Chapter 35

Outside the universal repair shop, Zhu Jue was watching Fu Yingxiong who was squatting in front of the motorcycle and busy with work, holding a pack of snacks from the shop in his hand.

"Old Fu, can you make me a long knife box, the kind of box that others can't see what's inside, and I feel that people will be misunderstood if I carry it on my shoulder all day. But I don't want to buy it on the market. It’s so embarrassing to go to the kind of long box that needs to be opened, and when you can’t fight with someone, you have to let the other side wait for me to get the knife.”

The long knife was placed beside Zhu Jue, and the blue bird jumped back and forth beside Zhu Jue, singing once or twice from time to time.

Its prototype is a mechanical pet, and it naturally has many functions.

"I'm a repair shop here, not a forging shop, let alone the mall on your watch. Where can I get the mechanical box for you?"

Fu Yingxiong, who was holding a wrench in his hand, was not at all as shrewd as he was when he modified the order watch. His body was covered in oil stains, and he looked like a real repairman in the market.

"Then why don't you build one? I think you're free. It's not like I won't give you money. How about 1001000 federal currency?"

"What do you want to send beggars? The mechanical box you asked for should not only be able to hide the knife, but also be quick to take out. Don't you see how long your knife is. Ordinary mechanical boxes can meet it. There must be a push device inside. It’s better to have gesture verification, for example, when you put your hand on the cover, it will automatically send out the handle, do you think this kind of operation can be done for 1000 yuan?”

Sitting on a small bench with a wrench in hand, he held the removed tire with both hands and soaked it in the small water basin next to him, looking for the hole.

In this era, people who use this method to repair cars are really rare, but Fu Yingxiong seems to enjoy it.

"Hey, have you ever seen a beggar paid 1000 yuan? You think I have a mine at home, but since you seem to understand it well, 10000 yuan can't be more."

Zhu Jue is still very interested in Lao Fu's idea, and he doesn't hesitate to add another 0. Ten thousand is not a big number for him now.

"If you think about it, you have to use some special materials to build this kind of mechanical box. You definitely don't want to."

The sound of the long knife being unsheathed.

"Three days, today is also counted. Come to pick up the goods at noon the day after tomorrow, but you have to pay the money first, otherwise I have no money to buy materials."

Without looking back, Fu Yingxiong raised his hand and stretched out three fingers.

"That's right, I'll transfer the money to you, um, can you add a storage space for firearms in that mechanical box? I recently bought a gun. Although I haven't got it yet, it should be soon. There are two ready-made guns. It is estimated that it will be delivered today."

Zhu Jue glanced at the delivery information on his phone, and the goods were already on their way.

"Multifunctional storage box? It's no problem to make one. I can directly build a more complicated box for you, which can store knives, firearms, and be used as a small arsenal, but you have to promise me a request. Next time you When you meet those monsters, remember to take a piece of their muscle tissue for me, that is, those things on the arms and thighs, it shouldn't be difficult for you, right?"

Fu Yingxiong put down the tool in his hand and said casually.

"Didn't you tell me earlier? I just killed a few of them yesterday. If you had told me about this yesterday morning, maybe I would be able to remove a leg for you and bring it back from the original body."

He bent down and rested his elbows on his thighs, propped his chin with his palms, and looked at Lao Fu's back.

"You, no. Forget it, my question, I should have told you a long time ago that you can even kill the protozoa? You are a person! Did you drive the mecha over there?"

Fu Yingxiong turned his head and looked at Zhu Jue in surprise.

In the past, when people wanted to find these monsters, it often took a long time before they responded. Now, if they meet anyone casually, they will kill the original body at every turn.

What's wrong with people now?
"Mecha, you mean those tall and big mechanical warriors?"

Zhu Jue's eyes are shining.

Mecha, this is a man's romance!

"No, it's not tall. Although mechas of that level can be built now, their combat effectiveness is very problematic, and they can't be used. There are no monsters for you to fight. The chaos of the Federation is chaos, but it's not up to the mark. With the level of decisive battle weapons, I mean the single-person combat armor, even if you don’t know it, it’s just a miniature version of the humanoid mecha.”

The current situation is not so chaotic that it needs to use powerful weapons to maintain the situation. Although the major blocks of the Federation have friction with each other, they still maintain restraint as a whole.

"Okay, I'm leaving. Next time I have a chance, I will help you get a copy, but I have to remind you that those things are very dangerous."

The delivery message on the mobile phone showed that the item had arrived, so Zhu Jue didn't plan to stay here any longer, and just came to pick up the item in two days.

Go out along the path next to it, and as soon as you reach the entrance of the alley, you see someone stopping a girl.

With a short golden ponytail, diamond ears, and a loose shirt and suit jacket, his appearance is not much different from the handsome man who came out of the comics.

handsome yuppie~
"Hey, Miss, do you know? I always thought I was a perfect person, until I met you today, and I discovered my biggest shortcoming."

The man supported the fence on the side of the road with one hand, and forced the girl to the base of the wall. Zhu Jue's gaze moved over and landed on the girl's face
Big pie face, flat nose. Not to mention too much, no matter what the aesthetics of the era, the girl in front of me should not be said to be beautiful.

"What is it?"

At this moment, the girl had a dazed and terrified expression on her face, with her hands folded in front of her chest, she asked softly.

"I'm missing you."

The neckline should be open, correct.

The earrings should flash, that's right.

The eyes should light up at this time, correct.

The smile should be sunny, perfect!

"Puchi~cough cough cough."

Zhu Jue next to him couldn't hold back, and almost choked to death on his own saliva.

He has no opinion on what this man has done, after all, turnips and vegetables have their own preferences, and there is a saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

It's just that the love words spoken by this handsome man were considered the most rustic in his previous life, but in this era, people would still use them to express his love.

I can't hold back anymore.

"Hmph, isn't he handsome?"

The girl's complexion suddenly became extremely bad. Although she really wanted to desperately go up and hug the handsome and somewhat unrealistic man in front of her, she still ran away quickly with her head down.

"Hey, we haven't dated yet, why is it inappropriate. It doesn't matter if you hurt me, I won't beat you, I won't scold you, I will torture you with my love!"

The man took out the note in his pocket, glanced at it quickly, and continued to shout.


Zhu Jue next to him was about to die.
(End of this chapter)

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