Chapter 535
Fengyan Heavenly Kingdom, the strongest force in all the nearby star fields, not to mention itself, just behind it has a great freedom, which is incomparable to other star fields.

In the vast and endless starry sky, the shuttle warship that Su Chen and the others were on was finally completely repaired after years of unremitting efforts by everyone in Daxia.

It is worthy of being an ancient thing, not to mention the extraordinary materials used, but the rune power of the battleship itself after the restoration is completed is enough to withstand the full blow of the Heavenly Exalted Realm.

You must know that it is easy for Tianzun to crush stars and stars, and after Su Chen's assessment, this shuttle warship has determined that it can withstand the siege of at least two Tianzun realms.

"Dijun, we have already entered the scope of Fengyan Heavenly Kingdom, but it may take about a month to reach its core area."

Xie Bi'an looked at Su Chen respectfully and said.When he came out this time, Su Chen didn't bring any extra people with him, only Xie Bian and Fan Wujiu.

At this time, Great Xia has a vast land and few people, and the Heavenly Exalted Realm is not enough, so being able to bring Xie Bi'an and Fan Wujiu out this time is already the limit that can be drawn.

"Let's activate the jumping power of the Space Law. One month is too long. If possible, I want to return to the Magic Moon Starfield as soon as possible."

Su Chen thought for a while and said.

Space jump, this is also one of the abilities of this shuttle warship, and it is also something that other shuttle warships in the universe do not have.This is an ancient method, but it is a pity that it has been lost in the long river of time.

After Su Chen finished speaking, the shuttle warship disappeared instantly after emitting a dazzling light, and when it reappeared, in front of it, a star like a flying phoenix suddenly appeared in front of everyone in front of.

"What a spectacular sight, what a powerful force of law."

Xie Bi'an said in shock.

And not only him, even Su Chen was shocked by the scene in front of him, because he was different from what Xie Bian and the others saw. He felt the power of the emperor in this "phoenix".

"problem occurs."

This was Su Chen's first reaction.The phoenix spreading its wings wraps the stars in it. This is definitely Fenghuang Ling's method, and if Feng Yan is forced to use the Phoenix Ling, the opponent can only be a strong man in the realm of freedom.

"Emperor, what should we do?"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Xie Bi'an and Fan Wujiu also asked immediately. At first they thought that Fengyan Heavenly Kingdom was like this, but now it seems that they were wrong.

"Let's go, outsiders are unable to enter under the blockade of the emperor's weapon. Put away the shuttle warship and hide the two of you nearby. I will go in and see what is going on."

Su Chen frowned, he had Phoenix Ling's mansion in his hand, so the scene in front of him couldn't stop him.


Hearing Su Chen's words, Xie Bi'an spoke first, but before he finished speaking, Su Chen said directly: "This is an order, go, I will not be in any danger."

It stands to reason that Su Chen shouldn't have put himself in danger, but Feng Yan has already used Phoenix Ling, which shows that her current situation is very critical.

Not to mention that Feng Yan came to help a lot when Su Chen took the initiative to sleep, but Su Chen would pay her back the favor she took care of the girls when she was in Shuangyuexing.

Besides, how can a monk not take risks?Don't say you are the king of a country, even when he was the emperor 10 years ago, didn't he also go through many dangers?
Seeing that Su Chen turned into a streamer and rushed directly towards the "Phoenix", Xie Bian and Fan Wujiu had no choice but to hide their figures in the void.

On the other side, on Phoenix Star, Feng Yan looked resentfully but somewhat helplessly at the outside of the imperial city, where there were countless rebels wrapping the imperial city layer upon layer.

"Lord Feng Yan, you can go first. Just leave this place to me. If you stay here, you won't have to worry about no firewood. If you stick to this place, then you are really following the wishes of those shameless guys."

The man of the fire elves looked at Feng Yan and said worriedly.

A year ago, strange incidents happened one after another in Fengyan Heavenly Kingdom where important people died. During this period, Fengyan had been sending people to investigate, both overtly and secretly.

But no matter how she investigated, she couldn't find any clues. These people seemed to have died of accidents.

Until half a year ago, Xiwaer, Fengyan's most important aide, that is, this fire elf clansman, was also assassinated.

If it wasn't for Fengyan's anticipation that something was wrong, he had taken a lot of protective measures for Xival, and Xival was really lucky that time, so he survived by chance.

And it was this assassination that completely exposed the opponent.

Huangyan, Fengyan's younger brother, is different from the ancient Daxia saying that phoenixes are male and female, and in Fengyan Heavenly Kingdom, the master is a phoenix regardless of gender, and his deputy is a phoenix.

And Huang Yan was Feng Yan's deputy, the person she trusted the most.

"Let's go? Where can we go now? Can't you see the support behind Huang Yan?"

Feng Yan said with some self-mockery.She never thought that Huang Yan would betray her. After all, although Feng Yan is the master of Fengyan Heavenly Kingdom on the bright side, in recent years, she has mostly practiced in closed doors, and Huang Yan handles everything in Fengyan Heavenly Kingdom.

To put it bluntly, compared to Fengyan, Huangyan is only one title away from the real Fengyan Heavenly Kingdom Master.

And this time Huangyan betrayed, when he failed to assassinate Xiwaer, he resolutely launched a rebellion. In an instant, the entire army on Phoenix Star followed Huangyan's order and launched an attack on Fengyan's people.

All of a sudden, there was chaos on Phoenix Star, and countless people, regardless of race, died under the catastrophe.

At the beginning, Fengyan planned to use his powerful strength to tell her who this younger brother was the master of Fengyan Heaven.

But when Feng Yan just made a move, I saw a cold light shooting out from the starry sky. If it wasn't for the Phoenix feather in Feng Yan's hand, this cold light would have killed her almost instantly.

In fact, even with Phoenix Ling in his hands, Feng Yan was still injured, and the injury was not serious, Huang Yan took this opportunity to attack Feng Yan.

In that battle, the sky was dark and dark, many of the experts in the Heavenly Exalted Realm fell or were seriously injured, Feng Yan didn't understand where did Huang Yan get so many experts.

In the end, Feng Yan and the others were defeated and had no choice but to retreat to the imperial city to defend. Just when Feng Yan was about to retreat first to preserve his strength, the cold light from the starry sky shot down again.

In desperation, Feng Yan had no choice but to completely awaken the Divine Mansion in the Phoenix Ling, and use its power to block the entire Phoenix Star...

(End of this chapter)

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