Chapter 87
"You're not dead!"

Si Yu was shocked immediately, his expression was pale and his whole body was trembling.

The person who thought he was dead, or the person who was killed by himself, appeared in front of him again, and the impact was indescribable.

Si Yu felt that his heart had stopped, and a feeling of suffocation of being teased emerged spontaneously.

"Are you so eager to die for your father?"

Si Long looked at Si Yu with complicated eyes.


Si Yu was speechless, at this point, there was no need to explain anything.

All explanations are powerless, and Si Long's "resurrection" made all the plans carefully planned by Si Yu come to naught.

"Too bad, he actually came back to life, so the army outside the city."

Si Yu was startled suddenly, he suddenly thought of his own plan, now that Si Long is resurrected, doesn't it mean that his behavior of sending out to inform the orc army outside the city is a trap for himself?
However, Si Long didn't intend to give him the chance to continue talking.

"Take down this traitor!"

Following Si Long's order, the Si family soldiers who were standing quietly beside him suddenly rushed up to the high platform, pounced on them like wolves and tigers, and directly took Si Yu down.

"let me go!"

Si Yu panicked, if he was caught, he would surely die.

Si Yu possessed the strength of Nirvana Realm, as soon as he struggled, the Si family army around him was shaken away by his protective aura.

"You still have to resist, Nizi!"

Si Long said angrily

A crisp sound sounded, and the sword was unsheathed.

The spiritual energy bloomed, and the sharp sword light flashed past, and the distance of 50 meters was reached in an instant, cutting towards Si Yu.

"Father, don't!"

Si Yu immediately turned pale and trembled all over, and he only uttered half of his exclamation.

The sharp weapon was like flesh, blood shot out, and Si Yu's entire head was thrown flying and rolled to the ground.

In an instant, blood flowed all over the ground, and the headless corpse fell to the ground.

The audience was shocked and appalled, and the military divisions and generals were in an uproar.

No one would have guessed that the General really killed Si Yu!
Although Si Yu is not the general's parent-child, but at least he is an adopted son who has been raised for many years, with deep feelings.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, even Si Yu himself did not expect that the general killed Si Yu directly without the slightest hesitation, and would never give him any chance to come back.

This is the decisive and iron-blooded method of being a general, he never procrastinates.

Even though there was sadness and confusion in his heart, he still made a move.

As the pillar of Daxia, the responsibilities and beliefs on his shoulders cannot allow him to protect Si Yu in the slightest.

After a short silence, Si Long waved his hands and said in a deep voice: "The whole army is in order, and we are going to close the doors and beat dogs."


All the generals hurriedly drank in a low voice and saluted respectfully.

Just when Si Long finished speaking, a shrill scream sounded from the city gate: "Ah!!!"

Afterwards, flames came from all four gates of the city.



The sound of shouting and killing continued, accompanied by the unique roar of the orcs, which shook the heavens and the earth.

It seems that Si Yu let in a lot of orcs.

"Silong is dead! The whole army enters the city! Great Xia must perish!"

The orcs chanted slogans in human language. Obviously, this was the attention of the orc staff, and they used words to mobilize the morale of the army.

"General, they have entered the city!"

An old general looked at Si Long anxiously.

"Well, follow the plan."

Si Long nodded, then faced the hundreds of thousands of Si family troops on the school field, and shouted loudly: "Erlang, do you dare to die for Da Xia?"


The Si family army collectively roared in response, their voices were like thunder, and their momentum was magnificent.

This is an elite division that dares to die and fight.

"The whole army obeys orders! The shield bearer is in front, the cavalry dismounts, and the whole army fights on foot!"

Si Long shouted in a deep voice: "Follow me, kill all these orcs!"

It is not suitable for cavalry to charge in the city, and they can only fight with orcs in the streets. Although the orcs are better at close combat, Si Long has already prepared for it.

