indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 122 Refugees

Chapter 122 Refugees
It was still the cold windy, snow-covered ice field, Zhu Jue stood in the snow, compared to the embarrassment he appeared here last time, his mood was much more stable when he came here for the second time.

The shapeless, dark green pus-like existence gushing out from under the ice sheet disappeared.

Or is it not there yet?

The scene seemed to overlap with the last time. Zhu Jue felt an inexplicable familiarity with his position. After walking a little way, he saw the group of penguins passing in front of him again, and another penguin was twisting around in front of him. Swinging towards him, very familiar, Zhu Jue realized that it seemed to be the penguin he had seen on the bench in the counseling room before.

"Meet you again, you seem to have grown up a lot?"

I squatted down and looked at the penguin in front of me. The last time I met it was a little penguin with gray fluff on its body. This time it has grown two times, like an adult. The fur on its body has become black and white. Also a lot stronger.

It's just that this time it seemed a little sluggish, and stopped after swaying to Zhu Jue's side, looking up at him.

Zhu Jue's eyes were subconsciously attracted by it, and the moment one person and the penguin looked at each other, he immediately discovered that the penguin's eyes turned blue.

"what about your eyes"

Touching the tuft of hair on the top of the penguin's head, Zhu Jue wanted to look at its strange eyes, but the latter suddenly turned around and looked into the distance.

The previous picture reappeared again, and there were a large number of yellow eyeballs on the dark green surface on the ice sheet again. However, this time Zhu Jue was not immediately scared away, because when those strange emotions appeared, Before, he had disappeared on the snow field.

"Zhujue? Zhujue?"

The voice rang from the ears, and Zhu Jue suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were pitch black.

In the next second, I felt the whole face was a little warm, and subconsciously reached out to touch it, and what I touched was cold snowflakes and a soft ball of fur.

The voices belonged to Wu Tong and Li Qinglian. As for the fur ball, it was naturally a wind chime.

Last night, after he reluctantly reported his safety, he fell asleep directly in the sea of ​​grass. The wind chime thrown by him before came back and saw Zhu Jue who was unconscious. He didn't leave, but nestled directly in his chest Before him, he put his head against Zhu Jue's face to keep him warm.

"I'm fine. I used up too much energy before, and I just didn't recover for a while. Don't worry, I have to go back now. This video shooting is over."

Get up from the sea of ​​grass, put away the blue bird whose battery is almost exhausted, the dizziness in my mind has not receded, Zhu Jue's current state is really not good.

Looking back at the forest behind him, the original plan had to be shelved because of the sudden encounter with the colored light. There was no other way. It was a blessing to be able to survive this time.

It is also the first time for Zhu Jue to know that these monsters are not all existence entities such as deep divers and ghouls, which can directly cause damage, and also have the same kind of monsters as the previous colorful lights, no matter what form they are. Even physical attacks can't cause damage to it, and in the end, only by relying on the blizzard can it barely recover a life.

"What is that colorful light?"

On the other side, the two who had been worried for several hours finally felt relieved when they heard Zhu Jue's response and asked.

"I don't know, physical attacks are completely ineffective against it, and my attack methods can't touch it at all, hiss. This feeling is not good."

Staggering halfway, he raised his hand to cover his forehead. The sequelae of two consecutive complete mutations reappeared again. Zhu Jue endured the headache and leaned on the road ahead. He even parked a motorcycle there, just for himself Prepared for the return trip.

"Then how did you defeat it in the end?"

Wu Tong gasped when he heard that the physical attack was invalid, and then thought, since the physical attack is invalid, how did Zhu Jue kill it?
They didn't know the whole process of the battle, and thought that Zhu Jue survived after successfully killing the monster.

"Defeat it? I brought a knife and a gun with me when I almost let it suck. What can I use to defeat it? It's just that I used some special means to delay until dawn. The monster is afraid of light, so it just left by itself. Minutes, I guess you can't even collect my body."

