indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 2 Rampage

Chapter 2 Rampage
In the lounge of the nightclub, a young man in uniform like Zhu Jue pressed the new earphones in his ears, and a light blue screen appeared on his fingertips, and he immediately threw it in front of him. After a few taps, a A picture pops up on the screen.

"Zhu Jue, look at this, good stuff!"

The picture shows a mechanical arm, the whole body showing a silvery white mechanical luster.

"what is this?"

At work, Zhu Jue's hair is tied behind his head with a tendon. His age and thin figure, coupled with his slightly pale skin, can easily give people a thin impression.

The young man next to him was named Xu Wen. It sounded like a quiet name, but he was actually a very out-of-the-box person. His father was the sound engineer here.

The fact that the two are about the same age is that Zhu Jue happened to be the same as him when he lied about his age, 20 years old.

"Yuanfan's latest mechanical prosthesis, I know you don't read the news, have you seen the introduction below? Personal customization, multi-function, not only loaded with the latest intelligent program, this arm can also easily allow an old man to lift dozens of kilos of stuff."

The level of technology in this era has already reached a level that was unimaginable in previous lives. For example, the emergence of mechanical prosthetics has directly reduced the number of disabled people to the lowest point in history. Even the most ordinary wage earners can also enjoy this service. .

Even now, companies such as Yuanfan Machinery Group have developed special mechanical prosthetics with various functions, attracting many able-bodied people to take the initiative to replace them with one that looks better in every way. Practical robotic arm.

"But what I really want you to see is this Yuanfan motorcycle, which is currently the most fashionable motorcycle in Yecheng!"

Yuanfan Group is one of the top three machinery groups in Yecheng, with industries involved in all aspects, and this motorcycle is a well-known branch of it.

The huge silver-white body of nearly [-] meters, the exquisite and ostentatious mounting device on the outside, and the front handle is designed in the shape of an animal head. For young people, this is a treasure that only appears in dreams.

"Quite good looking."

"It's pretty. Is this all your thoughts? Zhujue, I always thought you were weird. You don't even like this kind of motorcycle. You don't like 'dolls', right? Tsk tsk tsk, young people nowadays. Do you want me to recommend some better styles to you?"

The doll that Xu Wen was talking about was naturally not a doll, and Zhu Jue understood it, and was about to reply when the door of the kitchen was opened, and the restless sound waves from outside rushed in.

"Lazy here? Hurry up and go outside to help!"

The foreman spoke, and the two quickly picked up their plates and went out.

The stimulating music formed colorful sound waves and projected them to everyone on the dance floor through the machine. Zhu Jue passed through the swinging crowd. In the corner, there were some "nobles" wearing weird costumes and hairstyles showing their "charm". Surprised, he quickly took a few steps back to avoid these people.

Unexpectedly, they still have their unruly backs in this era.

"Waiter, go get me a cup of hot dance, there are more tips."

He was holding a plate, and someone next to him put a banknote on it. Hot Dance is the name of a kind of concocted drink. Zhu Jue took the money and looked at it. After the purchase of Hot Dance, there was still 10 federal currency left.

The bar is near the door, and the bartender is a hot woman.

"The guest wants a glass of hot dance."

Putting the plate on the counter, Zhu Jue took the opportunity to sit down and rest.

At this moment, the roar of the engine came in through the glass door on the side, and Zhu Jue looked over subconsciously, and a mechanical motorcycle that was exactly the same as the one Xu Wen showed him before suddenly appeared in front of him.

Yes, it didn't happen a few seconds ago, why did it happen so suddenly?

Because he didn't brake at all!
The first reaction of Zhu Jue, who was sitting on the chair, was to leave the seat, put his right foot on the ground, put his left hand on the bar, and turned directly into the inside of the bar.

"what are you doing?"

The woman who was bartending was surprised when she saw that such a thin young man Zhu Jue turned over the nearly 1 meter bar with one hand.

"Bow your head!"

Zhu Jue grabbed her arm and pulled it down. The next second, the sound of glass breaking at the gate was heard, and then a large number of glass shards rushed to the bar.

There was a loud bang of ping-pong.

Fortunately, safety glass is used in the store, and after being broken, there will be irregular small slag, as long as it is not facing it head-on, it will be fine.

"What's wrong, what happened?"

Only then did the bartender come to her senses, lying on the ground shaking off the glass shards, there were screaming and panicking crowd outside, she looked at the people around her with some panic.

Then she saw a state that she had never seen in this young man.

Zhu Jue pressed his hands on the edge of the cabinet behind the bar, his tight body and bent legs seemed ready to burst out at any moment.

