Chapter 152

"There is no matching content for the scriptures and tattoos. They should be original products. Sorry."

Li Qinglian's voice came from the earphones. She had already intercepted the voice and tattoo images from the video she had taken before, but none of them could find a corresponding thing.

Although information technology is advanced nowadays, if the parties concerned do not publish such personal original things, it is indeed not an easy task to find out the origin of them.

"It doesn't matter, if you can't find it, it doesn't mean you don't get anything. It can also prove that what this guy said just now is a fake, but a self-made audio. He wants to use it to affect my spirit. As for this tattoo, there is no relevant evidence Since the corresponding image is original, the identities of the three of you don’t seem simple, do they?”

He raised the wooden stick in his hand and poked Wu Jing's forehead, and then glanced at the two guys lying on the ground screaming. These three were just ordinary people, but the latter two had guns and guns on them. The electric shock device was obviously prepared.

How much special can there be for a gang member who wants to kidnap someone on a whim?

"Hey, I've caught your accomplice now, can you tell me your real intention?"

Standing in front of Wu Jing, with his left hand resting on the top of the weapon box, he watched the other two on the ground from the corner of his gaze.

"Who the hell are you!"

The data room clearly showed that it was only an employee of the Weird Studio. Wu Jing couldn't figure out why the person in front of him avoided his trap one after another, and even walked out of the trap as if nothing had happened after stepping into the trap.

"As you can see, I'm just a video shooter who loves egg waffles. I'm done answering, it's your turn."

Zhu Jue thought that Wu Jing was going to confess, but he didn't expect this guy to hang his head down after asking.

Feng Ling roared from the side, it hadn't had lunch yet, Zhu Jue had some airplane food on the plane, but the taste was too bad to describe in words.

"Like pretending to be dead? Are you so sure that I won't do anything to you? You really like to wear down other people's patience. Forget it, I'm too lazy to continue talking to you."

Press the button of the weapon box with your finger, and the metal plate on one side unfolds. You reach out to hold the handle of the devil's long knife, and slowly pull out the long knife. The clear blade quickly attracts the eyes of the three people in front of you. Zhu Jue Grinning his mouth, he said coldly,

"A long knife worth 80 yuan is for you to watch for free. Are you moved?"

"Listen well, I only give you three seconds, if you continue to pretend to be dead, then let me die!"

"Wait, we"

80 long knives, and no matter how good the knives are, if the 80 is true, it means that the person in front of him is absolutely different from what is said in the information, Wu Jing immediately thought to speak.

But Zhujue didn't give him a chance.


The long knife swung open the chest of the man on Wu Jing's left. Blood gushed out, but was swallowed up by the scavenger who had been waiting for a long time. Not even a drop touched Zhu Jue's body.
"you are not"

The agreed count is one, two, three, and what is going on with this group of gravel that suddenly appeared in front of me!


Another knife pierced the throat of the man on Wu Jing's right, and with a slash to the right, his muscles and bones were broken!

"Sorry, I said one, two, three, one kill one, are you... ready?"

Zhu Jue shook off the blood on Dao's body casually, and the scavenger swept past, devouring everything.

"Wait, I said, I"

"Hahaha! Shh~ You want to say it now, but I don't want to hear it now, what should I do?"

Zhu Jue laughed suddenly, then suppressed his smile for a moment, raised his index finger with his empty left hand and put it in front of his mouth, made a silent movement, and said in a deep voice.

He suddenly realized that he didn't need to waste time with these people at all. With the evil ghost's sword in his hand, he could kill as many people as he came!

Aw~ Aw~
The wind chime roared excitedly beside Zhu Jue's legs, it smelled the smell of blood, and the ferocity of the beast quickly made it like this smell.

Without a second of hesitation, Wu Jing raised his long knife and slashed directly. Wu Jing could only see a cold light flashing in front of his eyes, and his whole body was oppressed by some inexplicable aura. He froze in place.

There was a noise outside the door.

Zhu Jue, who was about to make a move, suddenly turned around and kicked open the gate, only to see a man in a gray cloth coat running in the alleyway ahead.

"There are still accomplices."

Zhu Jue didn't expect that there was a third group of people outside. He looked back at Wu Jing in the room and pursed his lips. In the end, he didn't execute him directly. The blue bird on the chest controls the core.

Eyes locked on the fleeing person in front, Zhu Jue's explosive power needless to say, although the opponent ran a few seconds longer, but on this straight road, the distance between the two sides was quickly shortened to only about ten meters away .

There was also a hooded cloak on the gray cloth jacket, and the cloak flapped as he moved forward, making Zhu Jue unable to tell whether the person was a man or a woman.

Obviously, the other party soon realized that he seemed to be unable to run Zhu Jue, so he jumped up at the corner of an alleyway, and directly turned over the three-meter-high fence.

