indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 153 Xiangfeng Restaurant

Chapter 153 Xiangfeng Restaurant
Pushing open the two closed doors, the two corpses inside and Wu Jing have long since disappeared, leaving only a mess.

"Fengling, are you hungry?"

Turning on the control core of the blue bird, looking at the moving red dots on the light screen, Zhu Jue was not in a hurry, squatted down and touched Fengling's forehead.

It didn't keep up with his pace before, and when Zhu Jue came back, he saw it panting heavily and catching up with the breath left by him, which made Zhu Jue feel distressed.

As for the person who disappeared, there is naturally a way to get it back.

Before leaving just now, he consciously activated Jade Bird and activated the tracking mode. The target of the tracking was naturally Wu Jing. Sure enough, after he was lured away, other people entered the room and took all three of them away, and Jade Bird followed suit. It follows it, and its position will be updated in real time on the map in the control core.

Feng Ling snuggled into Zhu Jue's arms, snorted softly and curled up into a ball, refusing to move any more. After all, it was just a little lynx a few months old.

Who is not a baby?

"Okay, let's find a place to have lunch first."

Going into the house, he picked up the weapon box and the backpack. Zhu Jue was quite surprised that the other party didn't take these two things away. Originally, he thought that he might have to wait until he came to ask for them.

There are very few restaurants in the religious area of ​​Rongxia City. Occasionally, there are two old stores. At first, Zhu Jue thought it was a hundred-year-old restaurant, a back alley gourmet, but when he went in, he found that they were all cheap stalls. The dishes here are all prepared in advance, and most of them are vegetarian dishes. Leaving aside the taste, at least the appearance is hard to swallow.

In the end, you can only leave the religious area and go to the next tourist area.

As a place for tourists to do activities, the environment in the Rongxia City tourist area can only be said to be a heaven and an underground compared with the religious area.

Although the old alleyways seen in the religious area also exist here, most of them are concentrated on the first floor, and have been decorated externally, using some festive bright red shelves or repainting the wall paint to cover up, The crowds were dense, but they were all locals from Rongxia City wearing gowns and cotton clothes. Most of the tourists just passed by, and they would go to the overpass within a few steps.

The sky bridge here is not the kind of aisle-like land bridge in Zhujue's previous life, but a real elevated square connecting all directions, usually on the third floor, suppressing the dirt and poverty at the bottom, and tourists can go up to see There are only various street performances and shops that are more glamorous than the last, and this is their playground.

As for the environment below, who cares?

Zhu Jue deliberately walked down the road for a while, and he saw many doll shops listed on both sides of the street. There were handmade wooden dolls, machine-made toy dolls that could sing and dance, and even some imitation dolls. There are signs on the outside of the doll that read "Entrustment in this life", "Blessings in the next life" and so on.

And because this last type of doll is made very human-like, Zhu Jue still felt a little panicked when passing by, wondering who would come to buy this kind of doll.

"You don't understand. These dolls are bought back for the spring festival. There will be a water and land dojo. There is a custom in Rongxia City, that is to find a doll to pray on the day of the spring festival. , write the sins, resentment, resentment or some weird wishes of this world on paper and put them in, and then burn the doll~ That's not called a curse, they are called obsessions, and burning these obsessions means Saying 'let go', there will be blessings in the next life."

There was a tour guide beside him explaining science to the people next to him, so Zhu Jue took advantage of the opportunity to listen.

"These dolls are so similar, they should be very expensive, right?"

someone asked.

"That depends on what you buy. For example, here, 500 federal currency is enough. If you are sophisticated, you must go to a special store to buy it. I heard that some superstitious rich people buy bionics directly. people."

"No way, the Omnic Law stipulates that the bionic man cannot be damaged at will. He will burn it when he buys it. If he is recorded by the bionic man, he will report it to the Blue Wing Machinery Group. Although he will not go to jail, he will be fined and his credit will be stained." , and will be banned from buying bionic humans in the future.”

There are still sensible people in the tourist team.

"Who do you think created the omnic law? It's not rich people, those guys don't care about omnic law."

The tour guide seems to have a lot of prejudice against the rich, and the sarcasm against the rich has never stopped.

Zhu Jue followed the group of people up the overpass and walked through the vermilion corridors of the pavilion. This is not a virtual projected "appearance", but a real building completed by skilled craftsmen.

Occasionally taking a look at the current location of the blue bird, Zhu Jue was surprised to find that the red dot on it was not as far away as he thought.

"Xiangfeng Restaurant? Interesting, it's in this kind of place"

Zhu Jue looked at the plaque of the restaurant in front of him. He had eaten in Yecheng once before. At that time, Qin Chengren also said that the Xiangfeng restaurant in Rongxia City was the most authentic.

