First emperor of the human race

Chapter 70 Siege of the Imperial Capital

Chapter 70 Siege of the Imperial Capital
The situation on the western battlefield and the northern battlefield was unexpectedly stable. The rebel army had an absolute advantage in strength, and there were also Nirvana-level masters in the army, but they were unable to capture the main defense line of the city.

It can even be said that it is impossible to move an inch.

The Great Xia Iron Army was divided into two, and under the leadership of Bai Qi and Li Yuanba, they showed amazing defensive power.

Especially with the assistance and layout of the two military cabinet ministers, the two battlefields were worry-free. After Linshan City and Pingye City were automatically pacified, they kept in touch with the other two battlefields.

In short, even if I send scouts, the rebels outside the city can only watch helplessly, not daring to pursue them.

Because both Guan Yiwu and Liu Bowen used scouts as bait in the early days of the battlefield to ambush and kill several waves of rebels. Now that they sent real scouts and military messengers, the rebels dare not move easily.

After exchanging military reports with Linshan City and Hirano City, the military advisers on both sides of the battlefield knew very well that in a few days, Zhao Yun and Li Ji's supporting cavalry would definitely arrive on the battlefield.

In order to give the cavalry a perfect opportunity to raid and join the battlefield, although the two military divisions were not together, they both chose to actively seduce and provoke the rebels.

As long as the rebels are given enough hope, they will definitely focus all their energy on the main line of defense of the city, thus ignoring the collection of surrounding intelligence and paying too much attention to the rear to a certain extent.

This is also thanks to the vigorous actions of the two major battlefields of Hirano City and Linshan City, which resulted in the complete annihilation of the rebels. The rebels who escaped were not led by horses and generals, so it was difficult to compete with the cavalry for time. Allies on the battlefield and on the northern battlefield.

On the western battlefield, Liu Bowen said to Bai Qi in a deep voice: "This is an opportunity, an opportunity to determine the outcome of the battle. The general must keep the morale of the soldiers high these days."

On the battlefield in the north, Guan Yiwu poured tea for Li Yuanba with his own hands, and said with a smile: "Up to five days, I will allow you to go out of the city gate for a bloody battle, and the outcome will be determined!"

At the same time, as Hirano City rushed to the direction of the imperial capital, Su Chen kept frowning and deduced the situation.

He is not worried about the situation on the west and north battlefields. As long as Zhao Yun's Daxia Zhenwei rides smoothly in Linshan City, the entire four-sided battlefield can find breakthrough gaps and win in one battle.

What Su Chen is most worried about now is the eldest prince Su Xin who has the most troops in the entire Eight Kings Rebellion.

I don't know if it's because of the superiority of the army, which gave the eldest prince the illusion that he could capture the imperial capital, but it has to be said that this is also the most difficult problem Su Chen is currently facing.

The only force in the imperial capital that can resist a 50 army is Daji alone. If it is a battle against a 50 army in the legendary realm, the chances of winning are still quite high.

However, because Daji, who is a legend, is on the side of the city, it is equivalent to binding her own hands and feet, and cannot exert the high mobility, high precision, and strong strike effects of the legend on the battlefield, and her combat effectiveness is weakened in disguise.

Moreover, Su Chen knew that the eldest prince Su Xin's talent and methods were not weak. Among the eight princes, the eldest prince had the highest prestige and the most powerful talent.

It can even be said that when the late emperor was still alive, the voice of the First Prince to ascend the throne was also the highest. Apart from the fact that the First Prince was suspicious and could not tolerate sand, this person had no obvious shortcomings.

Even Si Long once praised the eldest prince's talent to Su Chen when he was in the imperial capital.

Su Chen has reason to believe that most of the 50 troops under the First Prince's command are elite troops, not a combination of miscellaneous soldiers like other princes.

Now that the eldest prince Su Xin is coming to attack in a big way, he must be fully prepared, and he must have anticipated the defensive power of the imperial capital, and he must be prepared for the legendary realm.

In such a situation, can Su Chen not worry about the safety of the imperial capital?
"Emperor, how about a certain family go back to the imperial capital first to defend the imperial capital."

Lei Zhenzi rode his horse close to Su Chen, and proposed softly beside Su Chen.


Su Chen shook his head, rode his horse non-stop, and rejected the proposal very decisively.

Originally, Su Chen wanted Lei Zhenzi to go back early, so that with the strength of a legendary master, he could reach the battlefield in an instant. When Lei Zhenzi and Daji join forces, the imperial capital will definitely be safe.

But if Lei Zhenzi is sent away, Su Chen will have to face the question of who will deter the third prince Su Yi and the 30 rebels.

