First emperor of the human race

Chapter 86 Returning from the Dead

Chapter 86 Returning from the Dead
"After all, he still did such a rebellious thing."

Si Long's voice was trembling, his heart was very complicated, and he muttered to himself: "Yu'er, you can kill your father, but you can't plot for Daxia."

After all, you are her child, and I have never failed you.

You don't regard me as a father, but I always treat you as a parent and child.

But you should never, never, never betray Da Xia!

The loyalty of the Si family for 10 years must not be destroyed in your hands.


The veteran wanted to comfort him. They have been preparing for a long time. If they win this battle, Daxia will be safe for at least a hundred years!

If the commander-in-chief softens his heart at this time, then everything will be in vain.

"That's it."

Si Long sighed and waved his hands silently: "After they enter the city."


Si Long's voice was trembling especially, this simple kill word seemed to exhaust all of Si Long's strength.


The old general cupped his hands, turned and retreated silently.

After a long silence, Si Long picked up the sword beside him and left the secret passage.

Tonight is destined to be a bloody night.

In the Eastern Frontier Fortress City, there are four school grounds, and troops continue to gather here.

Most of the 50 Si family troops have already withdrawn from the defense line. Only the more than [-] Si family troops have not yet withdrawn, but they were also sent out of the city by Si Yu with various excuses. Beware of orc hordes.

Si Long's confidantes persuaded Si Yu not to do this more than once, the risk was too great, if the orc army found out, and took a cold shot to come and attack, the Si family army would definitely suffer a defeat.

But Si Yu's attitude is very firm, he wants to announce the news of Si Long's death in public.

"The situation in the eastern border is unstable now, and the army of millions of orcs is staring at the outside world. We must not disturb the morale of the army at this time!"

"The major general said, this is the mourning army must win."

"The underdog will win. Do you believe it?"

"So what if you don't believe me. Now that the major general is in charge of the entire defense line in Eastern Xinjiang as the only son of the commander-in-chief, who can not listen to him?"

"Don't think too much, everyone, nothing will happen."

"But there is always some uneasiness in this family's heart."

On the school field, some military advisers and generals sighed and exchanged softly.

Most people thought that Silong was dead, and only a few people knew of Silong's plan. The dead "Silong" was just a stand-in.

Silong has been fighting outside all year round, fighting with the Beastman Empire. You have been fighting with each other for decades. It can be said that the Beastman Empire does not want to kill Silong all the time!

How could Si Long be defenseless?

Si Long was very aware of the plans of the Beastman Empire. Originally, he had been raising his double ten years ago to prevent the Beastman Empire from being assassinated; at the same time, he could release false news at critical moments to confuse the Beastman Empire.

As long as the stand-in feigns death, the Orc Empire will take the news lightly, and a huge flaw will be exposed at that time, which can be used by Si Long.

As long as Si Long used his substitute properly, he might be able to use it to counterattack the Beastman Empire.

Silong's stand-in is Silong's diehard loyalist. Not only is his temperament and appearance [-]% similar to Silong's, but he also has Silong's legendary atmosphere.

As long as the stand-in doesn't use force, people under the legendary state can't see the slightest flaw, even Si Yu can't see the flaw.

And at this time, just as the plan of General Si Long was about to be implemented, and his substitute had just appeared on the stage, Major General Si Yu withdrew from the domestic battlefield to Eastern Xinjiang.

By coincidence, Major General Si Yu also began to implement the plan he had prepared for many years.

At this time, there was domestic turmoil in Daxia. As long as Si Yu succeeded in poisoning Silong, he could join hands with the orc army outside the city to break the defense line of the eastern border and overthrow the Daxia Dynasty single-handedly.

Logically speaking, the success rate of Si Yu poisoning Si Long is at least [-]%. After all, who would guard against his own son?
But Si Yu is too anxious
He struck ahead of time and poisoned Si Long's double. From that moment on, Si Long saw Si Yu's true face; Just lurk in the room.

