First emperor of the human race

Chapter 96 Lunzhang Road, 1 Same Soul

Chapter 96 Reincarnation, the same soul
An hour later, the southern tour did not keep the emperor waiting, and Li Nianzi's voice came from outside the imperial study soon.

"Report to the emperor, and visit the southern court to see him."

"Let him in."

Su Chen's thoughts woke up from the memory, and he spoke lightly.



The door of the imperial study room was opened, and the southern patrol entered, and saluted respectfully: "Emperor, Yun Zhuxin brought it here, and waited outside the door."

Su Chen nodded: "Let her in."


After Nan Xunchao led the order to go out, when he came in again, there was a woman behind him.

This woman looked seventeen or eighteen years old, dressed in green clothes, her dignified appearance revealed an indescribable coolness, and she was unparalleled in style.

A head of black hair fell down, pouring down like flowing clouds, scattered around the waist, with a bit of scatter.

Her temperament is elegant and out of dust, warm and moist like jade, pure like a banished fairy from the sky.

"My slave, Yun Zhuxin, pays homage to the emperor."

Yun Zhuxin bent her knees and laid it down softly, her voice was as clear and gentle as an oriole, very decent.

Su Chen originally wanted to see which descendant of the Yun family was so bold that he dared to make fun of Yue'er's 【Great Emperor Pill】.

In the end, I didn't expect that she was such a beautiful woman.

If it's just her stunning appearance, it can't make Su Chen feel excited, but her temperament is cloudy and foggy, cold and peerless, which makes Su Chen a little dazed.

What a familiar temperament, even the voice is [-]% similar.

This girl looks very much like Yun Zhuyue back then, as if she was a beauty carved out of a mold.

Su Chen's voice was light: "You raise your head and let me see."


Yun Zhuxin raised her beautiful face and looked at Su Chen calmly.

A pair of beautiful eyes are as bright as stars, as if they contain the whole universe, with a faint cool temperament, as if they don't care about their own beauty at all, like a calm and stubborn frost plum in the cold wind.

It's so similar.
If it hadn't been for the Southern Xun Dynasty to have told Su Chen of this woman's identity, Su Chen would probably have thought that Yun Zhuyue had reincarnated and appeared in front of him.

"Let me ask you, did you save the daughter of the southern patrol, did you use [Great Emperor Pill]?"

Su Chen asked lightly.

Even if there is throbbing in his heart, he will not show it easily.

He is the great emperor of the human race, and his rationality keeps reminding him that this woman is not Yun Zhuyue, but a descendant of Yun Zhuyue, she just looks like Yun Zhuyue.

How can there be exactly the same soul in this world?
Reincarnation does not exist after all.


Yun Zhuxin nodded, with a calm expression on Jumei's face and a soft voice, showing no trace of fear.

On the contrary, Nan Xunchao, who was kneeling beside him, felt uneasy. He was afraid that Yunzhu's heart would dissatisfy the emperor and cause unnecessary punishment.

Before he brought Yun Zhuxin into the palace, he had already noticed that the emperor was furious because of this matter, and he had already reminded Yun Zhuxin that he must not deceive the emperor about the [Great Emperor Pill].

Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and his tone was hard to fathom: "So, you beg Nan Xunchao to plead for your life, to save the palace and save Daji?"


Yun Zhuxin still nodded, the cloud was light and the wind was breezy, cold and beautiful: "Your Majesty is righteous, as a slave, as a descendant of the Yun family, I should do my best for Great Xia."

Although the Yun family has lost power over the years, Yun Zhuxin has never forgotten the entanglement between the Yun family and the Great Xia royal family.


Su Chen let out a low cry, making Nan Xunchao tremble in fright.

It's over, the emperor is angry.

My niece, why are you talking nonsense, Dijun is sure that you don't have [Great Emperor Pill], why do you still lie to Dijun?

For the Southern Xun Dynasty, the words of the emperor are the sky and the truth.

Since Dijun said that Yunzhuxin does not have [Great Emperor Pill], then Yunzhuxin is probably gone, and the Southern Xun Dynasty does not think that Dijun has to lie to himself.

Compared with the Southern Xun Dynasty's fear of the emperor, Yunzhu's heart is much calmer.

Yun Zhuxin raised her head and looked at Su Chen: "Why is the emperor angry, but what did the slave say wrong?"

Her eyes are calm and the stars are twinkling, like a clear spring that can flow into people's hearts.

This look is too similar.

Even Su Chen couldn't bear to be harsh at this moment.

Even just because of this appearance and this special surname, Su Chen has reason to forgive her.

"As far as I know, there are only three [Great Emperor Pills] since ancient times, two of which have been consumed, and one has been passed down from generation to generation in the Yun family."

Su Chen's voice was indifferent, looking at Yun Zhuxin's beautiful face, he said: "Since you have saved the daughter of the Southern Xun Dynasty with the only remaining [Great Emperor Pill], where did you get the fourth [Great Emperor Pill]?" ]!"

"Dijun, according to historical records, the Great Xia Empire does have only three [Great Emperor Pills], but I do have a fourth [Great Emperor Pill] and a fifth [Great Emperor Pill]."

Yunzhu's heart was still so calm, neither surprised nor happy.

This made Su Chen wonder for a while whether he had returned to the scene when he first met Yun Zhuyue.

She and her are so much alike.

Is there really the same soul on this reincarnation circuit?

Could it be that she knows where I am, so she has reincarnated here?

At this moment, Su Chen was a little lost.

"Niece, don't lie to the emperor!"

Nan Xunchao couldn't bear it anymore, and quickly opened his mouth, persuading in a low voice: "[Great Emperor Pill] is gone, it is gone, whether it is true or not, you must tell the emperor truthfully, otherwise it will be a crime of deceiving the emperor!"

