Chapter 339

"Report sir, no giant monster remains were found, only a large number of human corpses were found in the swamp lake."

The report of the frogman team mixed with the noise of rain came from the on-board communicator of the Archaeological Association's special car.

"Continue to search. In the area I have designated for you, a carpet search must be carried out. If there is not enough manpower, apply to the government for additional deployment. In terms of equipment, apply directly to the Archaeological Association. Don't hesitate. The monster that is the source of mental pollution is my Seeing it with your own eyes, can it still evaporate?"

Olivia frowned, and the dissatisfaction in her words was obvious. She raised her eyebrows and looked at the man who was tinkering with the shoes, and then asked,
"What happened at that time, you can't see it?"

The situation in Hesai town came to an end temporarily after last night's battle, and the result seemed to be complete, but the real situation made Olivia feel anxious.

As for the reason, just like what Olivia said just now, the corpses of monsters that control the actions of the mummy, the source of spiritual pollution in the swamp lake, disappeared mysteriously after fighting Zhu Jue.

It stands to reason that this is impossible. After all, Zhu Jue was only two or three meters away from the monster at that time. He was still fighting a second ago, and finally killed the monster. When he turned around, there was not even a hair left on the lake. Speaking of Olivia, even Zhu Jue himself wondered what happened.

"It really exists, there is no doubt about it, hallucinations are unlikely, and I can guarantee that the beheading was completed at that time. Even if I take a step back and say that I missed, this monster should stay in the swamp lake. It shouldn't be a total disappearance."

Zhu Jue was lying on the back seat, the shoes on his feet had been taken off, his feet were resting on the rear window frame, his arms were covering his eyes, and he said in a muffled voice,
"But having said that, the abilities of monsters that are sources of spiritual pollution are too complicated. The incorporeal and life-absorbing abilities like the color of the stars are already abnormal enough, and the monsters in the swamp lake that I met before may also have their own special abilities. Ability, let the people in the Archaeological Association find it for the time being. By the way, if you really can’t find the monster in the swamp lake, then focus on the believers in the town. There will be some clues."

I have seen too many monsters in these years, and Zhu Jue has also seen all kinds of strange phenomena. Needless to say, my psychological endurance is self-evident. On the one hand, look for the remaining clues.

"You don't seem to be in good condition. After you go back, do you need me to help you contact the medical staff in the association? If you want to keep it secret, I also know some people in private clinics."

Just as she was about to send a message to the next batch of Archaeological Association teams going to Hesai Town for follow-up investigation, Olivia unexpectedly found that Zhu Jue looked pale, and she couldn't help saying.

"No need, I'm not that fragile yet, I'm just a little tired, take a rest."

Last night's battle seemed clean and neat, and it was settled all the way, but it was based on Zhu Jue's unreserved premise. The blizzard that swept through the tavern and the complete eruption on the swamp lake undoubtedly exhausted his physical strength. .

Not to mention that during this period he had to fight against the existence in the swamp lake on a mental level. It is no exaggeration to say that this was the most difficult battle he had ever experienced five years later. Now it can be said that he is physically and mentally exhausted , Even in a bumpy car, it didn't take long before he fell asleep.

However, Zhu Jue, who had relaxed his mind, forgot a very important thing. Now he, in fact, had better not sleep.

When others sleep when they are mentally exhausted, they are resting. If he sleeps in this state, he is causing trouble for himself. He who has just confronted the indescribable existence is too easily affected on the spiritual level.

In fact, Zhu Jue thought of this question at a certain moment, but when he reacted and forced himself to open his eyes, the world in front of him had already changed.

The chirping of birds wafted through the forest, the obscure light passed through the branches and fell between the legs, it was just a gloomy scene.

It was as if he had traveled through the old photos of the 80s and [-]s several centuries ago. What he could see was a black and white river valley. He could feel the sound of the wind and the swaying of the branches and leaves around him, but he looked at the surroundings from the perspective of a bystander. everything.

Zhu Jue looked around and confirmed that he should be on the side of the river valley. In front of him was a large lake where rivers converged. There were mountains on the left and right sides. In fact, the rainy days are not much worse.

"It used to be a snowfield, but now it's turned into a river valley, but there shouldn't be any external spiritual will in my body."

Regarding the current situation, Zhu Jue was not too flustered, but frowned, and began to think about the source of this illusion.

goo~ goo~
At a certain moment, Zhu Jue heard a sound similar to the belly of a toad, and looked in the direction from which the sound came.

Although he already had some guesses in his heart, when he saw the existence on the lake in front of him, Zhu Jue still had a little panic in his eyes.

"There is actually a bigger one?"

Zhu Jue, who was lying on the back seat, opened and closed his mouth, and suddenly said a "dream talk".

