indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 105 The Scavenger

Chapter 105 The Scavenger

In the elevator inside the TV tower, executive officers and inspectors from the four groups of the Public Security Bureau gathered together. The ghouls and corpses on the first floor were quickly cleaned up by them after Mawala was led away, and the rescue operation started , With the subsequent advancement of the police team that came to support, a large number of people have been rescued right now.

"Yuanfan Machinery just sent a message. The target is on the top floor of the TV tower, and there are many ghouls around them. They are asking for support. Be careful when you get to the top floor. This time it may be a big trouble."

Vera Bosch looked at the latest information on the order watch and frowned.

This time, Yuanfan Machinery's team took the initiative to ask to participate in the operation of the Public Security Bureau, which is relatively rare. Halfway through the mission, they actually turned to them for help.

You must know that the individual quality of the combatants in the Yuanfan Machinery Group is not inferior to them at all. They should have made sufficient preparations now. a limit.

"The original body, the original body with ghouls on the roof!"

Qin Chengren, who had been staring at his order watch, finally received feedback from Zhu Jue.

"How did you know?"

Chu Yun was temporarily adjusting the firearm beside him, preparing for the next big battle.

"Mawala has been killed by Zhu Jue, and he is now going to the top floor. He sent me a message. It is said that there are a lot of ghouls on the top floor. You can see for yourself."

The picture in the watch of order controlled by the electronic brain appeared directly in front of everyone's eyes. It was a screenshot of the blue bird shooting, and it captured the backs of Lucas and the proto-body ghoul.

"Gao Wen, share the information with the fifth group, Qin Chengren, inform Zhu Jue, and find a way to get him to cooperate with us. It is impossible for a protozoan ghoul to appear on the top of the TV tower out of thin air. This man is the one we really need to pay attention to. !"

Pointing his fingers at Lucas, in Vera Bosch's view, all these emergencies were planned and implemented by him.

She guessed right.

"Almost on the top floor!"

The floor inside the elevator reached the top, and Qin Chengren and Gao Wen immediately stepped forward to the elevator entrance. One of them was covered in a nano-combat suit that swelled, and the front of his arm activated an energy shield.

The elevator door opened slowly, and the line of sight extended.

In front of the corridor is the banquet hall on the top floor, gunshots and roars are mixed, and a strong bloody smell is almost scrambling to rush into their noses.

And next to the elevator, there were two broken corpses of armored soldiers. The armor on their bodies was dented like dough, and blood flowed out from the cracks in the corners.

"Go out, don't get stuck in the elevator, move forward!"

Under such circumstances, it is extremely dangerous for a group of people to be stuck in a narrow space, and the elevator next to it also made the sound of opening at this time.

The five groups of teams also arrived.

At the exit of the safe passage on the other side, there was a figure wearing a motorcycle helmet with the Sand Scorpion logo and holding a fire extinguisher in his hand. Seeing them, the former seemed a little surprised.

"Does the elevator work? Isn't it better not to use the elevator when a disaster strikes?"

He climbed more than ten flights of stairs to get up.


The people in the fourth group had just cooperated with Zhu Jue not long ago, and Qin Chengren had also mentioned this in the elevator before, so there was no special reaction, but the people in the fifth group felt like they were facing a formidable enemy.

"He's here to help. He was the one who lured Mawala away just now."

As the temporary captain of the fourth group, Vera Bosch naturally had to come out to explain at this time, and then the fifth group turned and rushed to the other side.

"What are you doing with a fire extinguisher?"

Qin Chengren looked at Zhu Jue a little strangely. The data on the fire extinguisher showed that it was half used. He didn't remember that Zhu Jue still had the habit of using the fire extinguisher as a weapon.

Besides, even if this thing is swallowed by those ghouls, it probably won't have any effect.

"You'll know when the time comes, it might have just saved your life."

Zhu Jue also didn't explain the use of the fire extinguisher, so he threw it aside, quietly slowed down, and fell to the back of the line after a while.

To get rid of Mawala and get the gravel, the biggest goal of this trip has been completed for Zhu Jue. Originally, he really planned to find Mawala's remaining accomplices in the building. If possible, it is best to kill him together It's okay to receive the government's reward or find some lonely ghouls and kill a few of them before retreating unscathed.

However, the original body ghoul captured by the blue bird once made him give up the idea of ​​arresting Mawala's accomplices.

If he wanted to win against the protozoa, Zhu Jue in his normal state would definitely not be able to do it. He had to undergo a complete mutation. In fact, even if he had undergone a complete mutation, he would not have the confidence to win this battle. No matter what, there must be a battle. It's a hard fight, but Zhu Jue's complete mutation state must not be seen by the police.

Now in the eyes of the Public Security Bureau, he is just a man with a little bit of ability.

As long as the title with this suffix is ​​still a human being, the government will naturally tolerate his existence, and may sometimes make some insignificant compromises to him, such as the previous cooperation and the distribution of government rewards.

Once this name becomes a monster with some big abilities, it will be two completely different concepts.

It's just that when Zhu Jue was about to leave, Qin Chengren's message made him stop again.

Qin Chengren wanted him to help cooperate with the action, and promised that as long as the mission was successful, he would find a way to help Zhu Jue unlock another level of authority.

In fact, this kind of thing is actually very simple for the Public Security Bureau. Qin Chengren did it once before, just logging in to the internal network to change some data, and it took no more than 5 minutes before and after.

Those merchants just want more people to buy their stuff.

But Zhu Jue didn't know, he had spent a lot of thought on opening this permission before, and Qin Chengren didn't mention it to him, so Zhu Jue always thought that this aspect might be troublesome. Layer, naturally thought up.

Since it's helping, then it's definitely not him who takes the lead, the emphasis is on participating, and he just withdraws when the situation is not good.

It's just that Zhu Jue found some interesting things when he came up the safe passage, so he was delayed for a while, otherwise his speed should be faster than Qin Chengren and others.

As the support team from the Public Security Department rushed into the banquet hall, the situation turned around in an instant. You must know that the minimum present were third-level executive officers or inspectors, and there were five groups of first-level executive officers leading the team. A protozoan corpse It is still impossible for the ghost to overthrow such a team.

"Since people from the Public Security Bureau can appear here, Mawala is dead, and there should be a lot of policemen coming in. It's about time."

Looking at the fierce battle around him, Lucas's face was full of satisfaction.

As long as the ritual is started and these corpses are used to summon the god's avatar to descend, the living people in the TV tower except himself will be "influenced" by the god in the next moment.

They will change from the guardians of Yecheng to the complete destroyers of Yecheng!
"God, please look at"

Raise your hand and aim at the corpse tower in the banquet hall, this is the original sacrifice.

However, all the singing stopped abruptly in the next second.

Because Lucas saw a giant sand hand wrapped around the corpse tower piled up by dozens of people before him, and the gravel was devouring the sacrifices he had prepared.
"Bastard, what are you doing!"

The veins on his temples were bulging, and the things he had prepared with great difficulty were disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye, how could he not be angry!
"Ah? I wonder if no one wants these corpses."

Zhu Jue was directing the gravel to be swallowed together with the ghouls next to him.
He has already thought of the name of Shashi.

(End of this chapter)

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