indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 33 Evolution

Chapter 33 Evolution
Type I Kinetic Gloves.

Also produced by the Crown Machinery Group, it not only has the function of a guardian bracelet, but also can enhance the wearer's strength. It is equivalent to an exoskeleton armor, and even has a small energy device on it, which can launch short The energy shock shock of the distance.

And its shape looks similar to the mechanical glove in a movie called "Iron Man" that Zhu Jue had seen in his previous life.

With today's technology, some people's fantasies at that time can already be realized.

Just like the ability injection that Wang Dong showed Zhu Jue before, the spider's ability is not impossible to copy, and even the top-level ability injection may be able to reach the level that Zhu Jue imagined.

Even stronger!
"Tsk tsk~ It's a pity that the authority is insufficient."

Leaning back on the bench, one can tell from the dark interface that this is something that only investigators can buy, and the price has even reached 30.

After buying the guardian bracelet, jump the interface to firearms. The previous battle in the sewer made Zhu Jue realize that firearms are still a kind of combat weapon that cannot be ignored in this era.

It is true that Zhu Jue's main weapon is a long knife, but it is always right to have a firearm by his side.

After all, in the eyes of most people, guns are more deterrent than knives, even if he has a long knife in his hand, it is still the same.

Since Zhu Jue really didn't know much about the firearms of this era, he only had three requirements for his selection: fast firing rate, high power, and sight aids.

The final choice was a 6 pistol named Qingyi. This is the firearm with the best comprehensive data that a first-level informant can buy. The reason why it is named Qingyi is because the gun itself has a lot of green Texture, quality and size are lighter and smaller than other firearms of the same type.

In less than 10 minutes, 12 Federal Coins disappeared from the account, and this was only the purchase of two items.

For people like them, making money is fast, and spending money is not slow!

The charcoal in the stove is hot enough at this moment, put the cleaned iron net, and the charcoal fire below will make Zhu feel his whole face glow.

Put the pieces of meat obtained from the sewer on it first, wait for their meaty fragrance to come out, and put them in your mouth one by one.

The monster in the body that appeared when he ate Baiaki meat before did not appear this time. That time was obviously an accident triggered under special circumstances, but Zhu Jue didn't know what was special.

After eating the last piece of raw body meat, Zhu Jue gradually felt the numbness of his legs. It was not pain, but at first it was almost a feeling of loss of strength caused by exercising beyond the limit of the body, and then it turned into a feeling of pain. It's a stimulating feeling in the legs after waking up from a morning nap on the table.

There is no feeling if you don't move, but as long as you touch it a little, you will feel that your legs are numb as if you are stepping on a wire.

Zhu Jue remembers the way to treat this method, stomp!

Desperately stomping.

It stands to reason that the more you stomp, the more numb you become, but now you are already in a sore and numb state, stomping your feet will have the opposite effect.

Grabbing the chair, he got up and stomped his foot down. Before he had time to feel his legs, he felt that the scene in front of him was suddenly elevated.

The body jumped up without Zhu Jue's control.
A full meter in height!

This is because he didn't have any will, just stomped his feet casually!

"Is this a spring loaded suddenly?"

Zhu Jue looked down at his legs, but he was still a little unresponsive.

Touching his nose, he pulled the chair beside him aside, turned around, looked at the door three meters behind him, and jumped up with his legs bent, only to feel a gust of wind in his ears, and the next second it appeared at the door
Now I don't even care about the barbecue, I take out my phone to turn on the timer function, stand on the side of the roof, and still run back and forth.

The moment he raised his foot, his body shot out like a bullet. The instant burst of speed covered a distance of 50 meters back and forth, almost a full second faster than the last time!

This is a 50-meter burst at full strength and a second to break through the limit, which means that Zhu Jue's agility has broken through to a new level.

I started to jump far and low, running and jumping, and the soreness and numbness of my legs gradually faded away, replaced by swelling and heat. Every muscle cell on my legs seemed to be roaring, wanting to vent my soaring power wantonly!
"Damn, this one is a bit fierce!"

Zhu Jue didn't expect that the flesh of the original body was so easy to use, and even his current body could make a breakthrough again.

What if ordinary people eat it?

Is it possible to become the world's top athlete in an instant?

"Hey, how is it possible? If ordinary people eat this meat, they will probably turn into monsters immediately. Tsk tsk, I'm really full of coquettish operations."

Laughing self-deprecatingly, Zhu Jue thought that this idea was a bit out of tune, shook his head and turned his attention back to the barbecue.

Outside the government's science and technology laboratory in Yecheng, a heavily armed team is escorting four metal boxes through the tunnel, and people wearing research institute uniforms are all looking at them along the way.

"What day is it today, four at a time? Did they encounter a group of monsters?"

A few researchers followed behind and whispered, but their pace was not slow, they followed all the way until they entered the underground laboratory.

Compared with other laboratories, this is obviously a special one. The extremely conspicuous black and yellow warning sign outside the door reminds anyone who wants to enter here must wear complete equipment in advance, otherwise all consequences will be at their own risk!
"Hurry up and carry the original body in!"

A person wrapped in protective clothing looked at the team that came in and said in a deep voice.

In front of him is a large space surrounded by a transparent glass hood, and above this space are hung a large number of mechanical arms, which are connected to various equipment.

The metal box was carried into the room, and several people retreated back.

The screen on the console outside was turned on, and a few seconds later, the robotic arm in the room began to lower. The robotic arm, which was more flexible than human hands, opened the metal box and lifted the corpse out of it. The researchers outside the room immediately gasped. The sound of one breath.

"Sure enough, it's a protozoa. The Public Security Bureau has finally done something that a human being should do. Hurry up and prepare for the experiment. This time it must be successful!"

It was obvious that the leading researcher greeted his assistant, and everyone immediately got busy.

cut, sample, analyze
In the one-way perspective glass in the right corner of the laboratory, several monkeys are moving around.

They looked at the humans outside, had a vague premonition of something, and suddenly became anxious.
(End of this chapter)

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