First emperor of the human race

Chapter 66 The Proud 2 Princes

Chapter 66 The Proud Second Prince
"Oh? Lord Mao is here!"

Zhao Yun was taken aback for a moment, then laughed: "Where does the joy come from?"

The guard dismounted from his horse, knelt down on one knee, and said loudly, "Responding to the Commander, General Li encountered the Second Prince's disbanded army on his way. Under the siege of our army, General Li captured the Second Prince!"

"Really?! Hurry up, prepare your horse, this commander is going to meet Mao Gong!"

Zhao Yun's eyes lit up, Li Ji had caught the escaped thief leader, which was indeed a great joy.

Around Li Ji there were [-] Great Xia Town guards, most of whom were heavy cavalry, used to protect grain and supplies.

Sixty thousand heavy cavalry, this is an extremely terrifying force!

Under the siege of the heavy cavalry, even the second prince, who was protected by a master of Nirvana, could hardly escape.

The capture of the second prince meant that half of the southern battlefield had been settled, and the rest of the matter would be much easier to handle.

Inside the prefect's mansion, Prefect Liu and Li Jingyang waited anxiously.

After a while, Zhao Yun's hearty laughter came from outside the mansion: "Duke Mao is a great talent! Now that the second prince has been captured, the battlefield in the south is no longer a worry! In this battle, Duke Mao will take the lead!"

This is the voice of General Zhao, they are coming!
Liu Taishou and Li Jingyang's eyes lit up, and they stood up one after another.

"Where, where, compared to Brother Zilong's exploits in attacking Linshan City at night and defeating 20 rebels, such a small contribution is really nothing."

A relatively unfamiliar male voice sounded, mature and stable, and Taishou Liu could tell that the owner of the voice was a very humble person.

Zhao Yun and Li Ji walked into the outer hall of the prefect's mansion together, followed by several town guards in heavy black armor.

The town guards watched a young man wearing a brocade blue robe with loose hair expressionlessly. He had a handsome complexion and a dignified demeanor, but his eyes were particularly gloomy.

This young man is the Second Prince.

Sure enough, General Li Ji really captured the Second Prince!
Taishou Liu and Li Jingyang looked at each other, overjoyed, hurriedly approached, bowed their hands and saluted: "Your Majesty (the last general), I have seen General Li, and I wish General Li the capture of the leader of the bandits, and eliminate harm for Linshan City and the emperor. "

"Be polite, presumably the two are Taishou Liu and Lieutenant Li."

Li Ji hurriedly returned the gift, and said with a gentle smile: "If there are no two people who swear to defend the city to the death, even Zilong and I will be useless no matter how many soldiers we bring. The two deserve the greatest credit!"

Liu Taishou and Li Jingyang were flattered: "The general is polite."

They had heard Zhao Yun mention it a long time ago, this General Li Ji is the Minister of the Military Machine Pavilion, and the Military Machine Pavilion is now the most powerful institution in the entire court, and even the entire Great Xia Dynasty!

It can be said that every minister of the military cabinet represents a part of the emperor's will.

This person is truly powerful, and his power is not weak. The Sangongs of the past, Liu Taishou and Li Jingyang are naturally a little cautious.

After the four of them humbly and courteously, Zhao Yun called Li Ji to sit down and ordered the servants to bring tea.

"Previously, in order to let Taishou Liu and Captain Li know the good news, we were in a hurry on the road, and we didn't have time to ask Maogong."

Zhao Yun took a sip of tea, raised his hand and pointed at the second prince, and asked with a smile, "Brother Mao Gong, how did you catch this man? What are the casualties of our army?"

"It's a coincidence."

Li Ji smiled, pointed at the second prince and said: "I led the army on the way, wanting to arrive at Linshan City earlier, so I deliberately took a shortcut by bypassing the main road."

"Unexpectedly, when they were approaching Linshan City yesterday, the scouts saw a group of people wandering around Linshan City furtively, and they were arrested."

"After tortured by the soldiers, they found the second prince who was hiding near Linshan City."

Li Ji smiled and shook his head.

