First emperor of the human race

Chapter 95 After the old friend

Chapter 95 After the old friend (thanks to the book friend "." boss for rewarding the leader!)

"My love, what do you mean by that?"

Su Chen's originally smiling expression disappeared, his eyes froze, and he looked at Nan Xunchao.

Su Chen did not deliberately conceal the fact that Daji was recuperating from a serious illness and fell into a coma, the entire imperial capital knew about it.

Countless people in the imperial capital, even military officials and court ministers felt Daji's dedication to the imperial capital. They had spontaneously gone to the temple to pray for Daji, praying that the mother would wake up soon.

Su Chen even posted the emperor's list to the people, as long as someone can confidently save Daji, a reward of [-] will be given, and a thousand households will be awarded!
But countless people couldn't even pass the test of the imperial hospital.

Su Chen's method was just to express his opinion, he didn't think there was anyone else who could save Daji besides himself.

At this time, the southern tour court asked to see the emperor, but mentioned Daji, which made Su Chen have to pay attention.

"Reporting to the emperor, I know a person who claims to have a magic medicine in his hand that can save Empress Daji."

Southern Xunchao pondered for a moment, and said to Su Chen: "I also thought it was ridiculous before, but after thinking about it, I feel that this matter is of great importance, and it is safer to inform the emperor."

Sure enough, there is someone who can save Daji!
The man in the Southern Xun Dynasty has become extremely cautious since the last big purge of the imperial capital officials, and his character is also stable.

If he is not sure, he will not be able to come to the palace to face the saint, but the words of the Southern Xun Dynasty are somewhat credible.

Su Chen smiled, and said: "Since he is recommended by Ai Qing, he must have some ability. Has this person passed the examination of the Imperial Hospital?"

Anyone who wants to take the imperial list to save the empress has to pass the imperial hospital to prove that they really have this ability.

Otherwise, he is absolutely not qualified to save the empress.

"I haven't had time to notify the Royal Hospital yet."

Nan Xunchao said very honestly: "This person cured the young girl's chronic illness not long ago, and this person made this request to the old minister. Due to human feelings, the old minister can only come to meet the emperor."

Come on, feeling is that you owe someone a kindness, so you have to say something nice for this person?
You are really sincere, aren't you afraid of my wrath?

"Aiqing, what do you want me to say about you?"

Su Chen couldn't help laughing: "You are so honest, aren't you afraid that I will punish you?"

It can be said that Southern Xunchao is honest, but he thinks more about not being able to conceal the reasons behind the matter, and everything should be decided by the emperor himself.

After all, who dares to joke about Daji now?

If it weren't for Empress Daji's previous defense of the imperial capital, the imperial capital would have fallen long ago.

"I dare not lie to the emperor, even if the emperor bestows sins, the old minister should also suffer."

Nan Xun bowed his head and said respectfully: "However, the old minister thinks that this person should have some abilities. The little girl's stubborn illness has not been cured for more than ten years, and the doctors in the imperial hospital were also helpless. This person can survive in less than ten days. Time allows the little girl to recover, this is why the old minister is willing to recommend this person to the emperor."

"Oh? Is this true?"

Su Chen became a little interested. The people in the imperial hospital still have some real skills. They couldn't cure people, but they were cured by a folk. Maybe this person is a folk expert?
Daxia has a history of 10 years, with a profound heritage, and there are countless generations of folk hidden dragons and crouching tigers. It is not surprising that there are such strange people.

"Then why didn't you report to the Royal Hospital, instead you came to see me?"

Su Chen asked: "With the medical examination certificate from the Royal Hospital, I will definitely believe in this person's talent more."

"The reason why I didn't report to the imperial hospital is actually another reason."

Nan Xunchao took a deep breath, hesitated, but still said: "This man's medical skills are indeed good, but the medicine he used to save the little girl was ancestral pills, not medical skills. Moreover, after careful calculation, this man is somewhat different from the emperor. Entanglements are regarded as relatives of the emperor."

