face: "I will definitely protect the emperor!"


Su Chen's smile was exceptionally gentle.

Time flies, and the short half month is fleeting.

In this short period of half a month, the battle situation on the front line seemed to have stabilized, Si Yu no longer sent military reports, and Si Long kept a simple military report every seven days in the frontier.

At this moment, it seemed that there was no more war in the entire Great Xia Dynasty, and everyone was guarding against each other, dormant, waiting to deliver the most fatal blow to the opponent!
Zhao Yun and others breathed a sigh of relief. There were no major problems on the front line of the war, and this was the best opportunity for them.

As long as there is enough time to urgently train the soldiers, they are confident that they can shine on the next battlefield. After all, this is the imperial capital, and the resources, heritage, and equipment are extremely rich.

The Great Xia Iron Army was originally intended to fill the ranks of the most powerful army in the Great Xia, the Si Family Army. Although they were from the reserve army, the conditions for selecting soldiers were extremely strict.

Most of the guard cavalry soldiers in Daxia Town are the staff and young and strong servants of the prince's mansion. Although they have not been on the battlefield, their physical fitness is much better than that of people in other regions; especially the soldiers who are from the staff are very strong. Sufficient for the rank of lieutenant in the regular army.

Whether it is the Great Xia Iron Army or the Great Xia Town Guard Cavalry, the soldiers of these two troops are top-notch existences, and their personal combat effectiveness and strength are not weak.

The only thing they lack is military discipline and tacit training to cooperate with each other.

As time went by, the ministers of the Military Machine Pavilion worked together, and countless equipment, war horses, and ordnance were transported to the two major military camps outside the imperial capital.

Zhao Yun and others are also more and more confident to face the next war situation.

Only Su Chen still frowned, feeling a little heavy in his heart.

"The Calm Before the Storm"

In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Su Chen raised his head, looked towards the direction of the sun, and sighed slightly.

The genius is dim, and the rising sun gradually appears and spreads all over the world.

This is No. 15 days after the Yushufang meeting.

If everything goes well in the frontline battle, Su Chen will order Zhao Yun and others to go out in two days if there is no accident.

"Your Majesty, the morning court is about to begin."

Li Nianzi stood behind Su Chen and reminded him softly.

"Well, show me, the Hall of Supreme Harmony."

Su Chen looked back and nodded.

An hour later.

Imperial Capital, South City Gate.

The iron soldiers in charge of the city defense were changing the city defense. One of the young soldiers had sharp eyes and suddenly saw a change in the south!
"Look! What is that?!"

The soldier shouted: "Be alert! Close the city gate!"


Countless soldiers rushed up the city tower, but there were not many people under the south city gate, and the personnel were quickly emptied, and the city gate was slowly closed.

Now the Great Xia Dynasty is cloudy and windy, outside the imperial capital, it is full of enemies!

In such a tragic situation, everyone's nerves are extremely tense.

Upstairs in the south city, there happened to be a new captain present. He temporarily took over the military power, channeled the spiritual energy in his body, climbed up, and watched the distance in person.

I saw a black shadow appearing on the distant horizon, galloping forward on horseback.

"A cavalryman?"

The school lieutenant frowned and muttered to himself with some doubts, he didn't order people to shoot arrows immediately.

The cavalry appeared abruptly, but there was only one person, there was no need to make a big move, let's see what he was going to do first.

"Da da da!"

The rapid sound of hooves gradually approached, and more and more soldiers saw the appearance of this cavalryman.

He is so miserable!
The war horse under the crotch was covered with scars on its limbs, foaming at the mouth, and galloping all the way, the war horse was not far from death.

And this cavalryman himself is covered in blood, his face is full of filth, his left eye is bloody, the eyeball is missing, he is already half blind, his left arm is broken at the root, and blood is constantly flowing as the horse jolts !

The armor was tattered and full of scars from swords and guns, and it was impossible to tell which army's armor it was from. The saber at his waist had no scabbard, and the blade was twisted and shattered in half.

What a fierce battle this was, to make a cavalryman so embarrassed.

It would be a miracle that he didn't even die if the battle really reached such a fierce level!
"Quickly open the city gate"

The weak voice of the cavalry came, and the captain on the city wall couldn't hear it clearly, and shouted: "Who are you?"

The cavalry continued to ride the horse, and the captain saw clearly that his face was covered with blood and tears, weeping bitterly, and a tragic breath came towards him, as if he had just come down from the battlefield.


The cavalry's horse finally couldn't hold it anymore, its four hooves broke, and the cavalry fell hard in front of the city gate.

The severe pain kept coming, and the feeling of weakness and suffocation came up, making people dizzy, as if they were going to die in the next second.

"Open the city gate quickly! Emergency military report!"

Holding back his last breath, the cavalryman tried his best to stand up, his voice hoarse, crying, and shouted with all his strength: "The front line is defeated!! All dead! All dead!! Help!"

"Dijun, we have been waiting for reinforcements!! Woohoo, reinforcements, reinforcements!"

The cavalryman knelt under the city wall, clutching the soil under his knees with both hands, his voice choked up, as if a beast that had come to a dead end was howling.

Those blood-stained eyes were full of despair, a despair that made one's heart tremble.

 it has started
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(End of this chapter)

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