The Yun family is no longer what it used to be. As early as a thousand years ago, the Yun family was removed from the power center of the imperial capital. Even though it has a glorious history, it is hard to stop the decline.

In the entire Yun family, no amazing person has appeared for many years, not even the second empress and princess.

Even if the Yun family came to take refuge in the imperial capital, looking at the countless dignitaries in the imperial capital, only the small official of the Southern Xun Dynasty was willing to accept and help them.

Back then, Queen Yun's family ended up like this, and the world had to be said to be cold, which made Su Chen feel guilty.

Back then, he was able to become the great emperor, but the Yun family put in a lot of effort, frantically accumulating resources to cultivate him, the son-in-law of the Yun family.

Unexpectedly, the emperor was not angry when he heard Yun Zhuxin's rebellious words.

Su Chen smiled instead: "Tell me about how you got the fourth and fifth [Great Emperor Pill]."

"Could it be that you refined the [Great Emperor Pill] by yourself? If you really have this ability, you will be as big as Daxia! Apart from my throne, I will reward you with whatever you want!"

Su Chen's words were very domineering.

Nan Xunchao felt uneasy at the side, but Li Nianzi, who was standing sideways behind the emperor, frowned, he always felt that something was wrong.

When did the emperor become so merciful?

Facing an ordinary woman, he could still be so tolerant and smile.

Dijun, what about your previous anger?
For some reason, Li Nianzi always felt that Dijun had a very different attitude towards this woman named Yun Zhuxin.

Could it be that the emperor has taken a fancy to her?

Li Nianzi raised his head, glanced imperceptibly at Yun Zhuxin, and secretly remembered the name in his heart.

The reason why Su Chen was angry was because he heard that the Southern Xun Dynasty mentioned that the descendants of the Yun family were using the [Great Emperor Pill] to bluff and deceive, which made Su Chen feel invincible.

Now that Su Chen's anger is fading away, the reason is even simpler.

Yun Zhuxin, this woman gave Su Chen a very familiar feeling, as if Yun Zhuyue was standing in front of him and talking.

The only person in the world who can control Su Chen's mood is Yun Zhuyue. Although Yun Zhuyue's heart is not Yun Zhuyue, Su Chen is willing not to get angry.


As an emperor, I have to follow the rules to be happy or angry?

Now I am not angry because I saw her!

There is no other reason!

After hearing what the emperor said, Yun Zhu lowered his head and explained softly: "If you go back to the emperor, slaves can't refine [Great Emperor Pill], and there is indeed only one [Great Emperor Pill] left in the Yun family."

"Three years ago, the efficacy of the [Great Emperor Pill] passed down by Nuguan's family was gradually losing its effect. He couldn't bear the dust on the elixir, so he refined it again and divided the [Great Emperor Pill] into nine parts."

"But I'm not as good at learning skills as my ancestors. After re-refining [Great Emperor Pill], the efficacy of the medicine has lost more than half, and it's no longer the same as before. I can barely lock in a little of the medicine's properties."

"The [Great Emperor Pill] that saved Master Nan's daughter is actually the re-refined [Great Emperor Pill]. I did not deceive the emperor."

Yun Zhuxin explained carefully, with a soft and calm voice, like the crisp ringing of a bell, which made Su Chen feel at ease.

"That's right, your medical knowledge is not weak, what level are you in?"

Su Chen looked at Yun Zhuxin curiously.

[Great Emperor Pill], let alone refining new ones, even refining it on the basis of [Great Emperor Pill] is extremely difficult, let alone successfully dividing it into nine parts.

This is simply impossible!
This is Tribulation Pill, a field that ordinary people cannot touch.

"I would like to report to the emperor that my niece Zhuxin doesn't have martial arts skills. She has loved medicine since she was a child and studied it. She was able to read the "Compendium of Medical Records" written by Empress Yun back then when she was seven years old."

The Southern Tourist at the side was relieved to see Dijun and Yun Zhuxin talking and laughing happily, and explained with a smile.

Yun Zhuxin hadn't spoken yet, he could not wait to speak when the time came.

It wasn't that the southern patrol wanted to shoot the emperor's horse, but the emperor's angry appearance made him feel uneasy. He felt that as an elder, he had to stand up and say something for Yun Zhuxin.

But Su Chen didn't buy it.

"Did I let you speak?"

Su Chen's expression darkened, and he looked at Nan Xunchao lightly, the warning in his eyes was very clear.

I am talking to Yun Zhuxin, what are you talking about?


Nan Xunchao was taken aback, bowed quickly, and saluted aggrievedly: "The old minister is guilty."

Li Nianzi at the side glanced at Nan Xunchao sympathetically, poor Master Nan, haven't you seen it yet?
The reason why Dijun doesn't care about the [Great Emperor Pill] is entirely because of Yun Zhuxin!

Otherwise, someone else from the Yun family will come over and tell Dijun to divide the [Great Emperor Pill] into nine. Do you think Dijun will be angry?
Since the third prince Su Yi learned about Su Chen's every move in Hirano City, Li Nianzi already had some intuition that the emperor had a special feeling for the Yun family that outsiders could not understand.

 Let me explain: This Yunzhuxin has a related plot, and she came to donate medicine for a purpose (not a villain)

  It's obvious from the title, this Yun Zhu's heart is not simple.

  In addition, this plot is also to express that the protagonist is a person with affection and flesh, not to say that Yunzhu's heart will collapse the protagonist's personality.

  After all, to be an emperor, if you can't even be self-willed once in a while, then it's no fun.

  Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Breaking sound)


(End of this chapter)

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