Following Si Long's order, hundreds of thousands of Si family troops were full of killing intent. They turned into a torrent, and under the leadership of their respective generals, they left the school grounds in batches and merged into the fortress city of the Eastern Frontier Defense Line under the darkness of night. In all lanes, streets, and dwellings.


The earth-shattering sound shook the whole city, and everyone felt the soles of their feet trembling slightly, as if an earthquake was coming.

It's horrible, what happened?
Just when the orcs in the city were shocked, the orcs in the direction of a city gate let out a scream.

"It's a trebuchet!"

"There are trebuchets in the city!"

"Quick, rush in!"

The ambush that Si Long had already prepared began to take effect, and the orcs who had rushed in in one go suffered a setback.

They easily entered the city gate, and most of the orc soldiers thought that the entire eastern border fortress was already under the control of their own army.

Who would have thought that just after they entered the city, they encountered the bombing of the catapults in the city.

"This must be Si Jiajun!"

"They reacted!"

"Quick, get into the city and destroy the trebuchet soon."

There are constantly noisy animal languages ​​shouting loudly, conveying news to each other.

Even if the orcs were rough-skinned and thick-skinned, except for a small number of strong men, most of the soldiers couldn't resist the indiscriminate bombing by trebuchets over and over again.


A bear man with a height of three meters, a tiger man with a tiger head and a human body, and a ferocious wolf spearman
Countless orcs invaded and occupied the main streets of the city. There were so many of them. Although they cooperated in an orderly manner, it was impossible to see exactly how many orcs had entered the city under the chaotic night.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a sound of neat footsteps, and the shield players of the Si family army appeared. They rushed out from both sides of the street in a siege.


Bows and arrows that covered the sky and the sun continued to be thrown, falling behind the orc army.


The orc soldiers kept charging and fighting with their eyes red, crazy to the extreme.

The bloodier the battlefield, the crazier they are.

However, each of the Si family's soldiers was expressionless, holding the weapons in their hands tightly, strictly obeying the military orders, and approaching step by step, using their lives to fill the gap in the defense line.

The two sides inevitably engaged in bloody street battles, with humans and orcs dying every second.

"Despicable human beings, hahaha!"

Some orcs were red-eyed and laughed. Their strong bodies were enough to make Si Jiajun despair.

As long as you enter the city, it is the world of orcs!

No matter how powerful the Si family army is, they can only consume it with human lives, but the orcs can afford it!Their total strength is far superior to that of the Si family army.

"Pull out the other trebuchets."

Si Long ordered in a deep voice, he didn't plan to take action himself, he was guarding against the legend of the orc army.


The orderly left in a hurry.

In less than 10 minutes, the bombing frequency of the trebuchet accelerated!

There are at least fifty trebuchets bombing the rear of the orc army in turn!
"Shh~! Shh~! Shh~!"

One after another boulders lingering with aura flew across the night sky, shining like stars, each one represented death, as if a bomb had been dropped from the top of the head!

The ground shook, the streets shattered, houses collapsed, and countless orcs were buried.

The rubble and ruins piled up into mountains, which more effectively organized the offensive of the orc army. Their mobility was severely hindered, and there were ruins in all directions. How could they arrange troops?


"My legs, my legs!"

"Help me!"

The howling beast language is especially shrill in the dark night. The most inevitable shortcoming of street fighting is that it cannot take advantage of the number of troops.

No matter how many orcs came in, a large part of the orcs got together and couldn't get close to the frontline battlefield.

Even if the orcs were invincible in hand-to-hand combat, they could only continue to die tragically under the violent bombardment of the catapults.

It couldn't go on like this anymore, the [-] catapults regardless of consumption and durable bombardment caused thousands of low-level orc soldiers to die every second.

Only the orcs with the strength of Chaos Realm and above can resist the bombing of the trebuchet a little bit.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the internal response that the orcs have been waiting for has never appeared.

"This is an ambush!"

It wasn't until this time that the orc general came to his senses, and his stern voice was extremely piercing: "Quick! Get out of the city!"

