Chapter 57
In Hirano City, when the army entered the city, most of them gathered on the school grounds.

At this time, when the rebel guards were changing shifts, teams of rebels filed out from the school grounds, and under the command of the rebel lieutenants, they went to the four city gates to replace the city defenses.

"Hey, we are so desperate. How come the people from David's camp can go to the celebration banquet, but we can't?"

"Everyone is a soldier. They follow the princes to eat and drink spicy food. We are going to defend the city."

Among the soldiers, some whispered and sighed.

No one noticed, there was an undercurrent surging in the void, and the slight ripples in the air in the darkness were unobtrusive, and no one noticed.

"Come on, the camp of David was the first to climb the tower, and their captain opened the gate. According to the military order issued by the third prince, the first to enter the city will be rewarded!"

"Hmph, did they come here by virtue of their abilities? There are no defenders in the entire Pingye City, and there are only a few thousand rogues on the towers. The David's Battalion has a total of 3 people. It is too easy to beat these rogues!"

Some soldiers are not convinced, even if he goes up, he will be the first to go to the city!

Camp David was lucky.

"Okay, stop chewing your tongue!"

The rebel lieutenant in front of the team scolded in a low voice: "David's camp is a vanguard camp, and it takes the lead in every battle! No matter which army, the vanguard camp has always been a team with heavy casualties; if there is a Si family army in Pingye City, they It's already dead."

"People deserve this reward. If you are talking nonsense, be careful of Lao Tzu's military service!"

The rebel captain's tone was serious, and what he said made sense.

The Vanguard Battalion has always been the army that is the easiest to get military exploits and the easiest to die on a large scale.

"What shit, Si Jiajun, they ran away long ago."

The soldier muttered something in a low voice, rubbed his palms in the cold wind, and stopped talking.

The terrain of Hirano City is open, and when the night wind blows over, it is really bitingly chilly, and ordinary people can't stand it.

"Are they all mortal soldiers?"

In the darkness, there was an indiscernible murmur, it was Lei Zhenzi's voice.

A thousand Imperial Forest Army had secretly entered the city, and Lei Zhenzi was currently lurking in the darkness according to Su Chen's order, looking for information in the city.

Lei Zhenzi went all the way to investigate and found that although the number of 40 rebels was exaggerated, there were not many soldiers with martial arts realm, most of them were ordinary young and strong, without the strength of martial arts realm.

Moreover, the 40 army is divided into several units, and they don't seem to be very harmonious with each other. The entire Hirano City campus is divided into two distinct camps.

Obviously, the third prince and the fourth prince are not really in harmony with each other.

Moreover, the number of 40 rebels is too much, and the school grounds of Hirano City simply cannot hold so many people.

Lei Zhenzi had already discovered that the rebels had no plans to expand the scale of the school.

Many rebel soldiers can enter and leave the barracks at will. They directly sleep in people's homes, harass the people, rob money and food, and even go so far as to directly rob people's women.

Those with a little bit of conscience took the reward money for the siege and went to the brothel to have fun, but there were also constant screams and the sound of broken objects in the noisy brothel.

The entire Hirano City was in turmoil, and most of the mansions and houses were closed, for fear of being targeted by the rebels.

This is not an army, it is simply bandits entering the city.

However, the 40 army is not all miscellaneous soldiers and bandits, there are also many elite army regiments, the army is neat, and they are stationed quietly in the school grounds.

Even inside the heavily armed school grounds, there are soldiers patrolling the barracks uninterruptedly, and most of these soldiers are not weak in the realm of martial arts.

The fusion of miscellaneous soldiers and elite?

Lei Zhenzi silently remembered everything he saw along the way.

"By the way, I remember Er Gouzi and the others went out of the city, right?"

Just when Lei Zhenzi was about to leave here silently and go to the next place to investigate information, the rebel captain suddenly asked the soldiers around him, "Have they returned yet?"

"do not know."

The soldier shrank his neck, shook his head, and said, "Er Gouzi was taken out by Lieutenant Chen, and he said he wanted to investigate the surrounding situation, and offered to be a scout."

The wind in Hirano City is surprisingly cold, especially at night, who wants to be a scout.

"It's getting dark, why haven't they come back yet? The scouts should come back every hour."

The captain muttered to himself, frowning.

"Master Captain, don't think about it. Er Gouzi and his group are used to being wild. When did they ever follow the rules? I think they may have gone to another village to play wild."

The soldier said with a smile, there are about a few Zhuangzis fifty or sixty miles west of Hirano City.

Most of the soldiers gathered in Hirano City. Even if Hirano City was a big city, it couldn't withstand so many bandits plundering. The smarter soldiers went to the Zhuangzi around Hirano City to find bargains.

"I hope so."

The captain nodded and said: "If they don't come back by Haishi, I will report this matter."

The soldier pursed his mouth, disbelief.

He thought it was the captain who wanted to make a small report, but in fact the captain was worried that the scout hadn't returned for a long time, maybe something happened.

"It seems that some people in the rebel army also have brains, and they are not all a group of miscellaneous soldiers."

Lei Zhenzi muttered to himself in the dark, he took a deep look at the captain, and planned to deal with him when the captain was ordered later.

He couldn't report the fact that the scout hadn't returned, it would affect the emperor's plan.

Lei Zhenzi made up his mind to pay attention, then retreated quietly, and went to other places to continue to inquire about information.

The time of Haishi (21-23 o'clock) is coming soon, and Hirano City is still so lively. There are shadows of rebels everywhere on the streets, and there are no ordinary people.

It's just that compared to before, the cries in the city are much less. It may be that the rebels are tired and have no energy to toss the people in the city.

The astute rebel lieutenant had already been dealt with by Lei Zhenzi with a calm expression. At the same time, Lei Zhenzi used his supernatural powers to disguise himself as the rebel lieutenant and swayed around for a few times. Attract the attention of the rebels on the tower.

Lei Zhenzi has already finished investigating the general information in Hirano City, and it's time to go back and join Dijun.

All the way down the tower, Lei Zhenzi reintegrated into the night, and quietly came to a remote house near the north of the city.

This is a deserted house. The owner of the house moved with his family before the war and left Hirano City. It is usually just a place where beggars live in the city.

After the war came, the population in the city dropped sharply, and the beggars all ran away, so this house just happened to be a temporary hiding place for Su Chen and others.

"Emperor, the subject is back."

With a hoarse and deep voice, Lei Zhenzi pushed open the gate of the house and entered.

Hearing the sound, people in the hall of the house turned their heads and looked at Lei Zhenzi.

As soon as Lei Zhenzi opened the door, he looked up and couldn't help constricting his pupils.

I saw that the hall of the house was full of rebels!
All rebels!
 Ask for a recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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