indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 110 The Omen of Disaster

Chapter 110 The Omen of Disaster
The chaotic situation around the TV tower was finally brought under control in the middle of the night. The major media in Yecheng rushed to report on the scene, and immediately because of the announcement issued by the government, some sensitive information was immediately deleted, especially the detailed information of the perpetrators. After all, these are government secrets, and whoever dares to report them to the outside world will wait to receive a court summons.

This made the news that should have caused a sensation "castrated" and then "castrated", and finally became an ordinary terrorist attack.

So in order to ensure the heat, the media quickly turned their attention to the stars who were still in the TV tower when the attack happened, hoping to get some more explosive information from them. At the same time, the incident happened a few blocks away from the TV tower Car accidents were widely reported.

The four teams of the Public Security Department who had just completed the rescue mission unfortunately encountered a car accident on the way back. In the team of 8 people, only one survivor and two missing persons remained.

A hero sacrifices his life, but ends up not dying well. Is there any topic that can cause more discussion than this?
"According to the latest information sent back from the scene, the missing persons are the third-level executive officer Qin Chengren and the second-level executive officer Gao Wen. The reason for the disappearance is open to discussion. There was a problem with the surveillance video at the scene during the time period of the car accident. The possibility of intrusion and tampering, some eyewitnesses said that they saw several people wearing black helmets stepped forward to check the situation, dragged two people out of the police car, and then disappeared.”

Outside the home appliance store, someone watched the latest news on the new video recorder that was used for exhibition inside. Behind the host on the screen, the scene of the car accident was constantly flashing.

Behind him, pedestrians come and go in a hurry.

After a while, a man in a gray leather jacket walked up to him from the side.

"Why, after the collision, I realized everything and decided to be a good person, so I went back to rescue him?"

Raising his hand and clicking on the video camera screen in the window, Zheng Ying had a sneer on his face.

"The driver of that truck, probably afraid of death before the collision, stepped on the brakes subconsciously, causing the speed of the truck to slow down. According to the plan, it should have been completely crushed to death, but there were three left, Chu Yun and Qin Chengren. , Gao Wen, since the first one is not dead, there is no reason to shoot twice, because if she dies in my hands, you will definitely not be able to save me in the future. The plan you gave me, aren't these two very good experimental subjects, they are the executive officers of the Public Security Bureau, and they have just participated in the rescue mission of the TV tower, this car accident made them have another layer of sadness The halo of a hero, if you find out that you are being persecuted later, the impact it can have is much greater than dragging two people at random."

Although Dong Feipeng looks downcast now, that doesn't mean he's useless. A person in his 40s who sits on the position of a first-level inspector, how can his vision and ability be poor.

"I have to say, your idea is very good. Qin Chengren and Gao Wen are really suitable for being experimental subjects, and they are interesting with a lot of topics. Dong Feipeng, if you guys joined us back then , who is the executor of this plan now, it's really hard to say, but unfortunately, it's just like this now."

Zheng Ying had a smile on his face, but there was no trace of a smile in his eyes. He looked at Dong Feipeng with a teasing tone.

"This is just my trivial opinion. It is up to you to decide how to do it."

A chess piece is just a chess piece. On the chessboard, even a general does not need to think. Dong Feipeng just wants to show his value.

The handle is in the hands of people, and he doesn't want to become an existence that may be discarded as garbage at any time.

"Just do as you say. If there is anything, report it as soon as possible. As long as the plan is successful, you will take the money and fly away. I will be promoted to prosperity and wealth, and everyone will be happy. It's that simple."

Thinking that this old guy was still on the right track, Zheng Ying straightened her clothes and turned to leave.

On the other hand, Zhu Jue has just returned to the old eastern city.

Returning here after galloping in the outer city all night, Zhu Jue always felt that something was wrong, slowed down the speed of the car, and avoided one after another people passing between the roads.

Wait, why are there so many people?

He glanced at the order watch, which showed 11:30 p.m. In the past, it was a rare thing to see people on the streets of the outer city at this time.

However, the streets now are full of people walking around with big bags and small bags. They shuttle in front of closed stores, and some people use the iron trash cans left over from the barbecue stalls on the side of the street. A bonfire was lit, and many people gathered around.

