First emperor of the human race

Chapter 88 Great Victory in Eastern Border!

Chapter 88 Great Victory in Eastern Border!

The face of the High Priest under the hood was extremely difficult to see for a moment.


The high priest's voice was hoarse, and he walked out without looking back.

He knew that the Beastman Empire had completely failed tonight, and Si Long, a man like a mountain, was guarding the Eastern Frontier steadfastly, making it impossible for the Beastman Empire to surpass even if it tried everything it could!
An orc general was not reconciled, and asked hoarsely, "High Priest! What about the children in the city!"

"They can't survive anymore."

The high priest's voice was extremely cold, what are you waiting for if you don't leave now?
Could it be that he wanted to rush into the city and fight Si Long to his death?Now Silong holds the initiative of the entire battlefield, what he is waiting for is the high priest and others to enter the city.

The High Priest knew very well that the army of millions of beasts in the city seemed to be powerful in the situation of pinching inside and outside, but in fact they couldn't use their hands and feet at all, and they were already a piece of meat on the chopping board.

If Silong wasn't around, the High Priest could rely on his legendary strength to rescue him, but Silong was standing right there!He is still alive!
No one can guarantee whether Silong has other cards and ambushes that have not appeared.

The more Si Long put on a posture of waiting for the high priest to enter the city, the more the high priest dared not enter the city. He led the troops back without hesitation, and abandoned the million orcs in the city.

There is no doubt that since the death of major general Si Yu, the high priest lost control of the entire battlefield, or Si Yu's death reversed and ruined the army of one million orcs.

If the high priest had known that Si Long was still alive, he would not have let the beast army enter the city if he killed him.

The orc army is capable of hand-to-hand combat, and the Si family army has always used its strengths to avoid its weaknesses, avoiding direct combat with the orc army, and only in rare cases will it engage in hand-to-hand combat with the orc army.

But every time Si Jiajun did this, he was taking the absolute initiative and had a great chance of winning, and this time was no exception.

With the high priest retreating without hesitation, the entire battlefield situation can already announce the result in advance.

With Si Long, a legendary master, sitting in the town, and more than a hundred catapults bombing wildly inside and outside the city, the Si family army in the city fought desperately without fear of death, and the army of millions of orcs had no hope of turning back.

The generals of the orc army are no longer able to organize an army. All the generals under Si Long stand up and look for one by one to drag you down.

I didn't want to defeat you, so I dragged you from commanding the army, trading wounds for wounds and lives for lives!

There was chaos on the battlefield, the orc army continued to die tragically, and the number of soldiers decreased rapidly.

After half a night of frenzied bombing, the trebuchets finally stopped bombing, but there was still a large part of the city vacant, and the orc army suffered heavy casualties.

"Quick! Get out of town now!"

A bloody orc general finally slashed his opponent, screaming and roaring terribly.

The number of people has decreased by more than half, but this also gave the orc army a chance to use their hands and feet.

And Si Long, who was always on guard against the high priest on the tower, has disappeared.

In the next second, there was a dull and neat "da da da" sound from the four city gates. This is the sound of horseshoes trampling on the ground!
This is the cavalry charging again!
Team after team of cavalry rode their horses from outside the city gate, piercing fiercely into the city like sharp swords!
"It's over!"

"There are cavalry outside the city charging in!"

"Everyone spread out!"

The animal language neighed, and countless orcs panicked. Just as the catapults stopped bombing, a cavalry team from the Sijia Army began to charge.

This is not giving them a chance to breathe. Every orc is exhausted, the team has suffered heavy casualties, and they have no intention of fighting.

When encountering the elite Sijia cavalry waiting for most of the night, they could no longer form effective resistance.


Silong's icy voice, under the blessing of strong aura, conveyed to every corner of the city: "Defend me Daxia! I am invincible!"


The shouts of the human cavalry were loud, and they charged bravely without fear of death.

This is a war of only sacrifice, and no one will back down for the good of the race.

"Oops, it's Silong!"

"Si Long is here!"

Si Long personally led the cavalry to charge, causing countless orcs to panic and despair.

The appearance of Silong was like the last straw that crushed the army of orcs in the city. In the face of no comparable top combat power, Silong was the real god of death to the orcs in the city.

Overnight, the entire eastern frontier fortress was filled with blood and corpses.

Seven days later, the Great Xia Imperial Capital.

These days, the court has rewarded the ministers who have contributed to the suppression of the Eight Kings Rebellion. Ministers of civil and military affairs who directly participated in the battle, such as Sima Yi, Guan Yiwu, Bai Qi, Zhao Yun, etc., have all received rich enough awards.

In fact, compared to Sima Yi and others, other people's rewards and trade-offs are the issues that Su Chen needs to consider most carefully.

