Chapter 53

Those who have not personally experienced the battlefield cannot understand Liu Taishou's mood at this moment.

After making all the preparations before facing death, he clearly saw the coming of life!


Taishou Liu took a deep breath, shouted hoarsely, holding his saber tightly, and followed the common people to hunt down the rebels.

This group of rebels must not be allowed to return to defense in time, they must be held back.

at the same time.


The personal guards around Zhao Yun entered the battlefield first, divided into several cavalry formations, pierced through the entire rebel camp, and then interspersed back and forth, constantly charging back and forth.

At the same time, 5000 light cavalry rode their horses to the outskirts of the rebel camp, divided them into small groups, and continued to shoot and kill the rebel spearmen and archers on a large scale.

Zhao Yun is not proficient in supernatural powers, but relying on the excellent quality and personal combat effectiveness of the guards of Daxia Town, the formation of ordinary cavalry is enough to encircle and suppress the rebels.

Under the night, the flames soared into the sky.


Bows and arrows were constantly being thrown, and every light cavalry of Daxia Town Guards was strong, and their arrows shot with every shot.

After the Heavenly Shield Formation was broken, the entire rebel army camp became chaotic, the army division was killed, the Second Highness withdrew, and the rebel army camp was panicked.

Some generals and lieutenants led people to charge towards the cavalry at the rear, but the archers in front kept retreating in order to have a safe shooting position, and the sound of shieldmen and spearmen's continuous tragic deaths sounded, which stimulated the minds of the rebels.

Above the head, sharp bows and arrows filled with aura kept falling, harvesting the lives of the rebels one after another.

The entire battlefield became very chaotic. The rebel army had more than [-] soldiers, but they were unable to take advantage of their numbers.

On the other hand, Zhao Yun led a cavalry team of 300 people, directly penetrated into the rebel ranks, and carried out point-to-point siege and killing of the rebel commanders and generals. To expand the chaotic situation, they absolutely did not give the rebels a chance to reorganize their counterattack forces.

"Everyone listens to the order, the big shields are in front, and the spearmen charge under the leadership of the corps leaders! The archers retreat from the wings, don't affect other people!"

A rebel general shouted hoarsely in the chaos, he wanted to save the chaotic situation.

The rebels still have the advantage in numbers. As long as the situation is no longer chaotic, the outcome of this battle is between two and two.


Zhao Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his spear, and lifted a spearman into the air, then twisted the tip of the spear in his hand to throw away the spearman's body.


The spiritual energy in Zhao Yun's body burst into light, flowing out from the spear in his hand, and hitting the spear that the spearman released from his hand.

"call out!"

Under the blessing of spiritual energy, the spear flew into the air, passed countless rebels, and stabbed the rebel general with precision.


The spear penetrated from the forehead of the rebel general and penetrated the entire skull.

The next order of the rebel general could not be uttered. Under the huge penetrating force, he flew upside down and died on the spot.


A wave of arrows followed, frantically and accurately striking the spearmen and shieldmen who had just gathered together; the situation fell into chaos once again, and no one dared to easily organize resistance.

Whoever dares to resist will be targeted!

"Kill all the rebels above the corporal leader!"

Zhao Yun raised his head to the sky and screamed.


Another cavalry of 6000 cavalry led by the guards and the pro-guards completed the second charge. They divided into six teams and started the third charge. The general's position launched a charge.

For a moment, all the generals of the rebel army had frosty faces, and they did not dare to command easily.

The generals who died in battle had the strength of the Chaos Realm, so they were all easily sniped and killed with a single spear in the air!
The strength of this white-robed general is too terrifying!

"General! The rebels in the direction of the battlefield in Linshan City are coming back for reinforcements!"

A cavalry scout rushed over from the chaotic army, and whispered to Zhao Yun, covered in blood.


Zhao Yun frowned, swept his spears, killed dozens of rebels in front of him, turned his head and looked in the direction of Linshan City: "How many people are there?"

"At least fifty thousand or more, possibly more."

The scout's voice was very heavy.

If this group of rebels succeed in returning to defense, the chaotic situation will change, and the guards in Daxia Town will definitely be dumped.

In order to expand the results of the battle, the current Daxia Town Guard Cavalry has gone deep into the rebel army, charging back and forth in a small area, and some cavalry have dismounted and fought on foot.

On the current battlefield, there are a full [-] town guard cavalry, and another [-] town guard cavalry are roaming and hunting around the periphery. The remaining [-] town guard cavalry have long been sent out by Zhao Yun to block all the fortresses in Linshan City. Ambush on the road to prevent important figures from the rebel army from escaping.

At this time, the guard cavalry of Daxia Town could no longer withdraw!

This battle must be won!

"Order 5000 people to follow this general to attack the rebel reinforcements!"

Zhao Yun decisively ordered that the situation in the rebel army camp had stabilized. The guards and cavalry masters above the chaos level in Daxia Town were all here, and there were no Nirvana level masters in the rebel army camp, so they couldn't make waves.


The pro-guard nodded quickly, galloped and gave the order.


Zhao Yun rode away, and then five thousand peripheral light cavalry turned around on their horses, gathered behind Zhao Yun, and galloped towards the Linshan City battlefield.

"he's gone!"

The captain of the rebel army was overjoyed. This terrifying white-robed general left the battlefield. This is a good opportunity!


A Daxia town guard cavalry general descended from the sky like a divine soldier, holding a long spear in the air, and the tip of the spear burst into aura, piercing the head of the rebel captain in an instant.

