First emperor of the human race

Chapter 51 There are gods in the north, come from the night!

Chapter 51 There are gods in the north, come from the night!
"They're out of town! Look at the weapons they're holding, they're actually hoes, haha!"

The vanguard general of the rebel army laughed and roared wildly: "You guys! The Second Highness is right, there is no army in Linshan City!"

"Kill! Kill them, kill them all! Tu Guanglin Mountain City! Fight to the imperial capital and pull the emperor off his horse!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The rebels roared wildly and screamed, but kept the most basic army lineup and charged forward frantically.

If you look down on the battlefield from a high altitude, you can clearly see the [-] young men in the direction of Linshan City leading the battle, barely able to keep the formation in order, but the people in Linshan City behind are all red-eyed, and there is no army formation at all.

As for the team on the rebel side, when they were 200 meters away from the "militia" team in Linshan City, they split apart like a tide and turned into two crescent-shaped army formations.

They want to surround the entire militia team in Linshan City, and use the advantage of numbers to completely strangle them!


Li Jingyang's eyes were red, and the aura was spinning crazily in his body. Holding a big knife, he moved forward alone, and ruthlessly smashed into the rebel army.

Li Jingyang no longer cared about any military formation.

He's just a lieutenant, he's done enough!

Right now, he just wants to chop down this damn group of rebels, this group of rebels who won't give them a chance to survive!

I just can't live, and I won't let you live!


The light of the knife bloomed, and the blood splashed, accompanied by the screams of the battlefield on both sides, which was especially shrill under the light of the torch.

The strong smell of blood continued to permeate, and it looked extraordinarily coquettish and tragic in the dark night.

The two armies collided quickly, and the army in Linshan City engaged in a bloody battle with anger and determination.

"These gangsters are crazy!"

The general of the rebel forward was shocked and angry: "Command! Go back to the formation with one word!"


On the battlefield, the voice of the messenger continued to echo: "The general has an order, and the geese will return to the formation!"

As the military order was issued, the rebel army continued to adjust. Although it was in the dark, under the light of the torches, their actions were still fast and orderly.

This is the quality that a regular army should have, which is far beyond the reach of the poor.

The new army formation is unfolding, no matter how much morale you have, you will also face despair under the absolute power gap!


The roar of the rebels became louder and louder, and the army in the direction of Linshan City seemed to melt like ice and snow, and people continued to die.

The entire battlefield is covered with corpses, and the dry and cracked ground has become sticky. This is a real river of blood!

Li Jingyang's eyes were red, and he kept slashing furiously with his knife. He felt that there were fewer and fewer soldiers around him, and there were more and more enemies around him.

Even though the aura around him was as dazzling as fire, it swayed dimly in the night and could be extinguished at any time.

The civilians in Linshan City suffered heavy casualties, but their aura was extraordinarily tragic. The [-] young and strong were almost dead, but more and more people joined the battlefield. The "army" in Linshan City was abnormally not broken up on the battlefield.

The rebel striker's general's expression became ugly. Logically speaking, the mob's momentum should have plummeted after so many people died.

Not to mention that they will have a large-scale desertion, at least they will no longer have resistance!
But on the entire battlefield, the rebels continued to kill people, and the people of Linshan City still refused to back down!
Even if they are sent to die, they will die on the battlefield, on the way to the battlefield!

"The order!"

"Let the siege equipment join the battlefield and throw it in the direction of the gate of Linshan City!"

The forward general's voice was extremely cold.

Do these thugs think that they can win this war with a single breath of counterattack from the Jedi?

When a certain family cuts off your backup in the city, and then encircles and suppresses the remaining resistance forces on the battlefield, Linshan City will completely fall into the hands of His Highness the Second Highness!
Before a stick of incense.

The guards of Daxia Town, cutting through thorns and thorns all the way, hurried on the road wearing stars and wearing moons, and finally arrived fifty miles away from Linshan City.

Because Zhao Yun led people to walk along the path, the direction he approached Linshan City was not the south, but the north side of Linshan City facing the rebel camp, that is, the rear of the rebel camp.

"General, the brothers killed seven teams of rebel scouts today. I think we should be approaching Linshan City soon."

A lieutenant approached Zhao Yun and reported in a low voice.

"Well, is there a leak?"

Zhao Yun nodded, and wiped off the leaves and dirt on his face casually. He was racing against time along the way, forests, small roads, and the foot of the mountain, he took whatever road was closest!

What is taboo about cavalry, he can no longer take care of it, soldiers are expensive and fast!

"No, the hands and feet of the brothers are very clean. The scouts specially sent by the last general are all school lieutenants whose strength is in the chaotic state, and the rebel scouts are only around the solid state."

