First emperor of the human race

Chapter 80 Fragrant Soul Miaomiao, Holy Grade Pill

Chapter 80 Fragrant Soul Miaomiao, Holy Grade Pill

The imperial palace, the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

The Hall of Supreme Harmony shrouded in darkness was still brightly lit, and the palace servants and maidservants kept running, and there were constant sounds.

"Quick! Quick! Bring in the hot water!"

"Where are the other servants? Why are there not enough manpower!"

"Damn you guys, if something happens to your mother, our family will chop off your heads!"

Li Nianzi's exasperated old voice kept ringing out.

When the empress was escorted back by the maidservants, she fell into a coma before reaching the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and she was still awake, as if she were dead, which made Li Nianzi very anxious.

If something happened to the empress, wouldn't the emperor be furious when he came back?

At this moment, a scream sounded from outside the hall: "The Emperor is here!"

"The Emperor is back!"

Everyone in the Hall of Supreme Harmony paused, Li Nianzi and the eunuchs guarding outside knelt down one after another, facing the gate of the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

"Slave, wait, see the emperor."

"Slave, wait, see the emperor."

Su Chen strode forward, his face was frosty, and he didn't even have time to change the blood-stained clothes on his body.

Li Nianzi didn't dare to look up at the emperor, Su Chen walked past them without saying a word.

The cold aura enveloped the entire Hall of Supreme Harmony, and everyone was silent, even a fool could tell that the emperor was brewing anger.

"Go back."

Su Chen entered the Hall of Supreme Harmony, waved away the maids, and walked to the dragon bed.

The beautiful woman was lying on the bed, with her silk dress spread out, her black hair scattered casually, and between the faint obsequiousness and brows, she looked unharmed, as if she was sleeping soundly.

But Su Chen could clearly see that Daji's pretty face was snow-white, her eyes were closed tightly, and she couldn't even breathe, which made people feel distressed.

Su Chen sat on the side of the bed silently, stretched out his hand to gently hold Daji's bright wrist, the spiritual energy entered his body, and circulated Daji's meridians with the emperor's heart method to check Daji's condition.

Meridians shattered, blood flowed backwards, aura dried up, internal organs displaced, heart pulse stopped beating!
The more Su Chen probed, the more he felt palpitations.

It can be seen that the defense of the imperial capital is difficult for a legendary master to be reduced to such a miserable situation.

After all, the legendary state has not really broken away from the mortal body, no matter how strong it is, there is a limit.

This silly woman, in order to keep her promise to herself, really gave up her life!

If Su Chen hadn't come back in time, I'm afraid even a saint would not be able to save Daji, because she is really no different from a dead person at this time, with her life cut off and powerless to return to heaven.

When Su Chen's aura was circulating in Daji's body, he noticed something in the sachet around her waist.

Su Chen's heart moved, he quickly took it out, looked down, and couldn't help trembling in his heart.

This is a spiritual elixir, exuding a burst of fragrance. This is the life-saving elixir that Su Chen gave to Daji before he left. Enemies who swallow this elixir can remain immortal for three days."

This elixir is called [Jiu Ni Body Protection Pill], it is a holy elixir, as long as it is swallowed, it will strengthen the aura of body protection without limit.

A creature whose strength is below the level of a saint can never harm the person who swallowed the pill, and can't break the protective aura at all.

Nowadays, the Eight Desolation Continent lacks aura. It is not the great world 10 years ago. There are no saints born today. After swallowing [Jiu Ni Body Protection Pill], it is no different from the real invincible.

Su Chen gave Daji the elixir in the hope that she could delay the time. If the real imperial capital encountered unpredictable dangers, she could delay it for at least three days.

But at that time, Daji smiled and said to Su Chen: "Emperor, such a precious medicine is really a second life. I can't bear to use it. I should keep it for the emperor."

At that time, Su Chen thought she was joking, but she didn't expect that she was serious!
She was reluctant to use this holy elixir, she was afraid that after she used it, the emperor would have nothing to save his life.

Su Chen opened his mouth, his voice was hoarse and low: "You stupid woman."

I am the majestic first emperor of the human race, how could I care about a small holy medicine pill!

As long as I am willing, after improving my strength, the countless more powerful pills hidden in the Great Emperor's Treasure can be taken and used at any time!
Su Chen's big palm fell on Daji's forehead, and there was a hint of distress in his eyes.

