First emperor of the human race

Chapter 54 Post-war inventory, traces of the thief leader

Chapter 54 Post-war inventory, traces of the thief leader

The vanguard general in Nirvana was killed, and the second prince fled.

The rebel camp and the rebel reinforcements have no one to coordinate the overall situation. The 20 town guards cavalry light cavalry, the first expedition, defeated [-] rebels!
It's a big win!
"The main thing is to capture the rebels, and capture the encircling corporal leader and above soldiers."

After Zhao Yun shot again to kill some rebel Chaos Realm masters on the battlefield, he ordered in a deep voice.


The guards led the way.

On the battlefield of the rebel camp, the town guards also received Zhao Yun's order to capture them.

20 rebels seem to be a lot, four times more than [-] town guards!
However, the average combat power of the town guards is far better than the rebel army composed of local people, miscellaneous soldiers, and county defense soldiers; it is not particularly difficult for [-] town guards to kill all these rebels in one night.

But Zhao Yun did not kill them all. First, he was worried that the rebels would fight back and cause unnecessary large-scale casualties to the guard cavalry after seeing no hope. Second, this group of rebels was reluctantly huddled together because of the second prince.

As long as the second prince is captured, this group of rebels can be used by him after they are captured.

This group of people, no matter how they are considered, is the people of Great Xia. There are many rebel troops, but many rebel soldiers are forced to join the rebel army.

Because the rebels attacked all the way, they tried their best to force or lure the young and strong people along the road to join in.

As long as all the heinous diehards are killed, the remaining rebels are not actually a threat, but a large population resource.

After Zhao Yun's military order was issued, the entire battlefield was divided, and [-] town guards captured the rebels in batches.

As long as the first batch of captives appeared, the follow-up rebels basically followed suit and surrendered.

After a battle had reached this point, the rebels had no idea of ​​continuing to resist.

This is an army without faith and soul, and dealing with them is not very difficult.

After all, these days, soldiers are either for money or to save their lives. There is no need to work hard.

A small number of rebel diehards still wanted to resist, but Zhao Yun didn't need to take action, and they were quickly dealt with by the school lieutenant masters in the town guard cavalry.

In less than two hours, the battlefield was completely over, and the guards occupied the entire rebel camp and were cleaning the battlefield.

Liu Taishou and Li Jingyang stood at the gate of the rebel camp, a little uneasy.

All of them are knights on tall horses, full of heroism and killing intent.

Comparing the two sides at first glance, Linshan City looks much more pitiful, most of them are ragged, withered and yellow-faced people, and the weapons they hold are mainly hoes.

Taishou Liu was a little nervous. He tidied his clothes and ordered Li Jingyang to appease the people. He walked up to the camp alone, cupped his hands and shouted, "I am the prefect of Linshan City! Excuse me, are you reinforcements from the imperial capital?"

This is a customary inquiry, and it is convenient for the next step to contact each other by identifying each other.

If you don't do this, they have every reason to kill the militia army in Linshan City directly. On the battlefield, even friendly troops cannot approach the barracks casually.

"Yes, we are the reinforcements from the imperial capital!"

"Prefect Liu, please follow me."

One of Zhao Yun's personal guards came on horseback and greeted Liu Taishou and others: "I am the personal guard under the command of General Zhao, the guard of Daxia Township. The general sent me to wait for Liu Taishou."

"Thank you, General. I'm sorry to ask, does your army have extra drinking water? The people in my city haven't drunk a drop of water for two or three days."

Liu Taishou hurriedly thanked him and asked in a low voice.

"The prefect is too polite. We came in a hurry and didn't bring enough food and grass; but the supplies in the rebel camp are abundant, so we don't have to worry about food and drink."

The personal guard smiled, and nodded to the school lieutenant beside him: "Take the common people to the ration office and distribute drinking water."


The school captain cupped his hands and rode out to join Li Jingyang.

Zhao Yun had already ordered that the army in Linshan City should not be neglected, and the handover of military affairs between the two sides must be smooth.

Mere food and grass, such a small matter, the guards can naturally decide, anyway, they are all supplies left over from the rebel camp, and will not affect the guards in Daxia Town.

"Thank you General! Thank you General!"

Taishou Liu was full of excitement, and repeatedly cupped his hands. His face was bloodstained and his body was exhausted, but he couldn't hide the gratitude and relaxation in his eyes.

The most difficult time, finally survived
"Your Majesty Liu has worked hard, wait in the tent with me, my general will come over after dealing with the remaining rebels."

The personal guard was very polite, and ordered someone to bring the horse and let Taishou Liu go with him.

This person vowed to defend the city to the death, and blocked 20 rebels for more than a month without food and soldiers!
His loyalty and righteousness are clanging, and the emperor will definitely reward him after the dust of the overall situation settles.

