First emperor of the human race

Chapter 596 Heaven and Earth Shout Together, Everyone Surprises

Chapter 596 Heaven and Earth Shout Together, Everyone Surprises
Su Chen's words were very domineering, and it stands to reason that such provocative words should arouse dissatisfaction among the people, but in fact, after Su Chen finished speaking, the people watching all around retreated one after another. No one dared to speak more.

Following the retreat of the crowd, Su Chen also returned to Daxia's camp. With the roar of the mountains and the sound of the emperor's long live, Su Chen entered the tent with a calm expression.

"The minister waits to see the emperor."

Sima Yi and others knelt down and shouted.

"You and I don't need to be so polite, so these red tapes can be avoided. Originally, I planned to go back to the palace first, but on the way here, I heard someone talking about the three extremes. I was worried that there was something wrong here. So I came right here."

Su Chen sat next to him, looked at Sima Yi and the others with an amiable face and said.

"The emperor is wise, there is indeed someone behind this who is secretly fueling the flames, but for now, we have not found any traces of the person behind the scenes. The emperor is incompetent and worried."

Sima Yi said with some shame.

"It doesn't matter, the current situation in the universe has become more and more difficult for people to see clearly. Not to mention you, even I feel that I am trapped in a fog."

"There is a pushing hand behind it, that's for sure, but the other party has covered it up very well and has not shown the slightest flaw. After today, you should focus on the Supreme Law, and Gu Fang will ignore it for the time being."

As the saying goes, once you enter the chess game, you can't help yourself, but now Su Chen feels as if he has entered a chess game, a very big chess game.

In order to break the game, jumping out of the chess game is essential, but now Su Chen still lacks some opportunities.

Hearing Su Chen's words, Sima Yi and the others' eyes lit up. They naturally understood the significance of Su Chen's words. The ancient emperor, like the great emperor, is an existence that rules the world, but the emperor still defeated the other party. .

Seeing the appearance of Sima Yi and others, how could Su Chen not understand what they were thinking?Before they could speak, Su Chen said first: "The other party just retreated after suffering a slight injury. I can't keep him now, and I also have some thoughts in my heart. Now is not the time to kill the other party."

It's a bit crazy to say these words, an ancient emperor, in Su Chen's mouth, he just doesn't want to beheaded, but who dared to despise an emperor since ancient times?Even if they fell, no one would dare to say that, right?

With the arrival of Su Chen, the situation in the Xiti Grassland suddenly changed subtly, especially after seeing him blowing up the Vigorous King Kong and cutting off the "black ball" with a single sword, everyone's opinions about the three extremes were also the same. Some approved.

After all, everything in this world still has to rely on strength to speak, even if it is a long-established legend, isn't there also people who are not convinced to belittle and provoke?

However, as Su Chen showed his hand, let alone being provocative, these people even looked at Daxia's direction with a lot of restraint.

"Dijun, what do you think about this invitation?"

Sima Yi respectfully handed out the invitation in his hand and said.

"Hehe, keep it. The time mentioned above is tomorrow, right? I really want to see who dares to plot against so many people at the same time."

After taking a rough look at the contents of the invitation, Su Chen said with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.


There was nothing to say all night, and the next morning, Su Chen was already bathed in the rising sun and began to breathe out spiritual energy. During this period, especially after fighting Ao Tianyu, Su Chen felt that his strength had once again ushered in a surge.

His foundation is too solid, not to mention that all his comprehension of the law in his previous life is in his mind, but the Great Emperor's Heart Sutra he practiced in this life has also brought him a different perception of the world.

Sublimation, with the passage of time, Su Chen felt more and more that he was going to transcend this world.

Auspicious clouds are constantly gathering in the sky, and a huge amount of terrifying aura is gathering around Su Chen. When Su Chen breathes out, the whole world seems to be in harmony.

Naturally, such a vision did not escape the eyes of others, and at this time, everyone stood outside each other's camp and turned their sights to the sky.

There, there are dragons singing and phoenixes dancing. If people don't know it, they might think that this is the coming of heaven.

"So strong!"

These words came from Yue Sanye, as one of the oldest powerhouses in God's Domain, Yue Sanye had brought the Yinyue Sirius clan to the peak of God's Domain just by his own strength.

There are rumors that Yue Sanye once monopolized the second king of the dragon clan without losing the wind. Although he failed to defeat the opponent, don't forget that he was one against two.

"So strong!"

This is what the patriarch of the Qingluan clan said. The last time the dragon clan went berserk and attacked Gu Fang, the patriarch of the Qingluan clan did not personally, but this time with the coming of the Supreme Law, even the patriarch of the Qingluan clan would not I can't sit still.

The cyan long skirt fluttered under the wind caused by Su Chen's spiritual energy, and the delicate face looked extremely moving under the sunshine.

Feng Baisha, this is the name of the Patriarch Qingluan. She is not only one of the strongest in the God Realm, she also has the title of the number one beauty in the God Realm.

"My lord, what state has that human emperor reached? Why do I feel the general will of heaven and earth from this wind? Are all human quasi-emperors so strong?"

The person who spoke was a familiar face, and she brought her clansmen to the last Dragon Clan incident.

Hearing the words of the tribe, Feng Baisha also slowly opened her beautiful mouth like jewels: "Isn't it already said in the invitation card? It's amazing."

"But compared to him, I'm afraid Yue Sanye should feel very uncomfortable now, right?"

Feng Baisha's voice is very nice, like a silver bell, it is so clear and refreshing.

On the other side, also one of the most powerful forces in the God Realm, the ghost master of the big ghost clan looked calm. Is it too fierce?"

"Heaven and earth shouted together, this was something that only certifiers could do in the past, right?"

"Ghost Lord, why don't we go back, we can't beat him, don't talk about us, even if you face him alone, I'm afraid you can't stand it?"

The person who spoke had a playful smile on his face, but the ghost master didn't care about his rude words. After all, he was his most confidant subordinate, and the ghost master knew his character best.

"Li Gui, are you farting again? If I were the ghost master, I would have swallowed you long ago. How could I allow you to be so presumptuous?"

The person who spoke was a big ghost with a green face and fangs. If the person who spoke without restraint was the left arm of the big ghost, then he was the right arm.

However, when the two were about to quarrel, the ghost master also said: "There are no three Jue Ding, and he is the only one. He is already one step ahead of everyone. He is really a terrifying guy."

(End of this chapter)

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