indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 104 Rescue

Chapter 104 Rescue
On the zenith of the TV tower, there is a landing pad for airships to take off and land, and there are more than a dozen lights shining here.

Not looking at the tarmac, but looking at the scene under the glass dome next to it.

The highest floor of the TV tower is the venue for a large dinner party, a hall of hundreds of square meters filled with tables and chairs.

At this moment, where the lights were shining, the tables and chairs were overturned, and all that could be seen were the twisted corpses piled up in the center of the hall.

The arms hooked the thighs, and the heads collided with each other, blood and flesh spread all over the ground.

Around the corpse tower, there are several ghouls wandering around in a patrolling posture.

It's like hell on earth!

"How could this happen. I don't want to go down, I give up the mission!"

On the airship, someone's body became weak, and he fell back on the seat in the airship. He was wearing a spirit protection device, but he couldn't accept such an extremely bloody scene.

This is not mental pollution, but the most direct mental shock.

People with a little weak will can't look directly at such a scene!
"Trash, you will be punished after you go back, get the hell out of here now, everyone else, airborne, target the top floor of the TV tower!"

Xue Lu, who had previously fought with Zhu Jue on the upper floors of the building, slapped away the men who were still talking nonsense, and the airship had already reached the top floor of the TV tower, and jumped down first.

Beside him, the airships with the gear logo of the Yuanfan Machinery Group on the outside were approaching the top of the TV tower one by one, and a large number of combatants in gray armor were coming down from above.

Compared with the ordinary police force below, the weapons and equipment of these people are obviously much better.

At present, the standard equipment of the police in the outer city is actually some of the most basic police props, including firearms, explosion-proof shields and other more traditional equipment. The real high-standard equipment will naturally not be distributed due to its high purchase and maintenance costs. These policemen who deal with ordinary business.

Needless to say, this type of individual combat armor, there are such troops in the Public Security Department in charge of public security in the central area of ​​Yecheng, but this kind of troops is actually equivalent to today's special combat troops. To put it bluntly, the central area of ​​Yecheng is dedicated to protecting those "qualified" and "contributing to society" Yecheng citizens.

As for the outer city, isn't it enough to have these executive officers and inspectors?
On the other hand, Yuanfan Machinery Group, almost all of the team dispatched this time were wearing combat armor, and each tall soldier was holding a gun. Xue Lu, who was wearing a nano-combat suit similar to Gao Wen before, might even have a higher-end one And two other people wearing the same nano combat suit gathered around.

"The target is a blond man, a cult member. No one can shoot him without my order, understand?"

Blue light flashed in his eyes, he put on a special helmet, the electronic brain activated the nano combat suit, and directly connected to the armor system of everyone around him, and in the next second, Lucas's face appeared on the screen in front of them.

"Understood, sir!"

The combat quality of these people is much higher than that of the ordinary police officers below.


Following Xue Lu's order, nearly thirty armored soldiers rushed to the gate of the rooftop immediately.

"There is a source of spiritual pollution behind the door, break the door!"

Looking at the ghouls lying on the corridor of the rooftop gate, the armored soldiers in the front line raised their fists to signal the team to stop.

Then two armored soldiers with large-caliber firearms fired forward, and the shells fired from the guns directly blasted open the gate of the roof, exposing the corridor below.

The roar of the ghoul erupted from the smoke and dust, and it was about to rush up the stairs in the next second. However, as soon as it poked its head out, it faced a ring-shaped firepower net. Those tough skins that could bear the firepower of ordinary guns faced These firearms are greatly weakened.

The yellow bullet casings fell to the ground, and the two ghouls became pieces of meat in a short while.

"Keep going!"

Still walking in the first place, go down the corridor and reach the floor where the hall where the corpses were piled up before, but there are not many ghouls along the way. The location is just an extra two.

But even this number is still huge, the gathering of sources of mental pollution, and the behavior of guarding some passages and piling up corpses so consciously, this has never happened before.

Standing in the middle of the corridor, looking back at the team that has not lost any members, Xue Lu can already see the corpse tower in the hall ahead, and the real task of this trip is next.

"Pay attention to your surroundings and make sure to find Lucas."

The group executives have made it clear that they want to keep Lucas alive. They believe that this cultist hides some secrets that they urgently need to know.

When the distance got closer again, only ten meters away from the front hall, several people in the team took out a few special warheads from the mounting device on the waist of the armor.

"High-concentration hypnotic bombs, sonic shock bombs, flash bombs, launch!"

From the previous observation through the glass dome in the air, there should be a lot of ghouls in the hall ahead. Although their team's fighting quality is high, they are not enough to single out the source of mental pollution one-on-one. the point.

As usual, at this time, ordinary group security teams would naturally come in to act as cannon fodder, but this time they just cooperated and participated, and the only target was Lucas. Besides, the Public Security Bureau has surrounded the outside, if their people come in at this time , it will appear a little nondescript.

With the muffled sound of the muzzle, more than a dozen specially-made cannonballs were shot directly into the hall, and a large amount of mist spread out with the piercing sound waves every moment.

"go ahead!"

Wearing full combat armor, they had already made preparations in advance, and naturally they would not be affected by these things. The whole team rushed to the hall quickly, and formed a circular defensive formation the moment they stepped out of the corridor.

"Safe on the left!"

"Safe on the right!"

"The rear is safe!"

Following the reports, Xue Lu in front of the team frowned more and more. He thought that his surprise attack was quite successful. According to the plan, now should be the time for those monsters to run away with their heads in their arms, and the several parties quickly harvested.

"Found Lucas! Straight ahead!"

Suddenly someone yelled in the communication, and everyone's eyes turned to the front immediately.

Someone is stepping on the smoke that has not dissipated, and behind him is another corridor on this floor.

"It's really hard for you, you have made so many preparations."

Lucas looked at the props all around him, shook his head and said, but he was interrupted by the other side before he finished speaking.

"It's just a lowly cult believer, where is there so much nonsense?"

In terms of ridicule skills, Xue Lu is obviously full of points.

He didn't even let Lucas finish his sentence, and rushed forward after a little exercise. He wanted to capture Mawala alive!

Unfortunately, in the next second, he flew backwards at a faster speed, landed on his back, hit the floor with a punch to weaken the impact, and still plowed a few meters before he could manage to stabilize.


A weird tone came out of the helmet because of surprise, looking forward in disbelief, the monster standing in front of Lucas suddenly appeared from the shadows.

The gray and white wrinkled skin makes people feel uncomfortable just by looking at it, and those ghouls who also reappeared from the shadows next to them seem to be several times magnified.

The flashing dangerous red light of the mental protection system equipped in the helmet completely proved its identity.

"What is the origin of this person, even the original body can be summoned?"

On the fifth floor, Zhu Jue, who had just come out of the toilet, looked at the picture on the screen, and the monster on it was not difficult to recognize.

 I went home and took a shower. Now, typing on a computer is different from using a mobile phone.

  In the past two days, because I used my mobile phone to lean against the bed to type, my back is sore~
(End of this chapter)

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