indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 177 Footprints in the Snowstorm

Chapter 177 Footprints in the Snowstorm
On February 2, it snowed heavily in Yecheng.

It is clear that spring is coming soon, and this snowfall can be said to be a little later than usual.

But this momentum is not like a snow at the end of winter, but more like the cold winter provoking spring before leaving.

In just a few hours after the first snowflake fell, the temperature of the entire Yecheng dropped to below zero, and it became a veritable kingdom of ice and snow.

"This snow, it's so strange, ten years. No, I haven't encountered it since I was born!"

In the Meteorological Forecasting Bureau in the outer city of Yecheng, a "very smart" man kept patting the snowflakes on his shoulders. Just now he went to close the windows in the corridor, but in just a few seconds, his body was covered with ice and snow.

"Blizzard, and it's quite a severe blizzard, old Wu, we're done this time."

Someone stood at the window with a cup of hot coffee in his hand, glanced back at the data on the light screen on the desktop, and whispered helplessly.

There are floor-to-ceiling windows in front of him, but outside this window, there is no busy night scene in the outer city at all.

It wasn't because of getting off work early or for any other reason, it was just because the wind and snow were so heavy that it had covered all the scenery outside.

"What does it have to do with us, this blizzard is not caused by us?"

The man known as Lao Wu is using a smart pen to constantly click on the light screen in front of him to view various weather data updated in real time.

"This blizzard has nothing to do with us. The problem is that we failed to forecast it in time. This is the biggest problem. The news we only found out yesterday afternoon was just a forecast of a blizzard. It was not reported to the Yecheng government to make them pay attention. , look at the appearance outside now, how much do you think there will be losses without any preparations”

"Hey, don't worry about the loss, come and see this, something happened!"

Looking at the blue low temperature warning and strong wind warning on the light screen, Old Wu's expression was very ugly.

"How come. Minus 12 degrees Celsius! This level of low temperature has only appeared for a day or two this winter?"

The geographical location of Yecheng determines that its winter cannot be too cold, minus 12 degrees Celsius is already an extremely rare situation, coffee is placed by the table, how can I drink it in this situation, after thinking about it, I said,
"We must give the government an early warning so that they can prepare for the snow disaster as soon as possible. Old Wu, what are you doing?"

Just as he was talking, Old Wu suddenly got up, left his seat and walked out.

"I've reported the situation, and you can help me with the next thing. My wife just got off work, and I have to pick her up."

Due to the sudden blizzard, the entire city of Ye was thrown into chaos in a short period of time, buses were blocked on the road, and delays were inevitable.

He took the elevator all the way to the garage of the Meteorological Bureau and drove away. According to his plan, he took his wife home directly.

"The headlights and taillights of the car are adjusted to the brightest, the automatic driving mode is turned on, and we are heading to the third street in the outer city of Yecheng."

With the seat belt fastened, it’s not that Lao Wu doesn’t know how to drive manually, but the wind and snow that constantly slaps on the car window in front of him is really a test for his driving skills. Around the same time, he obviously relied more on the latter.

But this still didn't make his itinerary smooth.

The car had to stop after only two streets.

"Mr. Wu, the vehicle ahead is congested, unable to move forward. The traffic light shows a normal travel status. A reminder signal has been sent. There is no response."

The intelligent system installed in the car faithfully performed its duties, but the rear lights of the vehicles vaguely reflected through the wind and snow in front of the car made Old Wu's face even more ugly.

"Damn it, don't leave when the light is green, everyone thinks of themselves as Takumi, the intelligent system doesn't have to use manual driving, and this place is not Qiu Mingshan, Gan!"

Obviously, Lao Wu should have watched a certain classic anime a hundred years ago when he was a child, and things like road rage will not decrease because of the changes of the times. In fact, because of the production of airships, this situation is even worse. expand.

"Crown, tell the car in front to drive away!"

Like these intelligent systems in daily life, the developers and controllers have always been the Crown Group, so before being renamed by the buyer, all intelligent systems use the Crown as the original name.

