Chapter 338
Changed tones, tight drumbeats, and melodious saxophone tunes do not know when they will gradually become warmer.

A lady in a red high-fork dress stepped out from the wooden door on the side of the tavern counter, and the rhythm of her high-heeled shoes stepping on the floor coincided with the music.

While clapping his hands, he twisted his waist, his long white legs hung obliquely outside the skirt, and looked towards Zhu Jue, without the slightest smile on his face.

As she entered the dance floor, this so-called festive party seemed to be pushed to the second stage. Other townspeople began to walk on the dance floor, shaking their bodies to the music, and the movement range was not large, which was similar to some people in the open field. The aerobics danced by the elderly group seems to be not much different.

Probably to match the atmosphere, the lights gradually dimmed, leaving only a few lights above the dance floor still on. At this time, Zhu Jue, who was sitting against the wall, could faintly hear the sound of the wind and rain outside, and Zhu Jue, who was in the wheelchair, could still see Staying in the tavern, he patted Olivia's waist with his right hand, and the wind chime also jumped out of his arms and came to Olivia's side.

"How is Mr. Zhu's injury?"

The mayor of Hesai Town did not know when he was close to Zhu Jue, and his eyes could not stop looking at his right leg wrapped with medical equipment.

"It's okay, your medical technology here can help me stabilize my injury, and I should be fine when I return to Dawn City."

Zhu Jue responded casually, pursed his lips, looked at the mayor, and continued,

"The person I sent to the police station before, how is the situation now, are you awake?"

"Wake up, the suspect is very cooperative with our work, and we have obtained a lot of useful information."

It was not the mayor of Hesai Town who spoke, but the chief of the police station.

The "just man" who contradicted the mayor for the sake of the townspeople.

"Oh interesting information, right?"

Shaking the wine glass, Zhu Jue raised his eyebrows, and then said,

"Olivia, help me go to the wine cabinet over there to get a bottle of fruit wine, I'm not used to this."

The wine cabinet he pointed to was near the side window of the tavern, and Olivia got up without saying a word.

"It's quite interesting, but I don't know what the two of you think about that information?"

The mayor in a suit and leather shoes straightened his cuffs, followed Zhu Jue's direction and looked over to confirm that there was nothing wrong, then turned around and asked with a smile.

"The moon is very round tonight."

Zhu Jue showed a big smile, but what he said had nothing to do with the mayor's question.

"The storm outside, can you see the moon?"

The mayor twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling baffled.

"Then the storm is very round tonight?"

Zhu Jue was very "embarrassed" after thinking about it, and then added a sentence.

"How could the storm be round? What the hell are you trying to say?"

The police chief was full of surprise, thinking that the guy in front of him was shot in the thigh, could it be that his IQ was also questioned?

"The wine cabinet over there is also very round."

With her chin raised, she clicked on the wine cabinet that Olivia was walking towards.

The mayor and the police chief turned their heads together, only to see Olivia smashing open the window with a wine bottle, and then she jumped out.

Delay the time.

It's that simple.

"It's too late to find out now, jump out of the window and escape? This is the first floor!"

The mayor showed no panic at all, with a slightly disdainful expression, he opened his arms, with dark brown lines looming all over his body, and shouted loudly,
"Gentlemen and ladies, tonight's ceremony will lead everyone towards eternal life. The Lord of Dead Dreams is waiting for our devout prayers!"

His words are the signal for the ritual to begin!

The music stopped abruptly.

The warm and cheerful atmosphere is gone.

The lady in the red skirt who was spinning stopped, her plump figure became extremely thin as if she had been squeezed dry, her arms shrank, her brown skin was disgusting, and her originally beautiful face was even more incompatible with her at this time. It was no different from a skeleton, with only a pair of eyes filled with darkness remaining in the sunken eye sockets.

The loving couple who were "biting each other's ears" in the corner before are now lying on the floor, with bruised veins in their claws, and those young people who were writhing on the dance floor a second ago appeared one after another to compete with Hesai Town A similar change in mayor.

They can no longer be called people, but a group of poor, mummy-like monsters who sacrificed themselves because of their belief in those indescribable existences.