After all, Sima Yi and the others are unparalleled in their loyalty. Whether or not Su Chen rewards them will not affect their loyalty, and for them, Su Chen has given them a lot of trust and rights from the beginning.

Look at Sima Yi and others, who is not a first-rank official, but also a minister of the military cabinet, who holds a lot of power, and can be said to be truly under one person and above ten thousand people. They already have no rewards.

Giving rewards to Sima Yi and others is nothing more than a formality, and superficial skills still need to be done occasionally.

Many people in the imperial capital secretly speculated whether the emperor would fear Sima Yi and others because of this.

The subject's own power is too great, and the emperor can't reward him with such great military achievements. This is usually a dead end, which will definitely lead to mutual suspicion between the monarch and his subjects, which will cause great chaos that shakes the government and the public.

But Su Chen, Sima Yi and the others were too lazy to care about the rumors in the market, and continued to work on what they should be busy with.

The only one, Guo Sikong, is a special case. He is not a demon summoned by the system, and he does not have a 100% loyalty guarantee. Originally, Su Chen still had a headache as to how to deal with this old guy.

As a result, three days ago, there was a scandal in Guo Sikong's mansion, Guo Sikong embezzled more than [-] gold and silver, the evidence is solid!
Guo Sikong's wisdom was ruined once, and the Military Machine Pavilion made a collective decision to ask the emperor to allow Guo Sikong to repay the merits. After all, he also made a lot of efforts in calming the chaos this time.

Su Chen naturally agreed.

Of course, Su Chen knew that this was Guo Sikong's prudent way to protect himself. The corruption and bribery were nothing more than Guo Sikong's deliberate actions.

Guo Sikong knew that he was not the only one who won the favor like Sima Yi and others, but he was also a first-rank minister and a member of the Military Machine Pavilion, so Guo Sikong chose to defile himself to protect himself, and gave him an excuse so that the emperor would not have to worry about how to reward him.

I have to say that this old guy is actually pretty smart.

Su Chen did not forget the heroes who indirectly provided major or minor help to the surrounding battlefields, such as the prefect Liu of Linshan City, local officials, and officials who delivered logistics supplies and food.

After the list was drawn up by the Military Aircraft Pavilion, according to the size of the military merits, either the official was promoted to a rank, or promoted to a county magistrate, or rewarded with gold, silver, treasures or a title. Then, at the suggestion of Sima Yi, Su Chen last night, in the The outer hall of the imperial palace gave banquets to all officials.

It can be said that in the past seven days, the entire Great Xia Dynasty was filled with the carnival of Fenrun military industry, and Su Chen also intentionally indulged the fermentation of this atmosphere.

Serving the country by killing the enemy, declaring military merits, being able to return to the country with rich clothes or unimpeded official positions are all what they deserve.

The imperial palace, the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

The morning sun is shining softly, with a hint of coldness in autumn clothes.

Team after team of officials filed in and waited in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

"Long live the emperor, long live, long live."

"Long live the emperor, long live, long live."

"Long live the emperor, long live, long live."

The sound of kowtow from the mountains and tsunami sounded, and all the officials were divided into civil and military, and stood on both sides.

Su Chen wore a jade crown on his head and sat high on the white marble steps.

"Everyone loves to be flat."

Su Chen waved his hand, glanced at the officials, frowned suddenly, and asked, "Where's Sima Yi?"

When I went up this morning, there was no trace of Sima Yi.

The current Sima Yi can be said to be the head of all officials, no matter from which point of view, he cannot miss the court meeting.

"Reporting to the Emperor, Lord Minister of the Ministry of War said that he had received an urgent report from Eastern Xinjiang, and he went to meet the envoy of the military report in person."

Guan Yiwu stood up, saluted, and said respectfully: "Thinking about it, Lord Shangshu should be here in a while."


Su Chen raised his eyebrows, feeling a little interested.

Dongjiang's military newspaper?
Or can Sima Yi go to meet the envoy's military newspaper in person?

It seems that Dongjiang did not let me wait in vain, and the news came so soon.

At this moment, outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony came a sharp shout from the palace people: "Shangshu of the Ministry of War, Sima Yi begs to see the emperor!"


Su Chen nodded.

The gate of the Hall of Supreme Harmony opened, and Sima Yi came out in a hurry, holding a bloody military report with his hands raised above his head.

All eyes fell on Sima Yi.

"I, Sima Yi, pay my respects to the emperor."

Sima Yi hurried to the front of the hall. He took a deep breath, pulled on his robe, and knelt down.

"What is in your hand?"

"Return to Emperor, this is the Eastern Frontier Military News."

"What did the military newspaper say?"

"The orc army attacked the eastern border at night, and the general ambushed his troops like a god, killing countless enemies overnight."

Sima Yi suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "Emperor, great victory in the eastern border!"

(End of this chapter)

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