"It's a chaotic realm!"

"Damn it, why are there so many martial arts masters in this cavalry!"

The rebels turned pale with fright.

This is the cavalry team from the imperial capital. The imperial capital is the political, economic, and population center of the entire Great Xia Dynasty. There are as many talents as carp crossing the river!

Most of the cavalry in Daxia Town Guard Cavalry came from the prince's mansion, so their strength is not bad.

"Quick! The whole army speeds up!"

The rebel vanguard general gritted his teeth and shouted angrily. He turned around and ordered the guards: "You lead the team and continue on your way. This general will protect His Royal Highness first."


The guard nodded respectfully.


The vanguard general of the rebel army shouted angrily and rode his horse, left the army, and galloped towards the camp at a faster speed.

He was so anxious that he wished he could fly to the Second Highness's side immediately.

If he disregarded the safety of the camp and directly took down Linshan City in one go, and then defended to the death, Zhao Yun would definitely fall into a more difficult situation.

But the forward general of the rebel army could even give up the entire battlefield of Linshan City, just to return to the defense in time to protect Su Yan, which shows his loyalty.

Although Su Yan is the leader of the rebel army, it has to be said that he is also from the Su family, and the blood of the Su family flows in his body. His leadership and charm in the rebel army is beyond doubt.

It was at least ten miles away from the camp. When he was approaching the camp, the rebel general suddenly saw a cavalry standing there alone 1000 meters ahead.

A white armor, a spear.

Tall and straight, heroic.

"Who are you!"

The striker reined in his horse and asked vigilantly.

"The coach of Daxia Zhenwei Cavalry, Zhao Yun."

Zhao Yun shook his spear, looked up at the forward general, and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Nirvana?"

The rebels were able to fight Si Yu impressively, so naturally there were masters in command.

Zhao Yun originally wondered where the masters of the rebel army were, but it turned out that they had gone to the Linshan City battlefield.

"Reinforcements from Linshan City?!"

The face of the forward general changed. He didn't know that Daxia Zhenwei was riding this army, but it was obviously the enemy!

"Do you dare to stop this general alone?"

"I really don't know whether to live or die."

The forward general took a deep breath, sneered, leaned over, rode his horse, and charged!



Fierce aura bloomed all over the forward general, like a ball of flames, charging towards him unstoppably.

Kill this young general in white armor, and rush back to the Second Highness's side!

This was the only thought of the striker general, his eyes fixed on Zhao Yun, and his aura became more and more fierce as he charged.

The short distance of 1000 meters is fleeting.

"Give me death!"

The forward general shouted violently, his voice was like thunder, and he raised his big knife in his hand and slashed furiously.

"Xi Lv Lv~!"

The war horse under Zhao Yun's crotch panicked and neighed. It opened its legs and leapt high!

"Seven Snake Coiled Guns!"


Zhao Yun's eyes were cold, and the spear in his hand shook out. An astonishing aura bloomed in an instant, and the aura filled the sky, shining white in the night sky!

With a sudden shot, the night sky was amazed.

The Seven Detective Snake's coiled gun came out of its hole like a poisonous snake, condescending, and blasted the forward general's head with one blow!

The headless corpse fell from the horse, sputtering countless smoke and dust, and there was no sound.

Only the fading aura on the broadsword held by the headless corpse still testifies that he was a master of Nirvana before his death.

The moment before the striker died, he never thought that he couldn't even stop a single move!
The Seven Detective Snake Pan Spear is Zhao Yun's own creation of a combat technique. Its single-kill ability is extremely strong, which is comparable to an ordinary master of the legendary realm, and it is naturally unmatched by an ordinary master of the nirvana realm.

The scene where the headless body of the forward general fell was just seen by the rebel reinforcements who came from behind.

General General, dead? !

All the rebels were shocked and looked at this scene in disbelief. The guards were furious and roared hoarsely: "Kill! Avenge the general!"

He is only one person, we still have tens of thousands of soldiers, no matter how strong he is, it will not help!

The forward general was obviously very popular, and countless rebel soldiers charged forward with red eyes, trying to tear Zhao Yun to pieces.


Zhao Yun's expression was indifferent, and he whistled. From both sides of the field, five thousand cavalry were divided into two teams, and they began to charge and accelerate from both sides!
Your general is dead, and you are in disarray, and you want to make a comeback?


"It's cavalry! Lots and lots of cavalry!"

"Where did this cavalry come from!"

"There are ambushes, retreat quickly!"

"No, charge quickly and avenge the general!"

Seeing the appearance of the guard cavalry, the originally confident rebels were thrown into chaos.

Anyone who has been on the battlefield knows very well that the greatest significance of an ambush is to disrupt the entire battlefield situation.

As long as it is used properly, even a small number of ambush soldiers can achieve amazing results.


"No, you can't run! Hold on tight, everyone!"

"Fuck you, God knows how many cavalry, brothers, retreat!"

The chaotic shouts kept ringing out. Without the forward general to coordinate the overall situation, the entire rebel army had no other person who could stand up and preside over the battlefield situation of this ambush.

Some people want to retreat, some people want to charge.

One-sided chaos, one-sided slaughter on the battlefield.


Zhao Yun looked at this scene with a blank face, looked to the south, and murmured softly: "The cloud has lived up to the king's order, and the overall situation of the battlefield in Linshan City has been decided."

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(End of this chapter)

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