Zhu Jue had never seen this scene even in his previous life, but now it appeared in front of him in such a sudden way in this era.

"what happened"

With a mind full of questions, Zhu Jue rode his motorcycle back to the building where he lived. He had just parked the sand scorpion downstairs, and walked up the stairs next to him with the weapon box and the blue bird box.

Walking halfway, Zhu Jue suddenly looked up at the rooftop, and he vaguely heard a voice coming from above.

He quickened his pace, and in the end he almost leaped over the stairs, but when Zhu Jue stepped onto the roof, the scene in front of him made his face completely gloomy.

There are more than a dozen people staying under the shed he assembled, using his charcoal stove to barbecue on the roof where he lives
Turning around and looking at the house next to him, the door was tightly closed and there was no sign of being pried open. Looking in from the window, the things inside were still there. Feng Ling was staying on the bed, gnawing on the molar stick he left behind. Before going out, Zhu Jue was worried that Feng Ling would mess up Run, so locked it inside the house.

These people did not break into his house.

The hand that had already touched the handle of the knife turned to hold the handle of the Qingyi pistol on the other side.

boom! boom! boom!
Three shots were fired into the sky, and the gunshots interrupted the ongoing "party" ahead.

The eyes of the crowd fell on Zhu Jue, seeing the gun in his hand, everyone got up subconsciously, and then a middle-aged man stood in front, as if he wanted to negotiate with Zhu Jue.

"Who allowed you to come to the place where I live to barbecue, and I still use my oven, and if the dishes are outside my refrigerator, do you still have to eat the meat I stored?"

The guns swept from left to right. Zhu Jue, who had just returned from a big battle in the TV tower, had not yet calmed down. The car accident made him feel a little depressed. Now he really wanted to turn on the rapid fire mode and send them each a gun.

But reason told him he couldn't do that.

Looking at the cowering looks of these people in front of them, one can tell that they are ordinary people. Judging from the suitcases and some messy sundries piled up next to the roof, they are probably the same as the crowd downstairs just now. people from other places.

"We came from Guangcheng. The news said that the situation is too light. In fact, there are many places where there is no way to continue to live, because now no matter the plants, even the animals raised at home have mutated. , we have no choice but to leave there, thinking of taking refuge here in Yecheng."

"Stop, you said refuge, I can understand, but there should be no signs of refuge or hotels at the door of my house, are you coming to my house to take refuge?"

Regarding the news about the sudden change in the environment, Zhu Jue did see it before, but he didn't think it was the reason for these people to break into his place, and then said,

"It's not a war. I don't think anyone pointed a gun at you when you left, so you should have money. Hotels, hotels, or simply rent a room near here. What's going on? I'll give you 10 minutes to stay here, clean up the place, and then you can go wherever you want, and next time I see you on my rooftop without consent, I won't be so easy to talk about!"

"We just arrived in Yecheng tonight. Because it is late at night, the hotel and hotel are already occupied by those who came in advance. We are not familiar with the place. We just want to find a place to rest, and we just use you It’s just something outside, and nothing else has been touched, we are just victims of disasters, not robbers.”

He couldn't stop looking at the gun, afraid of annoying the person in front of him, he raised his hand regardless and shot it.

"If you are robbers, do you think my guns will point towards the sky?"

Putting the gun back into the weapon case, Zhu Jue waved his hands helplessly. He has no intention of competing with these people now. It is the greatest kindness for them to pack up their things and leave his house intact.

He can tolerate these displaced people, but he cannot give up his home for them to live in.

"Is your current situation so bad that you can't go?"

Raising his hand to refuse the cigarette offered by the middle-aged man, Zhu Jue thought about it and asked.

According to the news report, there are nearly 30 residents in the environment mutation area. If all these people leave their homes, there may be large-scale turmoil in the entire Anqing Prefecture.

If the affected area expands again, the consequences will be even more disastrous.

"Let's put it this way, I would rather freeze to death here than stay there any longer. It would be a double torture both mentally and physically!"

Recalling the state when he was in his hometown two days ago, the middle-aged man subconsciously trembled.
(End of this chapter)

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