First emperor of the human race

Chapter 79 The Great Army Enters the City

Chapter 79 The Great Army Enters the City
Su Chen is waiting for the elite troops from the four battlefields to join the imperial capital to encircle and suppress the last rebel army, which is also the most powerful rebel army.

The 30 rebel miscellaneous soldiers are no match for the army under the First Prince's command, and for Su Chen, these 30 rebel miscellaneous soldiers are actually better to control than the elite soldiers.

At least this group of miscellaneous soldiers did not have a strong imprint on them, and although the army under the First Prince's command was elite, they already had their own loyalty and belief.

As long as Su Yi is alive, it will be difficult for the 20 rebels to leave. They can only stay around the imperial capital, waiting for an opportunity.

Su Chen knew it, the First Prince knew it, and Su Yi knew it too.

This is a dead end.

This is an open conspiracy on the surface, as long as the Eldest Prince survives, as long as Su Yi knows that the Eldest Prince is in the imperial capital, he will do everything possible to save the Eldest Prince.

Even if Su Yiming knew it was a trap, he wouldn't leave!
If he doesn't leave, the more than 20 elite rebels will not leave!
The eldest prince at this moment was a little desperate. When he was pinched by the Imperial Forest Army, his eyes were fixed on Su Yi who was lying on the ground unable to move.

The eldest prince Su Xin roared and roared: "Gu orders you, get out immediately! Don't come back! Take Gu's army, get out! Get out as far away as possible!"

But to the great prince's disappointment, in Su Yi's eyes, he only saw pain and determination.

He just lay quietly in the pool of blood, watching helplessly as the First Prince was taken away by the Imperial Forest Army.

Su Yi won't leave, he is not a person who is afraid of death, he can do nothing, and he wants to save the eldest prince.

For people like Su Yi, kindness is greater than heaven.

The First Prince was in despair.

The eldest prince doesn't know why Su Chen's calculations are so accurate, why does he believe that Su Yi would rather die than betray the eldest prince!

How can you calculate so accurately!

Why are you so confident!

The eldest prince's desperate cry echoed in the night sky, disturbing countless birds and beasts. He was like a wild beast that had come to a dead end, without any hope in sight.

This is a more suffocating painful feeling than killing him. The method he was most proud of was used by Su Chen in front of him without any scruples.

This is wanton trampling on dignity, completely tearing up the disguise, no matter how hard you struggle, you can't escape the cage set by the emperor.

This battle finally ended with the elite rebels successfully holding their ground.

Before the rebels stabilized the situation, under the cover of Lei Zhenzi, 30 captive rebels had already entered the city in batches.

A total of more than 20 elite rebels left nothing but bones all over the ground. They could only watch helplessly as the enemies entered the imperial capital and closed the tall city gates.

Originally, the imperial capital was difficult to attack, but now there are 30 troops stationed in the city, and there is a new legend, can this battle still be fought?
Everyone is deeply suspicious.

at this time.

"The whole army retreats twenty miles!"

A hoarse and cold howling sound echoed, and the rebels had their backbones one after another.

"It's Su Yi's voice!"

"He must be with His Highness!"

"Quickly withdraw, the military order has been issued."

Su Yi is now not only the eldest prince's personal guard, but as early as daytime, the eldest prince had appointed him as the president's commander, in charge of the entire army and the task of attacking the imperial capital.

The rebels retreated one after another and returned to the rebel camp.

"Su Yi? Where's Your Highness?"

"Hurry up, we ask to see His Highness, the imperial capital's military strength has increased sharply, we can't fight anymore, we have to find a way out."

After the army settled down, the military generals rushed into the large tent of the Chinese army one after another, but they only saw Su expressionless, sitting on the commander's seat covered in blood, and there was no sign of the eldest prince.

"The Emperor is back."

Su Yi opened his mouth coldly, and said: "His Royal Highness, he was taken to the imperial capital by that new legend, and he is currently in the city."


The whole audience was shocked, everyone was shocked, there was silence in the central military tent, and no one spoke for a while.

"In the battle tonight, how much will our army lose?"

Su Yi's voice was exceptionally calm, and no one could see the slightest bit of anger and anxiety.


