First emperor of the human race

Chapter 551 The Secret of Great Freedom

Chapter 551 The Secret of Great Freedom

"If you don't take action, I'll find someone else. My Black Coffin Clan is not the only one who is in a state of freedom. Today's matter is not over. Don't forget, if it is not for my Black Coffin Clan, then you will never be able to succeed." .”

The foreign race named Guda was about to leave after finishing speaking, and just when he was about to leave, a strong and pure killing intent locked on to him almost instantly.

On the other side, feeling the killing intent, Li Changtian almost instantly pulled out the famous long sword behind him.

"Fellow Daoist, please stop, today's matter is not irreconcilable. You, Gu Da, too, have these years of easy life made you forget your fear? Are you really not afraid of death?"

Li Changtian wanted to slap Gu Da twice, he was almost killed by the other party just now, and now he dared to provoke him in front of the other party, is this really going to the latrine with a lantern, looking for shit (death)?
But this can't be blamed on Gu Da, Gu Da is now in a stage of transformation, he is in the stage of exile, and he is transforming towards a strange life, so now his nature has completely covered up his reason.

To put it simply, today's Guda is like a rejuvenated child, who really does everything according to his own temper.

But if he passes through this stage, his strength will be greatly improved, and his behavior will become much more rational than now.

Hearing Li Changtian's words, Gu Da still wanted to speak, but before he could speak, Su Chen spoke first...

"There are five stages in the Great Freedom Realm, the extraordinary is the first stage, and reaching this stage means that you have broken away from the shackles of heaven and earth, and you have entered the rank of Great Freedom."

"And after transcendence comes sanctification. At this stage, the monks themselves are comprehending the mind of heaven, and their thoughts and thoughts are like saints looking at everything in the world from a very different perspective."

"As for being an exile after becoming a saint, that's because he has already realized the heart of heaven, and he can already be said to be an exile."

"After being exiled to the immortals, it is a strange fate. The monks at this stage seem to have returned to the beginning of their practice again. Whether it is xinxing or resourcefulness, they will get a huge improvement."

"Of course, the world naturally has its laws. The more power you get, the more you need to pay the equivalent."

"When a monk is extraordinary, what he pays is all the fetters with the mundane world, whether it is his wife, children, or friends. When he is extraordinary, he also cuts off all these."

"The same is true for becoming a saint and being exiled. One is to give up one's own emotions, and the other is to give up all the senses of all things, including pity, anger, happiness, sorrow, etc."

"However, those are just a kind of experience in the process of cultivation. As long as you can surpass yourself and the shackles of the realm itself, these costs are not inevitable."

Speaking of this, in the shock of Li Changtian, Su Chen looked at Gu Da coldly, and then said: "Is the exile immortal entering the stage of metamorphosis? Your nature is so dirty that it makes people sick, a guy like you Even if you have passed through this period of transformation, what can you do? With such a nature, do you think you can still prove the Dao?”

With a few words, Su Chen completely explained the situation of Guda in front of him, but after Li Changtian heard Su Chen's words, for some reason, a chill suddenly rose in his heart, and it spread all over his body in an instant.

"Who exactly are you?"

Gu Da looked at Su Chen with a trembling tone and said.What Su Chen said just now is not common sense, nor is it something that can be learned casually.

Great Freedom, the last state in the universe before enlightenment, there are not many people who can reach this state, let alone climb to the peak.

Compared with Gu Da who shocked Su Chen's background, Li Changtian was more shocked by Su Chen's own strength. Su Chen is right, the Great Freedom Realm seems to be powerful, but it has some inescapable disadvantages at every stage.

As for what Su Chen said about transcending oneself and transcending the shackles of the realm, Li Changtian doesn't know about such a person, anyway, he has never seen it himself.

Su Chen was very calm, at least Li Changtian didn't see any abnormalities from his appearance, but judging from how easily he suppressed Gu Da just now, Li Changtian knew very well that Su Chen's strength was at least at the stage of deception.

However, the devious stage also has some disadvantages, such as unstable temperament, such as strength fluctuating. However, Li Changtian did not see these things in Su Chen, so he suddenly had a frightening feeling in his heart. guess.

Of course, it is not uncommon for Tianqi to be in the last stage of the fifth stage of the Great Freedom Realm, but such a strong person is almost equivalent to the emperor.

There is another name for such an existence in the universe, that is Zhundi or Zhunhuang. Judging from Su Chen's current performance, he is not such an existence.

So there is only one possibility, Su Chen is a transcendent, an existence that transcends the constraints of himself and the realm, and only the transcendent can break free from the disadvantages of the five stages of the Great Freedom.

Thinking of this, Li Changtian looked at Su Chen differently. There has been a legend since ancient times that in order to prove the Dao, one must be able to restrain oneself, and restraining oneself is easier said than done, and the only way is to surpass Only then can the author dare to say that he has truly restrained himself.

Since ancient times, there has been no shortage of great free-standing realms in the universe. Although it is not to the point of flooding, it is not uncommon in itself.

But there are only a few people who can become quasi-emperor or quasi-emperor. As for why this happened, it is not that these top powerhouses have not searched for it, but they have not found the root cause.

Later, with the passage of time, people who pursued this question never stopped. It was not until later that they discovered that all quasi-emperors and quasi-emperors have one thing in common, that is, most of them are transcendent.

Of course, this does not mean that as long as you are not a transcendent, it is impossible to reach that state, but compared with most quasi-emperors, the probability of being a transcendent is as high as [-]%. What a terrifying ratio?

Thinking of this, the venomous look in Li Changtian's eyes became more obvious. Although Su Chen didn't understand why he would show such a look to himself, Su Chen knew very well that there was bound to be a battle between the two sides today, and it was the kind of endless battle. kind of.

At this moment, Li Changtian suddenly yelled, "Do it!"


The fierce and destructive sword energy pierced the sky, and Li Changtian's attack was almost a lore.

On the other side, when Gu Da saw Li Changtian, he made a move first, and he summoned all his strength to attack Su Chen...

"I've always believed that if you don't die, you won't die, but today the two of you are dead, so what if I send you a ride?"

The Chilling Excalibur illuminates Zhou Tian, ​​so is the name of the Great Emperor invincible in vain?Why should I be afraid of one person fighting against two strong men at the level of the Great Freedom?
(End of this chapter)

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