indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 111 Devoured by Hunger

Chapter 111 Devoured by Hunger
"In the last few nights, every time I fell asleep, I would feel panic, just like the feeling of stepping on the air that you suddenly feel when you are sleeping. I don't know how many times I will have nightmares. There will be a strange light, I vaguely feel that something is coming to me, like a monster is just outside your door. Even under the bed, on the ceiling, it just looks like that I'm watching you, when the time is right, I'll come down and eat you until there's not even a bone left!"

The middle-aged man began to cover his head with his hands as he spoke. His mental state was obviously not right, and he might have experienced some unacceptable things.

Zhu Jue was silent on the sidelines, he couldn't tell this middle-aged man how much more terrifying he had experienced than he didn't know, and the things he encountered were just commonplace for him.

However, he also silently recorded this special phenomenon, which may be used as a reference in the future.

The middle-aged man saw that Zhu Jue didn't have the slightest fear on his face, and thought that the other party didn't believe what he said, so he sighed helplessly, and followed the people around him to pack his things.

Zhu Jue stopped them from turning off the charcoal stove, and he still wanted to use it, then walked a few steps to his own room and turned on the order watch.

"Clear 65, Clear 68, Clear 57"

Looking at the hue data displayed on the screen, there is no doubt that the hue values ​​of these people are generally high.

"Sure enough, it's not an ordinary environmental change."

Turning off the order watch, during this period of time Li Qinglian will collect news about areas with variable environments, but it can be clearly felt that the amount of information in this area is getting less and less.

Of course, it's not because the situation has improved. Now it seems that it may be so bad that the government has to suppress the information.

Zhu Jue waited for all these people to leave, then opened the door behind him, Feng Ling rushed out with a molar stick in his mouth, and gathered around his feet to have fun.

Pick it up and sit next to the charcoal stove in the center of the roof. There are still a lot of materials here, which were bought by those people from the 24-hour smart supermarket. They said they kept the things to make amends for Zhu Jue.

In fact, even if they want to take the meat away, there is no place for them to roast it, and this so-called apology, in Zhu Jue's view, is nothing more than looking at him with a gun in his hand and trying to calm his emotions, but he also Not broken.

These people are more or less concerned about face, and can hold the bottom line, so Zhu Jue didn't want to embarrass them in the past.

First, he ate some meat to barely pad his stomach, then Zhu Jue got up and took out the iron box he carried with him, opened the lid, and there were the meat strips he got from the ghouls in it, and the one in the center was even more It is several times larger than the two sides, and there are gray stripes on the outside.

Protoplasmic ghoul meat!

When the public security department was arguing with people from Yuanfan Machinery Group, Zhu Jue controlled the scavenger to sneak a hole in the back of the protozoan ghoul's head and get in to take out the most important meat. Not only that, he By the way, he also opened the heads of all the ghouls that were near him at that time. Counting the ones he killed on the fifth floor before, Zhu Jue now has a total of 7 ghouls in his hand.

This is much faster than his hunting efficiency alone. On the way back, he even thought about whether he should go to the Public Security Bureau to "help" in the future.

Of course, it was just a matter of thinking. If such a TV tower attack happened every once in a while, he wouldn't care. The public order in Yecheng might collapse.

Wash the meat strips and put them on the plate, put them on the grill one by one with tongs, Zhu Jue looked at the meat slices lined up on the top of the charcoal stove, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

This is his biggest harvest so far, and it is also the second piece of special meat from the original body. The previous human-faced mouse original body greatly strengthened Zhu Jue's agility,

Zhu Jue was also looking forward to what the original ghoul could bring.

Taking advantage of the time before the meat was cooked, Zhu Jue turned to take out another thing from his body, which was also stolen from Lucas's arms by the scavenger.

A palm-sized leather bag about two centimeters thick. To be precise, it should be a handbag. Such objects are relatively rare in this era.

Open the delicate brass buckle on the outside, and inside the handbag is a folded page and something in the shape of a manual.

"The casting principle of will-dominated spells, will-dominated hypnosis? Psychological suggestion? It's actually a spell, hiss~ It's such a strange feeling again."

Zhu Jue looked at the words on the page, and felt in a trance for a while. He thought it was the sequelae of the previous complete mutation, but soon he realized that he had this feeling before.

He got up and walked back to the room to open the drawer of the bedside table, and took out the paper that recorded the human-face-mouse contact technique that he had seen in the sewer before.

Exactly the same material.