To sum up the above reasons, the southern tour did not notify the imperial hospital, but came directly to see the emperor.

After all, he is someone who has something to do with Dijun, so it is better for Dijun to make up his own mind on this matter.

"Is there something wrong with me?"

Su Chen was taken aback, could it be that the late emperor had an illegitimate child outside?
"Tell me about it."

Su Chen picked up the teacup and smiled: "I'm curious, what is the relationship between this person and me, and he can be regarded as a relative of the emperor."

"This person entered the imperial capital three days before the First Prince's rebel army besieged the city. He came from Hirano City and took refuge at home. It happened that the old minister had some relationship with this person's parents, so he took advantage of the situation to accept him."

Nan Xunchao paused, raised his head to look at Dijun, and said softly: "Dijun should be no stranger, this person's family is Hirano Chengyun's family, which is the direct bloodline of Emperor Su Great Empress."

The Yun family in Hirano City is Yue'er's family!

Su Chen was stunned for a moment, and the palm that had just picked up the teacup froze.

This familiar surname was enough to disturb his calm state of mind.

If there is anyone in the world who can disturb the king's heart, it can only be Yun Zhuyue.

The depth of Su Chen's love for her can no longer be described by words like longing and affection.

It was an emotion engraved in his bones. As long as Su Chen's soul is still there, he will never forget her voice and appearance.


Nan Xunchao reminded him in a low voice, he felt a little uneasy, the emperor's appearance now was totally different from usual.

Originally, the Southern Xun Dynasty thought that the Yun family was only related to the emperor. As the family of the Taoist couple of Emperor Su, they had more or less special identities and could not easily decide on the Yun family, so they informed the emperor.

Who knew that when Dijun heard about the Yun family, he was completely stunned.


Su Chen woke up with a start, the depth and longing in his eyes converged, and he put down the teacup in his hand.

Dijun is also a human being, no matter how powerful a human being is, he also has feelings.

"You said, it's a member of the Yun family who wants to save Daji?"

Su Chen's fingers tapped slowly on the imperial desk, his voice was indifferent, and he regained his composure.


"Who is it from the Yun family?"

"It's the eldest daughter of the Yun family, Yun Zhuxin. The Yun family has been proficient in medical skills for generations. This girl is even hailed as an unborn medical genius. It is said that she has mastered the magic medicine passed down from generation to generation in the Yun family, which can cure all diseases."

Nan Xunchao's voice was a little uneasy, he wasn't trying to flatter the Yun family, he was just telling the truth.

But even so, the Southern Xun Dynasty was more worried that the emperor felt that he was talking big.

Southern Xunchao didn't know that Su Chen's understanding of the Yun family was deeper than him, deeper than anyone else.

The Yun family has been doctors for generations, and Yun Zhuyue became a Taoist in medicine back then, her skill in alchemy was brilliant, and she was even more proficient in medicine and poison.

A one-acre medicine garden makes the whole world covet, and a pot of poison makes all the people tremble.

This is a wonderful and magnificent woman, which makes people's dreams haunt them.

"Divine medicine?"

Su Chen smiled, and there was some incomprehensible taste in the smile: "That Yunzhuxin, did you mean that her family's magic medicine is called [Great Emperor Pill]?"

Yunzhuxin, this name is so familiar to people, it is only one word away from Yunzhuyue.

Su Chen knew that in Yun's family, any daughter of the direct line was divided into four generations: "Bamboo", "Lan", "Water" and "Moon", and they took turns from generation to generation.

It is obvious that Yunzhuxin is the same as his ancestor Yunzhuyue, both of whom are from the word "zhu".


Nan Xunchao was taken aback, a little puzzled.

How did the emperor know the name of the magic medicine passed down from generation to generation?

Nan Xunchao continued: "This woman cured her little girl's stubborn illness with the [Great Emperor Pill]. She said that she could use the [Great Emperor Pill] to cure Empress Daji."