Olivia, who was driving the car in front, was stunned, but when she turned her head, she saw Zhu Jue tilting her head and turning her face to the other side, and the wind chime that was lying on his stomach also arched to that side, and she had to squeeze herself Go between Zhu Jue and the seat.

It was already the afternoon when I returned to Dawn City. Zhu Jue did not follow Olivia back to the Archaeological Association to report the situation. Instead, he discussed with Olivia in the car how to report and went home to rest.

Sleeping is definitely impossible. Sleeping in the car for a while before did not restore energy, but made my condition worse. In addition, Chen Qing from Xiangfeng Restaurant sent a message. After returning home, Zhu Jue took a shower first. After that, he didn't stay in the house for a long time, but swayed out slowly wearing flip flops.

"Hive series biological monitoring equipment. I don't know how to use it. No matter how much you explain to me, I can't learn to control these things."

Flipping through the equipment pictures and operation manual sent by Olivia's private message, Zhu Jue replied directly by turning on the voice.

The equipment that was supposed to be in place a week later was already in place in just three days under the urging of his consultant. Shuguang City was even considered to be a first-class equipment because of its meticulous preparation, but in Zhu Jue’s opinion Those exquisite objects are really beyond his control, and he still has to rely on Olivia to think about them.

"Shall I help you pretend?"

Just after taking a shower, Olivia, who was wearing a bath towel, held up her mobile phone and asked hesitantly into the microphone. She should be free for a while after the Hesai town incident, but she knew that Zhu Jue rented surveillance equipment. For private use, with the latter's personality, I'm afraid it's not so easy to expose his secrets.

Unsurprisingly, there was a long silence in the chat box.

Putting down the phone a little dejectedly, Olivia pursed her lips, not hiding the loss in her eyes.

Vibrating beep.

Picking it up and looking at it again, a smile appeared on Olivia's face again.

"You have to keep it a secret!"

This is a reply from Zhu Jue, somewhat petty, but it still makes Olivia very happy, because she knows that from now on, she is one of the few people who can entrust her secrets.

On the other side, Zhu Jue just replied a message and stopped looking at his phone. Instead, he walked along Parrot Avenue in flip-flops to the Shenzhen-Hong Kong District in the east of Heywood District. Chen Qing made an appointment on the phone. The location is there.

The so-called Shengang District is actually the area of ​​the Heywood District near the river outside Shuguang City. Because there are several small docks for loading goods, the people in the Heywood District originally called it a "small port" The title of "Shenzhen-Hong Kong District" was later changed to "Shenzhen-Hong Kong District" probably because it was not too loud. It sounds inexplicably like a big port.

However, when Zhu Jue got here, he realized that this Shenzhen-Hong Kong area was far from what he had imagined.

The stacked old buildings are crowded together, a large number of colorful light signs are hung everywhere outside the windows, the crowded and cramped streets, not to mention some high-tech products, and even the common sky train in Heywood District is here. Not at all, replaced by all kinds of advertising propagandists of different shapes and those weird old-fashioned welcome balloons, which marked the grand opening of a certain hotel. Coincidentally, Zhu Jue saw the Xiangfeng Restaurant inside. banner.

Rather than saying that this is a mid-range residential area, Zhu Jue thinks that it is closer to the state of Pasifica District.
In fact, what he didn't know was that although Heywood District was classified as a middle-class residential area in Dawn City, just like any high-end mansion would have toilets and sewers, Heywood District naturally couldn't be peaceful and stable, and The Shenzhen-Hong Kong District is undoubtedly the part of the Heywood District with a relatively poor environment.

Of course, this is also relative. It may not be as good as the residential area where Zhu Jue is located, but it is still a good place compared to Pasifica.

At least from Zhu Jue's point of view, he doesn't like the square to rigid and cold buildings in Heywood District, but prefers this lively and smoky place.

"Young boy, how many skewers of roast pork?"

After finding the agreed place, Zhu Jue was looking for someone, when he heard someone at the barbecue stand next to him wearing sunglasses at night, holding a piece of greasy pork in the mechanical hand and greeting him.

"Hey, hey, hey, the connector Chen Qing said wouldn't be you, an old fellow?"

Zhu Jue avoided the two piebald dogs running past, took a bottle of drink and opened the lid, and walked towards the table while drinking.

"They say that acquaintances are the best way to do business with you. I think no one has known you earlier than me, so please take the initiative to ask. Boss, at this stall, you can get a copy of the one on your brand, especially the kidney. Ten first!"

Perhaps it was because he thought wearing sunglasses was very handsome. The old man never took them off. He wore this flowered shirt and dressed more casually than Zhu Jue.

"Charge it to the boss!"

(End of this chapter)

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