indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 1 The Unspeakable Horror

Chapter 1 The Unspeakable Horror

"Science and technology make the future, Yuanfan Machinery Group will break down all obstacles in the way for you."

In front of the building hundreds of meters high, the huge mechanical fist under the virtual projection smashed the wall marked with words such as difficulties and obstacles.

On the other two sides of the same building, giant goldfish projections with bright colors float in the air.

"Cybercrime is a first-degree felony, and violators will be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of 5 years or more depending on the severity of the circumstances"

The projection in front of another tall building is a well-dressed middle-aged man sitting behind a table reading a government document.

People who come and go are attracted by those grand and tall advertising images, but ignore the dark places under the bright lights.

White steam filled the pipes, and there were all kinds of sundries on the roof, including satellite stations for collecting signals, electrical boxes for power supply, or exhaust pipes that kept whining.

Goo ~ Gada ~ Kara ~
A series of strange sounds came from between these tin boxes.

Broken torso, scattered internal organs, a certain existence is squatting between the pipes, it looks like a human, and the sleeves of the worn-out hoodie reveal a pair of gray-green slippery arms, ten fingers are sharp knives, they pierce into the The flesh and bones stuffed these bloody things into their mouths regardless.

The door to the rooftop was opened at this moment, and someone stepped out of the darkness, wearing some faded jeans, and he was also wearing a gray hoodie.

His figure was extremely thin, and he looked like a dying patient standing at the door of the rooftop. A stronger night wind could blow him to the ground.

What's weird is that he holds a mobile phone in his hand, and the camera is facing the monster on the ground.


The man under the hood was staring at the piece of meat on the ground, his voice was a little hoarse, and his tone was low, but he could ensure that the guy opposite could hear his voice.

The being who was chewing the meat raised his head, his hood was down, he was a middle-aged man who was mostly bald, his yellow pupils were staring at the newly appeared figure.


I asked again.

Still no response.

"Of course."

He didn't speak, didn't respond to his own inquiries, he was a cannibal, a monster without a doubt.

Goo~ Goo~
The balding middle-aged man seemed to have thick phlegm in his throat, and made a strange noise. The next moment, he dropped the piece of meat in his hand and went straight to the figure at the entrance of the rooftop.

His speed was extremely fast, and the distance of less than ten meters passed by in the blink of an eye.

With a dull sound, the bald middle-aged man flew backwards at a faster speed, and hit a metal water tank. The water gushed out and a huge depression appeared!
"It should have been almost two months since I took this picture, and no one has responded to me normally. Is it so difficult to find someone of the same kind?"

Turn off the mobile phone video, take off the hood, the black ear-length hair covered half of the eyes, he held his head slightly, his face was a little pale, and he could vaguely see a young face.

His right hand clenched a fist, from which the punch just now came out.

The monster does not stop moving, it is irrational in this state, and the young man knows it very well, he named this situation the hunting form.

Once these monsters are in this state, they will fall into madness.

"You're hungry, and I'm hungry too. Since you can't communicate, why don't you contribute to my survival?"

The young man grinned and showed straight white teeth. He was also hungry at the moment.

If I have to say it, he is actually still hunting now!
The waving of the sharp claws went straight, but the monster's power brought about the howling wind. The young man did not retreat, caught the opponent's movement, took a few steps forward, lowered his waist, and flew to his shoulders!

The strong shoulders directly pressed against the monster's chest, and he raised his hand to grab its ankles. The body that was about to fly out was dragged back and thrown back directly to the ground of the roof. The recoil made the monster spit out some black blood, mixed with The bright red minced meat was not completely swallowed.

The young man fought without any rules at all, relying solely on his own strength and agility to forcibly suppress the monster.

There seems to be a ferocious beast hidden under the thin body!
Sitting on its body, facing its head, one punch after another.
Googling! !
Xu Shi was severely beaten, the face of the bald middle-aged uncle began to deform, and the young man kept punching, he saw the change of the monster.

A purple-black deformed head, flat and long and narrow, with an open mouth full of fangs.

It is looking up at the young man.

With the brilliant light above his head, the young man could also see several black fin-like things growing on both sides of the monster's cheeks, and there were a pair of protruding and huge fish eyes in the wide eye sockets.

This appearance is lawless!
The change continues, and with it comes a sudden increase in strength and a wound that begins to heal quickly.

"Hey, your little chic and long is a real thing!"