"Heh, transforming people?"

Zhu Jue didn't know whether the other party was relying on mechanical prosthetics or power injections. He was definitely not an ordinary person who could directly cross the three-meter-high wall on flat ground without using strength.

When he reached the wall, he jumped up without any hesitation, and immediately saw a person writhing forward in the courtyard like a monkey.

Holding on to the edge of the water tank in front of him with one hand, he jumped over, went to the rockery in the courtyard, found a place to step on at random, performed a clean front somersault, and narrowed the distance again, but the person in front was obviously stronger than Zhu Jue. Knowing more about the terrain here, he soon began to delay Zhu Jue's footsteps by relying on various obstacles and blind spots around corners.

Taking this religious area as the venue and various buildings as supports or leverages, the two people at the front and rear rose and fell in it like martial arts masters, and occasionally rushed to the corridor outside the wall more than ten meters high. Run under the eaves.

On the way, I rushed into the previous statue hall and walked among the statues, causing the surrounding workers to shout again.

Immediately afterwards was another arch bridge. One person leaped forward by stepping on the railings carved with stone lions, while the other did not even look at it. The river was only about five meters away, with arms outstretched, like an eagle falling down a stream, and leaped across it.

Arrived at a 20-meter-tall building again, the person in front moved around a few times, grabbed a clothes-drying pole tied outside and did a pole-vault, first landed on a chassis, and then used the large pipe next to it to The iron ladder went straight up to a balcony nearly [-] meters high, and Zhu Jue was really thrown away by a certain distance.

Zhu Jue stood downstairs and looked up, but the man was squatting on the edge of the balcony overlooking him, as if he wanted to see how he planned to continue following.

The method is very simple. Zhu Jue threw off his shoes directly, but he didn't need to take off his socks. There were bristles growing on the soles of his feet and penetrating through the socks. The ability brought to him by the spider monster finally came into play. He stepped on the wall of the building and rushed up .

Like walking on the ground!

"What is the origin of this guy?"

The people on the balcony were also frightened by Zhu Jue's hand at this time. You must know that his legs have been specially modified, and no one has ever been able to run past him in a densely built place like Rongxia City. It's done, and it's still getting closer!
"Brother Nie, come in quickly, I'll help you block him."

Someone behind him spoke, and the people on the balcony turned around and entered the room behind the balcony.

A few seconds later, Zhu Jue, who charged up with the devil's long knife, also jumped into the balcony, only to be greeted by a pot of boiling hot water.

"Rogue! Bastard!"

The scavenger appeared in time to block the hot water. Before Zhu Jue could react, he heard a woman's voice. When he turned his head, he saw a wet girl with only a bath towel wrapped in her hand. The hanger was thrown at him.

"It's not me, the one who rushed in was the one just now."

Zhu Jue was still thinking about chasing someone, but the girl stopped him as soon as he stepped out.

"Rogue! I'm only 15 years old! Hey, hey, hey~~"

The girl didn't care who was in front of her, she kept grabbing the things in the room and throwing them at Zhu Jue. The last one accidentally dropped the bath towel, which was not fastened, and quickly pulled it back, squatting on the ground and crying.

"This, no. Forget it, I'm sorry, I went to the wrong place, I didn't see anything, I will leave immediately."

Zhu Jue has seen this battle before, and he has no thoughts of chasing people. He is afraid that someone will call him a perverted pervert if he rushes out again. He has a knife in his hand. jumped back.

This is naturally lost.

The girl covered her face with her fingers slightly opened, and saw that the person on the balcony had indeed disappeared. She clutched the top edge of the bath towel and walked to the balcony, only to find that the person had fallen back to the ground, as if she was squatting and putting on her shoes.

Back, close the floor-to-ceiling windows of the balcony, and draw the curtains.

"Huh~ come out, people are gone."

Sitting back on the sofa again, the girl let out a sigh of relief regardless of whether her body was still wet. Seeing the person coming out of the bathroom, she continued,

"What was the origin of that man just now? When he first rushed to the balcony, his aura was like a monster. I was worried that he would come straight at him with a knife, so I specially kept back. I didn't expect that I would be scared away by me like this .”

Take off the bath towel, there is actually underwear inside, change clothes, the bath towel falls on the low table but there is a dull sound, if you look carefully, there is actually a silver pistol glued to the inside of the bath towel.

"Thanks to you this time, he is alone. I should have delayed long enough. The people in the room should have been transferred. I want to ask Old Liu."

After taking off the cloak, the man's face was covered with sweat. The chase and escape just now consumed nearly [-]% of his physical strength, and if he continued to escape, he would probably fall into the hands of that man.

(End of this chapter)

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