Su Chen has no reason to trust the third prince Su Yi completely, and there are a large number of rebels with a total of 30, which also need Lei Zhenzi to command and suppress.

Lei Zhenzi is currently unable to leave.

Otherwise, one mistake, not to mention that the third prince Su Yi may have another betrayal, even a rebellion of hundreds of thousands of rebels, which cannot be suppressed by the [-] Imperial Forest Army.

Moreover, Su Chen also needed these 30 rebels to consume the vitality of the First Prince's army, and prepare in advance for the follow-up rush to help the imperial capital on all sides of the battlefield.

Otherwise, with an army of 50 not weak, coupled with the layout of the First Prince and the commander-in-chief of the generals under his command, two legendary-level troops may not be able to completely destroy the army of 50.

It can be said that Su Chen's current 30 rebels are not only a good card, but also an unstable bomb.

After comprehensive consideration, Su Chen can only travel day and night now, and must rush to the battlefield before the eldest prince captures the imperial capital.

Five days later, the imperial capital.

The farmland outside the city had been ruined to the point of disrepute. Rows of dark troops stood in order not far from the imperial capital.

If you look at it from a high altitude, it is not difficult to find that the entire imperial capital is empty on all sides, and there is no danger to defend it. The army under the command of the eldest prince Su Xin has lined up in a formation of geese, surrounding the imperial capital on all sides.

With one stroke and one stroke, it seems like two huge "people" characters, completely besieging the imperial capital.

Not to mention the military messengers and scouts, not even a fly can fly out!

In the imperial capital, on the high city wall, there are glaring blood, bones and flesh hanging, telling the world about the bloody battle that took place.

On the East Tower, Sima Yi led a group of ministers to stand in front of the gate of the tower. He frowned and looked at the rebels not far away.

"50. Emperor, how should I guard it?"

Sima Yi felt bitter in his heart, he was the best at cunning, he was even better at military formations, he was good at both defense and offense.

But the eldest prince Su Xin didn't talk to you at all, and he didn't intrigue with you. The 50 army was directly pulled out, three small attacks every day, and one big attack every three days.

Relying on his large number of troops, he took turns to attack, bloodbathed the tall and thick walls of the imperial capital, constantly wearying the patience of the people in the imperial capital and torturing their nerves.

Sima Yi had no soldiers under his command. When the rebels came, he mobilized the entire court, temporarily recruited soldiers in the city, and mobilized the servants of the soldiers and clans in the city to actively participate in the battle, and made countless promises for this.

What kills ten rebels can get rid of slavery, what kills a school lieutenant can be promoted to a rank.
Food, money, beauties, and official positions, as long as they were rewards to boost morale, Sima Yi continued to issue them. He personally wrote the imperial decree and stamped the jade seal. For five consecutive days, he continued to stimulate the momentum of the defenders in the city.

At the same time, during the daily siege, a large amount of imperial meals and fine wines were taken from the palace, and generously rewarded to stabilize the morale of the army from different angles.

Even Sima Yi ignored the obstruction of other people in the Military Aircraft Pavilion, and asked Li Nianzi to take out some treasures from the royal collection in the palace, the last pens and inks of Danqing masters, etc., and reward them directly to the meritorious soldiers and noble families.

These are the benefits that can be seen in real fights. A total of [-] miscellaneous soldiers were assembled in a panic. In the five-day defense of the city, half of them were killed and injured. .

Mobilize the power of the whole city to fight against the rebels.

The reason why the imperial capital can persist for so long is not because the walls of the imperial capital are tall. This is inseparable from Sima Yi's strategy and decisiveness. He stood up at the critical moment and worked hard to make arrangements.

The eldest prince kept exerting psychological pressure on the people in the city, throwing letters of surrender, and he went to the streets in person, shouting "from the king's words" (a kind of morale-boosting poem) hour after hour.

The First Prince kept sending people to attack, so he led the ministers of the Military Machine Pavilion and encouraged the retired old generals in the court to garrison the city defense and personally carry the wood, rolling stones, and kerosene.

Sima Yi did everything he could, whether it was psychological warfare or specific battlefield contact, he had done his best.

It wasn't until the fifth day that he deeply felt that what a clever woman he is, he can't cook without rice.

You have no soldiers or generals, and you are stationed in the imperial capital where there is no danger to defend. If you meet an unreasonable eldest prince, you will always be reckless with you, forcing you to fight with him for consumption and strength.
How can we fight this battle!Unless the emperor is alive!
It was already a miracle among miracles that Sima Yi could last for five days.

(End of this chapter)

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