Thinking back to the battle last night, Zhu Jue felt a little scared. He was a life-saving person, and he was desperate when he was desperate. Thinking about it afterwards, he was sweating non-stop.

"So this time the video was shot for nothing? We put in so much hard work, but in the end it ended like this. Wasn't all this work for nothing?"

Wu Tong fell back on the chair and asked helplessly.

"No, who stipulated that we must kill the monster at the end of this video? Let's make an upper and lower part. The monster is really strong. If we failed this time, we will naturally have the chance to challenge again next time, although it may take a long time. It took time, but it definitely made the viewers of those videos look forward to it, instead of blindly going smoothly without passion.”

Zhu Jue definitely doesn't plan to come back to this place in a short time, at least until he finds a way to deal with that monster, he doesn't want to have another blizzard of life and death, walk on the road, and put all his weapon case and backpack into the back of the motorcycle In the loading box, I reached out to brush the snow on the motorcycle, paused, and grabbed a handful of snow in the palm of my hand.

Seeing them melted into a puddle of water by his own body temperature, he frowned and moved his fingers slightly. The next second, the water floated upwards, and white mist rose from Zhu Jue's hand. It didn't take long for the water in his hand to turn into a puddle. The puck spun yo-yo.

"It seems that there is no gain at all."

There is great terror between life and death, but there is also great opportunity. Zhu Jue seems to have gained nothing this trip, but in fact he has gained too much.

"What did you say?"

The two people on the other side did not hear him clearly.

"Haha, don't you think that, this time I have a big harvest!"

Let’s not talk about picking up a life on the line of life and death. Just the material he took before, let’s not talk about how he made the video. Just selling it to the federal government will definitely pay a high price. Don’t forget, the federal government is now Those people in the government may not know the positive purpose of this colored light!

This video of myself is definitely first-hand information.

The federal government wants to save Guangcheng City and its surrounding areas. Needless to say, the desire to eliminate that monster is extremely urgent. If they know that Zhu Jue has the video data of this monster in his hand, let alone money, I am afraid it is Zhu Jue Lion With a big mouth, they have to take the initiative to post it and ask him if he asked for too little, should he take more?

All Zhu Jue had to consider was what conditions he should offer.

In addition, there is this ability to control ice and snow, which should be the ability of the silver-gray bear that Zhu Jue turned into after a complete mutation, but he didn't know how to use it before.

However, sometimes this is the case, or I don’t know, since Zhu Jue has activated this ability, even if the state of complete mutation is lifted, this ability will still be retained by Zhu Jue, it’s just a question of the range that can be controlled in the human state That's all.

Raising his hand and waving to his side, the snowflakes covering the surface of the motorcycle seemed to be pulled by some kind of force and drifted away.

Riding a motorcycle all the way back to the high-speed train station in Guangcheng City, Zhu Jue noticed a lot of newcomers suddenly appeared in the city along the way.
The newcomers here do not mean novices, but a large number of new refugees.

The reason Zhu Jue was able to tell at a glance that they were new refugees was because the mental outlook of these people was obviously worse than those he had seen before.

Confused, silent.

Clear 78, Clear 77, Clear 86
The order watch just scanned around. As expected, the mental state of these people is almost hovering near the dividing line between clear and turbid, and some of them have even reached the dangerous line.

90, 91 abound!

"For the safety of the citizens, all citizens are requested to cooperate with the inspection!"

"For the safety of citizens, please all citizens"

The mechanical surveillance ball of the police station was still floating above the crowd, but the voice played was another sentence.

There were twice as many artificial people standing around the crowd than when Zhu Jue left. Correspondingly, soldiers in full armor surrounded them with full armor.

At the square at the entrance of the high-speed train station, a large number of heavily armed soldiers gathered near the large combat robot, surrounding a mechanical door. Anyone who wanted to enter the high-speed train station had to go through the inspection there first.

Zhu Jue walked across the street.

He saw blood on the ground and the remains of limbs scattered nearby.

Obviously, some of these new refugees are not friendly.
(End of this chapter)

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