The lieutenant shook his head, his tone very confident.

The combat level of the guard cavalry in Daxia Town, as well as the average combat effectiveness of the soldiers, can definitely compare with the Sijia army!
The average strength of the second prince's rebel soldiers is around the Condensed Body Realm (first realm), but they are stronger than ordinary people who don't know martial arts; There are more than 50 school captains from the Chaos Realm (Fourth Realm) leading the team.

The difference in background and strength of the soldiers of the two sides is obvious.

After all, one is a rebel army mixed with local troops, and the other is the Daxia Town Guard Cavalry composed of outstanding talents who grew up in the imperial capital or went to the imperial capital from other places.

"Okay, send someone to investigate the situation near Linshan City, and send an order for the brothers to rest."

Zhao Yun said in a deep voice.

The closer he got to Linshan City, the less anxious he became.

The enemy was right in front of him, and he needed to find out whether Linshan City had been breached or not.

In Zhao Yun's view, [-]% of Linshan City has already fallen.

Before Zhao Yun sent troops, there were only 2000 militiamen in Linshan City, and there was no food or water in the city, so it was difficult for Zhao Yun to survive the six days on the road.

However, just when Zhao Yun finished speaking.


Fifty miles away, a huge stone was swayed by the flames, flew high, and hit the ground fiercely, making a huge vibration.

Under the silent night sky, this stone is extraordinarily dazzling and eye-catching.

"It's a siege machine!"

Zhao Yun's pupils suddenly constricted.

Linshan City is still there!

"Here! The army continues to march! Aid Linshan City!"

Zhao Yun roared, and ordered decisively, his voice was full of fighting spirit: "To make contributions, it is now!"

Half an hour later, inside the rebel camp.

A handsome young man dressed in Chinese clothes stood on the high platform, with aura circulating in his eyes, looking towards the direction of the battlefield in Linshan City.

"Can't tell, the people in Linshan City are so bloody?"

His voice was indifferent, revealing a trace of imperceptible contempt and exclamation.

Under the repeated blows of the siege machines, they have not been defeated yet?

The people in Linshan City are unparalleled in blood. If they are given time to practice and rectify, it will not be difficult to form an elite army.

"Second Highness, you are nothing more than a group of thugs. We have confirmed that Si Yu led the army to leave Linshan City half a month ago."

A general stood beside the second prince Su Yan, and said with a smile: "If the military advisers were not worried that this was Si Yu's trick to lure the enemy, Linshan City would have fallen half a month ago."

"It is their last luck to be able to survive until today. Tonight's Linshan City is their burial place."

Another literati, dressed as an aide, laughed with a carefree voice.

Even the Si family army was forced away by the second prince's army. Who else is their opponent in the entire Great Xia Dynasty?

There are not many troops that can defeat the Si family army, and this is something to be proud of.

You know, the Si family army is the only top army that can compete for hegemony with all the tribes, major forces, and major race dynasties in the Eight Desolation Continent for the past 10 years of the Great Xia Dynasty!

"It's boring."

Su Yan sighed lightly: "At the time when I was in the imperial capital, I still thought Si Yu was a handsome man, but I never imagined that he would be so miserable."

"I'm going to rest alone, take down Linshan City, and report again."

Su Yan walked down the high platform without looking back, his voice was full of confidence.

No matter how bloody the common people are, they are still common people. How can they be opponents of the regular army?

at this time.

"Da da da"

Su Yan felt the ground under his feet tremble slightly, and at the same time heard a clear and rhythmic vibration sound from the north.

"What's that sound?"

Su Yan listened intently, and the guards around him also looked puzzled.

Without taking a breath, Su Yan's expression suddenly changed: "It's a cavalry!"

"There are cavalry in the north!"

Su Yan's words stunned everyone in the rebel army camp, their hearts skipped a beat, and they suddenly felt something was wrong.

The second prince's troops are all infantry, where did the cavalry come from?
Among the Eight Kings' rebel army, only the First Prince's army has cavalry, but the First Prince is far away from Su Yan at this time, how could he appear on the battlefield in Linshan City?

Everyone, including Su Yan, couldn't help looking up to the north.

In the pitch-black forest, there was a constant rhythmic vibration sound, it was a large army!
It's an army of cavalry!
There are definitely tens of thousands of people!
Although the origin of the cavalry that appeared at this time is unknown, they are definitely enemies and not friends!

The fear of the unknown enemy hangs over all rebels!

Su Yan's eyes widened and his breathing became short of breath. He hurriedly shouted: "Quick! Fend off the enemy! There are enemies coming around!"

Su Yan felt that in the darkness, there was a dormant ferocious beast that was about to come out of its cage!

There are gods in the north, come from the night!
(End of this chapter)

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