First emperor of the human race

Chapter 65 The eldest prince's courage, class teacher Zhang Chao!

Chapter 65 The courage of the eldest prince, the teacher returns to court!
"What did you just say?"

Su Chen looked at Su Yi and stared at him, making the third prince's heart tremble.

Dijun, you come again!

Your eyes can scare people to death.

Su Yi's face was full of confusion: "Gugu didn't say anything just now."

"No, it's what you said earlier."

Su Chen shook his head: "Repeat."

"Gu said, he may go back to the west battlefield, or he may go back to the north battlefield."

"Not this one, but the next one."

"Next sentence?"

Su Yi was taken aback, recalled for a while, and said, "It was originally, he could go anywhere."

"right here!"

Su Chen's eyes lit up, and he successfully caught the flash of inspiration before.

He knew where the eldest prince had gone.

"Where did he go?"

The third prince looked at Su Chen curiously. Whether it was the emperor or the eldest prince, in his eyes, they were all people with far-reaching plans.

Such people cannot be played alone, their thoughts and patterns are different from ordinary people.

"He's here."

Su Chen took a deep breath, and Su Chen pointed to a certain point on the map.

"This traitor wants to surprise the imperial capital!"

Su Chen's expression suddenly became gloomy, obviously there was anger rising, which could not be suppressed.

"Emperor Capital?!"

The third prince was taken aback, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

Eldest prince, want to surprise the imperial capital?
How did you come up here, Dijun, what is your head made of... Wait, it's not impossible!

Currently, the situation in Linshan City and Pingye City is stable. I am not sure if the situation in Pingye City is known to the First Prince, but the news that Linshan City has been pacified probably spread.

If it was the eldest prince, he would definitely be able to analyze that the emperor had already played his hole card, in order to avoid losing the four sides of the battlefield after Si Yu withdrew his troops.

At the same time, the army that can defend Linshan City is definitely an elite army.

The eldest prince has enough reasons to believe that the imperial capital is very empty at this time, without a large number of soldiers, and the emperor has no more trump cards.

At this time, he was sitting on 50 troops, why did he continue to fight with this group of Daxia defenders on the four sides of the battlefield?
It is right to attack the imperial capital directly!
Now that the main attack is in the direction of Linshan City, the Second Prince, whom the First Prince regards as his opponent, has already failed. The Emperor has sent out his cards to guard the battlefield in all directions, and the interior of the Imperial Capital is absolutely empty!

As long as the eldest prince takes down the imperial capital, kills the emperor, and ascends the throne as emperor, the whole situation will fall into the hands of the eldest prince.

The defenders on the Sifang battlefield kept fighting with other princes, and there was no way to rush to help the imperial capital. At that time, as long as he succeeded in ascending the throne, as long as the imperial capital recognized his position, then the defenders on the Sifang battlefield could only pinch their noses to recognize him.

The remaining troops of the other princes were not enough to threaten him. They could either submit to him as agreed at the beginning, or continue to attack the four directions of the battlefield. If the princes rebelled, the eldest prince would send troops to destroy the other princes.

And the only one who could stop him from attacking the imperial capital, Silong, was guarding far away in the eastern border, and was held back by the orc empire, so he couldn't leave at all.

Si Yu, a coward, has already withdrawn his troops. As long as the imperial capital is captured, the entire Great Xia will be the home of the eldest prince!
In an instant, the third prince figured it out, and his clothes were drenched in cold sweat.

Brother, you are too dark!
Who would have imagined that you would attack the imperial capital without a word!

"No wonder. No wonder before he left, he told Gu in every possible way to hold the fourth child."

The third prince muttered to himself, with cold sweat on his forehead: "He must have gone directly to the imperial capital through Hirano City, and at the same time let Gu try his best to delay the fourth child, so that the fourth child could not divide his troops to the imperial capital! Su Xin, you actually lied I!"

The eldest prince, if he didn't tell the truth to the third prince, no one can get his heart out of his mouth.

The eldest prince's thoughts are very deep.

Su Chen said blankly: "Su Xin, what a dangerous move."

Originally, Su Chen had already considered this possibility before dispatching troops, but he felt that no matter how he calculated it, the possibility of the Eight Kings being able to bypass the four battlefields and approach the imperial capital was extremely low.

After all, there are major defensive cities on all four sides of the battlefield, but anyone with a little military knowledge would not take a detour to attack the imperial capital before the main defensive cities are captured.

Because of one carelessness, there is a high probability that he will fall into an embarrassing situation where he is attacked from both sides.

But Su Chen had calculated everything, he didn't expect that things in this world would be so coincidental, when he just rushed to Hirano City, Hirano City fell.

And Su Chen also underestimated the First Prince, this guy is actually so courageous!