This was a short delay, and at least tens of thousands of orcs were killed. Although the Si family army also suffered heavy casualties, the situation was much better than that of the orcs.

"Get out!"

The beast soldiers were also very elite, and they quickly retreated slowly, wanting to leave the city and get out of the bombing range of the catapults.

"I'm here to break the queen!"

A nirvana-level orc general couldn't help but stand up. He was a tiger man with a majestic axe and a brilliant aura.


A human Nirvana general stepped forward, full of killing intent, fearless of life and death, with a spear in his hand like a poisonous snake, holding back the tiger man.

The orc army must not be allowed to leave so easily.

The general has already paid a very heavy price. Most of the main roads and houses in the fortress city have been destroyed.

It can be said that, except for the four walls of the eastern border fortress city, which are still intact, everything in the city has already existed in name only!

This batch of orc army must be wiped out!
"Want to go?"

Si Long's voice was extremely cold, and he ordered lightly: "Let people outside the city do it."


A military strategist nodded, gathered spiritual energy on his fingers, and pushed it to the night sky to bloom.


The aura scattered and the signal was sent out.

The ambushes who had been ambushing outside the city for a long time began to move.

"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

Countless aura boulders appeared again, but this time they appeared from outside the city.

There are also trebuchets outside the city, bombing the streets of the city from outside!

In order to avoid causing damage to the city wall, they directly bombed the city indiscriminately, and even one or two inevitably landed on the Sijia army's camp, but their lethality against the orcs was still terrifying.

"Crazy! Si Jiajun is crazy!"

"Could it be that they plan to destroy the Eastern Frontier Fortress!"

Si Jiajun is really unreasonable, this is simply a group of lunatics, regardless of the consequences, just to kill orc soldiers to the greatest extent!
In order to maximize the results of the battle, they can sacrifice fearlessly, and even let the entire eastern frontier fortress be buried with the orcs!

The elite human generals also took action one after another. They were within the crazy bombing range of the catapults, holding back the orc army and the orc generals, preventing them from retreating smoothly.

This is a group of lunatics, a group of desperate lunatics!
The orcs panicked, and now they are attacking back and forth, what should we do?
At the same time, ten miles outside the city.

"What should I do? High Priest, act quickly, or all my children will die!"

A tiger man was full of anxiety and roared in a low voice, wishing he could rush into the city to fight bloody and rescue the soldiers of his own tribe.

But the high priest didn't speak, he didn't dare to act rashly.

"can not go."

A stooped figure wearing a black hooded robe stood beside the tiger man. He was the High Priest of the Orc Empire, a legendary master!

"High Priest, it will be too late if we don't go, let's enter the city!"

A werewolf general shouted, his face full of killing intent and anxiety.

At this time, there are a million orcs in the city, people from all tribes. If all the million orcs die, then the orc empire will be greatly damaged!

Beside the high priest, there is also an army of 30 people, which is used as reinforcements and ambushes to prevent the people in the city from escaping.

If the 30 reinforcements are sent to respond, some losses can be recovered to some extent.

Yes, they were just thinking about recovering the losses as much as possible, because they already knew that they had already lost this battle.

"A group of idiots, haven't you seen it yet?"

The high priest's voice was faint: "Si Yu failed, that man is not dead."

If it weren't for Si Long still alive, the High Priest really couldn't think of anyone who would have the ability to turn around the situation that was supposed to win in an instant.


The orc generals around the High Priest changed their expressions, and their expressions were horrified: "Silong is not dead?!"

at this time.

The high priest raised his head abruptly, and Senhan stared at a certain part of the city wall of the fortress with strange eyes.

There, stood a man, stroking his saber with his right hand.

It's Silong!
He is waiting for himself to enter the city.

As a legendary master, he has good eyesight.

Although it was dark at this time, the high priest could still clearly see Si Long's every move.

Si Long smiled at him, his lips moved slightly:

"Close the door and beat the dog."

 A large chapter of [-] words, one chapter is worth two chapters, enough weight!
(End of this chapter)

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