Unexpectedly, the emperor was not surprised, but furious.


Su Chen laughed back angrily, and said in a low voice: "What does she think [Great Emperor Pill] is? Can it be taken out if it is said to be taken out!"


The teacup was smashed heavily on the imperial desk, and the tea splashed everywhere, showing the anger in the emperor's heart.


Nan Xunchao was stunned for a moment, panicking, and hurriedly knelt down: "I really don't know the reason, if there are any mistakes or omissions, Emperor Wanwang will punish me!"

"Go, bring Yun Zhuxin here, I want to question her face to face!"

Su Chen had no expression on his face, his face was frosty.

He absolutely does not allow someone to make fun of the [Great Emperor Pill], that is Yun Zhuyue's peak, and it is Yun Zhuyue's life's hard work.

In a small pill, Yun Zhuyue's deep affection for him was condensed.


Southern Xunchao responded quickly, left the imperial study in a hurry, and went to inform Yun Zhuxin to enter the palace to face the saint.

[Great Emperor Pill] was personally refined by Yun Zhuyue, Empress of Great Xia, for Su Chen. She painstakingly collected the essence of heaven and earth, and seized the sun and the moon for good fortune. Even the seriously injured emperor can be brought back to life. The peerless pill!
[Great Emperor Pill] The reason why it is named "Great Emperor" is the implication of this!
Yun Zhuyue refined the [Great Emperor Pill] to refine Su Chen's life-saving things. For the sake of the [Great Emperor Pill], not to mention consuming inexhaustible treasures of heaven and earth, Yun Zhuyue also endured the catastrophe of the world, He was seriously injured and his lifespan was shortened sharply!

It can be said that since [Great Emperor Pill], Su Chen has never seen a comparable pill. [Great Emperor Pill] is a well-deserved magic medicine in Su Chen's mind.

Even Yun Zhuyue herself can only refine three pieces in her life, and cannot continue to refine them after that. Even if later generations know the formula of [Great Emperor Pill], how can they be easily refined without at least the strength of the Supreme Realm? Out of 【Great Emperor Pill】?
Moreover, there are a lot of natural materials and earthly treasures needed to refine the [Great Emperor Pill], and many of the treasures have disappeared. Even adding up all the details in Su Chen's Great Emperor Treasure, it is not enough to refine a [Great Emperor Pill]. Dan] required materials!

Back then, Yun Zhuyue refined three [Great Emperor Pills], two of which had been used up when Su Chen was fighting against all races in the wilderness, and one was given to the Yun Family by Su Chen.

Thinking about it now, the Yun family should have kept it for themselves.

If what Southern Xunchao said was not a lie, then [Great Emperor Pill] could indeed cure his daughter's stubborn illness, and [Great Emperor Pill] could even save the Great Emperor, so what else couldn't be cured?

Even a saint who has been dead for many years can be brought back to life as long as his physical body is still there.

Even if the [Great Emperor Pill] has been passed down for 10 years, and most of its effects have dissipated, it will definitely be able to save Daji.

But... your Yun family only has at most one ancestral [Great Emperor Pill]!It has already been used on the daughter of the Southern Xun Dynasty, what will you use to save Daji!
No, I don't expect you to save Daji, but you can't make fun of Yue'er's [Great Emperor Pill]!

This is the painstaking effort of your ancestors all their lives, how can it be used by future generations to deceive at will, and the person who was deceived is still me!

Su Chen remained expressionless and sat in the imperial study.

When Li Nianzi came in to deliver the tea, he didn't dare to lift his head, and didn't dare to breathe.

Even if the eldest prince besieged the imperial capital, he had never seen the emperor so angry. What kind of evil did the southern patrol do to make the emperor so angry?
 Another [-] words, enough weight!
  Ask for a recommendation ticket!

  Thank you book friend "." for rewarding the leader!
  The bosses are awesome, two leaders a day, the author's eyes filled with tears.

(End of this chapter)

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