Chapter 176

Yecheng University Library
The restoration of the totem pole brought out from the ruins in Pine Mountain has finally reached the final step.

At the same time, Chu Yun also received an order from the Public Security Bureau to do on-site defense work. This was a request made by August to the government. Mingtou started to repair the totem pole directly in Yecheng, but what happened in Songmu Mountain made him always feel uneasy, so he thought of adding an extra insurance.

The government has always been lenient with these archaeologists in this regard, and immediately agreed to his request, and specially sent Chu Yun over for the convenience of cooperation.

What's interesting is that under the premise that Luohua Pharmaceutical was forcibly suppressed by the coalition government of Yuanfan Machinery Group because of the leakage of research data and the kidnapping of the executive officer of the Public Security Bureau for experiments, it was already considered the only one in Yecheng. Yuanfan Machinery Group heard that special relics had been excavated and restored. They not only donated various repair tools for free, but also "specially" appointed a technical team to help.

"Prepare the machine, if there is an accident during the repair process, start it immediately, and the stone pillar must be smashed again!"

Chu Yun looked at the two mechanical drills in front of her eyes that were aimed at the successfully repaired totem pole a few meters away, and her face was not very good. She was different from those around her. Yes, compared to the worries of these archaeologists in front of her, her worries are more grounded. After all, it is her own experience.

But she is an executive officer, and she really can't get involved in the affairs of the Archaeological Association. She can't go over and knock the old man to the ground with a punch, and then grab a stone and run outside, right?
It's just that her worries are obviously unnecessary at the moment. Watching the final gap gradually close, there is no abnormal movement as imagined, let alone when she and Zhu Jue saw the totem pole for the first time in the cave in Pinewood Mountain. The strange black shadow that appeared.

"Huh, it was finally successfully repaired."

After waiting for a while, August, who still saw nothing happened, let out a sigh of relief, and then began to take turns thanking those who came to help him.

Chu Yun walked around the totem twice, and left immediately after confirming that there were no mistakes or omissions. On the contrary, the people from Yuanfan Machinery Group took a lot of photos. The leader seemed to have some disappointment on his face, but there was no Talk more, and soon beckon others to leave.

In the end, only August and his party were left.

Now that the totem pole has been repaired, the rest seems to be research, and the lines and images on the pole have already been sent to the computer. In-depth research on this totem pole has to be excavated in the remains of Pinewood Mountain After finishing, so it has to be temporarily stored for a while.

The storage location is naturally Yecheng University Library.

In order to cooperate with the archaeological work, the large library has specially vacated a place for storing books, which is filled with various things excavated from the remains of Pine Mountain.

"Just put it in the corner, remember to surround the guardrail."

August directed the workers to place the tall totem poles in the corner, watched them move the guardrails from nearby, then nodded in satisfaction, and returned to his studio to continue his research.

When the door of the storage room was closed, the sensor light inside went out immediately.

It was pitch black inside.

The lighter lit up a flame, and two security guards temporarily hired to guard the cultural relics were puffing away outside the door.

By the window on the left, the orange-red sunset light reflects on the ground, and today is still a fine day.

"Hey, hurry up. This is just a mouthful. After a few sips, you'll die. This job was hard to find. It's safe and clean. I don't want to lose it and go back to the outer city." I stayed at the gates of those factories in fear all day long, guarding against those local dogs who suddenly appeared and snatched my things."

Tugou is their private name for the refugees in the Guangyuan area. This obviously insulting name is because the place name of Guangyuan translates to a vast plain. What is there on the plain?It’s not all dirt, and in addition to the fact that those refugees wandered around the outer city and the old city all day long because they had no place to settle, some of them did do thieves, so it’s not surprising that they have such a nickname.

While talking, the security guard on the right raised his foot to step into the sunset light that had extended to his side, as if doing so would allow him, who stayed in the room all day, to also absorb a little sunlight.

He is always keen to talk about this kind of thing, even though his own life is actually the same. Compared with those "local dogs", he just has an extra residence and a Yecheng citizenship certificate.

"I know, but what are you talking about here, the professor of archeology, you have to ask the two of us to look at it?"

He took a sharp sip, scratched his neck with two fingers, leaned his shoulders against the wall, his demeanor was unmistakable.

"A few slabs were put in two days ago, and then a lot of stones were moved in. Today, another pillar was built. Hey, you know, when I moved the slabs in for the first time, I saw a stone slab outside. There was also a bath towel wrapped around it, and I was scolded for trying to tear it apart. Damn it, why is it suddenly cold?"

