First emperor of the human race

Chapter 50 Tonight, the whole city will die!

Chapter 50 Tonight, the whole city will die!
Liu Taishou shouted and asked, causing the entire courtyard to fall into a brief silence.

"Master Taishou, what will the soldiers do if we drink this water? This is the water in the barracks, you are going to fight."

There was a hoarse and dry voice that sounded with difficulty, and someone in the crowd expressed their doubts in doubt.

"Bullshit! They can drink, but you can't? Why do you care so much!"

Taishou Liu was furious and scolded: "Drink the water and go to fight with me! Even if you dare to jump into a well, don't you dare to go to the battlefield!"

"One sip of water, one life!"

Liu Taishou narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a very cold voice, "I ask you if you want to do it!"

After a brief silence.

The people in the courtyard got up one after another, supported each other with difficulty, walked around the side of Taishou Liu, and walked towards the school ground in the city.

They didn't have the strength to speak anymore, and they couldn't shout any passionate slogans.

They faltered and proved their determination with actions.

As long as you give them a sip of water, they dare to go to the battlefield to fight!

Not even afraid of death, are you still afraid of the battlefield?

A sip of water, a life.

This business, they do!
No one saw it, but Liu Taishou, who was facing away from them, had a bitter smile on his mouth, his eyes were sore, and he wanted to cry, but he couldn't even shed tears.

His last tears had already been wept on the tower.

If there is food, grass and water, Liu Taishou is confident that he can stick to it for more than half a year, but now... alas!
"Prefect, there are still 40 people in the city. If they all want to fight, we don't have that much rain to distribute to them."

Li Jingyang walked behind Taishou Liu at some point, sighed and spoke softly.

He is well aware of the terrifying potential that people will burst out in the most desperate moments.

After Liu Taishou's order was issued, there are definitely many people in the city who are willing to go to the battlefield.

There is not so much rain in the barracks!

Even if 40 people drink just a sip each, they don't have enough rainwater.

"My officer, I have my own way."

Taishou Liu turned around, glanced at Captain Li, and smiled brightly.

There is no more bitterness and helplessness, he is ready to die with the entire Linshan City.

"Master Taishou, you."

"You're right, I'm from Daxia, I can't kneel."

Taishou Liu strode out of the courtyard, and said firmly: "I have survived to this point, no matter whether the emperor comes to help or not, I will continue to fight!"

Li Jingyang smiled. He knew that the reinforcements probably wouldn't come, but he was still very happy.

I'm going to die anyway, so I have to keep something.

Then spread a story that is destined to be remembered by the entire Great Xia!
There are still 40 soldiers and civilians in Linshan City!
In the city, no one surrendered!

Sir, be it!
I have lived up to this life!

That night, a total of [-] young and strong men stood on the South Tower. They carried hoes, shovels, or sticks. None of them wore battle armor. The best defense was a suit of linen. At most, some people wore a few more Linen clothing.

This is the army of Linshan City!
No one felt desolate, nor frightened.

They stood on the city tower, their eyes were like wolves in the dark night, staring at the direction outside the city.

Under the strong night wind, Taishou Liu couldn't help coughing, and asked softly, "Do you think the rebels will really come to attack the city tonight?"

"Will do."

Li Jingyang nodded heavily, and his tone was very firm: "Although the rebels are brutal, they are not all reckless."

"We have been holding out for more than half a month, and the patience of the rebels has been exhausted. Coupled with the rebels' probing attack this morning, we are almost unable to bear it. Will the real Si family's fighting power be so weak? "

"They probably discovered this a long time ago, but they were afraid that it was Si Yu's trick to lure the enemy, so they endured it for a few more days."

"If it's not as I expected, tonight is their best chance to win Linshan City, and they will definitely attack aggressively."

Li Jingyang's voice was very calm.

"Are you absolutely sure? They will definitely attack with a large army?"

"I'm only [-]% sure about returning to Lord Prefect."

Li Jingyang shook his head, he didn't dare to say that he was absolutely sure, the Second Prince was known to have little wisdom and was good at forbearance.

No one knows whether the second prince will continue to endure, watching the soldiers and civilians in Linshan City die of thirst and starvation, and he is unwilling to give us a chance to fight to the death.