The faces of the military generals were extremely ugly. No one wanted to mention the casualties. Some people couldn't help but said: "Since His Royal Highness has been arrested, I'm afraid the big thing will be unsustainable. Why don't we?"


The treasured sword was unsheathed, and the light of the sword flashed.


The man who opened his mouth threw his head away, and hot blood spurted out, covering the armor and faces of the people around him, making people look pale and terrified.

"Su Yi, you're crazy!"

"You dare to kill your own people!"

The central military account was in a mess, and the military divisions and generals questioned angrily.

"A certain family is now the commander-in-chief."

Su was expressionless, without even looking at the headless corpse, he just said lightly: "His Royal Highness is in the city, not dead yet!"

"Now, it is necessary to rescue His Highness at all costs! If anyone disturbs the morale of the army, behead!"

Su Yi's words were filled with Sen Han's killing intent, and the saber in his hand was still dripping blood.

The audience fell silent immediately, no one dared to speak again, no one was a fool, they all saw it.

Su Yi was completely insane, even if he knew he was defeated, he still wanted to save the First Prince.

This is madness that puts life and death aside.

"My lords, rest with a certain family. Tomorrow, we will attack the city again!"

Su Yi glanced at the people in the central military tent, and said in a deep voice: "Is there anyone who is willing to go to the death with this commander, for His Highness!"

"The old minister is willing to help the commander in chief."

Wang Sima was the first to stand up. For him, His Royal Highness cannot die, and the Rebellion of Eight Kings cannot be defeated.

Otherwise, the world is so big that there is no room for him anymore.

After a brief silence, most of the people knelt down on one knee and roared in unison, "For Your Highness!"

There are a small number of those who are unwilling to do so, they can only sigh helplessly, and knelt down to express their views along with the crowd.

If they don't obey, then the side general killed by Su Yi will be their fate.

Su Yi was crazy, but why didn't the rest of the army outside also go crazy?

To become an elite army, you must first have your own beliefs, and His Highness is the belief of this group of troops!
As long as Su Yi gives an order, the elite troops outside will definitely take the lead and die for His Highness.

Why are the Su family so popular!

At this time, in the imperial capital.

"The emperor has returned to the city!"

A shout of excitement conveyed to Siye, stirring up endless hope and a sense of security, making the entire imperial capital boil.

Although it was still late at night, countless people flooded the streets.

The common people came out of the city, crowding on both sides of the street, holding torches, watching the army entering the city excitedly and strangely. The third prince Su Yi held his head high and rode his horse in front of him, smiling extraordinarily brightly.

If I knew it was so fun to be a king teacher, who would be a traitor!

"Dijun came back in time! If it wasn't for Dijun, the capital would have fallen long ago."

"If the rebels enter the city, who knows what will happen. I heard that there have been massacres on the battlefield outside!"

"Really? It's really scary. Fortunately, the emperor came back in time!"

The excited voices of the people sounded out one after another, the simplest and most direct.

The return of the emperor and the entry of the army into the city represented the stability of the war situation, and they no longer had to worry about it every day and night.

"Where's the emperor?"

Sima Yi walked down tiredly from the tower. He kept hearing from the soldiers that he saw the emperor entering the city, but he never saw anyone.

Some generals cupped their hands and replied: "Responding to Master Shangshu's words, the last general saw earlier that the emperor rode his horse all the way back to the palace."

"Go back to the palace?"

Sima Yi was taken aback for a moment, frowning in confusion, this is a bit unlike the emperor's character.

Now that the situation is tense, and there are still elite rebels out there who have not been completely resolved, why did the emperor go back to the palace directly?

According to the emperor's temper, shouldn't he stay in the city tower or the school grounds, cheer up the army's morale, and then teach the rebels outside the city a harsh lesson?
"I heard from Wen Chang that something happened to the empress."

Nan Xunchao came over, his voice low and full of guilt.

The huge imperial capital, with tens of millions of people, was saved by a woman.

This made him ashamed and blamed himself, and even more admired.


Sima Yi was shocked, and hurriedly shouted: "Quick, prepare the horse, I want to enter the palace!"

Whether it is her strategic significance as a legend, or her status as a person around the emperor, they are all extraordinary.

If something really happened to Empress Daji, I'm afraid this day will change.

 wait for another chapter

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(End of this chapter)

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