Chapter 597 I want it

The negotiation went as promised, and everyone had a general idea about this negotiation, especially for the invitation card whose origin was unknown, everyone also tacitly understood it.

After all, today's negotiation is very likely to be directly related to the status of everyone in the future. Although it is impossible to make other people abandon the Supreme Law because of this, it can eventually take some initiative.

And in such a situation, being able to take the lead is already the biggest advantage.

"I don't know what you think about the content on this invitation? If there is no problem, how about I wait and rank according to this invitation?"

The person who spoke was an unknown race patriarch. After the three peaks were the five dark stars, and after the five dark stars were the twelve genera. This unknown patriarch of the alien race was classified as one of the twelve genera.

As the saying goes, benefits move people's hearts. When they heard the words of this alien patriarch, many people also nodded in agreement. Judging from their appearance, they should also be members of the twelve genus.

These people, although their strength is good, but compared with the super power of the Dragon Clan, they are not enough. They definitely have no hope for the Supreme Law, but the benefits brought by the war are far more than this.

On the other hand, listening to the words of these newcomers or leaders of local forces in God's Domain, none of the real powerhouses like Yue Sanye spoke, and the same goes for everyone from the Five Dark Stars. Everyone remained silent. .

"Everyone, don't keep talking, is it possible that you disagree?"

Seeing that most of the people agreed with him, this unknown alien patriarch also looked at Su Chen and others with some excitement and said.

"What are you talking about? Just because you are worthy of discussing with us? Do you really think that you are qualified to have an equal dialogue with me just by using an invitation?"

The scarlet pupils, the strong smell of sulfur from time to time, the three heads of the dragon king turned to this alien patriarch at the same time, and the whole air seemed to condense.

"King of the Dragon Clan, what do you mean? Do you really think you are invincible?"

Hearing the unkind words of the Dragon King, the patriarch of the foreign race was also a little annoyed.

"Looking for a dead guy."

Yue Sanye glanced at the alien patriarch lightly, but before he finished speaking, the three heads of the evil dragon king bit down on him in an instant.

The powerful spiritual power blocked the space, and the alien patriarch was torn apart by the Dragon King without even having a chance to resist.

Blood and internal organs flowed all over the floor, but such an unusually bloody scene did not cause dissatisfaction among Su Chen and others.

People, after all, you have to recognize your own position. Whether it is the so-called three peaks or the five dark stars, who is not a superpower at the quasi-emperor level?
Although the patriarch of this alien race is not low in strength, but he is only at the stage of the Great Freedom, and he may be the opponent of these people?

Spike, real spike.Following the sudden attack of the Dragon King, the person who had just responded to the patriarch of the alien race immediately became vigilant.

They didn't know the gap without making a move, and with the death of this alien patriarch, they intuitively realized how far they were from these real top powerhouses.

"You guys who are like ants, dare to make noise in front of me?"

After killing one person, the Evil Dragon King regained his calm, but everyone could feel that he was still vigilant towards other people at this time, especially Su Chen, one of the three heads of the Evil Dragon King was staring at him at any time. he.

"Okay, these ignorant guys will be killed if they are killed, let's talk about business next."

The speaker was Yue Sanye, but in the invitation he was classified as one of the three peaks just like Su Chen.

"I don't know what the Patriarch Yue's opinion is?"

As an old opponent who has fought many times, Shenlong King still attaches great importance to Yuesanye.

"There is no high opinion. You are not ordinary people. It is impossible for everyone to give up the Supreme Law because of this inexplicable invitation. To put it simply, I propose a martial arts competition."

"After all, this world still has to speak with strength. If you want the supreme law, then fight with your own strength. One month later, on the Xiti Grassland, the Silver Moon Sirius Clan is waiting for you."

"At that time, no matter whether it's life or death, or whether it's up to the point, I will accompany you to the end."

Absolute strength brings absolute self-confidence. As one of the top powerhouses in God's Domain or in the universe, Yue Sanye really deserves his status.

Hearing Yue Sanye's words, Feng Baisha, the patriarch of the Qingluan Clan, just nodded lightly: "See you in January."

After two people expressed their opinions, other people also nodded in agreement, and after everyone expressed their opinions, Su Chen was the only one who hadn't spoken yet.

"Why, don't the emperor of the human race agree?"

If Yue Sanye cared about who the most among the crowd, it would undoubtedly be Su Chen.

The vision of heaven and earth shouting at the same time just now is still vivid in my mind. For this human emperor, none of the people present dare to underestimate him.

"I want the supreme law."

Just when everyone focused their eyes on Su Chen, Su Chen spoke in an extremely calm tone.

"What did you say?"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Yue Sanye's eyes also burst into light. Ever since he became famous, no one has dared to be so arrogant in front of him.

"Why, you can't hear what I'm saying? No matter what you plan to do, whether it's a martial arts competition or a death fight, I have no interest in interfering."

"But the supreme law, I will say it again, I want it, it belongs to me, and none of you want to get involved, this is what I said."

The domineering declaration shocked everyone. They didn't expect Su Chen to say such a thing on such an occasion. Isn't he afraid that everyone will join forces to solve him first?
Seeing Su Chen's serious look, there was also a faint cold light flickering in Yue Sanye's eyes. To be honest, he really wanted to make a move now.

However, because the vision caused by Su Chen this morning is still vivid in his mind, even on the third night of the moon, he is still a little vacillating.

He didn't know what the consequences would be if he attacked Su Chen here, and the battle between the two powerhouses would inevitably cause even greater disturbances.

After all, Yue Sanye still didn't make a move, because he felt an inexplicable palpitation from Su Chen's body, yes, Yue Sanye was scared.

Being able to cultivate to the top quasi-emperor, besides Yue Sanye's own strong talent, is also inseparable from his own hard work. He has also experienced countless battles in these years, and he has also fought from blood and bones.

He had already honed a powerful instinct, and now it was this instinct that told him that if he did something now, he would probably die...

(End of this chapter)

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