Hirano City had just fallen for half a day, and the Eldest Prince rushed directly to the imperial capital!No rectification and rest at all!

"Dijun, what shall we do now?"

Su Yi quickly raised his head and looked at Su Chen. They are now tied together as grasshoppers.

If the emperor loses, he will not end well. Compared with Su Chen, the method of the eldest prince Su Xin is more vicious and cruel.

Su Chen is not a bloodthirsty person, but Su Xin definitely is!
"The class teacher returns to the court."

Su Chen took a deep breath, and took a deep look at the third prince: "Now, there is no time to wait for the rebel prisoners to be rectified, and you can go back to the imperial capital!"

There are no more soldiers in the imperial capital, only Daji alone supports her. Although she is a legendary master, her opponent has a full army of 50!

With an army of 50 in battle, coupled with the assistance of siege equipment, no matter how powerful she is alone, she is no match for an army of 50.

After all, she needs to guard the imperial capital, she cannot leave the imperial capital easily, and can only be beaten passively.

For a legend who has concerns, his deterrence and lethality will be reduced by at least half.

"On your way back, cooperate with Lei Zhenzi very much to complete the control of all the troops. Don't play tricks at this time."

"Otherwise, I will let you know"

Su Chen stared at the third prince, and said coldly: "I am more cruel than Su Xin."

The only way now is to directly pull 30 rebels and [-] Imperial Forest Army to help the imperial capital!At the same time, while on the road, let Lei Zhenzi complete the initial mastery of the army.

Su Chen doesn't need Lei Zhenzi to train this army into elites, as long as they can go to the battlefield.

At this time, the role of the third prince Su Yi became prominent.

As long as there is the full help of the third prince and the sincere assistance of the rebel generals under the command of the third prince, Lei Zhenzi will grasp all the rebel army faster.

"Chen, I will definitely live up to the emperor."

Su Yi sighed and nodded heavily. He has already reached this point, and there is no turning back.

He knew that the eldest prince Su Xin was a person whose eyes could not be rubbed into the sand, and he did not have the grandeur and grand structure that an emperor should have.

Now, the third prince has surrendered to the emperor, if he turns his back on the emperor and joins the eldest prince, the eldest prince Su Xin will still kill the third prince Su Yi.

That being the case, it's better to support Su Chen all the way to the end, as long as the eldest prince is successfully suppressed, his good days are still just around the corner.


Su Chen nodded, and said in a low voice: "Come here!"

"The end is here."

A lieutenant of the Yulin Army came in, knelt down respectfully and saluted.

"Send an order to let Lei Zhenzi arrange for the army to speed up the rest. Before dark, I want the troops to return to the court!"

Su Chen was expressionless, but there was no doubt about it.

The imperial capital is where the soul of Great Xia resides. If the imperial capital is lost, this battle will be too useless.


The Lieutenant of the Yulin Military Academy shuddered, nodded his head and retreated, and went to inform Lei Zhenzi in a hurry.

The next day, Linshan City.

As the morning sun came down, Zhao Yun opened the military tent and walked out from the commander's tent.

With the strength of Nirvana, it is rare for him to show fatigue on his handsome face at this moment.

"Marshal, have you been up all night?"

The guard of the town guard beside him asked softly, and at the same time brought a basin for Zhao Yun to wash.

"The affairs of the city are so busy that Taishou Liu can't do it alone; there are also military affairs to reorganize, appease the victims, and rebuild the city wall of Linshan City. In addition, the cities, villages, and towns near Linshan City need to be recovered by troops. There is no time to rest."

Zhao Yun smiled, washed his face, and regained consciousness.

The personal guard said: "The commander-in-chief has worked hard. If the emperor knows, he will definitely reward you."

"Eating the king's salary is a matter of being loyal to the king."

Zhao Yun shook his head: "I don't really long for the emperor's reward, I just hope that Maogong will come sooner."

Zhao Yun sighed a little.

On the entire southern battlefield, although Linshan City was the main line of defense and was already under Zhao Yun's control, there were also other cities that needed to be recovered. There were hundreds of small cities, villages, and towns in total.

He wanted to immediately lead the army to support the battlefield in other directions, but Linshan City had just stabilized, and there must be someone who was in charge of the overall situation to stay and stabilize the entire southern battlefield.

If Li Ji could guard Linshan City and stabilize the situation around Linshan City, Zhao Yun could even recover the lost ground along the way, all the way to the fief where the Eight Kings were empty of troops.

Just as Zhao Yun's words fell, a town guard came from a distance on a horse galloping outside the garrison camp of the school field.

While riding his horse, he shouted excitedly: "Commander! Great joy! General Li led the army into the city, and brought great joy!"

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(End of this chapter)

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