First emperor of the human race

Chapter 71 Looking forward to the birth of a concubine from the palace!

Chapter 71 Looking forward to the birth of a concubine from the palace!
"Master Shangshu, don't be discouraged, we have supported for five days, and we can support another five days."

The Minister of the Ministry of War stood up and comforted Sima Yi with his own hands: "We believe that the emperor must be on his way, you must hold on and not fall down! As long as the emperor returns to the court, we will win!"

Sima Yi has been encouraging and brainwashing the people in the city these days, the emperor will definitely come back!Dijun is on his way back!

Sima Yi sent people to keep informing the whole city that even if the emperor had come to this scene before he set off for the expedition, the emperor deliberately wanted to let the eldest prince into the game!
Everyone must persevere, when the emperor returns to the city, the First Prince's army will be wiped out, when the emperor rewards the emperor for his merits, everyone's good days will come!
After five consecutive days of brainwashing, most of the people in the city believed this statement, not to mention the officials in the court, even Shang Yang and Chen Qun, the ministers of the military cabinet, were somewhat skeptical, and this was the reason why they were able to persevere.

People, you can't despair, once you despair, everything is over.

"hope so."

Sima Yi took a deep breath, his face expressionless, but his heart was extremely bitter.

He didn't even know if the emperor would be able to come back in time, if the military messenger could not be dispatched, and the woman could not leave, who would notify the emperor!
"Master Shangshu, why be pessimistic, as long as you continue to support, when the emperor rewards you for your merits, you must be the first!"

A veteran held a treasured sword at home and wore an old armor with a metallic luster, and laughed loudly.

"Do not."

Sima Yi shook his head, raised his head, and looked in the direction of the palace: "The first meritorious service is her."

Everyone looked in the direction of the imperial capital, but they couldn't see anything, but they knew that there was a woman waiting in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

She was wearing a snow-white long dress in palace dress, and there were dots of bloodstains on the long dress, like plum blossoms blooming.

She covered her face with a light veil, held her sword upside down, and stood quietly in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony. For five consecutive days, she never left this place.

Only when the rebels came to attack in large numbers, would she leave the Hall of Supreme Harmony, take action to rescue, target the masters of the rebels, and save the imperial capital.

No one knew who she was, nor what relationship she had with the emperor, but Li Nianzi called her "Empress Daji".

In the past five days, the imperial capital, which has only more than ten thousand defenders, is no match for the rebel army under the eldest prince's command. If it were not for Daji's continuous attacks, the imperial capital would have fallen long ago.

"It's not good! The rebels are attacking! There are a lot of people!"

On the tower, the soldiers on the watchtower looked into the distance and shouted palely: "There are so many! There are so many rebels!"


Sima Yi and other civil servants and generals rushed to the wall and looked into the distance.

I saw five miles away, densely packed human heads all over the place, charging quickly from the other side of the skyline, countless rebels, all of them were people!
There is no formation, no elites, they are all miscellaneous soldiers, led by only a few lieutenants and partial generals, passing through the border like countless locusts, charging towards the imperial capital.

More than [-] miscellaneous soldiers went out in turn to consume the defense of the imperial capital, while retaining the elite army for the final blow.

An obvious strategy, this is a conspiracy!
This was a conspiracy that made Sima Yi helpless. There was simply not enough troops for Sima Yi to display his genius talent.

"The rebels are coming to attack, the whole city is on alert!!!"

A hoarse and sharp shout resounded from everywhere in the city.

The people in the city went home one after another, closed the gates tightly, and countless young and strong people set out from the school grounds to continuously transport the city defense materials to the four city gates.

More than 3000 miscellaneous soldiers need to guard the gates on all sides, and each tower can only be assigned less than [-] people!
These 3000 people need to face the crazy attack of tens of thousands of rebels!

Sima Yi, Chen Qun, Shang Yang, and Guo Sikong each guarded a city gate, with the help of military officials under their command, and the civil servants used their strength and prestige to run around the city to appease the people and handle logistics.

It has to be said that Sima Yi's methods are still very good. Under his suppression and brainwashing, in such a disadvantaged situation, although everyone in the imperial capital was afraid of despair, they did not have the intention of rebelling and offering the city.

"Calculating the time, today should be the day when the rebels will attack."

Chen Qun bowed his head and counted, and then his face changed drastically: "No wonder they didn't send troops to attack this morning, hurry up and send orders to get everyone ready!"


A middle-aged military official nodded, and he was about to personally send an order to the four major city gates in the imperial capital to prepare for defense, and the battle was about to begin!

"No, no need."

Sima Yi shook his head, pointed to the front, and said bitterly: "Look, how many people are there in this group of rebels?"

Guo Sikong squinted his eyes slightly, then took a deep breath: "No fewer than 10 people!"

After fighting for a long time, Guo Sikong also has a general grasp of the basic battlefield knowledge. Although the number of people looking at and visually is not accurate, it is not bad.

