indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 123 Weird Studio, formed!

Chapter 123 Weird Studio, formed!

"Sir, thank you for your cooperation in the inspection."

At the Yecheng high-speed train station, Zhu Jue followed the crowd. Next to the line, a few artificial humans who maintained order mechanically thanked the passers-by every ten seconds, but no one cared about them. .

"83, sir, since you have certain problems with your mental state, you must receive certain treatment, please move to the secondary inspection area."

In Zhu Jue's opinion, the number mentioned by the police should be the value of hue. Two soldiers with live ammunition followed the man, one on the left and one on the right, and brought him to a nearby place that should have been the VIP waiting seat in the station. A lot of Zhu Jue just glanced there and saw that there were already a lot of people sitting in it.

When he was inspected in Guangcheng City, he also saw this scene, but at that time he heard the threshold value was clear 90, but now in Yecheng, the number is low, but the standard can be said to have been raised.

"39 You can go."

Holding a special machine in his hand, he scanned Zhu Jue, and the value displayed on it surprised the police officer. He has tested thousands of people from now on, and none of them had a hue value lower than Qingqing 60, and one with only Qingqing 39 appeared out of nowhere. Instead, he was a little surprised.

"Thank you."

Zhu Jue secretly breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, when he got on the car in Guangcheng City, his hue value was 89, and he was about to be stopped for inspection.

At that time, he could have this value because he stayed in a convenience store outside the train station for an extra hour, ate a lot of carbonated drinks and chocolates, and barely passed the stage of side effects after a complete mutation.

If he left Caohai and went straight there, he would probably have been surrounded by a dozen armored soldiers on the spot.

It is not a joke to go to cloudy 99 in a second in the psychological consultation room.

Fortunately, there was a certain buffer time after getting on the train, and it was almost back to normal when we arrived in Yecheng.


As soon as they walked out of the gate of the station, Wu Tong and Li Qinglian ran over from a flower bed next to them holding umbrellas.

"I only went there for a day, and you still bring a welcome?"

Zhu Jue looked at the two in surprise. On the way back, he kept his eyes closed and rested, not reading the messages on TALK.

"Tsk, you howled like that in the video, why do you look like you're not injured now?"

When Wu Tong came, he was ready to send him to the best hospital in Yecheng as soon as he saw someone. In the end, Zhu Jue looked like a normal person, holding a bowl in his hand, which he probably bought at the train station, eating slowly. .

"Which of the mummy corpses I saw on the side of the road had wounds on them? That guy doesn't have a weapon. Once he launches an attack, he will directly extract a person's vitality. Fortunately, I have the resilience to go back to the old city first. I'm starving right now and I need to eat."

The ability brought by the ghoul meat strips is not a one-off. When Zhu Jue was in the convenience store before, he found that as long as he ate food containing energy, it would be absorbed and digested by the body immediately, thus replenishing a lot of physical strength , so now at least on the surface there seems to be no problem.

The two didn't say much, got into the car and followed Zhu Jue directly to the rooftop of the old town. They also bought a bunch of ingredients along the way, started a fire in the charcoal stove, and arranged three pairs of bowls and chopsticks in a circle.

"Huh~huh~ I'm moving today, I don't have anything anyway, a suitcase is enough."

After taking two breaths, he stuffed a few slices of beef with hot oil on top directly into his mouth, heaved a sigh of satisfaction, and put down his phone. He had just finished communicating with the landlord, and the rooftop would not renew the lease.

Wu Tong had already told him on the way that the houses and studios in the central area of ​​Yecheng had been renovated, and he could move there now, plus the scene he saw on the street when he returned to the old eastern city just now—— The surface is almost full of foreign refugees with their families, the environment is dirty and the order is chaotic.

Zhu Jue stayed in the old eastern city because it still retains some memories of his previous life. Now that his life is on the right track, the environment here has also changed due to the influx of a large number of immigrants. Naturally, it is time to leave.

The three chatted while eating, and the topic finally returned to these refugees.

"Guangcheng City has more than 100 million residents, plus the people in the two surrounding affected areas and those who chose to flee early in the face of the gradually expanding mutant environment, the total number is close to 300 million, more than 95% of the people We will choose other cities in Anqing Prefecture as our foothold, and Yecheng is one of the few first-tier cities in Anqing Prefecture, so in the future, more and more refugees will come to us , and it’s just a part of it now.”

Li Qinglian did not eat as much as Wu Tong and Zhu Jue, but kept flipping through the latest current news on the Internet with an audio-visual stick. Recently, the topic of refugees has almost seized the hot sections of major news. It can be said that the government, financial groups , Down to the roadside vendors, are all undergoing the changes brought about by these sudden appearances.