The young man had obviously seen this kind of mutation before. The hand that was holding the monster's shoulder moved up, directly grabbed its throat, and locked it dead.

Looking at it now, the young man's arm has also undergone a change, the silver-gray hair wraps the entire arm, and the human palm has also turned into a purple-black sharp claw at this time.

The pupil of the left eye, which was not covered by the hair, turned into a dark blue vertical pupil, and the insane power is constantly surging!

He won't give these guys a chance to completely mutate, and that result will only make things more difficult.

He raised his right hand high and clenched his fist, wisps of icy blue mist rose up and fell down suddenly, like a hammer smashing a watermelon, but the red pulp juice turned black.

His fist did not leave, he rummaged through the completely shattered head, tore off the white strip of flesh that was only half the size of a pinky finger from the soft, pitch-black mass of flesh, shook it clean and put it in his jeans pocket Take out a palm-sized iron box.

The hand holding the monster's neck rummaged through it, and finally found a black wallet.

"Tonight is finally rewarding, but unfortunately, I still haven't found a guy who can communicate."

Standing up from the corpse, the abnormality of both arms has returned to its original state. The young man ignored the messy scene on the ground and walked towards the edge of the roof. There were already footsteps on the stairs leading to the roof on the other side.

"Look, look, look for friends~"

"Find a little monster~"

"It's ugly to like to eat people~"

"One punch to death is the only thing that matters. Does this count as singing talent?"

Standing on the edge of the roof, humming softly.

It's not bad, it fits the mood.

It is one of the few tunes that young people still remember.

Stepping forward, the whole person suddenly fell.

Residents appeared on the rooftop behind them. They saw the tragic state of the two bodies on the ground. Some knelt down and retched, and some passed out without saying a word.

None of them saw the one who jumped off the building.

"Boss, pork shredded noodles, add poached eggs, add a portion of beef, add a portion of beef soup, no onion, ginger, and garlic, if you add it, you will get a refund!"

A small stall on the side of the road, surrounded by crowded low-rise buildings, yellow wooden tables with some oil stains, a simple folding stool, looking up, you can see the brightly lit city in the distance and the old city which is obviously going to be dilapidated Many city scenes.

This is an old town in Yecheng, the young man lives here temporarily, because there is still a part of the environment similar to his memory, and it is also the first place he saw when he opened his eyes after traveling.

Turn on the phone and log in to your usual account on a forum called "Weird House".

beep beep~
A series of new news to accept the reminder, Zhu Jue curled his lips, are these guys so excited.

I put the small video clip I recorded before and put it on it, but I didn’t rush to release it. Instead, I set a requirement that anyone except me can only watch it once with a password, and then I intercepted a few pictures in it.

"The 5th part of the monster sneak shot series."

This is the title. He should have thought of something more exciting, but with his current reputation in this forum, he can't use it.

Paste a blurry photo of the monster, and attach a paragraph:

The photo is of the monster itself, and there is also a one and a half minute video, as usual, 10 federal coins to watch once, private chat if you want to see it!
This is a way that Zhu Jue came up with recently to make money. There is no other way. He has no relatives and reasons in this world. When he first came, his savings were only about 100 federal coins.

You must know that Zhu Jue has no knowledge of this world in his mind, and he has to fumble to use the fully automatic machines on the side of the road, let alone other things.

As a former modern person and now a primitive person, his eyes naturally came to the Internet. He did not dare to hunt live, so he chose to record paid videos.

He has recorded the previous few hunts, but all of them are kept to an adequate level. Later, he has to do simple editing by himself to cut out all the bloody scenes.

You must know that the appearance of those monsters is more curious than the other. If they are fully released, there will definitely be a sensation, but Zhu Jue thinks that it is more likely that he was approached by the government.

Although there is no water meter, there is still a machine to record water and electricity consumption in his rooftop hut.

So he often has to adjust the resolution first, how low or how low, just take a blurry image, you can see the general idea, but there are no details. For this reason, many people have questioned the authenticity of his video before.

But after deliberately looking for a few special angles to take a few clearer photos, this voice of questioning quickly turned into a piercing sound of kneeling and licking~
All in all, a scary atmosphere needs to be created, and there are several monsters in the video, but there will never be a clear frontal photo, at most it is a blurred profile.

Fully capture the curiosity of these audiences without letting them enjoy it all at once.

After the warm-up of the previous few videos, his account name in this forum is now: Sleeping or not waking up 123.