"I have to admit the strength of the Archaeological Association. If it weren't for the appearance of troublemakers, we would never have thought of being your enemy. We just wanted to live quietly in the Land of Eternal Life."

Hesai Town has always been "safe", there are no monsters of spiritual pollution, let alone criminals, and there are even very few ordinary disputes. In their eyes, this place is actually no different from an outdoor paradise.

Of course, this peach garden may be a bit dark, and there are no peach blossoms in it, but all kinds of shady trees.

"I can't refute what you say."

Zhu Jue glanced at the silent monsters, the mayor's words really left him speechless, after all he had to admit that these monsters were indeed very quiet.

"It took us many years to create the Immortal City that no one can destroy, so I'm afraid you and the lady who tried to escape."

The mayor seemed to still want to make a big talk and show his own strength by the way. In his opinion, the half-legged man in front of him was obviously abandoned.

There was a dull sound, and the mayor, who was halfway through his words, saw the police chief of Hesai Town flying in front of him, embedded in the bar of the tavern, and sawdust flying.

Looking back in a daze, the person who was still in the wheelchair before had appeared beside him at some point.

"Actually, my foot is actually very round, especially when it kicks your temple. At that moment, maybe you will find that the whole world is round."

Patting the mayor on the shoulder, Zhu Jue walked towards the music player in the tavern while talking, regardless of the former's reaction, and also ignored all the monsters around him.

"How could you."

The mayor's eyes widened. When the nurses at Hesai Town Hospital bandaged Zhu Jue, they saw the bloody hole in his thigh. The data on the medical equipment also clearly indicated that he should not be able to walk in a short time.

It's only an afternoon, is it okay?

"Just allow you to become human, ghost or ghost, and let my injury heal faster?"

Zhu Jue knew what the mayor wanted to ask and answered in advance.

Fingers kept pressing on the music playing machine.

The lights were dim, and the floor of the house was strewn with blood and flesh.

Olivia smashed the glass window when she fled, and the wind and rain poured into the tavern, accompanied by a few piercing screams.

The monsters were approaching Zhu Jue, not only the ones in the tavern, but also the monsters that crawled in from the window, festering like corpses. Not long after, the door of the tavern was forced open, and the monsters roared and ran wildly Xiang Zhujue.

And the nearest monster had already come to Zhu Jue, and its bloodless and ferocious claws poked at his pair of eyes stained with bright silver.

The mayor grinned. In his opinion, the solution has already been decided, and the town of eternal life will not be disturbed by anyone.

"This atmosphere is a bit interesting, but your voices are really not very pleasant, tsk. I think this one is good."

The index finger pressed the play button, and the brisk music sounded in the next second.

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight~
The snow is shining brightly on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen~
no footprints

A kingdom of isolation~
an isolated kingdom is desolate
Anditlooks like I'm the king~
i am the king here

As the music continued, mysterious silver patterns spread all over Zhu Jue's body, and the silver Nian Beast flashed behind him. No one except Zhu Jue could see it, but it made everyone feel the huge oppression.

Exhaling lightly, the pale white cold wind froze the sharp claws in front of his eyes, and then spread to his whole body under the mayor's horrified gaze.

In an instant, the wind and rain that drifted in from the window turned into hexagonal ice crystals, sweeping the entire tavern!

In the rainstorm.

Olivia looked at the blizzard that had enveloped the entire tavern. She had seen Zhu Jue use a similar ability in Yecheng, but his state at that time was far less shocking than it is now.

Those terrifying monsters that are invincible in the eyes of ordinary people, even if they look at them, they will have nightmares for several days, struggled and wailed "helplessly" in the snowstorm, and eventually became disgusting and weird ice sculptures. Under the light of the street lamp, it became more and more frightening.

"Have you reached this point five years from now?"

Wearing the spirit protection device she carried with her, Olivia clasped her hands, and she finally understood why Zhu Jue asked herself to leave first.

Because in such a crazy blizzard, no life could survive, and even just watching, Olivia vaguely heard the icy roar of a certain ferocious beast.

Just 5 minutes later, the blizzard gradually subsided, and there was no more weird screaming inside or outside the tavern.