Every prince has his own identification, most of which are in the style of royal jade pendants. They are exquisitely made and contain secret methods, which can prove their identity. Li Ji, who is a minister of the Military Machine Pavilion, naturally knows the royal jade pendants.


Liu Taishou and Li Jingyang looked at each other, couldn't help but shook their heads with wry smiles.

This is really a credit, and it can't be stopped. Such a great military exploit has directly fallen on Li Ji's head.


Zhao Yun was taken aback for a moment, a little unexpected, and continued to ask: "Then how about the casualties of our army?"

This is what Zhao Yun is most concerned about.


Li Ji was a little confused, and then suddenly realized, he laughed and said: "Hahaha, when I met the second prince, he only had a few personal guards and two masters of chaos, and the team I brought had a total of 2000 people. Three Chaos Realm."

"The heavy cavalry charged and killed the second prince without even being injured. Where did the casualties come from?"

Li Ji's words made the second prince who was forced to kneel on the ground beside him very dissatisfied, and let out a cold snort with a gloomy expression.

If he hadn't wanted to know how many of his 20 troops were left in order to investigate the situation in Linshan City, how could he have been easily caught by the scouts with the second prince's caution.

"It's that simple."

Zhao Yun couldn't help laughing. He originally thought that the second prince had a noble status, and he might have a Nirvana master to protect him.

Although the Nirvana masters were not as powerful as the Legendary masters, and were not opponents of [-] heavy cavalry, they could still cause some casualties to the guard cavalry.

Originally, Zhao Yun was mentally prepared and waited for Li Ji to report the battle damage, but he didn't expect that not a single soldier was lost, not even injured!

The second prince didn't even have a master of Nirvana, so he simply withdrew from the battlefield.

You are too cautious!

Zhao Yun couldn't help sighing in his heart.

The second prince saw that the group was having a good time chatting happily, and kept teasing him about his affairs, so he couldn't help but feel angry from the bottom of his heart.

The second prince had a gloomy face, and said in a low voice, "You guys are so presumptuous."


Everyone was taken aback, and turned to look at the second prince.

You are already a prisoner, and you still want to play like a prince?

"What do you want to say?"

Li Jingyang looked at the second prince playfully, with deep hatred flickering in his eyes.

It was this young man who caused heavy casualties to the people of Linshan City. If he hadn't been a prince, Li Jingyang would have wished to kill him on the spot!

The second prince ignored the malicious eyes of Taishou Liu and Li Jingyang. He held his head high, puffed up his chest, looked at Zhao Yun and Li Ji, and said calmly, "Gu is the emperor's elder brother, the emperor's brother! He is a child of the royal family!"

"Even if the king is victorious and the enemy is defeated, for the sake of bloodlines, the emperor will not kill the orphan, at most he will put the orphan under house arrest in the imperial capital."

"No matter what you say, Gu is also a king! You are ministers!"

"As a subject, don't forget your own identity. You dare to talk about Gu unscrupulously, and let Gu kneel down to face you. This is the next crime!"

The identity of the second prince is exhilarating, resolute yet indifferent: "Gu is the emperor's brother, you make Gu kneel down to you, this is treason against the emperor!"

He was right. The Su family is the most noble blood lineage of the Great Xia Empire. He is a member of the royal family. Even if he loses, he should be respected as a child of the royal family.


Liu Taishou has a strong temper. When he heard this, he couldn't help but yelled angrily: "You madman! How dare you call yourself king! Do you know that rebellion will implicate the whole family!"

"You are presumptuous! How dare you yell at Gu!"

The second prince sneered: "Putting the Nine Clans together? Gu is Su Chen's imperial brother. If he wants to implicate the Nine Clans, then the emperor of the current dynasty must share the same crime with Gu!"


Everyone hesitated, Li Ji frowned.

The second prince narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the crowd with a sneer. He knew very well that his identity was very difficult for this group of people.

The lonely royal status is a hurdle they will never be able to overcome.

As long as it is used well, there may be some chances to come back, but these people must be restrained first.

The second prince, good at strange ways, known for his little wisdom
 Third more.

  Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for a reward!Seek strong support!

(End of this chapter)

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