Chapter 56

Most of the rebel army is composed of miscellaneous soldiers, young and strong people along the road, and the defenders of the major prince counties.

There was no difficulty in interrogating the rebel spies. With a little coercion and tricks, the spies would tremblingly reveal all the information.

It is currently Youshi (17-19 o'clock), and Hirano City was captured by the rebels at dawn. At this time, the rebels in the city are sweeping and rectifying.

At this time, in Hirano City, a total of 43 rebels gathered, namely the 15 troops of the third prince and the 28 troops of the fourth prince.

The rebel army swept up the city wantonly, and the two princes celebrated the success of the siege with a banquet.

The rebel spies also shared a more important piece of information. The two rebel princes planned to formally march to the imperial capital in three days to completely wipe out Su Chen!
"It seems that my two imperial brothers are still so proud, they don't look down on me at all."

Su Chen suddenly laughed. If he were the leader of the rebel army, he would definitely rush to attack the capital tonight. Before the information was sent to the capital, he would directly surround the capital and catch the capital by surprise.

But the third prince and the fourth prince were not like this. They still had the mind to put on a big banquet and spent three full days to rectify the army.

It is not difficult for them to capture Hirano City at all. What needs to be rectified?
They were nothing more than relying on their two armies, which had gathered more than 40 people, and they were confident in their hearts, thinking that they would be able to conquer the imperial capital.

The rebel spies kneeling on the ground at the side looked pale and trembled.

They all heard what Su Chen said just now. This heroic, black-haired man with shawls called himself. Zhen? !


The Emperor of Great Xia has come to Hirano City in person!

This is great news!

"Dijun, these people."

Lei Zhenzi approached Su Chen and asked for instructions about the fate of these rebel spies.

"Take it down and continue to torture."

Su Chen waved his hand, with indifference in his eyes.

Lei Zhenzi nodded, he understood what Dijun meant, the end of the torture would be when they died.

On the battlefield, there is no benevolence of women.

After a while, Lei Zhenzi came back with a faint smell of blood on his body.

Su Chen looked at him, and the hooded Lei Zhenzi shook his head slightly, signaling that the rebel spies did not share any more valuable information.

After all, they are just scouts, not high-level rebels, and have no access to more military intelligence.

"Dijun, it's getting dark, what should we do now?"

Lei Zhenzi stood behind Su Chen. On the battlefield, he had to consider Su Chen's safety, and he had to stay close at every step.

"We can't delay for too long. Calculating the time, it will be more than an hour before we catch the spies."

Su Chen's voice was calm: "Tonight, we must take action, otherwise the more it drags on, the more vigilant the rebels will be."

If it was an elite army, the spies would return to the camp on time to report every hour, and they would never be late no matter what happened.

If the spies don't come back when the time comes, there must be danger, and the entire army will also enter a state of combat readiness and be more vigilant.

Regardless of whether there are relevant scouting military regulations in the rebel army, Su Chen must treat them with caution.


Lei Zhenzi understood Su Chen's meaning, his eyes flickered, and his voice was low and hoarse: "Emperor, why don't you let the minister lead the army to attack Hirano City at night, and before the rebels react, the minister is sure to kill at least one-third of their troops .”

One-third of the rebels had at least 10,000+ troops, but Lei Zhenzi was sure to smash the city walls and kill them in a very short period of time.

For a master in the legendary realm, the power to slaughter a city by one person is no joke.

"But what about the remaining 20 rebels?"

Su Chen looked at Lei Zhenzi, and asked lightly, "Ten thousand Imperial Forest Army, do you want to attack the city together? Attack Hirano City where there are at least 20 rebels?"


Lei Zhenzi hesitated a little. He was indeed very powerful, but if he wanted to cause mass casualties in a short period of time, he would definitely fall into a state of powerlessness for a certain period of time.

At that time, only relying on 20 cavalry, even if the siege is successful, it will be difficult to defeat [-] rebels in street fighting.

This is no longer a question of strength, but that there are too many rebels!

Even if 20 pigs stand still, 1 pigs will take a long time to kill.

War is not a simple mathematical calculation. There are too many uncertain factors on the battlefield. Unless the rebels are willing to go out of the city to fight them, it is difficult to win a street battle with 1 cavalry.

This still ruled out the premise of letting the cavalry attack the city.

