indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 34 Stunt: Water Splash

Chapter 34 Stunt: Water Splash

After eating all the materials left in the refrigerator, it was late at night after packing up the utensils.

It was time to go to bed, but Zhu Jue turned on the lamp on the desk in front of the bed, and put the remnants of the book that he got from the human-faced mouse's lair on the table.

Unsurprisingly, the state of mental interference from the fragmented pages still exists. At first, Zhu Jue wondered whether it was because he was very close to the lair of the human-faced mouse. Now it seems that this is indeed the case. There is a problem with the book.

Why would a book have this effect because of its material?

Rubbing the paper with his fingers, Zhu Jue turned his head to look at the unlit shadows of the desk lights, those indescribable shadows still existed.

Compared with the mental trauma after a complete mutation, this level of mental stimulation is nothing to Zhu Jue, but he just took a look and confirmed that it was still only a change on the mental level, so he didn't care about it.

Although Zhu Jue didn't know much about the different methods brought by the material of the paper, he still knew the difference between the paper made of human skin or other animal leather and the paper made of ordinary grass and wood materials. gap.

This incomplete book is not made of leather, nor does it look like any special material, but judging from the yellowed pages and the slight jagged damage at the edges, it should be quite old.

If it wasn't for the mental shock caused by the material of the book, there was only one possibility left, that there was something wrong with the content of the book.

Start Jade Bird and open the web interface.

Jade Bird is equipped with motion recognition and speech recognition systems. When Zhu Jue pointed his finger at the text on the book, Jade Bird's eyes had already turned away, and when he said the word "translation", it had already started to search upwards, and then The result is projected directly onto the paragraph on the paper page.

"Contact. Contact technique?"

Zhu Jue touched his nose, wondering if it was an illusion. When he began to understand the content of this book, the shadows around him seemed to become more intense at this moment.

What is recorded on these few remaining pages is a ritual-like content, but there is no special incantation, only a strange-looking imprint.

"We need to prepare some benefits for these filthy creatures. They have a certain amount of wisdom. If they exist nearby and find someone trying to communicate with the seal, they will come. Control itself is an extremely harsh condition."

There was only so much content on the page, Zhu Jue frowned subconsciously after reading it.

"What is recorded here is a contact letter. Judging from the content, it can obviously be called a summoning technique. If you have a certain amount of wisdom, you won't be able to contact the human-faced mouse, right?"

Zhu Jue thought that his guess should be correct, but he regretted that he didn't pay special attention to the situation in the lair.

What does he want to see?
Maybe it's some human bones, or maybe it's a special spell that exists somewhere.

Even so, one thing is certain, the appearance of these monsters is not a mutation in the current environment, nor is it possible that some serious consequences were caused by the leakage of chemical agents.

They already exist.

A hundred years ago?
Or is it thousands of years?

"None of my business. Hey! Water splash ~ comfortable!"

She pursed her lips, closed the book, pulled back the stool, and jumped onto the bed like a carp king, causing the bed board to creak.

Because the video is in the post-processing stage, and Zhu Jue can't help at this stage, so these few days are his rest time.

Having made money and having free time, it is natural to find some entertainment for myself.

As a person who came from the old times to the present, what Zhu Jue most wants to try is naturally the games of this era.

What holographic simulation, what cross-age masterpiece, he naturally wanted to try it, but after looking around, he found that there are many restrictions on games in this era, and some of the currently popular games mostly require brainwave connection , which is to prevent the overly realistic game environment from causing damage to the player's mental state.

On the surface, Zhu Jue's mental state seems to be very normal. Or most of the time, but occasionally if the monster in the body suddenly appears with a sense of hunger, even if it only appears for a short time, it is estimated that the detection of hue The value of the instrument directly burst the table.

At that time, it won't be settled by quitting the game. Maybe just after taking off the game helmet, several police cars have stopped downstairs, and a whole team of policemen is going to take him for a full-body physical examination.

What should I do?
What else can I do, silently close the game official website interface that looks quite interesting, the holographic simulation game is not good, why not try some real entertainment activities?
Just ask Wu Tong.

Can't Sleep 123: "What do you think people like me do in their leisure time?"

On the other side, Wu Tong was dismantling the newly arrived special mental protection device from the Public Security Bureau. When he saw the message Zhu Jue sent, he stopped his movements to reply.

Wu Tong: "Games, there seems to be a game called "Red Dead Redemption 12" recently. It is said that people can experience the wild society hundreds of years ago. If you want to play, I have a game cabin and a game helmet here. It's the best one, I definitely don't have time to play these days, should I send it to you?"

Can't wake up 123: "Is it realistic if I don't play games?"

Zhu Jue smacked his lips, but it was hard to tell him the real reason, so he could only pretend that he was a good young man who didn't play games.

Wu Tong on the other side is straightforward, and he was right when he thought about it in his heart. Such a powerful person must usually pay attention to physical exercise, so how can he have time to play these games.

Wu Tong: "Would you like to go to the movies?"

Just as Zhu Jue was about to reply, another person in the talk sent him a message.

Wang Dong: "I just saw on the order completion watch that you have been upgraded to a first-level informant! What's the matter? Something is wrong with your order watch?"

Because of the last time they met, they not only became friends in talk, but also added friends to each other on the watch of order. As a result, when Wang Dong checked his current achievements today, he accidentally found that Zhu Jue's position had been promoted two levels in a row. Only a few days have passed!
Can't Sleep 123: "No problem, I was lucky enough to kill the first series of monsters, and then my merits rose to the first level of informants."

Wang Dong: "The first series of monsters, are you lucky enough to kill them?"

Can't wake up 123: "Yes"

Wang Dong: "Have a drink together at night? Let's talk about monsters. I haven't seen one until now. Fortunately, I haven't seen one for two or three days. You have already killed one. It's really annoying. "

Zhu Jue didn't correct the mistakes in Wang Dong's words. If he knew that he had actually killed four monsters, he might have to come here now.

 The style of this book will be different from that of "Demon Sage", which emphasizes liveliness and cheerfulness. Although it is not appropriate to talk about this in Cthulhu style, it is true. This is the first time Fox has tried this style. I think Have a little break with yourself.

  If there is anything wrong with the writing, you can give me comments in this chapter. I often read what this chapter says~
  In addition, big brothers, please recommend tickets, please collect, please reward!
  I want it all!
(End of this chapter)

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