Sticking his head out from behind the bar, the motorcycle that rushed in had already stopped, but before the rider stopped, the tires of the motorcycle had already crushed the bodies of countless people.

Blood and minced meat were scattered all over the place.

The music was still going on, but no one wanted to dance anymore. Everyone was retreating towards the two sides of the nightclub, leaving a large open space in the middle.

"Looks like someone on a motorcycle rushed into the store and another one came!"

Zhu Jue was still on the sidelines, when he noticed a bright light at the door directly shining on the person inside.

With the help of the light, Zhu Jue finally saw clearly the motorcycle rider who rushed in just now. He was wearing a helmet and could not see his face, but his arms were extremely eye-catching mechanical creations, and compared to what Xu Wen showed Zhu Jue before. But also more refined.

"Go to your mother's investigator, go to hell!"

The rider stepped on the dead body on the ground to get out of the car, opened the carrying box of the motorcycle, and directly took out a strangely equipped firearm, and fired a burst of fire at the door.

The gunfire caused commotion in the crowd again, and Zhu Jue lowered his head again, for fear of being accidentally injured by stray bullets.

A whole clip of bullets was poured out in a few seconds, and there was nothing left on the door frame where the glass was blasted.

However, in the gap between the gunshots, Zhu Jue heard some faint buzzing. When the gunfire stopped and the motorcyclist started to reload, he looked up again to the door.

A man in a brown leather suit was walking in slowly, holding a short stick with a cross at the front end in his hand. With the cross as the center, an energy shield was directly extended to both sides, and bullets fell all over his feet.

"With the water gun in your hand, who are you scaring? Originally, you were locked up for 20 years at most, but now it seems that the death penalty is gone, and a room is saved for the prison. You have a good sense."

The man called the investigator put away the energy shield, and pulled out a dogleg knife from his waist. The handle was thicker than Zhu Jue's impression, and it was mechanical. There seemed to be some buttons on it. The investigator's fingers wiped the knife. , A layer of electric current immediately wraps around the entire blade.

"Just because you want to judge me?"

The motorcycle rider threw away the gun in his hand, the parts on the two mechanical arms began to shift and shrink, the palm retracted into the forearm, and what appeared again was a metal drill. Zhu Jue watched certain points on his arm light up , the metal drill bit began to operate.

"Armed transformation, this is against the law!"

The female bartender next to her exclaimed in a low voice. According to the federal law, anyone who is not authorized to carry out any armed transformation on a mechanical creation will be punished with a minimum prison sentence of 3 years.

Zhu Jue really wants to say that people who dare to drive a mechanical motorcycle into the crowd, would they care about this modification?
The motorcycle rider began to sprint, and the metal drill bit in his right hand went straight to the investigator's head.

"too slow."

Zhu Jue murmured in a low voice, this motorcycle rider's double-arm armed transformation is pretty decent, but he seems to only consider the issue of lethality, and has not thought about improving the frequency and accuracy of his attacks. As long as the metal drill hits the investigator , will definitely be able to seriously injure or even kill with one hit.

But the opponent is not a target!
"too slow!"

The investigator said the same words as Zhu Jue, and before the metal drill bit hit the ground, he simply bent over and rushed forward, while avoiding the drill bit, the charged knife blade he held upside down slashed across the motorcycle rider's waist and abdomen.

The current surged, but no blood surged as imagined.

"Armor, you are really willing to spend money."

The metal armor was exposed under the broken clothes on the motorcycle rider's waist, and there was a gap where he was hit before, exposing the skin underneath.

"Hmph, as long as you get killed, no matter how much you lose, it's worth trying this trick!"

The motorbike rider turned around and halfway through speaking, he turned his palm unexpectedly, and a metal rope shot out, directly circling the investigator twice, binding him firmly in place!
The investigator flipped the blade over and tried to release the restraints on his body, but he couldn't cut the metal cables quickly because of his limited movement.

"Jiehaha, people are saying how powerful the investigator is, but I didn't expect him to be an arrogant guy. This is the latest type of metal cable. I admit that your knife is good, but with your current state, I don't think It takes at least 1 minute to chop it off, enough for me to hammer you into a meat paste!"

The mechanical device in the left hand was activated again, the cable was recovered, the investigator was dragged forward by the cable, and the metal drill was in sight!
"Arrogance? Just you? You think too highly of yourself!"

The investigator also had a gloomy face at the moment, reaching into his pocket with his left hand, took out an injection, and stuck it directly into his thigh.

"Ability injection, you actually have this kind of thing on your body"

Seeing the investigator's movements, the motorcycle rider's movements suddenly accelerated a lot.

"3 federal currency, are you ready to compensate?"

A red light flickered in his eyes, and the muscles in his arms suddenly swelled!

(End of this chapter)

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