"Okay, the message is sent again, and the message is sent again~"

After repeated reminders, there was a piercing busy tone. Old Wu was taken aback, and then looked at the screen next to the steering wheel in a daze, and there was already a snowflake on it.

Will there be any problems with the products of Crown Machinery?

Old Wu can't take care of this now, he only knows that the car has automatically switched to manual driving, and he has to let the car in front leave.

For this reason, he opened the car door, braved the wind and snow, and went forward intending to remind them in the most primitive way.

But when he came to one of the cars through the snow that was only a few meters away, what he saw was a broken windshield and an empty seat.

It may be that the situation in front of him is too weird, or it may be that the surrounding temperature is too low to make Lao Wu's thinking become more rigid. After he noticed the strangeness in front of him, all he could do was wrap his clothes around his body, and then subconsciously looked at it. The same stalled vehicle next to it.

The status quo of the two cars is actually different.

The car on Old Wu's left was just filled with snowflakes, while the car on his right, the steering wheel and the windshield with only a small piece left, were already frozen.

That is to say, the car on the right was like this a long time ago, and the car on the left was in an accident not long ago.
It was all windshield shattering, that is to say, the impact came from the front.

So Old Wu looked forward blankly. He saw the violent snowstorm and other cars stalled in the snowstorm.

I also saw the pair of bright stars burning like eyes in the snowstorm.

"Hey, I want to call the police. I'm on Yunqi Road in the outer city. There are monsters in the wind and snow! Help me, help me!"

Walking forward tremblingly, Old Wu vaguely felt something approaching, but he really couldn't walk fast because his legs were weakening, and the sound of the alarm even had a crying tone.

Old Wu looked at the wind and snow that was still raging in front of him, and the sound of thunder exploding suddenly sounded in his ears.

The phone fell from his hand.

"Sir, we have dispatched a rescue team. Could you please elaborate on the current situation, sir?"

The questioning voice of the operator of the Yecheng Public Security Department came from the microphone.

The owner of the mobile phone has long since disappeared.

About half an hour later, the people from the Public Security Bureau arrived in an empty boat. In terms of dealing with monsters, there has never been any discount.

"Pay attention to your surroundings and be ready to fight at any time!"

The heavily armed soldiers rushed out of the airship, and the thermal sensor system on the mask scanned all around, and there were no suspicious life forms.

In charge of this operation is Chu Yun's current team.

Although no one wants to come out in this ghostly weather, but who let them be on duty today.

"Protect the site, Shield!"

The captain yelled, and several people in the team immediately took down a mechanical cylinder from the cabin of the airship, and rushed into the cars ahead under the escort of a whole combat team. After a short operation, a layer of blue The energy shield of the machine expands rapidly around the mechanical cylinder, and the surrounding wind and snow are completely isolated.

"Release the drone and expand the scope of search and rescue."

Another order was issued, and several robots on all fours that reached the knees of the people immediately scattered in all directions.

"Alpha, can you still contact the caller? Is there any surveillance video of the scene?"

Directing his subordinates to search, the captain relied on his electronic brain to connect to Yecheng's core intelligent system and asked about the situation at the scene.

"Morton, the second-level inspector of the Public Security Bureau, verified that the camera was damaged by unknown forces, failed to record the image, and could not contact the caller. His mobile phone is located at your location."

Alpha's response was as cold and mechanical as ever, as if the sky was full of snow.
"Captain, come quickly, there is a situation!"

Chu Yun's voice came from the earphones, she suspended the call with Alpha, and rushed forward in three steps at a time.
The snow on the road between the vehicles had already been pushed aside. Morton stood beside the vehicle, his gaze stayed on the windshield of the vehicle for a while, and then completely fell on the footprints in front of him.

Why are there footprints left in such a heavy snowstorm?
Because the guy who left this footprint smashed the asphalt street with his foot, and this footprint is too big.
(End of this chapter)

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