This account is already well-known in the forum, as long as he posts, there will be a large number of supporters immediately.

"I want it on the first floor! That man finally appeared again, boss, please reply to my private chat, my eyes are already hungry!"

"I've already watched the video, oops~ Don't say it, the little chic and long one is really too short, and only a few frames appear each time, which makes people uncomfortable, and this clarity, boss you The camera is too low-level."

"Is the background sound in the video the real voice of the big guy who can't wake up? Listen to it well, husband, you are so awesome~"

"Ouch~ The pervert upstairs, lick the dog and get out!!!"

"Seeing this monster's mouth, I have a bold idea~"

"I heard that the third floor has a bold idea, and I have an immature suggestion~"

"Analyze calmly, think for a while, and suddenly realize. The third floor Shabi!" (Picture)


If anything hasn't changed between the two eras.

Still the age of entertaining to death,
A series of speeches quickly brought the popularity of the post to the top few hot spots on the forum today, and Zhu Jue nodded in satisfaction.

"Ding, your account has received a transfer of 10 federal coins, please confirm."

"Ding, your account received."

Zhu Jue is more satisfied with the transfer records of swiping the screen and the increasing numbers in the bank account he just created online. The amount required to watch the video is not high, so small profits can make more sales.

After all, it is a video with only blurred images, so it won't sell much.

In less than half an hour, more than 50 people watched the video.

Glancing at the private message asking for the address and asking for cooperation, one of them was empty. He didn't plan to shoot monster videos with others.

Finally, after confirming that there is no problem with the setting of paid video viewing, Zhu Jue quit the forum.

"Brother, how's work going?"

The owner of the stall is an acquaintance. Zhu Jue has always come here to eat in the past two months. He likes the shredded pork noodles here, whether it is pickled vegetables or green vegetables.

Compared with those big meals at his work place, the food here is more comfortable for him.

To put it bluntly, even though Zhu Jue traveled to this world for two months, he still hasn't been able to adapt to this world. Fortunately, there is such an old city, otherwise he really doesn't know where to go.

Now it is 2118, the intelligent machines that can be seen everywhere, the cyborgs that come and go, and the surveillance technology balls in the city, etc., all make him, a person more than 100 years ago, feel out of place and even at a loss.

"Today is the night shift, I will rush over after eating noodles."

In order to ensure his daily life, Zhu Jue temporarily found a job as a waiter in a nightclub in the old city. He needed a window through which he could get in touch with the outside world.

"The noodles are ready, I added shredded pork specially for you, you should eat more for your body, you are too thin."

"Don't worry, it's just like this because I was sick a while ago. Give me some time and I can eat it back. The title of Big Stomach King is not fake. Let me have two more bowls of shredded pork noodles, the same as usual!"

Zhu Jue, the big eater, is well-known on this street. One of his guests can be worth three or four ordinary guests. As long as he sits down, he will definitely get two or three meals.

For his skinny body, Zhu Jue felt a little helpless, and it was like this when he first time traveled.

It seems that it is a strange thing that a person who has been hungry for an unknown period of time has not been starved to death.

Endless hunger surrounded him, both body and soul, urging him to eat quickly.

That night, Zhu Jue bought several drawers of meat buns with all the money he could find at home, but he couldn't eat enough.

It was only later that he discovered that it was not just this human body that was hungry, but also another existence inside him.

Zhu Jue could feel its extreme madness and chaos, but he didn't know where it came from and where it existed in his body.

In the same way, Zhu Jue can also clearly feel that this monster is one with himself. The strength and speed of his seemingly disabled body all come from it, and the price is that sometimes it makes people crazy weird fantasies and the hunger that comes with just using that power.

This hunger must be made up by the white meat in the heads of those monsters, and nothing can replace it, which is why he keeps hunting.

At least Zhu Jue hasn't found anything to replace it yet.

The previous mutation of both arms was just a recently explored method of using power. During the first few hunts in this world, driven by hunger, Zhu Jue had several unlimited complete mutations.

That feeling was intoxicating, as if he could destroy everything he hated with every gesture, but the ensuing whispers in his ears and some indescribable fear made Zhu Jue dare not use this power too much.

"Boss, today's noodles are delicious. Let's add another chicken leg. Do you have any iced drinks?"

Swallowing the noodles in big mouthfuls, feeling the warm soup in his belly, he left all his troubles behind.

He's still alive, and that's enough.

(End of this chapter)

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