When Si Long heard Si Yu tell the secret he had hidden for many years, he felt sad and angry, and took advantage of the situation to set up a game in the middle of the game.

And all of this, Si Yu still doesn't know.

"Is everyone here?"

Si Yu walked to the school grounds, stood on the high platform, and looked up at the school grounds in front of him.

Under the light of countless torches, you can see that the school grounds are full of heads.

These people's faces were firm and imposing, and they stood there silently, as if they were insurmountable mountains!
This is the invincible Si family army, this is the most elite army that has defended the Great Xia Empire for 10 years!
There was a glint of coldness in Si Yu's eyes, he turned his head calmly, and saw the personal guard standing under the stage.

The personal guard nodded to Si Yu calmly, and then quietly retreated.

He was going to release a signal to notify the orc army, and at the same time, to notify his own people at the four major city gates to open the gates and let the orc army enter the city.

And it was here that Si Yu dragged at least two-thirds of the Si family army in the city to the field of the four major schools.

"Tonight, I called everyone here to tell you a sad news."

Si Yu took a deep breath, gathered spiritual energy in his body, and let out a mournful howl, his voice conveyed to the whole world.

The Si family soldiers stood quietly in front of the school field, everyone was extremely calm, did not make the slightest noise, and just looked at Si Yu quietly.

The elite army is naturally prohibited by orders, and will never be easily shaken.

If Si Yu didn't use his naked eyes to see, he would even feel that there was no one in front of him.

Tens of 10 people were silent, not even a single person gasped for breath.

What a formidable army this is!

Si Yu sneered, Si Jiajun is indeed very powerful, but your faith has collapsed, can you still hold on?

"You must be very puzzled, why the general has not been here, he has not stood in front of everyone for more than a month."

Si Yu voiced grief and indignation, with his hands on his chest, he shouted: "That's because my father was seriously ill more than a month ago! I was forced to block the news in order to keep the secret and not disturb the morale of the army."

"In order to treat my father, I have invited more than a hundred doctors to treat him. I have tried everything, but my father's condition has not improved."

Si Yu's voice was choked with unbearable sobs, and tears rolled down his face: "The heavens are so hateful! My father died of serious injuries three hours ago, and passed away!"

The entire school ground was eerily silent, only Si Yu's mourning and crying could be heard.

The scenes that Si Yu guessed, such as the army's uproar, soldiers shaking, and the army's morale being unstable, etc., did not appear.

This feeling is like crying in an empty cemetery, the sound of mourning can be heard far away, but only the echo of myself can be heard, the surroundings are terrifyingly quiet!
After a few breaths, Si Yu sensed something was wrong, his crying stopped abruptly, and he opened his eyes to look forward.

There are still countless torches, and the flames are jumping and flickering strangely.

It was still the group of expressionless, fierce and high-spirited elite soldiers.

The military advisers and generals who had been sighing and whispering before were also present, but their expressions became extraordinarily indifferent at this time.

No one spoke, they were all looking at Si Yu, as if looking at another dead person.

"You guys are so indifferent!"

Si Yu looked confused, and couldn't help scolding: "The general is dead, aren't you sad!"

Just when Si Yu's voice just fell.


The hundreds of thousands of Si family troops split neatly, and a road appeared in the middle of the team.

"Da da da."

The crisp sound of horseshoes sounded, and one person, one rider, came slowly from a distance.

"you are?"

Si Yu was stunned, and looked intently, his face turned pale with shock, and his face was full of horror.

"I'm disappointed that my father didn't die, Yu'er."

The voice of indifference and roughness sounded, and the man rode out from the darkness, a knight who had returned from death!
Wearing black armor, a great cloak, and a sword at the waist, he looks heroic, and his face is resolute and decisive.

He is the great general, Si Long!

 The third one!

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(End of this chapter)

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