"Sure enough, these two pieces of paper come from the same book, and there is actually a book that records special spells. Unfortunately, we don't have this talent."

Put the two pieces of paper together and put them in the bedside table, then opened the manual, and glanced at it for a while. It actually recorded the contact technique of ghouls. Now Zhu Jue understood why Lucas could do that. At this point, first use the ghoul contact technique to summon Zhu Jue with the flesh and blood of the corpse as a sacrifice. He really has no interest in this kind of spell. His fighting style has almost been finalized now, and his abilities in all aspects are obviously more for melee combat.

For Zhu Jue, if he really wants to learn spells, he has to get them from monster meat and use them as abilities.

Not to mention that delving into this kind of thing will gradually lose his sanity. It is not worthwhile for him to use his mental state as a bargaining chip for these two spells.

Aw~ Aw~
I thought and thought in the house, but there was the sound of wind chimes outside the door.

"Oops, my meat!"

Suddenly, he realized that the pieces of meat placed outside were still roasting on the charcoal stove, so he hurried out and put all the pieces of meat back on the plate.

First put the meat of the protozoa ghoul into his mouth, chew a few mouthfuls and swallow it directly.

Sitting on the chair and waiting for the body's ability to absorb that piece of meat, after about 2 minutes, there was something wrong with the stomach at first, and then a strong sense of hunger came from Zhu Jue's mind and within a few seconds Spread it all over his body!

"Ugh~ what's going on, why are you so hungry?"

Zhu Jue just ate half a box of beef slices before grilling the meat of these ghouls, but now the acid water in his stomach is constantly surging up, as if the meat he ate before has never left his stomach.

Gululu~ Gululu~
The thunderous sound in the abdomen kept on urging, Zhu Jue's eyes were bloodshot with the insane hunger, his flesh and blood were roaring with hunger and thirst, they wanted to absorb all the energy they could absorb!

If someone is by your side at this time, you will find that Zhu Jue's body is getting thinner at an alarming rate. You must know that Zhu Jue's body is different from ordinary people. He ate a lot of food, but after being in this world for so long, his body recovery has not had much effect, at most it has changed from skinny to emaciated.

However, after Zhu Jue ate the meat of the original body ghoul, in less than 5 minutes, his body had returned to the state when he first woke up in this world, and even worsened .

He was skinny before, but now he doesn't even have a human figure, pure skin and bones!
In order to survive, his body is devouring his own flesh and blood!
"Fengling, go away!"

Relying on the last sliver of reason, Zhu Jue took the wind chimes by the nape of his neck and threw it aside, then grabbed the raw meat in the boxes on the table, with his mouth as wide as possible, stuffed it in, just a few basic chews Then he swallowed down, but at this moment, all the cells in Zhujue's body fell into a strange state. The fist-sized lump of meat had not yet fallen down, and it had already begun to be absorbed and divided into food even in the esophagus, so that The acid in the stomach is simply useless.

Fortunately, Zhujue had the habit of hoarding meat in the past. He swallowed all the meat and vegetables on the table, and then rushed into the house, rounded the meat in the refrigerator in the same way, and stuffed it into his mouth. .

"Not enough is not enough."

More than a dozen boxes of raw meat fell down, and Zhu Jue, who barely regained his sanity, felt that his whole body was hot as if on fire. One floor, at a height of nearly ten meters, he jumped down directly with one hand on the railing, and fell directly to the ground like a shot put. What was found was an earth pit with a diameter of nearly 3 meters and full of cracks.

This is a concrete street.
Zhu Jue didn't realize how shocking his previous behavior of jumping off the building was. Now he was running wildly on the street based on his memory. Most people could only see a black shadow whizzing by. The place he was going to was the place he had already been to before. I have been to the fresh meat shop several times, and Zhu Jue remembers that there are a lot of meat cubes in the window every day.

Rushing to the door of the shop, I looked at the steel rolling door that fit the ground in front of me.

Zhu Jue paused for a second, then raised his left hand, and the scavenger immediately turned into a long gravel knife and cut it open from the middle. His right hand stretched in through the gap, grabbing half of the iron curtain and forcibly pulling it apart like tearing paper. !

Kicking down the glass door inside, Zhu Jue didn't forget to pull back the iron curtain that he had just opened before entering.

The smell of meat scrambled into Zhu Jue's nostrils, and Zhu Jue's gaze swept across the neatly arranged freezers in the store.

Today he wants to eat for real!
(End of this chapter)

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