Chapter 536

Hearing Fengyan's words, Xiwaer was also stunned, yes, now they have no place to retreat, and even the power of Fenghuang Ling is not unlimited.

When its power is gone, what will they use to block the light that can destroy everything?

Xi Wal was silent, and Feng Yan only glanced at him before turning his eyes to the distance.

In fact, everyone didn't know that she never thought about being the master of Fengyan Heavenly Kingdom. Compared with this feeling of being overwhelmed by the cold, she missed the time she spent in Shuangyue Xing even more.

Drink morning tea every day, then talk about medicine with that Yun Zhuxin, watch Yun Zhuyu play tricks on other people, and watch them fight back.

Compared with this impersonal life now, Feng Yan really envies Yunzhuxin and his daughters who live a carefree life in Shuangyuexing.

Sometimes she would fantasize that if she could switch identities with Yun Zhuxin, maybe she would not hesitate.

Just when Feng Yan's thoughts drifted into the distance, there was another roar from outside, it was Feng Yan and the others preparing to attack the city.

The imperial city of Phoenix City is well-defended, and the reserves of spirit stones are even more insignificant. According to common sense, with these spirit stones and rune formations, the enemy should not be able to attack for a year.

But these years, Huang Yan had intentionally destroyed many rune formations. Although he couldn't move the reserved spirit stones, without those runes and formations, the defense of the imperial city was much lower after all.

"Damn guys, they actually used the siege weapon. Could it be that these guys want to destroy Phoenix Star?"

Hearing the loud rumbling noise outside, Xiwaer immediately recognized what it was coming from.

"Okay, we lost this time, I will go to the city gate to open the city gate later, as for you, go through the side gate, I believe that with your ability, they should not be able to stop you when I have already appeared .”

Feng Yan shook her head, she knew very well that she had no hope of winning this time, and she could use her background in the face of foreign enemies, but in the face of her own brother, even the background could not help her.

The law of the jungle is the rule no matter where it is placed, even among the same clan. The clan has never prohibited the same clan from competing with each other. For them, only the strongest are qualified to lead Fengyan Heavenly Kingdom to a higher level. strong future.

And Feng Yan was not weak, but she was able to sit on the position of the Lord of Fengyan Heaven, more because of Fenghuang Ling's approval.

As far as martial arts talent alone is concerned, although she is also very strong, her brother of the same father and mother is definitely not weak.

"Lord Fengyan..."

Hearing Feng Yan's words, Xiwaer opened his mouth to say something, but he also knew very well that no matter how resourceful he is now, in the situation of lacking major generals, not occupying the land and Feng Yan was seriously injured, they are indeed lost.

"Okay, let's leave it at that. Doesn't Huang Yan want the Fengyan Heavenly Kingdom? What if I give it to him? I want to see how he can rule the Fengyan Heavenly Kingdom without Fenghuang Ling's approval."

"Don't forget, although my Fengyan Heavenly Kingdom has a rich background, it is the Phoenix Ling that can make us talk in front of the Great Freedom."

"Without the Phoenix Ling, Fengyan Heavenly Kingdom can be regarded as a first-class force at most, and at most it is stronger than the original Huanyue Heavenly Kingdom. I want to see how Huangyan can solve this problem."

Feng Yan's eyes were shining brightly, in fact, she still had something to say, that is, she hates betrayal the most, and anyone who betrays deserves to die, even if that person is her own brother.

Seeing Feng Yan's next awakening, Sival actually wanted to say that I would stay with you, but when he thought that he might die later, Sival was a little bit timid.

Looking at the back of Xiwaer who finally left, a hint of disappointment flashed in Feng Yan's eyes, but she did not have the right to ask others to stay and accompany her to die, Xiwaer was able to support her to persist until this time, it was considered as the best of humanity.

"If the two of us switch seats, that one will definitely not abandon you?"

Feng Yan raised her head and glanced at the sky, then she flew out towards the main gate of the imperial city.

On the other side, outside the gate of the imperial city, soldiers wearing the uniform armor of Fengyan Heavenly Kingdom are constantly making final preparations for the siege. Looking at the terrified and desperate eyes on the gate, they feel that they are standing on Huangyan's side. It was the wisest decision of my life.

As for the people on the city gate who yelled the word rebellion angrily from time to time, don't they understand the truth that only victors can criticize others?
They will be truly rebellious after capturing the Imperial City and Master Huangyan takes control of the Fengyan Heavenly Kingdom.

The minds of the two sides are different, and the people above the imperial city are not willing to die with Feng Yan, they are just the victims of the wrestling between the two sides.

Just when the people above the imperial city were gnashing their teeth and planning to fight to the death, Feng Yan appeared, and following Feng Yan's appearance, both sides fell silent.

They knew very well that since Feng Yan had appeared, it was the last critical moment.

"Huang Yan, my dear brother, what, you have the guts to betray me, don't you have the guts to come out and meet me?"

Feng Yan ignored the gazes of other people, but looked at a chariot in the distance outside the imperial city with a face of mockery and disdain and said.Huang Yan was among them, as the person who rebelled this time, it can be said that he has almost succeeded.

After he kills Fengyan, he will own this huge Fengyan Heavenly Kingdom.

Following Feng Yan's words, a handsome man also slowly flew up to the sky, his golden eyes looked at Feng Yan calmly, and then said lightly: "You are still so naive."

"I really don't know if the god's mansion in Fenghuang Lingli is out of its mind, and would recognize someone like you."

"Look around, [-]% of the war department on the entire Phoenix Star is my people, and over the years, I have used the treasures you plundered outside to win over many Heavenly Venerable Realms."

"As for your backer, Mr. Luo Hanfei of Great Freedom, you shouldn't be so stupid that I didn't get his permission when I did all this, right?"

Don't look at Huang Yan's self-confident face, he is very clear about how strong his sister is.

Compared to her, even Huang Yan has to admit that he is indeed not as good as her in terms of cultivation talent.

"I don't know who is naive, do you really believe that Luo Hanfei is sincerely willing to help you? And without Fenghuang Ling's approval, you will become Fengyan in the future, but what do you have to compare with Luo Hanfei?"

"Without Phoenix Ling, you are nothing more than the opponent's dog. Wake up, my stupid brother, before it's too late."

Feng Yan's tone was sincere, as if as long as Huang Yan was willing to turn around, she would let the past go, but when Huang Yan was silent after listening to Feng Yan's words, a voice suddenly sounded from the side...

"As expected, you have been guarding against me for a long time. Did Fenghuang Ling's mansion tell you? But since it has already told you, you should also understand why I let Huang Yan do this."

The person who spoke was Luo Hanfei, and he, who is the top group of people in the universe of Dazizaijing, actually came in person.

(End of this chapter)

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