"Emperor, the final general is willing to serve the country with death, and swears to take Hirano City to the death!"

The lieutenants of the Yulin Military Academy on the side looked serious, knelt down and kowtowed, and they needed to stand up and express their attitude at this time.

The emperor came in person, and as the Imperial Forest Army, there was no reason to back down.

Not to mention Hirano City with 40 rebels, even if there are 400 million rebels, as long as the emperor gives an order, they are willing to attack the city!
The loyalty of the Royal Forest Army is beyond doubt, and it is the army closest to the emperor from generation to generation.

It can be said that this army is Su Chen's personal guard.

They are not loyal to anyone, only to the person who sits on the throne, and they are the guardians of the throne.

"Don't cause unnecessary waste, I don't need you to sacrifice on the way to attack the city."

Su Chen smiled, raised his hand and pointed to Hirano City on the distant horizon, and said lightly: "I remember these rebels mentioned that the people in the city plan to have a banquet tonight?"


Lei Zhenzi nodded: "The rebel spies said that the third and fourth princes are going to hold a celebration banquet."

This is understandable, laying down the most important defense line of the city must be celebrated, rewarded soldiers, and boosted morale.


Su Chen nodded, he already had a plan in mind: "Lei Zhenzi, you pick 1000 people out, and we enter the city."

Lei Zhenzi was stunned: "Dijun, you want to enter the city?!"

"What? As a legend, you can't even cover 1000 people?"

Su Chen looked at Lei Zhenzi with a smile: "Choose a thousand masters and sneak into the city with me to attend the celebration banquet of my two imperial brothers."

At dusk, Su Chen smiled at the corner of his mouth, and he was extremely calm. His voice was full of confidence, which could not help but make people feel at ease.

Since we can't find a way to take Hirano Castle from outside the city, we should look for loopholes from inside the city.

For any powerful defense system, as long as there are internal problems, no matter how many troops it has, it is not enough to be afraid of.

As the former first emperor of the human race, Su Chen has seen too many scenes.

Merely dealing with a Hirano city that has been captured by the rebels is just a slightly troublesome thing, not difficult.

"This is too risky!"

Lei Zhenzi took a deep breath, knelt down on one knee, and said in a deep voice: "I know that the emperor must have a clever plan, but the emperor is a man of gold, so you can't take such a risk! There are many rebels in the city, and there must be masters dormant. If the news leaks , I can't guarantee that I can protect you well."

"Emperor, this is absolutely impossible!"

The school lieutenants on the side also quickly persuaded: "There are so many rebels in the city, it is very dangerous! Why don't you let General Lei lead the troops and wait outside the city."

"What are you panicking about?"

Su Chen scolded softly: "Since I came here, I never thought of retreating completely. If I dare not even enter this Hirano City today, will I go fight them again when they attack the imperial capital?"

"Sooner or later, I will have to deal with the rebels. I will pay attention to it myself, so you just do it."

Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking secretly in his heart.

If Lei Zhenzi were only allowed to enter the city, it would be very difficult to get things done with his character.

It's not that Su Chen wants to take risks, but the situation on the eastern battlefield at this time, he can no longer sit idly by.

Sneaking into Hirano Castle seems like a clever plan, but it is actually dancing on a tightrope.

There are 40 rebels in the city, which is really a sea of ​​people gathered by the army. If the rebel army spreads out on the plains, it will be impossible to see the end!

If there is a mistake, the Imperial Forest Army who sneaked into the city are very likely to be completely buried in Hirano City.

Therefore, Su Chen must personally control and arrange the layout to ensure nothing goes wrong.


Lei Zhenzi hesitated.

"Hurry up! Lei Zhenzi, you can't resist the order!"


Lei Zhenzi had no choice but to go down with the school lieutenants to select a thousand masters of the Imperial Forest Army.

He knew that the emperor must have a solution, and he also knew that the current situation was critical, so he couldn't help looking forward and backward.

Forget it, if something really happens at that time, the minister will sacrifice his life to protect the emperor!

Lei Zhenzi's eyes shone with determination.

After a stick of incense, the sun set completely, and night shrouded the brightly lit Hirano City.

Under the shroud of black, a group of imperial forest soldiers were divided into several groups.

They changed into black tights, their figures merged into the darkness, their hands and feet were agile, and they approached the city wall quickly and silently.

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(End of this chapter)

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