But one thing is certain, that is, the environmental mutation event in Guangcheng City and its surrounding areas has finally fermented to the point that it can no longer be covered up by other events.

There is no way, millions of refugees flock to all parts of Anqing Prefecture, even word of mouth can spread this catastrophic event everywhere, not to mention that they all have mobile phones or other communicators in their hands, think It is impossible to block the news.

What's more, the environmental changes in Guangcheng City and its surrounding areas may not be a short-term situation. Judging from the previous situation at various high-speed train stations, the government has probably realized that a considerable number of these refugees will potentially Dangerous factors, if not properly dealt with, are likely to bring disasters in another sense to major cities in Anqing Prefecture.

How to deal with environmental variation, refugee resettlement and welfare protection, how to appease the original residents of the city, how to rectify the chaos in the social environment, and the most concerned personal safety issues of the people, etc.

Issues that hadn't been seen in recent decades were suddenly on the government's table.

Some people will say to drive out all those refugees?
This is within the territory of the Federation. Those refugees are all citizens of the Federation. Where are they going?

Back to Guangcheng City?
This number is not more than a dozen or 20, but millions. Let them go back to Guangcheng City, let them die. Once the problem is not handled well, the negative emotions accumulated by these refugees will explode, and the will of millions of people will be destroyed Once some people provoke, Anqing Mansion may be in a different situation at that time.

No matter what era, there will never be a shortage of people who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and want to do something, let alone something big has happened now.

Adding fuel to the flames is not much simpler than stirring up waves.

"It is definitely a very correct choice to move to the central area of ​​Yecheng now. According to He Ye, the outer urban area of ​​Yecheng, the old urban area is likely to be very chaotic. Only the central area can barely guarantee stability. Yes Come on, He Ye, don’t live in the old city, sell your house and officially join our studio, I’ll get you a resident certificate in the central area of ​​Yecheng right away, the bedroom in our studio Definitely hotel class."

The three people who had eaten the barbecue drove slowly on the street, carefully avoiding the people around them. Wu Tong lowered the window to wink at Zhu Jue next to him.

During this period of time, they have seen Li Qinglian's work ability, which is definitely far beyond expectations, especially the scenes that appeared in this video shooting. Zhu Jue originally planned that if Li Qinglian resigned, they might have to find another However, to her surprise, she carried it through very well, and there was no mental problem, which is very rare.

When Wu Tong saw the human-faced mouse for the first time, he almost peed his pants
Although it is only winter vacation now, but there is still half a year to graduate, then maybe how many people will follow them to grab this talented student, if you don't win her over now, maybe you won't have this opportunity in the future.

Of course, it is impossible to buy a house like Zhu Jue. After all, Zhu Jue is one of the founders of the studio. No matter how important Li Qinglian is, it is obviously impossible to compare with him, and the house is actually Zhu Jue himself. If you pay for it, it will be much cheaper with Wu Tong as the middleman.

Don't get me wrong, letting Li Qinglian live in the studio is not wronging her. The "hotel level" Wu Tong mentioned is at least the kind of hotel in the outer city that starts at 3000 federal currency for a night. This is for Li Qinglian to live for free without rent!

Coupled with the high monthly salary of the studio and the free help to apply for the residence card, if this condition is placed on the recruitment market, it will definitely be the one that others will fight for.

Because the central area of ​​Yecheng is not as good as the outside. The total population of Yecheng is nearly 600 million. Now the number of people who actually have the resident certificate of Yecheng Center may be less than 80. Most of them are only working or living in it. Enjoying the benefits of the central area, the resident certificate in the central area of ​​Yecheng is actually a status symbol in many cases.

"Yes, let's move. If you have any requirements, let Wu Tong do it. Your ability is very good. We want to sign a long-term contract before you graduate. Don't worry, we will never treat you badly."

What Zhu Jue said was very straightforward, such good conditions were put in front of him, if they still didn't agree, there was nothing they could do.

"I have no objection, then... It's an honor to officially join Weird Studio!"

Sitting on the co-pilot of the car, Li Qinglian's eyes almost disappeared from laughter. In fact, Wu Tong and Zhu Jue thought about coming and going, but they didn't take Li Qinglian's personal thoughts into consideration.

Li Qinglian has been completely conquered by her working experience in Weird Studio during this period, and she wants to stay here forever!

Various types of information collection and processing, Li Qinglian.

Video clips, external affairs, Wu Tong.

Director, cameraman, sole lead, screenwriter, action director Zhu Jue.

The initial structure of Weird Studio is now officially formed.

(End of this chapter)

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