The two chatted on this topic, and after a while, the security guard on the right frowned and shrugged his shoulders and said.

"Brother, are you kidding? It's been sunny for the past few days. I just checked the weather forecast. It's 15 degrees today and 16 degrees tomorrow. Is it cold?"

As he was talking, he suddenly smiled narrowly, and continued,

"I'm afraid it's because I've been to a lot of night shows recently, Xu?"

"Didn't you feel the cold wind just now?"

The security guard, who would definitely refute back as usual, behaved a little strangely at this time, because he was indeed a little cold standing at the door of the storage room.

The two were looking at each other, but suddenly there was a strange panting sound from behind the door beside them.

There are hexagonal snowflakes floating out from the crack in the door.
"Is there refrigeration in the storage room?"

About 3 minutes later, the security guard on the left asked with a pale face.

The two struggled outside the door for a while, and finally decided to open the door of the storage room to take a look.

There is nothing in the door.

To be precise, nothing special appeared, the storage room was still the same as before, and the cold wind I felt before seemed to be just an accident.

It's just that when they came out of the storage room again, they suddenly found that the outside had dimmed unknowingly in the setting sun.

There was a sudden sound of wind outside the window.

"What's the matter with the weather forecast? When I checked it at noon, it showed that tomorrow will be sunny. Now when I refresh it, there will be heavy snow tomorrow."

Wu Tong got up from the sofa with his mobile phone, and said very puzzled.

"Look at the weather outside. The sunset was pretty beautiful just now, but now it's overcast. Is it strange that there will be snow tomorrow?"

The sky outside the window suddenly became gloomy at an extremely fast speed around dinner time, and there were a lot more empty boats coming and going. It is estimated that those who were playing outside were worried about the rain and went home early.

Lying sideways on the sofa watching TV, with his head resting on Fengling's belly, Zhu Jue didn't care about the change of the weather. It rained two days ago, so he still cares about this change?

"It seems that it is strange to have a cold wave. This cold wave lasted only in Yecheng, and it appeared suddenly. I just watched the weather analysis program. The two hosts said a lot. In short, it is abnormal weather. Be careful out there."

Li Qinglian was researching what to have for dinner. In the past two days, they ate a lot of meat. The three of them were thinking about eating more vegetarian dishes, but they didn't know what was delicious.

Why three people?
Because of the video clip that was concentrating on the side, as her first job in this studio, Olivia naturally wouldn't be perfunctory. In fact, she didn't know how to participate in the daily conversations of these three people.

It wasn't that there was no time to interrupt, but the harmonious atmosphere between the three of them made her a little overwhelmed, worried that she would be the one who would be embarrassed if she said one more cold word.

So I can only be an ostrich next to me, and be a good employee who works hard.

"Shao Lan's agent wrote to say that he would meet with us, because the new video has already been filmed, and she seems to be participating in some program, and she wants to use this to hype in advance and make a trailer for our latest video or something. Do you want to promise her?"

"The trailer is fine, we have been silent for a while, and it is not a bad thing for someone to help advertise."

After Wu Tong mentioned it, Zhu Jue remembered that it happened. After thinking about it, it seemed that it was not a big deal, so he nodded and said.

"But in this way, our studio will be exposed, right?"

Li Qinglian raised her head and suddenly said this.

Up to now, none of the people in the Weird Studio has actually appeared in front of the public. Although the federal government knows about it, it is impossible to take the initiative to announce it to the public. Li Qinglian is still studying, but many people ask her, but she She is also a tight-lipped one, Zhu Jue doesn't say anything, she always just talks about unimportant things to the outside world.

"Hahaha, I understand what you mean, are you worried about causing trouble?"

Holding the wind chime from under his head to his arms, Zhu Jue said with a smile,

"I was also worried before, but it's different now. Didn't I see that there is an extra big-breasted girl in our studio? She is a member of the special operations team of the Federation in Anqing Mansion, and we just broke the conspiracy of a cult group. Really? Some people don't have eyes, just find a big-breasted girl to solve it, don't you think so, big-breasted girl?"

The name "big breasted girl" became Zhu Jue's nickname for Olivia at some point.

On the one hand, she is indeed very big, on the other hand, this title always makes Olivia angry, but she dare not make trouble for Zhu Jue, and she can't fight. I couldn't resign because of the task, so in the end I could only sulk all by myself.

It's like now she's staring at the screen and pretending she doesn't see anything, but the keyboard is about to fly away when she presses it
This made Zhu Jue very comfortable. Olivia was always disobedient before, and this was a way to punish her.

Zhu Jue called it in private: the training plan.

(End of this chapter)

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