Liu Taishou is worthy of the admiration of personal guards no matter in terms of character, achievements, or personality.

In the central military tent, several generals and personal guards saluted Zhao Yun respectfully, and then they all opened their mouths to report the results of the battle.

"General, in this night battle, our army killed 81 people, seriously injured 360 people, and slightly injured more than 31 people; captured 130 rebel generals, 5 six lieutenants, and a total of [-] corporal leaders and ordinary soldiers. Countless grain and siege equipment were seized."

"General, the last general led people to search all over the barracks, but they didn't find any trace of the second prince; the captured second prince's personal guards refused to tell the whereabouts of the second prince. They all had poison hidden in their teeth and committed suicide by taking poison."

"General, Governor Liu of Linshan City has arrived. He asked our army to give some food, grass and drinking water to Linshan City. Linshan City experienced a bloody battle in January, with a total of 60 casualties! There are only more than 20 people in the city!"

"General, Li Ji's team is [-] miles away from us, and they will arrive in the morning of the day after tomorrow."

One after another, battlefield intelligence information was reported. It is not easy to fight a war, and the aftermath is even more troublesome.

A qualified and excellent coach can not only lead troops to fight, but also handle logistical issues and communication issues with other local officials properly.

If you only know how to fight, then you can only be a fierce general, not the commander of an army.


Zhao Yun nodded and quickly ordered.

"Transport all the food, grass, ordnance and supplies of the rebel army to Linshan City, and ask Liu Taishou to order the people of Linshan City to work together."

"Inform Prefect Liu that from today Linshan City will be taken over by Daxia Town Guards. He is responsible for assisting me with Linshan City's military and government affairs. This commander will not treat the people in Linshan City badly."

"In addition, send out scouts to find the second prince! This person must be caught, and he must not be let back!"

Zhao Yun's voice was calm, and the second prince ran away, which was not beyond Zhao Yun's expectation.

The second prince is cautious in character, and will leave the battlefield early if the situation is a little wrong, and he must have expert personal protection by his side.

Zhao Yun could have captured the second prince directly, but he needed to take into account the victory or defeat of the entire battlefield. As a commander, he could not leave the battlefield rashly and go deep to hunt down the enemy.

Because compared to a second prince, victory or defeat in Linshan City is more important.

But Zhao Yun also deeply knew that if the second prince was not caught, the situation in the southern battlefield would not be completely stable.

This person is of royal blood, and his status, education, quality, vision and structure are far superior to others. If he wants to rebel, it will be much easier than others.

If Su Yan can pull together a group of rebels, he can create a second batch of rebels!

"Brothers in Linshan City, the general ordered everyone to eat and drink enough first! After resting here for a night, all the rebel camps will be emptied! Let's go back to Linshan City tomorrow!"

"Brothers, this time we have [-] reinforcements! All of them are stronger than the Si family army! The days of the rebels are over!"

Shouts and shouts echoed in the camp, and one after another cavalry dismounted to distribute food and water.

"Long live General Zhao! Long live Governor Liu!"

The voices of the refugees were extremely hoarse and excited, and many of them wept bitterly on the spot.

These days, they have suffered too much, and countless relatives have died. This is a desperate and suffocating situation.

Fortunately, everything has changed.

The town guards came, and the southern rebels, who couldn't even deal with Si Yu, were defeated by them in one fell swoop.

The arrival of Zhao Yun is not only the meaning of reinforcements, but also a booster, bringing Linshan City, which was about to collapse, back to life.

"Long live the fart! What are they thanking Zhao Yun for!"

Liu Taishou disregarded his manners and sat on the ground. He suddenly laughed: "Hahaha, after all, I was wrong!"

"What are you laughing at? Are you crazy in war?"

Li Jingyang didn't care about drinking water anymore, and turned to look at Prefect Liu suspiciously.


Liu Taishou laughed so hard that tears were about to come out, he kept bending over while hugging his stomach, letting the tears wash away the filth on his face.

"I ask you, why are you laughing! Why are you crying!"


Taishou Liu took a deep breath, wiped away his tears, his eyes sparkled with crystal light, and raised his hand to point to the direction, which was the direction of the imperial capital.

"Nothing at all?"

Li Jingyang looked up suspiciously, the night sky was pitch black, with very few stars.


Liu Taishou's face is full of madness, this is crazy admiration, crazy touch!
Prefect Liu roared hoarsely: "Can't you see it? It's him, that man who is aloof, he is really good at calculating! He really saw the situation in Linshan City! I was wrong earlier!"

"He is the Son of Heaven, he is the real emperor! He is the emperor of Linshan City! He is the emperor of Great Xia!"

"He is the man who should be respected most by Linshan City in this war!"

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!
  In addition, the second prince will not run away, he will be caught.

  It's just that there are too many places to write, and for the sake of the excitement of the plot, I can only do it step by step.


(End of this chapter)

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