"In the past five days, the rebels have taken turns to attack the city, all using miscellaneous soldiers, each time only tens of thousands of miscellaneous soldiers; elite cavalry, elite infantry, and even siege equipment have never been used."

"This shows that they have been exhausting our patience, and I have observed in the past few days, and I am sure that the rebels only have more than [-] miscellaneous soldiers."

"But today, all the miscellaneous soldiers are going out! Then the other three walls will definitely not be attacked, and the rebels must focus on attacking the east gate."

"Even if the [-]-odd rebel miscellaneous soldiers fail to capture the East City Gate, they will exhaust our last strength. At that time, we will send out elite soldiers to attack the East City Gate at night, and we will definitely be able to win in one battle. "

Sima Yi took a deep breath, feeling more and more bitter in his heart: "We cannot intervene in this battle."

The First Prince had lost his patience, or the First Prince felt that five consecutive days of torture were enough, enough for him to complete the final assault on the imperial capital.

This was a very simple conspiracy. When Sima Yi analyzed it, everyone suddenly realized, and then their faces turned pale and sweat poured down like rain.

At this moment, the warriors in the Chaos Realm guarding the other three city gates rushed to the east gate, and they arrived before anyone could hear them.

"There is no trace of the rebels at the west gate!"

"There are no traces of the rebels at the South Gate!"

"There is no trace of the rebels at the North City Gate!"

Sure enough, as Sima Yi, Minister of the Ministry of War, guessed correctly, he guessed right about the plans of the First Prince.

But for some reason, the crowd couldn't be happy, instead they were even more frightened, and some civil servants even started to tremble all over.

"Then that said, isn't the imperial capital going to fall tonight?!"

Shang Yang's expression was extremely embarrassed.

Could it be that we can't keep the imperial capital?

In five days, tens of thousands of rebel miscellaneous soldiers have already exhausted everyone. Now all the rebel miscellaneous soldiers have been dispatched, and there are still elite legions watching. How can we defend this?
No matter how strong the wisdom and means of civil officials are, how can they fight the rebels when there are no soldiers in the city?
The combat power of the two sides is not equal at all!

This is an unfair fight!No. War is unfair in the first place.

"Where's Li Nianzi?"

Sima Yi didn't continue to explain, nor was he in the mood to appease everyone, he turned to ask the military officials beside him.

Wu Chen was stunned, and said quickly: "He went to the palace, just now."

"Well, the only way out now is to rely on her."

Sima Yi nodded, took a deep breath, looked at the rebels who were getting closer and closer to the city wall, and ordered in a deep voice: "Order, let the guards and military officials at the other three gates come to the east gate to gather!"

"We can't help her, but we can. Just in case!"

Sima Yi's voice was exceptionally deep, containing a trace of complex emotions that people couldn't fathom, including pain, guilt, shame, and the will to die!

The imperial capital is very large, with a population of at least tens of millions. Counting the young and strong men in the city, there are at least millions of people!
In the past five days, Sima Yi exhausted all means, and could only gather [-] young and strong miscellaneous soldiers as a defensive force.

And now!
Yes, right now, right now!
There are millions of men in the city, the famous men of Daxia!The hot-blooded Da Xia boy!She actually needs a woman's protection!

"Millions of men are not as good as women, I hope the palace will produce a queen!"

Sima Yi muttered to himself, gnashing his teeth.

His words made countless people silent, their faces flushed, and they were ashamed.

Royal Palace.

"Drive! Drive!"

Li Nianzi's wrinkled old face was full of anxiety, and when he was old, he galloped wildly towards the empty palace, the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Even the eunuchs of the palace went to the battlefield, and there were only some maids guarding the palace at this time.

"Niangniang! Niangniang!"

When Li Nianzi saw the plaque on the Hall of Supreme Harmony, he couldn't help shouting hoarsely, almost breaking his voice: "Your Majesty! The rebels are attacking!"


Li Nianzi got off his horse before the horse stopped, staggered and fell to the ground, got up with difficulty, endured the pain of broken bones, and limped towards the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

"Where is the empress?"

There was no one in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Li Nianzi was stunned, and looked at the court lady kneeling beside her.

The maid's voice was timid: "Returning to the chief supervisor, the empress left not long ago, and went to the east gate."

"My lady."

Li Nianzi breathed a sigh of relief, and sat down in the middle of the empty Supreme Harmony Hall. He raised his head and looked at the empty emperor's throne.

On the right side of the throne, there is a cushion, on which there is still a warm and dark fragrance.

"Hehe, hehe! Hahaha!"

Li Nianzi's heart felt sour, he laughed and cried, old tears kept rolling down his cloudy old eyes, and he cried and laughed loudly regardless of his appearance.

 The author Jun also hopes to deeply explore the soul and spirituality of each character. I will continue to exercise and improve my writing skills, and hope that one day I can write chapters that satisfy and move everyone.

  Ask for a recommendation ticket!
  The author is still writing, and I will try to publish another chapter after 12 o'clock. Readers who are not in a hurry should go to bed first, and it will be the same tomorrow.


(End of this chapter)

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