Turning his head to look at the blue bird that was parked on the corridor outside the store, he pressed the control core, and the blue bird surrounded by several children fluttered its wings and landed on Zhu Jue's shoulder.

That's right, Wu Jing is in this store.

It's three o'clock in the afternoon, no matter where you are, it's a time that can't be up or down. Lunch is too late and dinner is too early, so there are not many customers in the store. There are only five or six tables sitting in the huge hall. People, eat some light snacks or pastries.

I found a place by the window where the sun can shine, and the sun in the deep winter is a rare thing. At this time, although the golden light before it is gone, the orange-red sun against the brown table is quite There is a sense of gentleness.

"What do you want, sir?"

With an ancient accent and dressed like a waiter, the bionic man stood by the table and made Zhu Jue a cup of tea while talking.

"You guys have one of the signature dishes marked with an asterisk."

Zhu Jue looked at the bionic man, thinking that there was nothing to be said about the technology of the Blue Wing Machinery Group. If there were no rings around the temples, ordinary people would not be able to distinguish these guys at all, right?
"Okay, wait a minute."

The android clerk took the menu and withdrew it, Zhu Jue began to look at the carved wooden window next to him, and along the way began to think about how he would find Wu Jing who was hidden in this store later.

Little did he know that he was sitting at the table watching the scenery outside, but someone was watching him from other places.

It’s just that the difference between this situation and that poem is that the former is a lyric poem, but when it comes to Zhu Jue, it becomes a suspenseful story.
Somewhere in the Xiangfeng store, several people gathered in front of the monitor screen.

"Are you sure it's him?"

The old man in a long gray coat stroked his beard and asked the people next to him with a pipe in his hand.

"I can't remember wrongly. Xiao Cui and I have both met him. He is the member of the Holy Spirit Cult that this man killed. Fortunately, one of them was rescued by me, otherwise all the clues would be cut off."

Nie Qingzhu pointed to Zhu Jue who was taking out a ball of rice paper from his pocket on the screen and said in a deep voice.

"He found our stronghold, do you want to find a way to him."

The girl opened the drawer, took out a mechanical arm guard from it, rolled up her sleeves and was ready to put it on.

"Don't worry, you just said that he killed the people of the Holy Spirit Cult. This is enough to prove that he has no collusion with this cult. He is probably the same as us. He became an accomplice of those people from the Holy Spirit Sect. It was a misunderstanding before and it can be explained. If you go out and do it now, it is a real enmity, not to mention that there are still customers in the store now, and you want to attract the police?"

Sipping on his pipe, the old man continued,

"There are still a few tables of customers in the store. Liu Cheng, you go to the door and put up a closed sign later, don't let new customers in, after these tables of customers leave, we will meet him again."

The people inside have been discussing, but Zhu Jue outside temporarily put his mind on the dazzling dishes in front of him.

After all, it is an old restaurant in Rongxia City, and the dishes here are more authentic than those in Ye City. Of course, there may be some psychological effects of Zhu Jue, but this dish is really delicious.

The ball of paper found from Wu Rui’s home is on hand. The quality of the paper is somewhat like rice paper for painting. It’s normal to think about it. Wu Rui himself is a painter in the statue hall. If he doesn’t have some background in painting, he can’t do it. This issue.

This piece of paper is also a painting, but the content is very strange, it looks very abstract on the surface, with large areas painted in black, it can be vaguely seen that there is a human figure on it, with a single wing growing out of the back, and some Something in the shape of spines.

"Bill, please!"

The voice of the guests at the table next to him drew Zhu Jue's attention away from the fried prawns that had just been served on the table. He turned his head and glanced. The whole restaurant was empty. Before he knew it, except for Zhu Jue, this was the last a table of guests
Glancing at the time, it was almost four o'clock, and turned to the door, and saw someone seeing off guests at the door, and closed the door after a few guests went out, the sun was falling from the carved doors and windows, and the face of that person was hidden in this uncertain light and shade. Behind the door panel.

Turning his gaze again, there is an old man walking out slowly at the kitchen door on the right, carrying a purple clay pot, followed by two young people who look familiar.

One male and one female.

"It seems to save a lot of trouble."

Leaning the weapon box to his side, and hugging the wind chimes in his arms, Zhu Jue was still thinking about how to track down Wu Jing's whereabouts, but now it seems that they couldn't bear it.

"Sir, I don't know if the dishes in the shop are to your liking?"

The old man came forward and slowly poured a cup of tea for Zhu Jue, and a fresh fragrance permeated with the rippling of the tea.

"I'm very satisfied. If it weren't for a Hongmen banquet, I think I would be more satisfied. You are not 15 years old at all, are you?"

Zhu Jue's eyes swept over the few people gathered in front of him, and finally stayed on the girl next to him for a while, asking very seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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