"Master Taishou, my baby is only eight years old, his mother died of thirst the day before yesterday, can my child drink water?"

A soldier suddenly spoke in a low voice, breaking the atmosphere of silence.

"I can drink it!"

Liu Taishou spoke firmly, raised his hand and pointed to the distance, the camp of the rebels was twenty miles away, and rows of fires were shining: "There is water! Grab it and give it to the children!"

"I ask you, are you afraid of death?"

"Prefect, I'm not afraid of death, I just want to get some water for my baby."

"Okay, then wait with me, wait for them to attack, and let's fight out!"

Liu Taishou's voice was extraordinarily indifferent, muttering to himself: "They will definitely call tonight!"

Even if he is only [-]% sure, he still has to believe it.

Now the downstairs of Nancheng is full of people holding things. Nanlin City is pitch black, and no one lights a torch.

Taishou Liu has already made up his mind, so he will not say anything, and when the rebels attack the city, they will all rush out!

The 40 young and strong people on the city wall were all dead, so let the [-] people in the city rush!

Rush to the rebel camp and grab some water!

Before dying, even if it is to drink a sip of water, kill a rebel!That is earned!
Tonight, the whole city of Linshan City is going to die!

Two hours passed quickly, no one was making noise, their throats were so dry that they were smoking, and they were almost about to collapse.

There are [-] young and strong people in a dense crowd. If you don't look carefully in the dark, you can't see this group of people.

The entire Linshan City is shrouded in darkness, as if a wild beast that has come to a dead end is about to launch a fatal blow before dying!
Chou time (1-3 o'clock in the middle of the night), there is movement in the rebel camp.


The movement of the torches in the rebel camp was particularly vivid under the dark night sky. There were densely packed troops moving towards Linshan City.




The drums roared, and the siege equipment was pulled out. Under the light of the torches, countless rebels quickly approached Linshan City.

"Slaughter the city! Slaughter the city! Slaughter the city!"

Crazy roars shook out, and the rebels were like a swarm of locusts, trying to devour all obstacles in front of them.

Liu Taishou looked at the densely packed heads, and the number of rebels who came to attack the city must be 10!

This is not a simple probing attack. After more than half a month, the Second Prince couldn't bear it anymore. He wants to take down Linshan City tonight!


Liu Taishou opened his mouth and muttered to himself, he didn't feel scared.

Instead, there is a sense of relief.

After this battle, everything is over.




The heavy footsteps of the rebel infantry continued to resound, and the whole earth seemed to be shaking. 8 people attacked the south gate of Linshan City, like a tide, unstoppable.

Even just looking at it is depressing.

This is a regular army of [-]!
Inside the rebel camp, there are at least 12 troops on standby, ready to join the battlefield at any time!

Can you keep it?

No, there is no need to consider the issue of defense anymore!

"My sons and daughters of Linshan City!"

Liu Taishou opened his cracked mouth, exhausted all his strength, and shouted hoarsely: "Open the city gate! Kill the rebels! Go over there and grab some water!"

Not seeking to make contributions, not seeking to preserve one's own life.

Tonight, we will work hard!

Li Jingyang roared first, led his army down the tower, and was the first to run out of the city gate.


The "army" in Linshan City has no formation or tacit understanding at all.

All they have now is a pair of despairing and cold eyes, silent, gritting their teeth, and follow Li Jingyang closely.

They are not heroes, and they don't need to shout impassioned slogans, let alone have the idea of ​​looking forward to making contributions.

They are a group of ants, the ants of this era!

Among the dust mustard and grass, they encourage themselves in the mud, gather in groups, and live towards each other, not knowing how high the sky is and how to reach it.

Yes, we are ants.

But ants also have killing intent!
"Follow me, kill!!!"

Li Jingyang held his broken saber, his shrill voice pierced the night sky, awakening the bloody nature of this human dynasty that had been dormant for a long time.

Don't be afraid of life and death, don't ask about success or failure!
Use our blood and soul to pour the pride of the human race of the Great Xia Dynasty!

 In the next chapter, Zhao Yun will appear, and the story of the protagonist will also be written.

(End of this chapter)

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