Even his eternally peaceful state of mind had a slight ripple at this moment.

Human hearts are made of flesh, Su Chen is not a heartless person.

How could Su Chen not see Daji's contribution like a moth to a flame?

At this moment, Li Nianzi's respectful voice came from outside the hall.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty the Third Highness, Sima Yi, Chen Qun, Shang Yang, Nan Xunchao and others are waiting outside the imperial study."

"It is said that there is an important military matter to discuss, and it is related to the rebels outside the city."

Although the emperor has returned to the dynasty, the rebels are still outside the city.

Sima Yi and others also discovered that the 30 rebels brought into the city by the third prince were far from being able to match the elite army under the command of the first prince.

To give a simple example, if the 30 troops in the city were to fight head-on with the elite troops under the First Prince's command, they would definitely not last an hour and would be defeated.

After all, what counts in war is not the number of people, but the strategy, army formation, generals, soldiers' strength and mutual cooperation.

"Can't even deal with such a small matter? Then what's the use of them!"

Su Chen's cold voice came from the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and said: "Decree, let everyone in the Junji Pavilion, led by Sima Yi, have full power to deal with the rebels outside the city, and must keep the rebels in the imperial capital for at least ten days."


Li Nianzi shuddered all over, smiled wryly and stepped back to report the news to Sima Yi and others.

Now that Dijun is in a bad mood, it's better not to disturb Dijun.

With 30 troops entering the city, coupled with Sima Yi's strategy, the next battle actually does not require the emperor to come forward.

In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Su Chen's eyes fell on Daji's pretty face, and his indifferent expression softened.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you."

Su Chen took a deep breath, took out the emperor's jade pendant, communicated with the emperor's treasure, and took out another spiritual elixir from the first floor, the size of a longan.

【Returning to Heaven Holy Pill】.

Now, there is no vitality in Daji's body, and the [Jiu Ni Body Protection Pill] is useless.

Wanting to save Daji completely, Su Chen has no way to do it now.

There are many ways to cure Daji, but either Su Chen is not strong enough in martial arts now, or the foreign object that can completely save Daji is hidden in the deeper restricted space of the Great Emperor's Treasure.

The only thing Su Chen can do is to reshape the vitality in Daji's body, so that she can hang on her breath.

As long as he wasn't really dead, Su Chen would have a chance to save people. This was his heaven-defying means as the first emperor of the human race.

【Heaven-Returning Holy Pill】: Holy medicine pill, which can reshape the life of creatures who are not more than three days after death and whose strength is below the holy realm.

Although this elixir cannot completely save Daji, it is still against the sky. Under the holy realm, even the dead can be revived!
Su Chen squeezed the crystal clear elixir, filled with aura, and slowly sent it into Daji's red lips, and the elixir melted in his mouth.

After a stick of incense, Su Chen continued to send spiritual energy into Daji's body.

This time, he could clearly feel that the meridians and internal organs in Daji's body were constantly being repaired rapidly under a powerful medicine, and at the same time, a new ray of vitality re-condensed.

Although Daji didn't wake up, her heartbeat, pulse, and breathing had resumed. The spiritual energy in her body was also refilled.

Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, Su Chen only needs to continue to strengthen his own strength. At that time, no matter whether he uses the magic method of the Great Emperor's Heart Sutra or the higher-level elixir in the Great Emperor's Treasure, he can continuously accumulate and strengthen this ray of vitality in Daji's body.

As long as the vitality recovers enough, Daji will be truly resurrected from the dead.

While Su Chen was healing Daji, outside the imperial study room, several ministers of the Military Machine Pavilion got together and were urgently discussing the matter of the rebels outside the city.

Coordination of military formations, coordinated operations, observation of the sky at night, selection of means of annihilating the enemy, and consideration of the right time, place and people.

Sima Yi, in particular, kept coming up with some new ideas, spit out some esoteric terms such as astronomy and geography, taking geographical factors and weather factors into consideration.

The third prince Su Yi stood beside the ministers of the Military Machine Pavilion with a blank face, looking at this and that at once.

Their expressions are serious, their sentences are fast, their thinking is jumping, and their layout is rigorous.
Well, Gu can understand every word they say.

But why can't Gu understand anything after the words they said together?

Are they too smart, or Gu is too stupid?

Su Yi fell into deep confusion.

 Third more.

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(End of this chapter)

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