The door of the tavern shook for a while, as if someone was pushing and shoving, and then there was another muffled sound, and the whole door was shattered into pieces all over the floor.

Zhu Jue walked out of the tavern with a bottle of spirits and the crescent moon sword expressionlessly. Behind him was covered with frost!

"how is the situation?"

Although she saw the whole process in her eyes, Olivia swallowed and went up to ask.

"They're just scumbags, the Lord is not here, help me with clothes, and wait for me to come back."

Throwing the coat on her body to Olivia, Zhu Jue continued to move forward.

Looking at his leaving back, the former just remained silent.

Standing by the swampy lake, Zhu Jue picked up the frozen hard wine bottle, knocked on the handle of Miriyue's knife, and knocked off the bottle cap and neck.

With his neck raised, he drank the whole bottle of spirits in the face of the wind and rain.

Loud belch.

Swinging away two shoes, pulling out the crescent moon sword, stepping on the moss on the shore, striding into the swamp lake, this is an inland lake, naturally there is no possibility of surfing, so the scavenger changed early into a sand blanket spread on the lake. On the lake, Zhu Jue could still feel the cold water under his feet as he stepped on it.

Walking on the surface of the swamp lake, unscrupulously unleashed his aura, directly invaded the opponent's territory, and forced it out!

Facts have proved that the effect of doing so is excellent.

The moment he was in a trance, Zhu Jue immediately looked to his left front.

It finally showed up!

Numerous sharp and slender thorns exuding dazzling metallic luster emerged from the olive-shaped body; at the rounder end of the body, a huge mouth with thick lips was opened dully, and three slender Yellow eyeballs supported by stalks make up its puffy face.

There are rows of pyramid-shaped objects growing on the abdomen of that figure. Zhu Jue speculates that those organs may be used for movement. Its figure is wide and huge, and it can be concluded that it is more than 6 feet by visual inspection. The slender stems are in the It twisted on it, and then the figure stood up, vibrating the spines on its body, making a deafening sound.

Compared with the disgusting lump of meat in the forest that I had encountered before, this guy's size was only one-third of its size, but the oppressive force it displayed undoubtedly surpassed the former.

Without even a second of hesitation, the moment the monster appeared, Zhu Jue rushed towards it.

In the depths of the lake, yellow-green lights flickered one after another. Dozens of sharp needles pierced the lake surface and approached Zhu Jue. Zhu Jue, who caught the sand snake, had already disappeared in place.

The index finger and middle finger of the left hand were pinching a black and purple talisman. There was no process of chanting a mantra, just a thought, and the talisman burst into flames.

The space in front of him was distorted and shaken, and piercing hissing sounded, and the bastard-like Byakhe appeared flapping its wings. Before he could react, Zhu Jue's feet had left the lake and stepped on its back. His strong will made him dare not There was no slight disobedience, but he roared and squeezed all the strength in his body, and flew desperately towards the monster with most of its body floating on the water.

The closer you get, the more intense the pain and impact you feel in your mind. There is no doubt that this guy is good at mental attack or the ability to control this aspect, otherwise it would be impossible to directly control so many people in this swampy town. believers.

If it were someone else, he might still be entangled with the monsters created by it at this time, but Zhu Jue is different. Since he cleaned up those minions as quickly as possible, he must seize this opportunity!

Without any temptation, with the impetus brought by Bayaki's almost burning life, Zhu Jue wants to kill it with one blow!

After the blizzard ended, the thinned silver streaks reappeared, and Zhu Jue's body swelled up as if he had been blown, and the crackling sound of joints and flesh growing was still clearly audible even in the storm.

The huge body like a murderer in human form sank violently, even the powerful Bayaki let out a hoarse scream at this moment, and sacrificed it as a pedal, in exchange for a blade of light wrapped in wind, ice and snow broken night sky.

A column of water more than ten meters high rose into the sky, and before it fell, it was forcibly frozen into a giant icicle by the blizzard. In the next second, an unknown number of thick sand thorns interlaced with Sen Leng's blades pierced or cut into the icicle.

After a few minutes.

The wind and rain remained the same, but no monsters were seen.

(End of this chapter)

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