Chapter 550
Seeing that the other party was unscathed under his attack, the Alien Race Great Freedom Realm was also very surprised.

And at the same time, Guo Jia, who was safe because of Su Chen's protection, showed a smile on his lips. He was already upset at seeing this alien race. If it wasn't because of his low strength, he would have made a move a long time ago.

It's all right now, Su Chen was planning to be troublesome, but the other party even took the initiative to come to the door. Isn't this a death or something?
As for whether Su Chen can beat the opponent, Guo Jia is not worried at all. Guo Jia trusts him very much as the emperor. At least so far, even in the face of stronger powerhouses, the emperor has never defeated.

Hearing Su Chen's words, the foreigner Da Zizi seemed to have heard some joke, but just when he wanted to open his mouth to ridicule Su Chen...


This is the collision sound of physical contact, and Su Chen's speed is so fast that this strong alien from the Great Freedom Realm can't even react.

Of course, this has something to do with his personality. From just now until now, this alien Dazizijing has never put Su Chen in his eyes at all.

There is a price to be paid for belittling others, and this alien Da Zi Zai Jing paid a high price for his belittling Su Chen at this time.

Even the slightest mistake in the battle between the strong will have a great impact on the outcome of the battle, and because of the opponent's contempt, Su Chen launched an extremely violent attack after getting the opportunity.

"Bang bang bang..."

From fist to flesh, each fist mixed with Su Chen's own laws is plundering the opponent's life.After all, the other party was too careless. First of all, he didn't expect that Su Chen was also a strong man in the realm of freedom.

Of course, he can't be completely blamed for this, after all, the weakness of the human race is almost the consensus in the universe, and it has exhausted the luck of the human race to be able to produce a character like Da Zizai Sword Master.

On the other hand, it is also because of Su Chen's own relationship. Since entering the Great Freedom, Su Chen has completely returned to his innocence. If it is only from the appearance, Su Chen can almost be said to be no different from ordinary people.

Blood was splattering everywhere, and Su Chen was in control. In just a few breaths, he had already launched thousands of attacks on this alien Dazizijing.

And under Su Chen's combined attack, this alien Da Zi Zi Jing had completely lost the chance to fight back.Just when Su Chen saw that he was actually planning to kill...


A dazzling sword light seemed to fly from the sky, and Su Chen frowned after seeing this sword light. If he still kills this alien, he will naturally be able to kill him, but he It will also be because this sword glow will suffer a lot, which is not a good deal.

Su Chen withdrew, he gave up the chance to kill this alien Dazizijing and chose to protect himself instead.

And at this time, the alien Dazizijing, who had been slowed down, retreated and flew a very long distance. At this time, he was completely different from just now.

With blood dripping from his body and various wounds covering his body, he looked extremely embarrassed at this moment.

He looked at Su Chen coldly. At this time, he no longer meant to belittle Su Chen. He knew very well that the other party was really intent on killing just now. He is already a dead man.

"Lucky guy."

Seeing that the other party took his life by chance, Guo Jia said with some disdain.His voice was not low, and this alien Da Zi Zi Jing naturally heard it.

However, when he cast his eyes on Guo Jia angrily, Su Chen on the side stared at him with extremely cold eyes. Feeling Su Chen's gaze, the foreign race's great freedom is very clear, if he dares to take any action , the opponent will definitely attack him again without hesitation.

"Fellow Daoist, please calm down."

Just when both sides were looking for opportunities to kill each other all the time, the powerful man of the famous human race also came back again.

Seeing the embarrassment of the alien race, he glanced at Su Chen unexpectedly, and then politely said to Su Chen: "I'm Li Changtian, I didn't expect that my human race would have another supreme powerhouse. It’s really the luck of my race.”

This human named Li Changtian looked at Su Chen with a surprised expression. What he said was not perfunctory, but it was not entirely true, because Su Chen saw the look of resentment in his eyes, even though it was only for a moment. , but Su Chen did see it.

"It's interesting. It seems that this guy named Li Changtian is up to something."

Su Chen thought to himself.

And at this time, the alien race at the side also spoke: "You came just in time, you and I will join hands to kill this guy."

"Damn it, it would make me so embarrassed. I will definitely suppress your soul forever. I want you to howl for endless years until you are annihilated."

The Alien Dazizaijing said resentfully that the fact that he was almost beheaded by Su Chen just now had cast a shadow on his Dao heart. If he couldn't behead the other party, it would be almost impossible for him to go any further.

Because no emperor will lose to the other party on the way of proving the Tao, even if they lose for a while, they will continue to surpass themselves in the days to come.

Now that he is in the realm of great freedom, it is not easy to surpass himself. If he can't kill Su Chen here, then he will never be able to enter the realm that all living beings yearn for in his life.

Hearing his words, Li Changtian also squinted his eyes, he was thinking about the feasibility of the matter, if it can be done, he really doesn't mind killing Su Chen here.

But this thought just passed by in a flash, because judging from the strength Su Chen showed just now, the opponent is definitely not an existence that can be easily dealt with.

But now that the Alien Race Great Freedom Realm has been seriously injured, it remains to be considered whether he can use half of his strength. It would be too unwise to make a move now.

"Gu Da, put away your little thoughts, this is my fellow clan, you know how difficult it is for a human race to be able to achieve a great freedom, besides, you are nothing more than a trivial matter."

"You don't have to fight with my fellow clansmen because of this matter, let's just let it go for today's matter."

Li Changtian decided that there was nothing he could do in an instant, so his words were already smoothing things over.

On the other side, after hearing Li Changtian's words, this foreigner named Gu Da also narrowed his eyes. He knows what kind of person Li Changtian is, but he is definitely not the kind who would just because the other party is of the same race. Someone who gives up easily.

Are there still few human races who have died at the hands of Li Changtian over the years?Don't forget, the way of extinction he practiced, in itself, requires the extinction of the seven emotions and six desires to prove the existence of the Dao.

(End of this chapter)

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